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moodbar.cpp - description
begin : 6th Nov 2005
copyright : (C) 2006 by Joseph Rabinoff
copyright : (C) 2005 by Gav Wood
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
// Although the current incarnation of moodbar.cpp shares bits and
// pieces of code with Gav Wood's original, it has been completely
// rewritten -- the only code I kept was purely algorithmic. Also
// lots of Moodbar-related functionality has been moved from other
// places to here (all of it really).
// The Moodbar is used by small amounts of code in playlistitem.cpp
// and sliderwidget.cpp. There are also trivial amounts of support
// code in other places.
// Moodbar usage
// -------------
// The Moodbar is part of the track's metadata, so it's held by a
// MetaBundle. The actual Moodbar object is only used to draw a
// TQPixmap, which it does efficiently -- it caches a pixmap of the
// last thing it drew, and just copies that pixmap if the dimensions
// have not changed. To use the moodbar, one just needs a few lines of
// code, such as the following, based on PrettySlider:
// void MyClass::MyClass( void )
// {
// // This only needs to be done once!
// connect( &m_bundle.moodbar(), TQ_SIGNAL( jobEvent( int ) ),
// TQ_SLOT( newMoodData( int ) ) );
// }
// void MyClass::newMetaBundle( const MetaBundle &b )
// {
// m_bundle = b;
// if( !m_bundle.moodbar().dataExists() )
// m_bundle.moodbar().load();
// else
// update();
// }
// void MyClass::draw( void )
// {
// TQPixmap toDraw;
// if( m_bundle.moodbar().dataExists() )
// toDraw = m_bundle.moodbar().draw( width(), height() );
// // else draw something else...
// }
// void MyClass::newMoodData( int newState )
// {
// if( newState == Moodbar::JobStateSucceeded )
// update();
// }
// Explanation:
// * In the constructor we listen for the jobEvent() signal from the
// Moodbar. The Moodbar emits this signal when an analyzer process
// has started or completed and it has loaded its moodbar data.
// (This connection will exist for the lifetime of the instance of
// MyClass and hence only needs to be created once.)
// * Whenever the MetaBundle associated with this instance of MyClass
// is changed, so does the moodbar, so we should reload it. The
// dataExists() method is meant to return whether the mood has
// already been analyzed for that track (it will always return false
// for streaming bundles and the like). If it returns true then the
// moodbar has already loaded its data, and can draw it.
// * Otherwise we run the Moodbar's load() method. This method may
// be called many times; it will only actually do anything the first
// time it's called (unless the moodbar is reset()). Hence it's
// totally reasonable to call load() in the draw() method too; this
// is in fact what the PlaylistItem does. When load() has completed,
// it emits a jobEvent() signal.
// * Note that jobEvent() will also be emitted if there is an error
// in analyzing or loading the data, with a state indicating failure.
// In this case, subsequent calls to dataExists() will still return
// false, and subsequent calls to load() will do nothing.
// Implementation
// --------------
// There are two new classes, namely the Moodbar (a member of
// MetaBundle), and the MoodServer. The former is the only public
// class. In a nutshell, the Moodbar is responsible for reading
// and drawing mood data, and the MoodServer is in charge of
// queueing analyzer jobs and notifying interested Moodbar's when
// their job is done.
// The Moodbar class --
// The only public interface to the moodbar system. An unloaded
// Moodbar is meant to have a very small footprint, since there are
// lots of MetaBundle's floating around that aren't going to be
// displayed. Most of the data in loaded Moodbars is implicitly
// shared anyway (unless you call detach()), so it's reasonable to
// pass them around by value.
// Much care has been taken to absolutely minimize the amount of time
// a Moodbar is listening for a signal. The only signal a Moodbar
// will connect to is MoodServer::jobEvent; this connection is made
// when MoodServer::queueJob() is called, and is disconnected in
// slotJobEvent(). The reason for this care is because MetaBundle's,
// and hence Moodbar's, are copied around and passed-by-value all the
// time, so I wanted to reduce overhead; also TQObject::disconnect() is
// not reentrant (from what I understand), so we don't want that being
// called every time a Moodbar is destroyed! For the same reason, the
// PlaylistItem does not listen for the jobEvent() signal; instead it
// reimplements the MetaBundle::moodbarJobEvent() virtual method.
// Again for this reason, the individual Moodbar's don't listen for
// the App::moodbarPrefs() signal (which is emitted every time the
// configuration is changed); thus Moodbar's aren't automatically
// updated when the AlterMood variable is changed, for instance. This
// is a small annoyance, as the owner of the Moodbar has to listen for
// that signal and call reset(). This happens in sliderwidget.cpp and
// playlist.cpp.
// A moodbar is always in one of the following states:
// Unloaded: A newly-created (or newly reset()) Moodbar is in this
// state. The Moodbar remains in this state until
// dataExists() or load() is called. Note that load()
// will return immediately unless the state is Unloaded.
// CantLoad: For some reason we know that we'll never be able to
// load the Moodbar, for instance if the parent bundle
// describes a streaming source. Most methods will return
// immediately in this state.
// JobQueued: At some point load() was called, so we queued a job with
// the MoodServer which hasn't started yet. In this state,
// ~Moodbar(), reset(), etc. knows to dequeue jobs and
// disconnect signals.
// JobRunning: Our analyzer job is actually running. The moodbar behaves
// basically the same as in the JobQueued state; this state
// exists so the PlaylistItem knows the difference.
// JobFailed: The MoodServer has tried to run our job (or gave up before
// trying), and came up empty. This state behaves basically
// the same as CantLoad.
// Loaded: This is the only state in which draw() will work.
// Note that nothing is done to load until dataExists() is called; this
// is because there may very well be MetaBundle's floating around that
// aren't displayed in the GUI.
// Important members:
// m_bundle: link to the parent bundle
// m_data: if we are loaded, this is the contents of the .mood file
// m_pixmap: the last time draw() was called, we cached what we drew
// here
// m_url: cache the URL of our queued job for de-queueing
// m_state: our current state
// m_mutex: lock for the entire object. The Moodbar object should
// be entirely reentrant (but see below), so most methods lock the
// object before doing anything. (Of course the calling code has to
// be threadsafe for this to mean anything.)
// Important methods:
// dataExists(): When this is called, we check if the .mood file
// exists for our bundle. If so, we load the corresponding file,
// and if all goes well, return true. If our bundle is a streaming
// track, or is otherwise unloadable, always return false.
// load(): First run readFile() to see if we can load. If not, then
// ask MoodServer to run a job for us. Always changes the state
// from Unloaded so subsequent calls to load() do nothing.
// draw(): Draw the moodbar onto a TQPixmap. Cache what we drew
// so that if draw() is called again with the same dimensions
// we don't have to redraw.
// reset(): Reset to the unloaded state. This is basically the same
// as calling moodbar = Moodbar().
// (protected) slotJobEvent(): Only run by MoodServer, to notify us
// when a job is started or completed. Emits the jobEvent()
// signal.
// (private) readFile(): When we think there's a file available, this
// method tries to load it. We also do the display-independent
// analysis here, namely, calculating the sorting index (for sort-
// by-hue in the Playlist), and Making Moodier.
// The MoodServer class --
// This is a singleton class. It is responsible for queueing analyzer
// jobs requested by Moodbar's, running them, and notifying the
// Moodbar's when the job has started and completed, successful or no.
// This class is also responsible for remembering if the moodbar
// system is totally broken (e.g. if the GStreamer plugins are
// missing), notifying the user if such is the case, and refusing to
// queue any more jobs. MoodServer should be threadsafe, in that you
// should be able to run queueJob() from any thread.
// Jobs are referenced by URL. If a Moodbar tries to queue a job
// with the same URL as an existing job, the job will not be re-queued;
// instead, each queued job has a refcount, which is increased. This
// is to support the de-queueing of jobs when Moodbar's are destroyed;
// the use case I have in mind is if the user has the moodbar column
// displayed in the playlist, he/she adds 1000 tracks to the playlist
// (at which point all the displayed tracks queue moodbar jobs), and
// then decides to clear the playlist again. The jobEvent() signal
// passes the URL of the job that was completed.
// The analyzer is actually run using a TDEProcess. ThreadManager::Job
// is not a good solution, since we need more flexibility in the
// queuing process, and in addition, TDEProcess'es must be started from
// the GUI thread!
// Important members:
// m_jobQueue: this is a list of MoodServer::ProcData structures,
// which contain the data needed to start and reference
// a process, as well as a refcount.
// m_currentProcess: the currently-running TDEProcess, if any.
// m_currentData: the ProcData structure for the currently-running
// process.
// m_moodbarBroken: this is set when there's an error running the analyzer
// that indicates the analyzer will never be able to run.
// When m_moodbarBroken == true, the MoodServer will refuse
// to queue new jobs.
// m_mutex: you should be able to run queueJob() from any thread,
// so most methods lock the object.
// Important methods:
// queueJob(): Add a job to the queue. If the job is being run, do nothing;
// if the job is already queued, increase its refcount, and if
// m_moodbarBroken == true, do nothing.
// deQueueJob(): Called from ~Moodbar(), for instance. Decreases
// the refcount of a job, removing it from the queue when the
// refcount hits zero. This won't kill a running process.
// (private slot) slotJobCompleted(): Called when a job finishes. Do some
// cleanup, and notify the interested parties. Set m_moodbarBroken if
// necessary; otherwise call slotNewJob().
// (private slot) slotNewJob(): Called by slotJobCompleted() and queueJob().
// Take a job off the queue and start the TDEProcess.
// (private slot) slotMoodbarPrefs(): Called when the Amarok config changes.
// If the moodbar has been disabled completely, kill the current job
// (if any), clear the queue, and notify the interested Moodbar's.
// (private slot) slotFileDeleted(): Called when a music file is deleted, so
// we can delete the associated moodbar
// (private slot) slotFileMoved(): Called when a music file is moved, so
// we can move the associated moodbar
// TODO: off-color single bars in dark areas -- do some interpolation when
// averaging. Big jumps in hues when near black.
// BUGS:
#define DEBUG_PREFIX "Moodbar"
#include <config.h>
#include "amarok.h"
#include "amarokconfig.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "collectiondb.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "metabundle.h"
#include "mountpointmanager.h"
#include "statusbar.h"
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqdir.h> // For TQDir::rename()
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <string.h> // for memset()
#define CLAMP(n, v, x) ((v) < (n) ? (n) : (v) > (x) ? (x) : (v))
#define WEBPAGE ""
// MoodServer class
MoodServer *
MoodServer::instance( void )
static MoodServer m;
return &m;
MoodServer::MoodServer( void )
: m_moodbarBroken( false )
, m_currentProcess( 0 )
connect( App::instance(), TQ_SIGNAL( moodbarPrefs( bool, bool, int, bool ) ),
TQ_SLOT( slotMoodbarPrefs( bool, bool, int, bool ) ) );
connect( CollectionDB::instance(),
TQ_SIGNAL( fileMoved( const TQString &, const TQString & ) ),
TQ_SLOT( slotFileMoved( const TQString &, const TQString & ) ) );
connect( CollectionDB::instance(),
TQ_SIGNAL( fileMoved( const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString & ) ),
TQ_SLOT( slotFileMoved( const TQString &, const TQString & ) ) );
connect( CollectionDB::instance(),
TQ_SIGNAL( fileDeleted( const TQString & ) ),
TQ_SLOT( slotFileDeleted( const TQString & ) ) );
connect( CollectionDB::instance(),
TQ_SIGNAL( fileDeleted( const TQString &, const TQString & ) ),
TQ_SLOT( slotFileDeleted( const TQString & ) ) );
// Queue a job, but not before checking if the moodbar is enabled
// in the config, if the moodbar analyzer appears to be working,
// and if a job for that URL isn't already queued. Returns true
// if the job is already running, false otherwise.
MoodServer::queueJob( MetaBundle *bundle )
if( m_moodbarBroken || !AmarokConfig::showMoodbar() )
return false;
// Check if the currently running job is for that URL
if( m_currentProcess != 0 &&
m_currentData.m_url == bundle->url() )
debug() << "MoodServer::queueJob: Not re-queueing already-running job "
<< bundle->url().path() << endl;
return true;
// Check if there's already a job in the queue for that URL
TQValueList<ProcData>::iterator it;
for( it = m_jobQueue.begin(); it != m_jobQueue.end(); ++it )
if( (*it).m_url == bundle->url() )
debug() << "MoodServer::queueJob: Job for " << bundle->url().path()
<< " already in queue, increasing refcount to "
<< (*it).m_refcount << endl;
return false;
m_jobQueue.append( ProcData( bundle->url(),
bundle->moodbar().moodFilename( bundle->url() ) ) );
debug() << "MoodServer::queueJob: Queued job for " << bundle->url().path()
<< ", " << m_jobQueue.size() << " jobs in queue." << endl;
// New jobs *must* be started from the GUI thread!
TQTimer::singleShot( 1000, this, TQ_SLOT( slotNewJob( void ) ) );
return false;
// Decrements the refcount of the job for the given URL
// and deletes that job if necessary.
MoodServer::deQueueJob( KURL url )
// Can't de-queue running jobs
if( m_currentProcess != 0 &&
m_currentData.m_url == url )
debug() << "MoodServer::deQueueJob: Not de-queueing already-running job "
<< url.path() << endl;
// Check if there's already a job in the queue for that URL
TQValueList<ProcData>::iterator it;
for( it = m_jobQueue.begin(); it != m_jobQueue.end(); ++it )
if( (*it).m_url == url )
if( (*it).m_refcount == 0 )
debug() << "MoodServer::deQueueJob: nobody cares about "
<< (*it).m_url.path()
<< " anymore, deleting from queue" << endl;
m_jobQueue.erase( it );
debug() << "MoodServer::deQueueJob: decrementing refcount of "
<< (*it).m_url.path() << " to " << (*it).m_refcount
<< endl;
debug() << "MoodServer::deQueueJob: tried to delete nonexistent job "
<< url.path() << endl;
// This slot exists so that jobs can be started from the GUI thread,
// just in case queueJob() is run from another thread. Only run
// directly if you're in the GUI thread!
MoodServer::slotNewJob( void )
if( m_moodbarBroken )
// Are we already running a process?
if( m_jobQueue.isEmpty() || m_currentProcess != 0 )
m_currentData = m_jobQueue.first();
debug() << "MoodServer::slotNewJob: starting new analyzer process: "
<< "moodbar -o " << m_currentData.m_outfile << ".tmp "
<< m_currentData.m_infile << endl;
debug() << "MoodServer::slotNewJob: " << m_jobQueue.size()
<< " jobs left in queue." << endl;
// Write to outfile.mood.tmp so that new Moodbar instances
// don't think the mood data exists while the analyzer is
// running. Then rename the file later.
m_currentProcess = new Amarok::Process( this );
m_currentProcess->setPriority( 18 ); // Nice the process
*m_currentProcess << TDEStandardDirs::findExe( "moodbar" ) << "-o"
<< (m_currentData.m_outfile + ".tmp")
<< m_currentData.m_infile;
connect( m_currentProcess, TQ_SIGNAL( processExited( TDEProcess* ) ),
TQ_SLOT( slotJobCompleted( TDEProcess* ) ) );
// We have to enable TDEProcess::Stdout (even though we don't monitor
// it) since otherwise the child process crashes every time in
// TDEProcess::start() (but only when started from the loader!). I
// have no idea why, but I imagine it's a bug in KDE.
if( !m_currentProcess->start( TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit, TDEProcess::AllOutput ) )
// If we have an error starting the process, it's never
// going to work, so call moodbarBroken()
warning() << "Can't start moodbar analyzer process!" << endl;
delete m_currentProcess;
m_currentProcess = 0;
// Extreme reentrancy pedatry :)
KURL url = m_currentData.m_url;
emit jobEvent( url, Moodbar::JobStateRunning );
// This always run in the GUI thread. It is called
// when an analyzer process terminates
MoodServer::slotJobCompleted( TDEProcess *proc )
// Pedantry
if( proc != m_currentProcess )
warning() << "MoodServer::slotJobCompleted: proc != m_currentProcess!" << endl;
ReturnStatus returnval;
if( !m_currentProcess->normalExit() )
returnval = Crash;
returnval = (ReturnStatus) m_currentProcess->exitStatus();
bool success = (returnval == Success);
KURL url = m_currentData.m_url;
if( success )
TQString file = m_currentData.m_outfile;
TQString dir = file.left( file.findRev( '/' ) );
file = file.right( file.length() - file.findRev( '/' ) - 1 );
TQDir( dir ).rename( file + ".tmp", file );
TQFile::remove( m_currentData.m_outfile + ".tmp" );
delete m_currentProcess;
m_currentProcess = 0;
// If the moodbar was disabled, we killed the process
if( !AmarokConfig::showMoodbar() )
debug() << "MoodServer::slotJobCompleted: moodbar disabled, job killed" << endl;
emit jobEvent( url, Moodbar::JobStateFailed );
switch( returnval )
case Success:
debug() << "MoodServer::slotJobCompleted: job completed successfully" << endl;
// Crash and NoFile don't mean that moodbar is broken.
// Something bad happened, but it's probably a problem with this file
// Just log an error message and emit jobEvent().
case Crash:
debug() << "MoodServer::slotJobCompleted: moodbar crashed on "
<< m_currentData.m_infile << endl;
case NoFile:
debug() << "MoodServer::slotJobCompleted: moodbar had a problem with "
<< m_currentData.m_infile << endl;
// NoPlugin and CommandLine mean the moodbar is broken
// The moodbar analyzer is not likely to work ever, so let the
// user know about it and disable new jobs.
emit jobEvent( url, success ? Moodbar::JobStateSucceeded
: Moodbar::JobStateFailed );
// This is called whenever "Ok" or "Apply" is pressed on the configuration
// dialog. If the moodbar is disabled, kill the current process and
// clear the queue
MoodServer::slotMoodbarPrefs( bool show, bool moodier, int alter, bool withMusic )
if( show == true)
(void) moodier; (void) alter; (void) withMusic;
// If we have a current process, kill it. Cleanup happens in
// slotJobCompleted() above. We do *not* want to lock the
// mutex when calling this!
if( m_currentProcess != 0 )
// When a file is deleted, either manually using Organize Collection or
// automatically detected using AFT, delete the corresponding mood file.
MoodServer::slotFileDeleted( const TQString &path )
TQString mood = Moodbar::moodFilename( KURL::fromPathOrURL( path ) );
if( mood.isEmpty() || !TQFile::exists( mood ) )
debug() << "MoodServer::slotFileDeleted: deleting " << mood << endl;
TQFile::remove( mood );
// When a file is moved, either manually using Organize Collection or
// automatically using AFT, move the corresponding mood file.
MoodServer::slotFileMoved( const TQString &srcPath, const TQString &dstPath )
TQString srcMood = Moodbar::moodFilename( KURL::fromPathOrURL( srcPath ) );
TQString dstMood = Moodbar::moodFilename( KURL::fromPathOrURL( dstPath ) );
if( srcMood.isEmpty() || dstMood.isEmpty() ||
srcMood == dstMood || !TQFile::exists( srcMood ) )
debug() << "MoodServer::slotFileMoved: moving " << srcMood << " to "
<< dstMood << endl;
Moodbar::copyFile( srcMood, dstMood );
TQFile::remove( srcMood );
// This is called when we decide that the moodbar analyzer is
// never going to work. Disable further jobs, and let the user
// know about it. This should only be called when m_currentProcess == 0.
MoodServer::setMoodbarBroken( void )
warning() << "Uh oh, it looks like the moodbar analyzer is not going to work"
<< endl;
Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( i18n(
"The Amarok moodbar analyzer program seems to be broken. "
"This is probably because the moodbar package is not installed "
"correctly. The moodbar package, installation instructions, and "
"troubleshooting help can be found on the wiki page at <a href='"
WEBPAGE "'>" WEBPAGE "</a>. "
"When the problem is fixed, please restart Amarok."),
KDE::StatusBar::Error );
m_moodbarBroken = true;
// Clear the job list and emit signals
MoodServer::clearJobs( void )
// We don't want to emit jobEvent (or really do anything
// external) while the mutex is locked.
TQValueList<ProcData> queueCopy
= TQDeepCopy< TQValueList<ProcData> > ( m_jobQueue );
TQValueList<ProcData>::iterator it;
for( it = queueCopy.begin(); it != queueCopy.end(); ++it )
emit jobEvent( (*it).m_url, Moodbar::JobStateFailed );
// Moodbar class
// The moodbar behavior is nearly identical in the JobQueued and
// JobRunning states, but we have to keep track anyway so the
// PlaylistItem knows what do display
#define JOB_PENDING(state) ((state)==JobQueued||(state)==JobRunning)
// The passed MetaBundle _must_ be non-NULL, and the pointer must be valid
// as long as this instance is alive. The Moodbar is only meant to be a
// member of a MetaBundle, in other words.
Moodbar::Moodbar( MetaBundle *mb )
: TQObject ( )
, m_bundle ( mb )
, m_hueSort ( 0 )
, m_state ( Unloaded )
// If we have any pending jobs, de-queue them. The use case I
// have in mind is if the user has the moodbar column displayed
// and adds all his/her tracks to the playlist, then deletes
// them again.
Moodbar::~Moodbar( void )
if( JOB_PENDING( m_state ) )
MoodServer::instance()->deQueueJob( m_url );
// MetaBundle's are often assigned using operator=, so so are we.
Moodbar::operator=( const Moodbar &mood )
// Need to check this before locking both!
if( &mood == this )
return *this;
State oldState = m_state;
KURL oldURL = m_url;
m_data = mood.m_data;
m_pixmap = mood.m_pixmap;
m_state = mood.m_state;
m_url = mood.m_url;
// DO NOT overwrite m_bundle! That should never change.
// Signal connections and job queues are part of our "state",
// so those should be updated too.
if( JOB_PENDING( m_state ) && !JOB_PENDING( oldState ) )
connect( MoodServer::instance(),
TQ_SIGNAL( jobEvent( KURL, int ) ),
TQ_SLOT( slotJobEvent( KURL, int ) ) );
// Increase the refcount for this job. Use mood.m_bundle
// since that one's already initialized.
MoodServer::instance()->queueJob( mood.m_bundle );
// If we had a job pending, de-queue it
if( !JOB_PENDING( m_state ) && JOB_PENDING( oldState ) )
MoodServer::instance()->disconnect( this, TQ_SLOT( slotJobEvent( KURL, int ) ) );
MoodServer::instance()->deQueueJob( oldURL );
return *this;
// Reset the moodbar to its Unloaded state. This is useful when
// the configuration is changed, and all the moodbars need to be
// reloaded.
Moodbar::reset( void )
debug() << "Resetting moodbar: " << m_bundle->url().path() << endl;
if( JOB_PENDING( m_state ) )
MoodServer::instance()->disconnect( this, TQ_SLOT( slotJobEvent( KURL, int ) ) );
MoodServer::instance()->deQueueJob( m_url );
m_pixmap = TQPixmap();
m_url = KURL();
m_hueSort = 0;
m_state = Unloaded;
// Make a copy of all of our implicitly shared data
Moodbar::detach( void )
m_data = TQDeepCopy<ColorList>(m_data);
// Apparently this is the wrong hack -- don't detach urls
//TQString url( TQDeepCopy<TQString>( m_url.url() ) );
//m_url = KURL::fromPathOrURL( url );
// If possible, try to open the bundle's .mood file. When this method
// returns true, this instance must be able to draw(). This may
// change the state to CantLoad, but usually leaves the state
// untouched.
Moodbar::dataExists( void )
// Put this first for efficiency
if( m_state == Loaded )
return true;
// Should we bother checking for the file?
if( m_state == CantLoad ||
JOB_PENDING( m_state ) ||
m_state == JobFailed ||
!canHaveMood() )
return false;
bool res = readFile();
return res;
// If m_bundle is not a local file or for some other reason cannot
// have mood data, return false, and set the state to CantLoad to
// save future checks. Note that MoodServer::m_moodbarBroken == true
// does not mean we can't have a mood file; it just means that we
// can't generate new ones.
Moodbar::canHaveMood( void )
if( m_state == CantLoad )
return false;
// Don't try to analyze it if we can't even determine it has a length
// If for some reason we can't determine a file name, give up
// If the moodbar is disabled, set to CantLoad -- if the user re-enables
// the moodbar, we'll be reset() anyway.
if( !AmarokConfig::showMoodbar() ||
!m_bundle->url().isLocalFile() ||
!m_bundle->length() ||
moodFilename( m_bundle->url() ).isEmpty() )
m_state = CantLoad;
return false;
return true;
// Ask MoodServer to queue an analyzer job for us if necessary. This
// method will only do something the first time it's called, as it's
// guaranteed to change the state from Unloaded.
Moodbar::load( void )
if( m_state != Unloaded )
if( !canHaveMood() )
// State is now CantLoad
if( readFile() )
// State is now Loaded
if( MoodServer::instance()->moodbarBroken() )
m_state = JobFailed;
// Ok no more excuses, we have to queue a job
connect( MoodServer::instance(),
TQ_SIGNAL( jobEvent( KURL, int ) ),
TQ_SLOT( slotJobEvent( KURL, int ) ) );
bool isRunning = MoodServer::instance()->queueJob( m_bundle );
m_state = isRunning ? JobRunning : JobQueued;
m_url = m_bundle->url(); // Use this URL for MoodServer::deQueueJob
// This is called by MoodServer when our moodbar analyzer job starts
// or finishes. It may change the state from JobQueued / JobRunning
// to JobRunning, Loaded, or JobFailed. It may emit a jobEvent()
Moodbar::slotJobEvent( KURL url, int newState )
// Is this job for us?
if( !JOB_PENDING( m_state ) || url != m_bundle->url() )
bool success = ( newState == JobStateSucceeded );
// We don't really care about this, but our listeners might
if( newState == JobStateRunning )
m_state = JobRunning;
goto out;
// Disconnect the signal for efficiency's sake
MoodServer::instance()->disconnect( this, TQ_SLOT( slotJobEvent( KURL, int ) ) );
if( !success )
m_state = JobFailed;
goto out;
if( readFile() )
// m_state is now Loaded
goto out;
// If we get here it means the analyzer job went wrong, but
// somehow the MoodServer didn't know about it
debug() << "WARNING: Failed to open file " << moodFilename( m_bundle->url() )
<< " -- something is very wrong" << endl;
m_state = JobFailed;
emit jobEvent( newState );
// This is a cheat for PlaylistItem so it doesn't have to
// use signals
m_bundle->moodbarJobEvent( newState );
// Draw the moodbar onto a pixmap of the given dimensions and return
// it. This is mostly Gav's original code, cut and pasted from
// various places. This will not change the state.
Moodbar::draw( int width, int height )
if( m_state != Loaded || !AmarokConfig::showMoodbar() ) // Naughty caller!
return TQPixmap();
// Do we have to repaint, or can we use the cache?
if( m_pixmap.width() == width && m_pixmap.height() == height )
return m_pixmap;
m_pixmap = TQPixmap( width, height );
TQPainter paint( &m_pixmap );
// First average the moodbar samples that will go into each
// vertical bar on the screen.
if( m_data.size() == 0 ) // Play it safe -- see below
return TQPixmap();
ColorList screenColors;
TQColor bar;
float r, g, b;
int h, s, v;
for( int i = 0; i < width; i++ )
r = 0.f; g = 0.f; b = 0.f;
// m_data.size() needs to be at least 1 for this not to crash!
uint start = i * m_data.size() / width;
uint end = (i + 1) * m_data.size() / width;
if( start == end )
end = start + 1;
for( uint j = start; j < end; j++ )
r += m_data[j].red();
g += m_data[j].green();
b += m_data[j].blue();
uint n = end - start;
bar = TQColor( int( r / float( n ) ),
int( g / float( n ) ),
int( b / float( n ) ), TQColor::Rgb );
/* Snap to the HSV values for later */
bar.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
bar.setHsv(h, s, v);
screenColors.push_back( bar );
// Paint the bars. This is Gav's painting code -- it breaks up the
// monotony of solid-color vertical bars by playing with the saturation
// and value.
for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
screenColors[x].getHsv( &h, &s, &v );
for( int y = 0; y <= height / 2; y++ )
float coeff = float(y) / float(height / 2);
float coeff2 = 1.f - ((1.f - coeff) * (1.f - coeff));
coeff = 1.f - (1.f - coeff) / 2.f;
coeff2 = 1.f - (1.f - coeff2) / 2.f;
paint.setPen( TQColor( h,
CLAMP( 0, int( float( s ) * coeff ), 255 ),
CLAMP( 0, int( 255.f - (255.f - float( v )) * coeff2), 255 ),
TQColor::Hsv ) );
paint.drawPoint(x, y);
paint.drawPoint(x, height - 1 - y);
return m_pixmap;
#define NUM_HUES 12
// Read the .mood file. Returns true if the read was successful
// and changes the state to Loaded; returns false and leaves the
// state untouched otherwise.
// This is based on Gav's original code. We do the mood altering
// (AmarokConfig::AlterMood()) here, as well as calculating the
// hue-based sort. All displayed moodbars will be reset() when
// the config is changed, so there's no harm in doing it here.
// This method must be called with the instance locked.
Moodbar::readFile( void )
if( !AmarokConfig::showMoodbar() )
return false;
if( m_state == Loaded )
return true;
TQString path = moodFilename( m_bundle->url() );
if( path.isEmpty() )
return false;
debug() << "Moodbar::readFile: Trying to read " << path << endl;
TQFile moodFile( path );
if( !TQFile::exists( path ) ||
! IO_ReadOnly ) )
// If the user has changed his/her preference about where to
// store the mood files, he/she might have the .mood file
// in the other place, so we should check there before giving
// up.
TQString path2 = moodFilename( m_bundle->url(),
!AmarokConfig::moodsWithMusic() );
moodFile.setName( path2 );
if( !TQFile::exists( path2 ) ||
! IO_ReadOnly ) )
return false;
debug() << "Moodbar::readFile: Found a file at " << path2
<< " instead, using that and copying." << endl;
if( !copyFile( path2, path ) )
return false;
moodFile.setName( path );
if( ! IO_ReadOnly ) )
return false;
int r, g, b, samples = moodFile.size() / 3;
debug() << "Moodbar::readFile: File " << path
<< " opened. Proceeding to read contents... s=" << samples << endl;
// This would be bad.
if( samples == 0 )
debug() << "Moodbar::readFile: File " <<
<< " is corrupted, removing." << endl;
return false;
int huedist[360], mx = 0; // For alterMood
int modalHue[NUM_HUES]; // For m_hueSort
int h, s, v;
memset( modalHue, 0, sizeof( modalHue ) );
memset( huedist, 0, sizeof( huedist ) );
// Read the file, keeping track of some histograms
for( int i = 0; i < samples; i++ )
r = moodFile.getch();
g = moodFile.getch();
b = moodFile.getch();
m_data.push_back( TQColor( CLAMP( 0, r, 255 ),
CLAMP( 0, g, 255 ),
CLAMP( 0, b, 255 ), TQColor::Rgb ) );
// Make a histogram of hues
m_data.last().getHsv( &h, &s, &v );
modalHue[CLAMP( 0, h * NUM_HUES / 360, NUM_HUES - 1 )] += v;
if( h < 0 ) h = 0; else h = h % 360;
// Make moodier -- copied straight from Gav Wood's code
// Here's an explanation of the algorithm:
// The "input" hue for each bar is mapped to a hue between
// rangeStart and (rangeStart + rangeDelta). The mapping is
// determined by the hue histogram, huedist[], which is calculated
// above by putting each sample into one of 360 hue bins. The
// mapping is such that if your histogram is concentrated on a few
// hues that are close together, then these hues are separated,
// and the space between spikes in the hue histogram is
// compressed. Here we consider a hue value to be a "spike" in
// the hue histogram if the number of samples in that bin is
// greater than the threshold variable.
// As an example, suppose we have 100 samples, and that
// threshold = 10 rangeStart = 0 rangeDelta = 288
// Suppose that we have 10 samples at each of 99,100,101, and 200.
// Suppose that there are 20 samples < 99, 20 between 102 and 199,
// and 20 above 201, with no spikes. There will be five hues in
// the output, at hues 0, 72, 144, 216, and 288, containing the
// following number of samples:
// 0: 20 + 10 = 30 (range 0 - 99 )
// 72: 10 (range 100 - 100)
// 144: 10 (range 101 - 101)
// 216: 10 + 20 = 30 (range 102 - 200)
// 288: 20 (range 201 - 359)
// The hues are now much more evenly distributed.
// After the hue redistribution is calculated, the saturation and
// value are scaled by sat and val, respectively, which are percentage
// values.
if( AmarokConfig::makeMoodier() )
// Explanation of the parameters:
// threshold: A hue value is considered to be a "spike" in the
// histogram if it's above this value. Setting this value
// higher will tend to make the hue distribution more uniform
// rangeStart, rangeDelta: output hues will be more or less
// evenly spaced between rangeStart and (rangeStart + rangeDelta)
// sat, val: the saturation and value are scaled by these integral
// percentage values
int threshold, rangeStart, rangeDelta, sat, val;
int total = 0;
memset( modalHue, 0, sizeof( modalHue ) ); // Recalculate this
switch( AmarokConfig::alterMood() )
case 1: // Angry
threshold = samples / 360 * 9;
rangeStart = 45;
rangeDelta = -45;
sat = 200;
val = 100;
case 2: // Frozen
threshold = samples / 360 * 1;
rangeStart = 140;
rangeDelta = 160;
sat = 50;
val = 100;
default: // Happy
threshold = samples / 360 * 2;
rangeStart = 0;
rangeDelta = 359;
sat = 150;
val = 250;
debug() << "ReadMood: Applying filter t=" << threshold
<< ", rS=" << rangeStart << ", rD=" << rangeDelta
<< ", s=" << sat << "%, v=" << val << "%" << endl;
// On average, huedist[i] = samples / 360. This counts the
// number of samples over the threshold, which is usually
// 1, 2, 9, etc. times the average samples in each bin.
// The total determines how many output hues there are,
// evenly spaced between rangeStart and rangeStart + rangeDelta.
for( int i = 0; i < 360; i++ )
if( huedist[i] > threshold )
if( total < 360 && total > 0 )
// Remap the hue values to be between rangeStart and
// rangeStart + rangeDelta. Every time we see an input hue
// above the threshold, increment the output hue by
// (1/total) * rangeDelta.
for( int i = 0, n = 0; i < 360; i++ )
huedist[i] = ( ( huedist[i] > threshold ? n++ : n )
* rangeDelta / total + rangeStart ) % 360;
// Now huedist is a hue mapper: huedist[h] is the new hue value
// for a bar with hue h
for(uint i = 0; i < m_data.size(); i++)
m_data[i].getHsv( &h, &s, &v );
if( h < 0 ) h = 0; else h = h % 360;
m_data[i].setHsv( CLAMP( 0, huedist[h], 359 ),
CLAMP( 0, s * sat / 100, 255 ),
CLAMP( 0, v * val / 100, 255 ) );
modalHue[CLAMP(0, huedist[h] * NUM_HUES / 360, NUM_HUES - 1)]
+= (v * val / 100);
// Calculate m_hueSort. This is a 3-digit number in base NUM_HUES,
// where the most significant digit is the first strongest hue, the
// second digit is the second strongest hue, and the third digit
// is the third strongest. This code was written by Gav Wood.
m_hueSort = 0;
mx = 0;
for( int i = 1; i < NUM_HUES; i++ )
if( modalHue[i] > modalHue[mx] )
mx = i;
m_hueSort = mx * NUM_HUES * NUM_HUES;
modalHue[mx] = 0;
mx = 0;
for( int i = 1; i < NUM_HUES; i++ )
if( modalHue[i] > modalHue[mx] )
mx = i;
m_hueSort += mx * NUM_HUES;
modalHue[mx] = 0;
mx = 0;
for( int i = 1; i < NUM_HUES; i++ )
if( modalHue[i] > modalHue[mx] )
mx = i;
m_hueSort += mx;
debug() << "Moodbar::readFile: All done." << endl;
m_state = Loaded;
return true;
// Returns where the mood file for this bundle should be located,
// based on the user preferences. If no location can be determined,
// return TQString().
Moodbar::moodFilename( const KURL &url )
return moodFilename( url, AmarokConfig::moodsWithMusic() );
Moodbar::moodFilename( const KURL &url, bool withMusic )
// No need to lock the object
TQString path;
if( withMusic )
path = url.path();
if (path.isEmpty()) // Weird...
return TQString();
path += ".mood";
int slash = path.findRev('/') + 1;
TQString dir = path.left(slash);
TQString file = path.right(path.length() - slash);
path = dir + '.' + file;
// The moodbar file is {device id},{relative path}.mood}
int deviceid = MountPointManager::instance()->getIdForUrl( url );
KURL relativePath;
MountPointManager::instance()->getRelativePath( deviceid,
url, relativePath );
path = relativePath.path();
if (path.isEmpty()) // Weird...
return TQString();
path = TQString::number( deviceid ) + ','
+ path.replace('/', ',') + ".mood";
// Creates the path if necessary
path = ::locateLocal( "data", "amarok/moods/" + path );
return path;
// Quick-n-dirty -->synchronous<-- file copy (the GUI needs its
// moodbars immediately!)
Moodbar::copyFile( const TQString &srcPath, const TQString &dstPath )
TQFile file( srcPath );
if( ! IO_ReadOnly ) )
return false;
TQByteArray contents = file.readAll();
file.setName( dstPath );
if( ! IO_WriteOnly | IO_Truncate ) )
return false;
bool res = ( uint( file.writeBlock( contents ) ) == contents.size() );
return res;
// Can we find the moodbar program?
Moodbar::executableExists( void )
return !(TDEStandardDirs::findExe( "moodbar" ).isNull());
#include "moodbar.moc"