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<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
<!ENTITY kvkbd "<application>Kvkbd</application>">
<!ENTITY xmmp "<application>xmodmap</application>">
<!ENTITY Caps "<keycap>Caps</keycap>">
<!ENTITY AltGr "<keycap>Alt Gr</keycap>">
<!-- Alt Gr uses U+00a0 for nbsp -->
<!ENTITY kappname "&kvkbd;">
<!ENTITY package "kde-module">
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<book lang="&language;">
<title>The &kvkbd; Handbook</title>
<holder>Todor Gyumyushev</holder>
<holder>Guillaume Martres</holder>
<releaseinfo>0.4.8 &tde;</releaseinfo>
&kvkbd; is a virtual keyboard for &tde;
<chapter id="introduction">
&kvkbd; is a simple virtual keyboard for &tde;.
<sbr/>It can be used with, or instead of, a physical keyboard or for devices with a touch screen but no keyboard.
<sbr/>It is also useful for displaying a keyboard mapping to identify what characters are defined.
<chapter id="using-kvkbd">
<title>Using &kvkbd;</title>
<sect1 id="kvkbd-interface">
<title>&kvkbd; interface</title>
When first launched, &kvkbd; will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
<sbr/>It can be moved by clicking and dragging on any part of the background area.
<sbr/>Resize it by clicking and dragging on the stripes at the bottom right.
<sbr/><sbr/>The default style will be the system style which can be overridden whether launched from the command line or via the .desktop file with any &tde; or &TQt; style installed on the system.
<sbr/>Example: <command>kvkbd --style plastik</command>, as shown here.
<sbr/><sbr/>The <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref="exit-btn.png"/></guiicon> button on the top right is used to hide the keyboard - to show it again, just click on the tray icon.
<emphasis role="bold">French keyboard:</emphasis>
<sbr/>The AD11 key, ringed, is a <link linkend='dead-keys'>dead key</link>.
<imagedata fileref="kvkbd.png" format="PNG"/>
To use the numeric keypad, click the double arrow <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref="num-pad-btn.png"/></guiicon> on the right.
<sbr/>The Num pad display can be toggled by clicking on the Num Lock key <keycap>№</keycap>.
<imagedata fileref="num-pad.png" format="PNG"/>
To display and select the shift characters:
<sbr/> • Click either &Shift; key, which will 'lock', and the shift characters will be displayed.
<sbr/> • Then click on the character to print it.
<emphasis role="bold">Spanish keyboard shift characters:</emphasis>
<imagedata fileref="kvkbds.png" format="PNG"/>
3rd & 4th level characters which are printed using &AltGr; & &AltGr;+&Shift; as modifier keys, can be displayed and printed in a similar way.
There are therefore four sets of characters which can be displayed -
<keycap>Lower</keycap>  &Shift;  &AltGr;  &AltGr;+&Shift;
For each of these, &Caps; will toggle the case of alpha characters where a lower/upper pair is defined in UnicodeData.txt && &TQt; && libX11.
<sect1 id="config-menu">
<title>The configuration menu</title>
The &kvkbd; configuration menu is accessible by clicking on the configuration button <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref="config-btn.png"/></guiicon> or by right clicking on the tray icon.
<imagedata fileref="config-menu.png" format="PNG" />
Select "<emphasis role="bold">Font</emphasis>" to choose the font used to display the characters and text on the keys.
<sbr/>Allows selection of the style and size.
<sbr/><sbr/>Check "<emphasis role="bold">Auto Resize Font</emphasis>" for the font size to change as the keyboard is resized.
<sbr/><sbr/>Select "<emphasis role="bold">Background color</emphasis>" to choose a colour for the keyboard background.
<sbr/><sbr/>Select "<emphasis role="bold">Key color</emphasis>" to choose a colour for the keys/buttons.
<sbr/><sbr/>Check "<emphasis role="bold">Dock Widget</emphasis>" to display a small dock which can be placed anywhere on screen.
<sbr/>Click on the dock to hide or show the virtual keyboard.
<sbr/><sbr/>Check "<emphasis role="bold">Lock on screen</emphasis>" to fix the position and size of the keyboard on the screen.
<sect1 id="keys">
The &kvkbd; keyboard is based on the US layout with an extra key to the right of Left &Shift; for non-US keyboards - the extra key duplicates the '<emphasis role="bold"><</emphasis>' and '<emphasis role="bold">></emphasis>' characters on the US keyboard.
For non-US keyboards, the key which is normally lower left of the &Enter; key is placed above the &Enter; key.
&AltGr; will enable selection of the character mapped to the lower right of any key, and &AltGr; &Shift; for any upper right character where they have been set up in the keyboard mapping file [<filename><path_to>/X11/xkb/symbols/</filename>].
<emphasis role="bold">Note</emphasis> that there are two possible gotchas in displaying the &AltGr; characters:
• they tend to be less commonly used and might not have glyphs in the font being used,
• the keyboard mapping file needs to <emphasis role="bold">include "level3(ralt_switch)"</emphasis> for the variant being used.
The &Shift;, &Ctrl;, <keycap>Alt*</keycap> keys 'lock' when clicked to simulate holding down a key on a physical keyboard.
Whether the <keycap>*Win</keycap> keys 'lock' will depend on the build time option chosen.
<sect2 id="dead-keys">
<title>Dead Keys</title>
Using &Shift; and/or &AltGr; which need press and hold on a physical keyboard will need click only for &kvkbd;.
<sbr/><sbr/>For example, using the AD11 key [ ˆ ] on the oss variant of the French keyboard:
<sbr/><sbr/><command>setxkbmap fr -variant oss</command>
<td>dead_circumflex</td><td> </td>
<td>K/B press:</td><td></td>
<td><keycap>ˆ</keycap> <keycap>o</keycap></td><td></td>
<td>&Shift;+<keycap>¨</keycap> <keycap>u</keycap></td><td></td>
<td>&AltGr;+<keycap>ˆ</keycap> <keycap>e</keycap></td><td></td>
<td>&AltGr;+&Shift;+<keycap>¨</keycap> <keycap>a</keycap></td>
<td>&kvkbd; click:</td><td> </td>
<td><keycap>ˆ</keycap> <keycap>o</keycap></td><td></td>
<td>&Shift; <keycap>¨</keycap> <keycap>u</keycap></td><td> </td>
<td>&AltGr; <keycap>˜</keycap> <keycap>e</keycap></td><td> </td>
<td>&AltGr; &Shift; <keycap>°</keycap> <keycap>a</keycap></td>
<td><emphasis role="bold">ô</emphasis></td><td></td>
<td><emphasis role="bold">ü</emphasis></td><td></td>
<td><emphasis role="bold">ẽ</emphasis></td><td></td>
<td><emphasis role="bold">å</emphasis></td>
<emphasis>Note</emphasis> that &kvkbd; is compiled for keycodes defined by evdev » <filename>/etc/X11/xkb/keycodes/evdev</filename>.
<sbr/>&kvkbd; will have reduced functionality in systems using another keycode definitions file which can be checked by:
<literallayout> • running <command>xev</command> in a konsole
• pressing or clicking <keycap>Menu</keycap>
• looking for <code><emphasis>keycode 135</emphasis></code> among the output
<sect2 id="comb-keys">
<title>Combining Keys for diacritics</title>
A similar function to dead keys, but they follow the handwriting sequence of character+diacritic.
<sbr/><sbr/>For example, using the AE12 key [ ´ ] on the ru-recom variant of the German keyboard:
<sbr/><sbr/><command>setxkbmap de -variant ru-recom</command>
<td>combining acute</td><td> </td>
<td>combining grave</td><td></td>
<td>combining dot below</td><td></td>
<td>́combining dot above</td>
<td>K/B press:</td><td></td>
<td><keycap>o</keycap> <keycap>´</keycap></td><td></td>
<td><keycap>u</keycap> &Shift;+<keycap>`</keycap></td><td></td>
<td><keycap>e</keycap> &AltGr;+<keycap>´</keycap></td><td></td>
<td><keycap>a</keycap> &AltGr;+&Shift;+<keycap>`</keycap></td>
<td>&kvkbd; click:</td><td> </td>
<td><keycap>о</keycap> <keycap>´</keycap></td><td></td>
<td><keycap>у</keycap> &Shift; <keycap>`</keycap></td><td> </td>
<td><keycap>е</keycap> &AltGr; <keycap>.</keycap></td><td> </td>
<td><keycap>а</keycap> &AltGr; &Shift; <keycap>˙</keycap></td>
<td><emphasis role="bold">о́</emphasis></td><td></td>
<td><emphasis role="bold">у̀</emphasis></td><td></td>
<td><emphasis role="bold">е̣</emphasis></td><td></td>
<td><emphasis role="bold">а̇</emphasis></td>
<sect1 id="loginhelper-mode">
<title>Using &kvkbd; with &tdm;</title>
&kvkbd; doesn't work with &tdm;.
<sbr/>Use with other Display Managers by editing /etc/.../Xsetup.
<sbr/><sbr/>Add this:
<programlisting>HOME=/root kvkbd --loginhelper</programlisting>
There is no configuration button in the loginhelper mode.
<sbr/>To change the default config, launch &kvkbd; as root:
<literallayout><command>tdesu kvkbd</command>
and make the changes there from the configuration menu.
<sbr/><sbr/>&kvkbd; is run without the --loginhelper option when run from a konsole.
<sect1 id="autostart">
Add <filename>kvkbd.desktop</filename> to the &tde; Autostart directory for &kvkbd; to run when &tde; starts.
<emphasis>For a specific keyboard layout:</emphasis> [§]
Exec=<command>setxkbmap <xx>;kvkbd</command>
<emphasis>Or, with &xmmp;:</emphasis> [as in the <link linkend='assign-keycodes'>example</link>]
Exec=<command>setxkbmap <xx>;&xmmp; -e 'keycode 133=quotedbl';&xmmp; -e 'keycode 134=asterisk';kvkbd</command>
<emphasis>Or, including the setxkbmap <link linkend='compose-option'>compose</link> option:</emphasis>
Exec=<command>setxkbmap -option compose:menu <xx>;xmodmap -e 'keycode 133=quotedbl';xmodmap -e 'keycode 134=asterisk';kvkbd</command>
[§] <emphasis>See /etc/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.lst for a list of layouts, variants, and options.</emphasis>
<sect1 id="layout-switching">
<title>Layout switching</title>
&kvkbd; will dynamically switch keyboard layouts as they are changed, either through the command line, with <command>setxkbmap</command>, or using the &tde; Keyboard Tool.
Refer to the <ulink url='help:/kxkb/index.html'>&kxkb; Handbook</ulink> for details on keyboard layout switching.
<chapter id="customizing-kvkbd">
<title>Customizing &kvkbd;</title>
<sect1 id="key-mapping">
<title>Key mapping</title>
Using the compose option for <command id="compose-option">setxkbmap</command>, it could be useful for example to set <keycap>Menu</keycap> as the compose key to set up user specified characters or character strings.
<literallayout><emphasis role="bold">Add the Euro symbol for a US keyboard</emphasis> <link linkend='one'>[¹]</link>
• Add <quote> <Multi_key> <e> <r> : U20AC # "€" EuroSign </quote> to ~/.XCompose <link linkend='two'>[²]</link>
• Run <command>setxkbmap -option compose:menu us</command>
• Start a new konsole or editor
• Click <keycap>Menu</keycap> <keycap>e</keycap> <keycap>r</keycap>
.. and <emphasis role="bold">€</emphasis> should be displayed
<literallayout><emphasis role="bold">Add a shortcut for a frequently used text string</emphasis>
• Add <quote> <Multi_key> <t> <r> : "&tde; rocks" </quote> to ~/.XCompose
• Run <command>setxkbmap -option compose:menu <xx></command>
• Start a new konsole or editor
• Click <keycap>Menu</keycap> <keycap>t</keycap> <keycap>r</keycap>
.. and <emphasis role="bold">&tde; rocks</emphasis> should be displayed
<emphasis role="bold" id="assign-keycodes">Assign keycodes</emphasis>
<sbr/>&xmmp; can be used to assign keycodes to any key.
<sbr/><sbr/>If &kvkbd; has been built for the <keycap>Win</keycap> keys not to function as modifier keys, they can conveniently be used for frequently used characters which might otherwise be more cumbersome to generate.
<sbr/><sbr/>For example, the <emphasis role="bold">"</emphasis> and <emphasis role="bold">*</emphasis> characters on a gb keyboard are &Shift;+<keycap>2</keycap> and &Shift;+<keycap>8</keycap>, and they could be assigned to the Win keys:
<literallayout><command>&xmmp; -e 'keycode 133=quotedbl'</command>
<command>&xmmp; -e 'keycode 134=asterisk'</command>
Then <keycap>LWin</keycap> would print <emphasis role="bold">"</emphasis> and <keycap>RWin</keycap> would print <emphasis role="bold">*</emphasis>
[¹] <emphasis id="one">To emulate a keyboard where the Euro sign is engraved on the <keycap>5</keycap> key, <command>setxkbmap us -variant euro</command> and &AltGr; <keycap>5</keycap> would be more appropriate.
</emphasis><!-- setxkbmap us -variant euro uses nbsp U+00a0 to avoid line wrapping -->
<emphasis id="two">This is an easier combination to enter than the other Euro options in /usr/share/X11/locale/<LOCALE>/Compose, which doesn't include this combination.
<sbr/> However, if ~/.XCompose 'includes' /usr/share/X11/locale/<LOCALE>/Compose, any duplicated compose sequences in ~/.XCompose will have priority.</emphasis><!-- > However, uses nbsp U+00a0 for indentation -->
<sect1 id="comp-chars">
<title>Composite Characters</title>
Create a character that doesn't have a direct unicode mapping, but is composed of unicode characters in the font being used.
As an example -- a-ogonek 'ą' [U<emphasis role="bold">0105</emphasis>] + combining acute '´' [U<emphasis role="bold">0301</emphasis>]́
Add the character and chosen key combination to the ~/.XCompose file:
• <command>echo</command> "<Multi_key> <space> <a> : \"$(printf '\u<emphasis role="bold">0105</emphasis>\u<emphasis role="bold">0301</emphasis>')\" # aogonek + combining acute" >> ~/.XCompose
• Run <command>setxkbmap -option compose:menu <xx></command>
• Start new editor
• Print the character: <keycap>Menu</keycap> <keycap>space</keycap> <keycap>a</keycap> → <emphasis role="bold">ą́</emphasis>
<appendix id="credits">
<title>Credits and License</title>
<sbr/><sbr/>Program Copyright © 2007-2014 Todor Gyumyushev <email>yodor1@gmail.com</email>
<sbr/><sbr/>Program and Documentation Copyright © 2008 Guillaume Martres <email>smarter@ubuntu.com</email>
&underFDL; <!-- FDL: do not remove -->
<!-- Determine which license your application is licensed under,
and delete all the remaining licenses below:
(NOTE: All documentation are licensed under the FDL,
regardless of what license the application uses) -->
<appendix id="installation">
For your own build of &kvkbd;, see the INSTALL file.