* copyright : (C) 2005-2006 Seb Ruiz <me@sebruiz.net> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "amarok.h" //foreach macro
#include "browserToolBar.h" //search toolbar
#include "clicklineedit.h"
#include "collectiondb.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "playlist.h"
#include "statistics.h"
#include "tagdialog.h" //showContextMenu()
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kdeversion.h> //KDE_VERSION ifndefs. Remove this once we reach a kde 4 dep
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmultipledrag.h> //startDrag()
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h> //paintCell
#include <ktoolbarbutton.h> //ctor
#include <kurldrag.h> //startDrag()
#include <kwin.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqheader.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqpen.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqsimplerichtext.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <tqvbox.h>
/// CLASS Statistics
Statistics *Statistics::s_instance = 0;
Statistics::Statistics( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
: KDialogBase( KDialogBase::Swallow, 0, parent, name, false, 0, Close )
, m_timer( new TQTimer( this ) )
s_instance = this;
// Gives the window a small title bar, and skips a taskbar entry
KWin::setType( winId(), NET::Utility );
KWin::setState( winId(), NET::SkipTaskbar );
kapp->setTopWidget( this );
setCaption( kapp->makeStdCaption( i18n("Collection Statistics") ) );
setInitialSize( TQSize( 400, 550 ) );
TQVBox *mainBox = new TQVBox( this );
setMainWidget( mainBox );
TQVBox *box = new TQVBox( mainWidget() );
box->setSpacing( 5 );
{ //<Search LineEdit>
KToolBar *bar = new Browser::ToolBar( box );
bar->setIconSize( 22, false ); //looks more sensible
bar->setFlat( true ); //removes the ugly frame
bar->setMovingEnabled( false ); //removes the ugly frame
TQWidget *button = new KToolBarButton( "locationbar_erase", 1, bar );
m_lineEdit = new ClickLineEdit( i18n( "Enter search terms here" ), bar );
bar->setStretchableWidget( m_lineEdit );
m_lineEdit->setFrame( TQFrame::Sunken );
m_lineEdit->installEventFilter( this ); //we intercept keyEvents
connect( button, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ) , m_lineEdit , TQT_SLOT( clear() ) );
connect( m_timer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ) , TQT_SLOT( slotSetFilter() ) );
connect( m_lineEdit, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotSetFilterTimeout() ) );
connect( m_lineEdit, TQT_SIGNAL( returnPressed() ) , TQT_SLOT( slotSetFilter() ) );
TQToolTip::add( button, i18n( "Clear search field" ) );
} //</Search LineEdit>
m_listView = new StatisticsList( box );
s_instance = 0;
Statistics::slotSetFilterTimeout() //SLOT
m_timer->start( 280, true ); //stops the timer for us first
Statistics::slotSetFilter() //SLOT
m_listView->setFilter( m_lineEdit->text() );
if( m_listView->childCount() > 1 )
/// CLASS StatisticsList
StatisticsList::StatisticsList( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
: KListView( parent, name )
, m_currentItem( 0 )
, m_expanded( false )
addColumn( i18n("Name") );
setResizeMode( TQListView::LastColumn );
setSelectionMode( TQListView::Extended );
setSorting( -1 );
setAcceptDrops( false );
setDragEnabled( true );
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( onItem( TQListViewItem*) ), TQT_SLOT( startHover( TQListViewItem* ) ) );
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( onViewport() ), TQT_SLOT( clearHover() ) );
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( TQListViewItem*) ), TQT_SLOT( itemClicked( TQListViewItem* ) ) );
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( contextMenuRequested( TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( showContextMenu( TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int ) ) );
if( CollectionDB::instance()->isEmpty() )
// there is only one item ever selected in this tool. maybe this needs to change
KURL::List list;
KMultipleDrag *drag = new KMultipleDrag( this );
TQListViewItemIterator it( this, TQListViewItemIterator::Selected );
StatisticsDetailedItem *item = dynamic_cast<StatisticsDetailedItem*>(*it);
if ( !item )
if( item->itemType() == StatisticsDetailedItem::TRACK )
list += KURL::fromPathOrURL( item->url() );
drag->addDragObject( new KURLDrag( list, viewport() ) );
drag->setPixmap( CollectionDB::createDragPixmap(list),
TQTextDrag *textdrag = new TQTextDrag( '\n' + item->getSQL(), 0 );
textdrag->setSubtype( "amarok-sql" );
drag->addDragObject( textdrag );
drag->setPixmap( CollectionDB::createDragPixmapFromSQL( item->getSQL() ),
if( m_expanded )
if( !firstChild() )
error() << "Statistics: uh oh, no first child!" << endl;
while( firstChild()->firstChild() )
delete firstChild()->firstChild();
expandInformation( static_cast<StatisticsItem*>(firstChild()), true /*refresh*/ );
m_expanded = false;
//ensure cleanliness - this function is not just called from the ctor, but also when returning to the initial display
while( firstChild() )
delete firstChild();
m_currentItem = 0;
QueryBuilder qb;
TQStringList a;
qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcCount, QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL );
qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates );
a = qb.run();
m_trackItem = new StatisticsItem( i18n("Favorite Tracks"), this, 0 );
m_trackItem->setSubtext( i18n("%n track", "%n tracks", a[0].toInt()) );
qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcSum, QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valPlayCounter );
a = qb.run();
m_mostplayedItem = new StatisticsItem( i18n("Most Played Tracks"), this, m_trackItem );
m_mostplayedItem->setSubtext( i18n("%n play", "%n plays", a[0].toInt()) );
//qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcCount, QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valID );
//qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates );
//a = qb.run();
qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valArtistID );
//I can't get the correct value w/o using a subquery, and querybuilder doesn't support those
a = TQString::number( qb.run().count() );
m_artistItem = new StatisticsItem( i18n("Favorite Artists"), this, m_mostplayedItem );
m_artistItem->setSubtext( i18n("%n artist", "%n artists", a[0].toInt()) );
//qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcCount, QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID );
//qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates );
//a = qb.run();
qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valAlbumID );
//I can't get the correct value w/o using a subquery, and querybuilder doesn't support those
a = TQString::number( qb.run().count() );
m_albumItem = new StatisticsItem( i18n("Favorite Albums"), this, m_artistItem );
m_albumItem->setSubtext( i18n("%n album", "%n albums", a[0].toInt()) );
//qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcCount, QueryBuilder::tabGenre, QueryBuilder::valID );
//qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates );
//a = qb.run();
qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valGenreID );
//I can't get the correct value w/o using a subquery, and querybuilder doesn't support those
a = TQString::number( qb.run().count() );
m_genreItem = new StatisticsItem( i18n("Favorite Genres"), this, m_albumItem );
m_genreItem->setSubtext( i18n("%n genre", "%n genres", a[0].toInt()) );
qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcMin, QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valCreateDate );
qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates );
a = qb.run();
TQDateTime firstPlay = TQDateTime::currentDateTime();
if ( a[0].toUInt() )
firstPlay.setTime_t( a[0].toUInt() );
m_newestItem = new StatisticsItem( i18n("Newest Items"), this, m_genreItem );
m_newestItem->setSubtext( i18n("First played %1").arg( Amarok::verboseTimeSince( firstPlay ) ) );
m_trackItem ->setIcon( Amarok::icon("track") );
m_mostplayedItem->setIcon( Amarok::icon("mostplayed") );
m_artistItem ->setIcon( Amarok::icon("artist") );
m_albumItem ->setIcon( Amarok::icon("album") );
m_genreItem ->setIcon( Amarok::icon("favourite_genres") );
m_newestItem ->setIcon( Amarok::icon("clock") );
StatisticsList::itemClicked( TQListViewItem *item ) //SLOT
if( !item )
if( item->depth() != 0 ) //not very flexible, *shrug*
#define item static_cast<StatisticsItem*>(item)
if( item->isExpanded() )
expandInformation( item );
item->setOpen( true );
#undef item
StatisticsList::expandInformation( StatisticsItem *item, bool refresh )
m_expanded = true;
KLocale *locale = new KLocale( "locale" );
QueryBuilder qb;
StatisticsDetailedItem *m_last = 0;
uint c = 1;
if( item == m_trackItem )
if( !refresh ) {
delete m_newestItem;
delete m_genreItem;
delete m_albumItem;
delete m_artistItem;
delete m_mostplayedItem;
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTitle );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valScore );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valRating );
qb.addNumericFilter( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valForFavoriteSorting(), "0", QueryBuilder::modeGreater );
qb.setGoogleFilter( QueryBuilder::tabSong | QueryBuilder::tabArtist, m_filter );
qb.setLimit( 0, 50 );
TQStringList fave = qb.run();
for( uint i=0; i < fave.count(); i += qb.countReturnValues() )
TQString name = i18n("%1. %2 - %3").arg( TQString::number(c),
fave[i].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : fave[i],
fave[i+1].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : fave[i+1]);
TQString score = locale->formatNumber( fave[i+3].toDouble(), 0 );
TQString rating = locale->formatNumber( fave[i+4].toDouble() / 2.0, 1 );
m_last = new StatisticsDetailedItem( name, subText( score, rating ), item, m_last );
m_last->setItemType( StatisticsDetailedItem::TRACK );
m_last->setUrl( fave[i+2] );
else if( item == m_mostplayedItem )
if( !refresh ) {
delete m_newestItem;
delete m_genreItem;
delete m_albumItem;
delete m_artistItem;
delete m_trackItem;
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTitle );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valPlayCounter );
qb.addNumericFilter( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valPlayCounter, "0", QueryBuilder::modeGreater );
qb.setGoogleFilter( QueryBuilder::tabSong | QueryBuilder::tabArtist, m_filter );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valPlayCounter, true );
qb.setLimit( 0, 50 );
TQStringList fave = qb.run();
for( uint i=0; i < fave.count(); i += qb.countReturnValues() )
TQString name = i18n("%1. %2 - %3").arg( TQString::number(c),
fave[i].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : fave[i],
fave[i+1].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : fave[i+1]);
double plays = fave[i+3].toDouble();
TQString subtext = i18n("%1: %2").arg( i18n( "Playcount" ) ).arg( plays );
m_last = new StatisticsDetailedItem( name, subtext, item, m_last );
m_last->setItemType( StatisticsDetailedItem::TRACK );
m_last->setUrl( fave[i+2] );
else if( item == m_artistItem )
if( !refresh ) {
delete m_newestItem;
delete m_genreItem;
delete m_albumItem;
delete m_mostplayedItem;
delete m_trackItem;
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcAvg, QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valScore );
qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcAvg, QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valRating );
// only artists with more than 3 tracks
qb.having( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valID, QueryBuilder::funcCount, QueryBuilder::modeGreater, "3" );
qb.setGoogleFilter( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, m_filter );
qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valName);
qb.setLimit( 0, 50 );
TQStringList fave = qb.run();
for( uint i=0; i < fave.count(); i += qb.countReturnValues() )
TQString name = i18n("%1. %2").arg( TQString::number(c),
fave[i].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : fave[i] );
TQString score = locale->formatNumber( fave[i+1].toDouble(), 2 );
TQString rating = locale->formatNumber( fave[i+2].toDouble() / 2.0, 2 );
m_last = new StatisticsDetailedItem( name, subText( score, rating ), item, m_last );
m_last->setItemType( StatisticsDetailedItem::ARTIST );
TQString url = TQString("%1").arg( fave[i] );
m_last->setUrl( url );
else if( item == m_albumItem )
if( !refresh ) {
delete m_newestItem;
delete m_genreItem;
delete m_artistItem;
delete m_mostplayedItem;
delete m_trackItem;
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valID );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID );
qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcAvg, QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valScore );
qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcAvg, QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valRating );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valIsCompilation );
// only albums with more than 3 tracks
qb.having( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID, QueryBuilder::funcCount, QueryBuilder::modeGreater, "3" );
qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optNoCompilations ); // samplers __need__ to be handled differently
qb.setGoogleFilter( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum | QueryBuilder::tabArtist, m_filter );
qb.excludeMatch( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, i18n( "Unknown" ) );
qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID );
qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valID );
qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valIsCompilation );
qb.setLimit( 0, 50 );
TQStringList fave = qb.run();
const TQString trueValue = CollectionDB::instance()->boolT();
for( uint i=0; i < fave.count(); i += qb.countReturnValues() )
const bool isSampler = (fave[i+6] == trueValue);
TQString name = i18n("%1. %2 - %3").arg( TQString::number(c),
fave[i].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : fave[i],
isSampler ? i18n( "Various Artists" ) :
( fave[i+1].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : fave[i+1] ) );
TQString score = locale->formatNumber( fave[i+4].toDouble(), 2 );
TQString rating = locale->formatNumber( fave[i+5].toDouble() / 2.0, 2 );
m_last = new StatisticsDetailedItem( name, subText( score, rating ), item, m_last );
m_last->setItemType( StatisticsDetailedItem::ALBUM );
TQString url = TQString("%1 @@@ %2").arg( isSampler ? "0" : fave[i+2], fave[i+3] );
m_last->setUrl( url );
else if( item == m_genreItem )
if( !refresh ) {
delete m_newestItem;
delete m_albumItem;
delete m_artistItem;
delete m_mostplayedItem;
delete m_trackItem;
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabGenre, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcAvg, QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valScore );
qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcAvg, QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valRating );
// only genres with more than 3 tracks
qb.having( QueryBuilder::tabGenre, QueryBuilder::valID, QueryBuilder::funcCount, QueryBuilder::modeGreater, "3" );
// only genres which have been played/rated
qb.setGoogleFilter( QueryBuilder::tabGenre, m_filter );
qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabGenre, QueryBuilder::valName);
qb.setLimit( 0, 50 );
TQStringList fave = qb.run();
for( uint i=0; i < fave.count(); i += qb.countReturnValues() )
TQString name = i18n("%1. %2").arg( TQString::number(c),
fave[i].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : fave[i] );
TQString score = locale->formatNumber( fave[i+1].toDouble(), 2 );
TQString rating = locale->formatNumber( fave[i+2].toDouble() / 2.0, 2 );
m_last = new StatisticsDetailedItem( name, subText( score, rating ), item, m_last );
m_last->setItemType( StatisticsDetailedItem::GENRE );
TQString url = TQString("%1").arg( fave[i] );
m_last->setUrl( url );
else if( item == m_newestItem )
if( !refresh ) {
delete m_genreItem;
delete m_albumItem;
delete m_artistItem;
delete m_mostplayedItem;
delete m_trackItem;
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valID );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID );
qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcMax, QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valCreateDate );
qb.sortByFunction( QueryBuilder::funcMax, QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valCreateDate, true );
qb.excludeMatch( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, i18n( "Unknown" ) );
qb.setGoogleFilter( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum | QueryBuilder::tabArtist, m_filter );
qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName);
qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID);
qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valName);
qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valID);
qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optNoCompilations ); // samplers __need__ to be handled differently
qb.setLimit( 0, 50 );
TQStringList newest = qb.run();
for( uint i=0; i < newest.count(); i += qb.countReturnValues() )
TQString name = i18n("%1. %2 - %3").arg( TQString::number(c),
newest[i].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : newest[i],
newest[i+1].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : newest[i+1] );
TQDateTime added = TQDateTime();
added.setTime_t( newest[i+4].toUInt() );
TQString subtext = i18n("Added: %1").arg( Amarok::verboseTimeSince( added ) );
m_last = new StatisticsDetailedItem( name, subtext, item, m_last );
m_last->setItemType( StatisticsDetailedItem::HISTORY );
TQString url = TQString("%1 @@@ %2").arg( newest[i+2] ).arg( newest[i+3] );
m_last->setUrl( url );
item->setExpanded( true );
repaintItem( item ); // Better than ::repaint(), flickers less
delete locale;
TQString StatisticsList::subText( const TQString &score, const TQString &rating ) //static
if( AmarokConfig::useScores() && AmarokConfig::useRatings() )
return i18n( "Score: %1 Rating: %2" ).arg( score ).arg( rating );
else if( AmarokConfig::useScores() )
return i18n( "Score: %1" ).arg( score );
else if( AmarokConfig::useRatings() )
return i18n( "Rating: %1" ).arg( rating );
return TQString();
StatisticsList::startHover( TQListViewItem *item ) //SLOT
if( m_currentItem && item != m_currentItem )
if( item->depth() != 0 )
m_currentItem = 0;
m_currentItem = item;
StatisticsList::clearHover() //SLOT
if( m_currentItem )
m_currentItem = 0;
StatisticsList::viewportPaintEvent( TQPaintEvent *e )
if( e ) KListView::viewportPaintEvent( e );
if( CollectionDB::instance()->isEmpty() && e )
TQPainter p( viewport() );
TQString minimumText(i18n(
"<div align=center>"
"You need a collection to use statistics! "
"Create a collection and then start playing "
"tracks to accumulate data on your play habits!"
"</div>" ) );
TQSimpleRichText t( minimumText, TQApplication::font() );
if ( t.width()+30 >= viewport()->width() || t.height()+30 >= viewport()->height() )
//too big, giving up
const uint w = t.width();
const uint h = t.height();
const uint x = (viewport()->width() - w - 30) / 2 ;
const uint y = (viewport()->height() - h - 30) / 2 ;
p.setBrush( colorGroup().background() );
p.drawRoundRect( x, y, w+30, h+30, (8*200)/w, (8*200)/h );
t.draw( &p, x+15, y+15, TQRect(), colorGroup() );
StatisticsList::showContextMenu( TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &p, int ) //SLOT
if( !item || item->rtti() == StatisticsItem::RTTI ) return;
#define item static_cast<StatisticsDetailedItem*>(item)
bool hasSQL = !( item->itemType() == StatisticsDetailedItem::TRACK ); //track is url
KPopupMenu menu( this );
enum Actions { APPEND, QUEUE, INFO };
menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "add_playlist" ) ), i18n( "&Append to Playlist" ), APPEND );
menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "queue_track" ) ), i18n( "&Queue Track" ), QUEUE );
menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "info" ) ), i18n( "Edit Track &Information..." ), INFO );
switch( menu.exec( p ) )
case APPEND:
hasSQL ?
Playlist::instance()->insertMediaSql( item->getSQL() ):
Playlist::instance()->insertMedia( KURL::fromPathOrURL( item->url() ) );
case QUEUE:
hasSQL ?
Playlist::instance()->insertMediaSql( item->getSQL(), Playlist::Queue ):
Playlist::instance()->insertMedia( KURL::fromPathOrURL( item->url() ), Playlist::Queue );
case INFO:
if( hasSQL )
TagDialog* dialog = new TagDialog( item->getURLs(), Statistics::instance() );
TagDialog* dialog = new TagDialog( KURL::fromPathOrURL( item->url() ), Statistics::instance() );
#undef item
/// CLASS StatisticsItem
StatisticsItem::StatisticsItem( TQString text, StatisticsList *parent, KListViewItem *after, const char *name )
: KListViewItem( static_cast<KListView*>(parent), after, name )
, m_animTimer( new TQTimer( this ) )
, m_animCount( 0 )
, m_isActive( false )
, m_isExpanded( false )
setDragEnabled( false );
setDropEnabled( false );
setSelectable( false );
setText( 0, text );
connect( m_animTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotAnimTimer() ) );
StatisticsItem::setIcon( const TQString &icon )
TQString path = kapp->iconLoader()->iconPath( icon, -KIcon::SizeHuge );
path.replace( "32x32", "48x48" ); //HACK: KIconLoader only returns 32x32 max. Why?
// debug() << "ICONPATH: " << path << endl;
setPixmap( 0, path );
m_animEnter = true;
m_animCount = 0;
m_isActive = true;
m_animTimer->start( ANIM_INTERVAL );
// This can happen if you enter and leave the tab quickly
if( m_animCount == 0 )
m_animCount = 1;
m_animEnter = false;
m_isActive = true;
m_animTimer->start( ANIM_INTERVAL );
if( m_animEnter )
m_animCount += 1;
listView()->repaintItem( this ); // Better than ::repaint(), flickers less
if( m_animCount >= ANIM_MAX )
m_animCount -= 1;
listView()->repaintItem( this );
if( m_animCount <= 0 )
m_isActive = false;
StatisticsItem::paintCell( TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int align )
TQColor fillColor, textColor;
if( m_isActive ) //glowing animation
fillColor = blendColors( cg.background(), cg.highlight(), static_cast<int>( m_animCount * 3.5 ) );
textColor = blendColors( cg.text(), cg.highlightedText(), static_cast<int>( m_animCount * 4.5 ) );
else //alternate colours
fillColor = isSelected() ? cg.highlight() : backgroundColor();
fillColor = isSelected() ? cg.highlight() : backgroundColor(0);
textColor = isSelected() ? cg.highlightedText() : cg.text();
//flicker-free drawing
static TQPixmap buffer;
buffer.resize( width, height() );
if( buffer.isNull() )
KListViewItem::paintCell( p, cg, column, width, align );
buffer.fill( fillColor );
TQPainter pBuf( &buffer, true );
KListView *lv = static_cast<KListView *>( listView() );
TQFont font( p->font() );
font.setBold( true );
TQFontMetrics fm( p->fontMetrics() );
int textHeight = height();
int text_x = 0;
pBuf.setPen( textColor );
if( pixmap( column ) )
int y = (textHeight - pixmap(column)->height())/2;
pBuf.drawPixmap( 0, y, *pixmap(column) );
text_x += pixmap(column)->width() + 4;
pBuf.setFont( font );
TQFontMetrics fmName( font );
TQString name = text(column);
if( fmName.width( name ) + text_x + lv->itemMargin()*2 > width )
const int _width = width - text_x - lv->itemMargin()*2;
name = KStringHandler::rPixelSqueeze( name, pBuf.fontMetrics(), _width );
pBuf.drawText( text_x, 0, width, textHeight, AlignVCenter, name );
if( !m_subText.isEmpty() )
font.setBold( false );
pBuf.setFont( font );
pBuf.drawText( text_x, fmName.height() + 1, width, textHeight, AlignVCenter, m_subText );
if( m_isExpanded )
TQPen pen( cg.highlight(), 1 );
pBuf.setPen( pen );
int y = textHeight - 1;
pBuf.drawLine( 0, y, width, y );
p->drawPixmap( 0, 0, buffer );
StatisticsItem::blendColors( const TQColor& color1, const TQColor& color2, int percent )
const float factor1 = ( 100 - ( float ) percent ) / 100;
const float factor2 = ( float ) percent / 100;
const int r = static_cast<int>( color1.red() * factor1 + color2.red() * factor2 );
const int g = static_cast<int>( color1.green() * factor1 + color2.green() * factor2 );
const int b = static_cast<int>( color1.blue() * factor1 + color2.blue() * factor2 );
TQColor result;
result.setRgb( r, g, b );
return result;
/// CLASS StatisticsDetailedItem
StatisticsDetailedItem::StatisticsDetailedItem( const TQString &text, const TQString &subtext, StatisticsItem *parent,
StatisticsDetailedItem *after, const char *name )
: KListViewItem( parent, after, name )
, m_type( NONE )
, m_subText( subtext )
setDragEnabled( true );
setDropEnabled( false );
setSelectable( true );
setText( 0, text );
StatisticsDetailedItem::paintCell( TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int align )
bool showDetails = !m_subText.isEmpty();
//flicker-free drawing
static TQPixmap buffer;
buffer.resize( width, height() );
if( buffer.isNull() )
KListViewItem::paintCell( p, cg, column, width, align );
TQPainter pBuf( &buffer, true );
// use alternate background
pBuf.fillRect( buffer.rect(), isSelected() ? cg.highlight() : backgroundColor() );
pBuf.fillRect( buffer.rect(), isSelected() ? cg.highlight() : backgroundColor(0) );
KListView *lv = static_cast<KListView *>( listView() );
TQFont font( p->font() );
TQFontMetrics fm( p->fontMetrics() );
int text_x = 0;
int textHeight;
if( showDetails )
textHeight = fm.lineSpacing() + lv->itemMargin() + 1;
textHeight = height();
pBuf.setPen( isSelected() ? cg.highlightedText() : cg.text() );
if( pixmap( column ) )
int y = (textHeight - pixmap(column)->height())/2;
if( showDetails ) y++;
pBuf.drawPixmap( text_x, y, *pixmap(column) );
text_x += pixmap(column)->width() + 4;
pBuf.setFont( font );
TQFontMetrics fmName( font );
TQString name = text(column);
const int _width = width - text_x - lv->itemMargin()*2;
if( fmName.width( name ) > _width )
name = KStringHandler::rPixelSqueeze( name, pBuf.fontMetrics(), _width );
pBuf.drawText( text_x, 0, width, textHeight, AlignVCenter, name );
if( showDetails )
const TQColorGroup _cg = listView()->palette().disabled();
text_x = lv->treeStepSize() + 3;
font.setItalic( true );
pBuf.setPen( isSelected() ? _cg.highlightedText() : TQColor(_cg.text().dark()) );
pBuf.drawText( text_x, textHeight, width, fm.lineSpacing(), AlignVCenter, m_subText );
p->drawPixmap( 0, 0, buffer );
TQFontMetrics fm( listView()->font() );
int margin = listView()->itemMargin()*2;
int h = fm.lineSpacing();
if ( h % 2 > 0 )
if( !m_subText.isEmpty() )
setHeight( h + fm.lineSpacing() + margin );
setHeight( h + margin );
QueryBuilder qb;
TQString query = TQString();
TQString artist, album, track; // track is unused here
Amarok::albumArtistTrackFromUrl( url(), artist, album, track );
if( itemType() == StatisticsDetailedItem::ALBUM || itemType() == StatisticsDetailedItem::HISTORY )
if ( artist != "0" )
qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valArtistID, artist );
qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valAlbumID, album );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valDiscNumber );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTrack );
else if( itemType() == StatisticsDetailedItem::ARTIST )
const uint artist_id = CollectionDB::instance()->artistID( url() );
qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valArtistID, TQString::number( artist_id ) );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabYear, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valDiscNumber );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTrack );
else if( itemType() == StatisticsDetailedItem::GENRE )
const uint genre_id = CollectionDB::instance()->genreID( url() );
qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valGenreID, TQString::number( genre_id ) );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabYear, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valDiscNumber );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTrack );
debug() << "DetailedStatisticsItem: query is: " << qb.query() << endl;
return qb.query();
if( itemType() == StatisticsDetailedItem::TRACK )
return KURL::List( KURL::fromPathOrURL(url()) );
QueryBuilder qb;
TQString query = TQString();
TQString artist, album, track; // track is unused here
Amarok::albumArtistTrackFromUrl( m_url, artist, album, track );
qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL );
if( itemType() == StatisticsDetailedItem::ALBUM || itemType() == StatisticsDetailedItem::HISTORY )
if ( artist != "0" )
qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valArtistID, artist );
qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valAlbumID, album );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTrack );
else if( itemType() == StatisticsDetailedItem::ARTIST )
const uint artist_id = CollectionDB::instance()->artistID( url() );
qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valArtistID, TQString::number( artist_id ) );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTrack );
else if( itemType() == StatisticsDetailedItem::GENRE )
const uint genre_id = CollectionDB::instance()->genreID( url() );
qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valGenreID, TQString::number( genre_id ) );
qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTrack );
TQStringList values = qb.run();
KURL::List urls;
foreach( values )
urls += KURL::fromPathOrURL( *it );
return urls;
#include "statistics.moc"