// Ovidiu Gheorghioiu <ovy@alum.mit.edu>, (C) 2006
// License: GNU General Public License V2
// Stress-test the AtomicString class for thread safety. Run on SMP for maximum exposure.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "atomicstring.h"
void *
Worker(void *num) {
srand( reinterpret_cast<int>( num ) );
TQString base = "str";
// create 5 strings, destroy them, copy them around
const int kNumStrings = 5;
AtomicString *atStrings[kNumStrings * 2];
for( int i = 0; i < kNumStrings * 2; i++ ) atStrings[i] = NULL;
const int kIterations = 100000;
for( int i = 0; i < kIterations; i++ ) {
int k = rand() % (kNumStrings * 2);
if( atStrings[k] == NULL ) {
// the upper half are sometimes copies of the corresponding
// lower half strings
if( k >= kNumStrings && atStrings[k % kNumStrings] != NULL ) {
atStrings[k] = new AtomicString( *atStrings[k % kNumStrings] );
} else {
atStrings[k] = new AtomicString( base + TQString::number( k ) );
} else {
// check the string; could be either upper or lower
TQString str = atStrings[k]->string();
if( str != base + TQString::number( k )
&& str != base + TQString::number( k % kNumStrings ) ) {
qFatal( "unexpected atStrings[%d]: %s", k, str.ascii() );
delete atStrings[k];
atStrings[k] = NULL;
return NULL;
int main() {
const int kWorkers = 2;
pthread_t workers[kWorkers];
for( int i = 0; i < kWorkers; i++ ) {
if( pthread_create(& workers[i], NULL,
& Worker,
reinterpret_cast<void *>(i))
!= 0)
qFatal( "Could not create thread %d", i );
for( int i = 0; i < kWorkers; i++ ) {
void *thread_return;
pthread_join( workers[i], &thread_return );