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// Author: Max Howell (C) Copyright 2004
// (c) 2005 Jeff Mitchell <>
// See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include "debug.h"
#include <tqevent.h> //baseclass
#include <tqguardedptr.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqthread.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tqmutex.h>
#include "debug.h"
T( const T& ); \
T &operator=( const T& ); \
bool operator==( const T& ) const;
T(); \
* @class ThreadManager
* @author Max Howell <>
* @short ThreadManager is designed to encourage you to use threads and to make their use easy.
* You create Jobs on the heap and ThreadManager allows you to easily queue them,
* abort them, ensure only one runs at once, ensure that bad data is never acted
* on and even cleans up for you should the class that wants the Job's results
* get deleted while a thread is running.
* You also will (soon) get thread-safe error handling and thread-safe progress
* reporting.
* This is a typical use:
class MyJob : public ThreadManager::Job
MyJob( TQObject *dependent ) : Job( dependent, "MyJob" ) {}
virtual bool doJob() {
//do some work in thread...
return success;
virtual void completeJob {
//do completion work in the GUI thread...
ThreadManager::instance()->queueJob( new MyJob( this ) );
* That's it! The queue is fifo, there's one queue per job-type, the
* ThreadManager takes ownership of the Job, and the Manager calls
* Job::completeJob() on completion which you reimplement to do whatever you
* need done.
* BEWARE! None of the functions are thread-safe, only call them from the GUI
* thread or your application WILL crash!
* @see ThreadManager::Job
* @see ThreadManager::DependentJob
/// This class is because tqmoc "is really good" (no nested TQ_OBJECT classes)
class JobBase : public TQObject {
JobBase() : TQObject(), m_aborted( false ) {}
public slots:
void abort() { m_aborted = true; }
bool m_aborted;
class ThreadManager : public TQObject
class Thread;
friend class Thread;
typedef TQValueList<Thread*> ThreadList;
class Job;
friend class Job;
typedef TQValueList<Job*> JobList;
static ThreadManager *instance();
static void deleteInstance();
static volatile uint getNewThreadId();
static TQMutex *threadIdMutex;
static volatile uint threadIdCounter;
* If the ThreadManager is already handling a job of this type then the job
* will be queued, otherwise the job will be processed immediately. Allocate
* the job on the heap, and ThreadManager will delete it for you.
* This is not thread-safe - only call it from the GUI-thread!
* @return number of jobs in the queue after the call
* @see ThreadManager::Job
int queueJob( Job* );
* Queue multiple jobs simultaneously, you should use this to avoid the race
* condition where the first job finishes before you can queue the next one.
* This isn't a fatal condition, but it does cause wasteful thread deletion
* and re-creation. The only valid usage, is when the jobs are the same type!
* This is not thread-safe - only call it from the GUI-thread!
* @return number of jobs in the queue after the call
int queueJobs( const JobList& );
* If there are other jobs of the same type running, they will be aborted,
* then this one will be started afterwards. Aborted jobs will not have
* completeJob() called for them.
* This is not thread-safe - only call it from the GUI-thread!
void onlyOneJob( Job* );
* All the named jobs will be halted and deleted. You cannot use any data
* from the jobs reliably after this point. Job::completeJob() will not be
* called for any of these jobs.
* This is not thread-safe - only call it from the GUI-thread!
* @return how many jobs were aborted, or -1 if no thread was found
int abortAllJobsNamed( const TQCString &name );
* @return true if a Job with name is queued or is running
bool isJobPending( const TQCString &name ) { return jobCount( name ) > 0; }
* @return the number of jobs running, pending, aborted and otherwise.
uint jobCount( const TQCString &name );
enum EventType { JobEvent = 20202, OverrideCursorEvent, RestoreOverrideCursorEvent };
virtual bool event( TQEvent* );
/// checks the pool for an available thread, creates a new one if required
Thread *gimmeThread();
/// safe disposal for threads that may not have finished
void dispose( Thread* );
/// all pending and running jobs
JobList m_jobs;
/// a thread-pool, ready for use or running jobs currently
ThreadList m_threads;
* Class Thread
class Thread : public TQThread
virtual void run();
void runJob( Job* );
void msleep( int ms ) { TQThread::msleep( ms ); } //we need to make this public for class Job
Job *job() const { return m_job; }
static TQThread* getRunning();
static TQString threadId();
const uint localThreadId() const { return m_threadId; }
Job *m_job;
uint m_threadId;
//private so I don't break something in the distant future
//we can delete threads here only
friend bool ThreadManager::event( TQEvent* );
* @class Job
* @short A small class for doing work in a background thread
* Derive a job, do the work in doJob(), do GUI-safe operations in
* completeJob(). If you return false from doJob() completeJob() won't be
* called. Name your Job well as like-named Jobs are queued together.
* Be sensible and pass data members to the Job, rather than operate on
* volatile data members in the GUI-thread.
* Things can change while you are in a separate thread. Stuff in the GUI
* thread may not be there anymore by the time you finish the job. @see
* ThreadManager::dependentJob for a solution.
* Do your cleanup in the destructor not completeJob(), as completeJob()
* doesn't have to be called.
#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
class Job : public JobBase, public TQCustomEvent
friend class ThreadManager; //access to m_thread
friend class ThreadManager::Thread; //access to m_aborted
* Like-named jobs are queued and run FIFO. Always allocate Jobs on the
* heap, ThreadManager will take ownership of the memory.
Job( const char *name );
virtual ~Job();
* These are used by @class DependentJob, but are made available for
* your use should you need them.
enum EventType { JobFinishedEvent = ThreadManager::JobEvent, JobStartedEvent };
const char *name() const { return m_name; }
* If this returns true then in the worst case the entire Amarok UI is
* frozen waiting for your Job to abort! You should check for this
* often, but not so often that your code's readability suffers as a
* result.
* Aborted jobs will not have completeJob() called for them, even if
* they return true from doJob()
bool isAborted() const { return m_aborted; }
///convenience function
bool wasSuccessful() const { return !m_aborted; }
* Calls TQThread::msleep( int )
void msleep( int ms ) { m_thread->msleep( ms ); }
* You should set @param description if you set progress information
* do this in the ctor, or it won't have an effect
void setDescription( const TQString &description ) { m_description = description; }
* If you set progress information, you should set this too, changing it when appropriate
void settqStatus( const TQString &status );
* This shows the progressBar too, the user will be able to abort
* the thread
void setProgressTotalSteps( uint steps );
* Does a thread-safe update of the progressBar
void setProgress( uint progress );
void setProgress100Percent() { setProgress( m_totalSteps ); }
* Convenience function, increments the progress by 1
void incrementProgress();
* Sometimes you want to hide the progressBar etc. generally you
* should show one, but perhaps you are a reimplemented class
* that doesn't want one?
//void setVisible( bool );
uint tqparentThreadId() { return m_tqparentThreadId; }
* Executed inside the thread, this should be reimplemented to do the
* job's work. Be thread-safe! Don't interact with the GUI-thread.
* @return true if you want completeJob() to be called from the GUI
* thread
virtual bool doJob() = 0;
* This is executed in the GUI thread if doJob() returns true;
virtual void completeJob() = 0;
/// be sure to call the base function in your reimplementation
virtual void customEvent( TQCustomEvent* );
char const * const m_name;
Thread *m_thread;
protected: //FIXME
uint m_percentDone;
uint m_progressDone;
uint m_totalSteps;
uint m_tqparentThreadId;
TQString m_description;
TQString m_status;
* @class DependentJob
* @short A Job that depends on the existence of a TQObject
* This Job type is dependent on a TQObject instance, if that instance is
* deleted, this Job will be aborted and safely deleted.
* ThreadManager::DependentJob (and Job, the baseclass) isa TQCustomEvent,
* and completeJob() is reimplemented to send the job to the dependent.
* Of course you can still reimplement completeJob() yourself.
* The dependent will receive a JobStartedEvent just after the creation of
* the Job (not after it has started unfortunately), and a JobFinishedEvent
* after the Job has finished.
* The dependent is a TQGuardedPtr, so you can reference the pointer returned
* from dependent() safely provided you always test for 0 first. However
* safest of all is to not rely on that pointer at all! Pass required
* data-members with the job, only operate on the dependent in
* completeJob(). completeJob() will not be called if the dependent no
* longer exists
* It is only safe to have one dependent, if you depend on multiple objects
* that might get deleted while you are running you should instead try to
* make the multiple objects tqchildren of one TQObject and depend on the
* top-most tqparent or best of all would be to make copies of the data you
* need instead of being dependent.
class DependentJob : public Job
DependentJob( TQObject *dependent, const char *name );
virtual void completeJob();
TQObject *dependent() { return m_dependent; }
const TQGuardedPtr<TQObject> m_dependent;
#endif Q_MOC_RUN
ThreadManager( const ThreadManager& );
ThreadManager &operator=( const ThreadManager& );
//useful debug thingy
#define DEBUG_THREAD_FUNC_INFO { Debug::mutex.lock(); kdDebug() << Debug::indent() << k_funcinfo << "thread: " << ThreadManager::Thread::threadId() << endl; Debug::mutex.unlock(); }
#define SHOULD_BE_GUI if( ThreadManager::Thread::getRunning() ) warning() \
<< __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " should not be Threaded, but is running in " << \
ThreadManager::Thread::getRunning() <<endl;
inline ThreadManager*
static ThreadManager* instance = new ThreadManager();
return instance;
inline void
delete instance();
inline volatile uint
uint temp;
temp = threadIdCounter++;
return temp;