You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

72 lines
2.4 KiB

#include <functional>
#include <ext/functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <apt-front/cache/entity/tag.h>
#include <apt-front/cache/component/tags.h>
#include <adept/filtersidebar.h>
#include <adept/tagchooser.h>
using namespace adept;
using namespace aptFront;
using namespace std;
using namespace __gnu_cxx;
template< typename H, typename G1, typename G2 >
struct _compose2_binary {
_compose2_binary( H _h, G1 _g1, G2 _g2 )
: h( _h ), g1( _g1 ), g2( _g2 )
typename H::result_type operator()(
typename G1::argument_type a,
typename G2::argument_type b )
return h( g1( a ), g2( b ) );
H h;
G1 g1;
G2 g2;
template< typename H, typename G1, typename G2 >
_compose2_binary< H, G1, G2 > compose2_binary( H h, G1 g1, G2 g2 ) {
return _compose2_binary< H, G1, G2 >( h, g1, g2 );
void FilterSidebar::setCardinality( const Lister::Cardinality &c )
cache::entity::Tag::Set all, smart;
kdDebug() << "FilterSidebar::setCardinality" << endl;
Lister::Cardinality cprime;
remove_copy_if( c.begin(), c.end(), inserter( cprime, cprime.begin() ),
compose1( bind1st( equal_to< int >(), 0 ),
Lister::Cardinality::value_type >() ) );
transform( cprime.begin(), cprime.end(), inserter( all, all.begin() ),
select1st< Lister::Cardinality::value_type >() );
m_all->setTags( all );
cache::component::Tags &t = cache::Global().get().tags();
m_easy->setTags( all ^ ( t.facetByName( "interface" ).tags()
+ t.facetByName( "works-with" ).tags()
+ t.facetByName( "use" ).tags()
+ t.facetByName( "role" ).tags() ) );
typedef vector< pair< cache::entity::Tag, int > > Vec;
Vec vec;
copy( cprime.begin(), cprime.end(), back_inserter( vec ) );
sort( vec.begin(), vec.end(),
compose2_binary( less< int >(),
select2nd< Vec::value_type >(),
select2nd< Vec::value_type >() ) );
Vec::reverse_iterator end = vec.rbegin();
advance( end, vec.size() < 10 ? vec.size() : 10 );
transform( vec.rbegin(), end, inserter( smart, smart.begin() ),
select1st< Vec::value_type >() );
m_smart->setTags( smart );