You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

296 lines
7.8 KiB

// -*- C++ -*-
#include <tqprogressbar.h>
#include <tdelistview.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqstyle.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "acqprogress.h"
#include <apt-pkg/acquire-item.h>
#include <apt-pkg/acquire-worker.h>
#include <apt-pkg/strutl.h>
#include <apt-pkg/error.h>
#include <apt-pkg/configuration.h>
#include <adept/utils.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <iostream>
#define _(a...) (a) // XXX
using namespace std;
namespace adept {
AcqStatus::Item::Item (TDEListView *parent, pkgAcquire::ItemDesc &item, bool hit)
: TDEListViewItem( parent )
m_pbcol = 0;
m_prog = new ItemProgress( 0, 0 );
m_prog->setStatus( "waiting" );
m_prog->setTotalSteps( 100 );
m_item = item;
m_id = m_item.Owner->ID;
/* if (item.Owner->FileSize > 0)
setText( 1, SizeToStr( item.Owner->FileSize ).c_str() + TQString( "B" ) ); */
setText( 1, u8( item.Description ) );
// cerr << "create: id = " << item . Owner -> ID << ", myId = " << m_item . Owner -> ID << endl;
if (hit) {
m_prog->setStatus( "hit" );
} else
m_prog->setStatus( "waiting" );
// TQString (SizeToStr (Itm.Owner -> FileSize) . c_str ()) + TQString ("B"),
// /* TQString (Itm . Owner -> ID) + */ TQString (Itm.Description . c_str ()));
AcqStatus::Item::~Item ()
delete m_prog;
int AcqStatus::Item::compare (TQListViewItem *i, int /*col*/, bool /*ascend*/) const
int id1 = m_id;
int id2 = ((Item *) i) -> m_id;
return (id2 >= id1) - (id2 <= id1);
void AcqStatus::Item::pulse (pkgAcquire::Worker *w)
if (w) {
if (w->TotalSize)
setStatus( "progress", long( double(
w -> CurrentSize * 100.0)
/ double( w->TotalSize ) ) );
setStatus( "downloading", 0 );
void AcqStatus::Item::setStatus( const std::string &s, int i )
m_prog->setStatus( s, i );
void AcqStatus::Item::paintCell (TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup &cg,
int column, int width, int alignment )
TQColorGroup _cg( cg );
TQColor c = _cg.text();
if ( column == m_pbcol ) {
const TQRect bar = TQRect( 0, 0, width, height() );
m_prog->resize( width, height() );
TQPixmap pm = TQPixmap::grabWidget( m_prog );
// p->fillRect( bar, listView()->paletteBackgroundColor() );
p->drawPixmap( bar.x(), bar.y(), pm );
} else {
TQPixmap pm( width, height() );
TQPainter _p( &pm );
_cg.setColor( TQColorGroup::Text, c );
TDEListViewItem::paintCell( &_p, _cg, column, width, alignment );
p->drawPixmap( 0, 0, pm );
AcqStatus::Item *AcqStatus::findItem (pkgAcquire::ItemDesc &Itm)
if ( Itm.Owner->ID < m_idOffset )
return 0;
if ( Itm.Owner->ID - m_idOffset >= m_items.size() )
return 0;
return m_items[ Itm.Owner->ID - m_idOffset ];
AcqStatus::AcqStatus(TQWidget *parent, const char *name)
: TDEListView (parent, name), m_idOffset( 0 ), m_continue( true )
// m_lastItem = 0;
addColumn( i18n( "Progress" ) );
addColumn( i18n( "Description" ) );
setSorting (1);
setColumnWidth (0, 220);
setColumnWidth (1, 300);
setResizeMode (LastColumn);
ID = 0;
void AcqStatus::Done (pkgAcquire::ItemDesc &Itm)
Item *i = findItem (Itm);
if (i) {
i->setStatus( "done" );
emit statusChanged( StWaiting );
void AcqStatus::clear()
m_idOffset += m_items.size();
m_items.clear(); // got deleted by tdelistview already
void AcqStatus::Start()
kdDebug() << "AcqStatus::Start ()" << endl;
_config -> Set ("APT::Fetcher::Select-Timeout-Usec", 100000);
emit statusChanged( StWaiting );
void AcqStatus::IMSHit(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc &Itm)
Itm.Owner->ID = ID++;
Item *i = new Item( this, Itm, true );
// ensureItemVisible( i );
i->setStatus( "hit" );
m_items.push_back( i );
kdDebug() << "imshit called on ID = " << ID - 1 << " i = " << (void *)i << endl;
void AcqStatus::Fetch(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc &Itm)
// an item started to download
Update = true;
if (Itm.Owner->Complete == true) // XXX?
Itm.Owner->ID = ID++;
Item *i = new Item( this, Itm );
// ensureItemVisible( i );
m_items.push_back( i );
kdDebug() << "fetch called on ID = " << ID - 1 << " i = " << (void *)i << endl;
emit statusChanged( StDownloading );
void AcqStatus::Fail(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc &Itm)
// item failed to download
kdDebug() << "fail, status = " << Itm.Owner->Status
<< " ID = " << Itm.Owner->ID << endl;
// Ignore certain kinds of transient failures (bad code)
if (Itm.Owner->Status == pkgAcquire::Item::StatIdle) {
kdDebug() << "fail with StatIdle, ignoring" << endl;
Item *i = findItem (Itm);
kdDebug() << "fail, i = " << i << endl;
if (! i)
if (Itm.Owner->Status == pkgAcquire::Item::StatDone) {
i->setStatus( "ignored" );
} else {
i->setStatus( "error" );
void AcqStatus::Stop()
emit statusChanged( StDone );
triggerUpdate ();
bool AcqStatus::Pulse(pkgAcquire *Owner)
for (pkgAcquire::Worker *I = Owner->WorkersBegin(); I != 0;
I = Owner->WorkerStep(I)) {
if (I -> CurrentItem) {
Item *i = findItem (* (I -> CurrentItem));
if (i)
i -> pulse (I);
triggerUpdate ();
// repaint ();
if (TotalBytes > 0)
emit totalProgress(
long( double(
(CurrentBytes +
CurrentItems)*100.0)/double(TotalBytes+TotalItems) ) );
emit totalProgress (-1);
TDEApplication::kApplication () -> processEvents ();
if ( m_continue )
return true;
m_continue = true;
return false;
bool AcqStatus::MediaChange(string Media,string Drive)
int res = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(
this, i18n( "Please insert the disc "
"labeled '%1' in the drive "
"'%2' and press enter" ).arg(
u8( Media ) ).arg( u8( Drive ) ),
i18n( "Media Change" ) );
if ( res == KMessageBox::Cancel )
return true;
void AcqStatus::cancel()
m_continue = false;
AcqStatusDialog::AcqStatusDialog (TQWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal)
: KDialogBase( parent, name, modal,
u8( "progress dialog (FIXME: waiting for headers, done)" ),
Ok|Cancel, Cancel, true )
m_status = new AcqStatus (this, "");
setMainWidget( );
enableButton (Ok, false);
connect (, TQT_SIGNAL (statusChanged (AcqStatus::Status)),
this, TQT_SLOT (statusChange (AcqStatus::Status)));
void AcqStatusDialog::statusChange (AcqStatus::Status st)
if (st == AcqStatus::StDownloading || st == AcqStatus::StWaiting) {
enableButton (Ok, false);
// XXX: cancel should be true; but needs implementation first
enableButton (Cancel, false);
} else if (st == AcqStatus::StDone) {
enableButton (Ok, true);
enableButton (Cancel, false);
#include "acqprogress.moc"