You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

391 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2005 Max Howell <> *
* (C) 2004 Frederik Holljen <> *
* (C) 2005 Gábor Lehel <> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include "amarok.h"
#include "amarokcore/amarokconfig.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "enginecontroller.h"
#include "queueLabel.h"
#include "metabundle.h"
#include "sliderwidget.h"
#include "statusbar.h"
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <tqhbox.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
// stuff that must be included last
//#include "startupTips.h"
#include "timeLabel.h"
#include "toggleLabel.h"
#include "toggleLabel.moc"
#include "selectLabel.h"
#include "selectLabel.moc"
namespace Amarok {
KAction *action( const char *name ) { return Amarok::actionCollection()->action( name ); }
//TODO disable hide statusbar? or show when required? that sucks though.
StatusBar* StatusBar::s_instance = 0;
StatusBar::StatusBar( TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name )
: KDE::StatusBar( tqparent, name )
, EngineObserver( EngineController::instance() )
, m_timeLength( 9 )
, m_pauseTimer( new TQTimer( this ) )
s_instance = this; //static member
// total songs count
m_itemCountLabel = new TQLabel( this );
m_itemCountLabel->tqsetAlignment( TQt::AlignCenter );
m_itemCountLabel->tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Maximum, TQSizePolicy::Fixed );
TQWidget *positionBox = new TQWidget( this, "positionBox" );
TQBoxLayout *box = new TQHBoxLayout( positionBox, 1, 3 );
m_slider = new Amarok::PrettySlider( Qt::Horizontal, Amarok::PrettySlider::Normal,
positionBox );
// the two time labels. m_timeLable is the left one,
// m_timeLabel2 the right one.
m_timeLabel = new TimeLabel( positionBox );
m_slider->setMinimumWidth( m_timeLabel->width() );
m_timeLabel2 = new TimeLabel( positionBox );
m_slider->setMinimumWidth( m_timeLabel2->width() );
// TODO Both labels need tooltips (string freeze?)
TQWidget *hbox = new TQWidget( this );
TQBoxLayout *tqlayout = new TQHBoxLayout( hbox, 0, 2 );
tqlayout->addSpacing( 3 );
tqlayout->addWidget( m_queueLabel = new QueueLabel( hbox ) );
tqlayout->addWidget( new SelectLabel( static_cast<Amarok::SelectAction*>( Amarok::action( "repeat" ) ), hbox ) );
tqlayout->addWidget( new SelectLabel( static_cast<Amarok::SelectAction*>( Amarok::action( "random_mode" ) ), hbox ) );
tqlayout->addSpacing( 3 );
//TODO reimplement insertChild() instead
addWidget( m_itemCountLabel );
addWidget( hbox );
addWidget( positionBox );
box->addSpacing( 3 );
box->addWidget( m_timeLabel );
box->addWidget( m_slider );
box->addWidget( m_timeLabel2 );
#ifdef TQ_WS_MAC
// don't overlap the resize handle with the time display
box->addSpacing( 12 );
if( !AmarokConfig::leftTimeDisplayEnabled() )
connect( m_slider, TQT_SIGNAL(sliderReleased( int )), EngineController::instance(), TQT_SLOT(seek( int )) );
connect( m_slider, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged( int )), TQT_SLOT(drawTimeDisplay( int )) );
// set us up the bomb
engineStateChanged( Engine::Empty );
//slotItemCountChanged( 0 );
// for great justice!
connect( m_pauseTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(slotPauseTimer()) );
slotItemCountChanged( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
//see statupTips.h
//KDE::showNextTip( this );
//session stuff
//setShown( AmarokConfig::showStatusBar() );
StatusBar::engineStateChanged( Engine::State state, Engine::State /*oldState*/ )
switch ( state ) {
case Engine::Empty:
m_slider->setEnabled( false );
m_slider->setMinValue( 0 ); //needed because setMaxValue() calls with bogus values can change minValue
m_slider->setMaxValue( 0 );
m_slider->newBundle( MetaBundle() ); // Set an empty bundle
m_timeLabel->setEnabled( false ); //must be done after the setValue() above, due to a signal connection
m_timeLabel2->setEnabled( false );
setMainText( TQString() );
case Engine::Paused:
m_mainTextLabel->setText( i18n( "Amarok is paused" ) ); // display TEMPORARY message
m_pauseTimer->start( 300 );
case Engine::Playing:
resetMainText(); // if we were paused, this is necessary
m_timeLabel->setEnabled( true );
m_timeLabel2->setEnabled( true );
case Engine::Idle:
; //just do nothing, idle is temporary and a limbo state
StatusBar::engineNewMetaData( const MetaBundle &bundle, bool /*trackChanged*/ )
#define escapeHTML(s) TQString(s).tqreplace( "&", "&amp;" ).tqreplace( "<", "&lt;" ).tqreplace( ">", "&gt;" )
TQString title = escapeHTML( bundle.title() );
TQString prettyTitle = escapeHTML( bundle.prettyTitle() );
TQString artist = escapeHTML( bundle.artist() );
TQString album = escapeHTML( bundle.album() );
TQString length = escapeHTML( bundle.prettyLength() );
#undef escapeHTML
if ( bundle.artist() == "Mike Oldfield" && bundle.title() == "Amarok" ) {
longMessage( i18n(
"<p>One of Mike Oldfield's best pieces of work, Amarok, inspired the name behind "
"the audio-player you are currently using. Thanks for choosing Amarok!</p>"
"<p align=right>Mark Kretschmann<br>Max Howell<br>Chris Muehlhaeuser<br>"
"The many other people who have helped make Amarok what it is</p>" ), KDE::StatusBar::Information );
// ugly because of translation requirements
if( !title.isEmpty() && !artist.isEmpty() && !album.isEmpty() )
title = i18n( "track by artist on album", "<b>%1</b> by <b>%2</b> on <b>%3</b>" )
.tqarg( title, artist, album );
else if( !title.isEmpty() && !artist.isEmpty() )
title = i18n( "track by artist", "<b>%1</b> by <b>%2</b>" )
.tqarg( title, artist );
else if( !album.isEmpty() )
// we try for pretty title as it may come out better
title = i18n( "track on album", "<b>%1</b> on <b>%2</b>" )
.tqarg( prettyTitle, album );
title = "<b>" + prettyTitle + "</b>";
if( title.isEmpty() )
title = i18n( "Unknown track" );
// don't show '-' or '?'
if( length.length() > 1 ) {
title += " (";
title += length;
title += ')';
setMainText( i18n( "Playing: %1" ).tqarg( title ) );
m_slider->newBundle( bundle );
engineTrackLengthChanged( bundle.length() );
StatusBar::slotItemCountChanged( int newCount, int newLength, //total
int visCount, int visLength, //visible
int selCount, int selLength ) //selected
const bool hasSel = ( selCount > 1 ), hasVis = ( visCount != newCount );
TQString text = ( hasSel && hasVis ) ? i18n( "%1 selected of %2 visible tracks" )
.tqarg( selCount ).tqarg( visCount )
: ( hasVis && newCount == 1 ) ? i18n( "0 visible of 1 track" )
: ( hasVis ) ? i18n( "%1 visible of %2 tracks" ).tqarg( visCount).tqarg( newCount )
: ( hasSel ) ? i18n( "%1 selected of %2 tracks" ).tqarg( selCount ).tqarg( newCount )
: i18n( "1 track", "%n tracks", newCount );
int getValue = 0;
if( hasSel )
getValue = selLength;
else if( hasVis )
getValue = visLength;
getValue = newLength;
if( getValue )
m_itemCountLabel->setText( i18n( "X visible/selected tracks (time) ", "%1 (%2)" ).tqarg( text, MetaBundle::fuzzyTime( getValue ) ) );
m_itemCountLabel->setText( text );
TQToolTip::add( m_itemCountLabel, i18n( "Play-time: %1" ).tqarg( MetaBundle::veryPrettyTime( getValue ) ) );
StatusBar::engineTrackPositionChanged( long position, bool /*userSeek*/ )
m_slider->setValue( position );
if ( !m_slider->isEnabled() )
drawTimeDisplay( position );
StatusBar::engineTrackLengthChanged( long length )
m_slider->setMinValue( 0 );
m_slider->setMaxValue( length * 1000 );
m_slider->setEnabled( length > 0 );
m_timeLength = MetaBundle::prettyTime( length ).length()+1; // account for - in remaining time
StatusBar::drawTimeDisplay( int ms ) //SLOT
int seconds = ms / 1000;
int seconds2 = seconds; // for the second label.
const uint trackLength = EngineController::instance()->bundle().length();
if( AmarokConfig::leftTimeDisplayEnabled() )
// when the left label shows the remaining time and it's not a stream
if( AmarokConfig::leftTimeDisplayRemaining() && trackLength > 0 )
seconds2 = seconds;
seconds = trackLength - seconds;
// when the left label shows the remaining time and it's a stream
} else if( AmarokConfig::leftTimeDisplayRemaining() && trackLength == 0 )
seconds2 = seconds;
seconds = 0; // for streams
// when the right label shows the remaining time and it's not a stream
} else if( !AmarokConfig::leftTimeDisplayRemaining() && trackLength > 0 )
seconds2 = trackLength - seconds;
// when the right label shows the remaining time and it's a stream
} else if( !AmarokConfig::leftTimeDisplayRemaining() && trackLength == 0 )
seconds2 = 0;
TQString s1 = MetaBundle::prettyTime( seconds );
TQString s2 = MetaBundle::prettyTime( seconds2 );
// when the left label shows the remaining time and it's not a stream
if( AmarokConfig::leftTimeDisplayRemaining() && trackLength > 0 ) {
s1.prepend( '-' );
// when the right label shows the remaining time and it's not a stream
} else if( !AmarokConfig::leftTimeDisplayRemaining() && trackLength > 0 )
s2.prepend( '-' );
while( (int)s1.length() < m_timeLength )
s1.prepend( ' ' );
while( (int)s2.length() < m_timeLength )
s2.prepend( ' ' );
s1 += ' ';
s2 += ' ';
m_timeLabel->setText( s1 );
m_timeLabel2->setText( s2 );
if( AmarokConfig::leftTimeDisplayRemaining() && trackLength == 0 )
m_timeLabel->setEnabled( false );
m_timeLabel2->setEnabled( true );
} else if( !AmarokConfig::leftTimeDisplayRemaining() && trackLength == 0 )
m_timeLabel->setEnabled( true );
m_timeLabel2->setEnabled( false );
} else
m_timeLabel->setEnabled( true );
m_timeLabel2->setEnabled( true );
StatusBar::slotPauseTimer() //slot
static uint counter = 0;
if ( counter == 0 )
} else
++counter &= 3;
: m_queueMessages(true)
static MessageQueue mq;
return &mq;
MessageQueue::addMessage(const TQString& message)
m_queueMessages = false;
while(! m_messages.isEmpty())
} //namespace Amarok
#include "statusbar.moc"