You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

313 lines
15 KiB

// (c) 2005 Christian Muehlhaeuser <>
// (c) 2006 Seb Ruiz <>
// License: GNU General Public License V2
#include "amarok.h"
#include "amarokconfig.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "contextbrowser.h"
#include "htmlview.h"
#include "playlist.h" //appendMedia()
#include <clipboard.h>
#include <tqfile.h> // External CSS opening
#include <tqimage.h> // External CSS opening
#include <kapplication.h> //kapp
#include <kactioncollection.h>
#include <kglobal.h> //kapp
#include <kimageeffect.h> // gradient background image
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h> //locate file
#include <ktempfile.h>
KTempFile *HTMLView::m_bgGradientImage = 0;
KTempFile *HTMLView::m_headerGradientImage = 0;
KTempFile *HTMLView::m_shadowGradientImage = 0;
int HTMLView::m_instances = 0;
HTMLView::HTMLView( TQWidget *parentWidget, const char *widgetname, const bool DNDEnabled, const bool JScriptEnabled )
: KHTMLPart( parentWidget, widgetname )
setJavaEnabled( false );
setPluginsEnabled( false );
setDNDEnabled( DNDEnabled );
setJScriptEnabled( JScriptEnabled );
KActionCollection* ac = actionCollection();
ac->setAutoConnectShortcuts( true );
m_copy = KStdAction::copy( this, TQT_SLOT( copyText() ), ac, "htmlview_copy" );
m_selectAll = KStdAction::selectAll( this, TQT_SLOT( selectAll() ), ac, "htmlview_select_all" );
KPopupMenu m;
m_copy->plug( &m );
m_selectAll->plug( &m );
m_copy->unplug( &m );
m_selectAll->unplug( &m );
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ), TQT_SLOT( enableCopyAction() ) );
if ( m_instances < 1 ) {
delete m_bgGradientImage;
delete m_headerGradientImage;
delete m_shadowGradientImage;
m_copy->setEnabled( hasSelection() );
TQString text = selectedText();
// Copy both to clipboard and X11-selection
TQApplication::clipboard()->setText( text, TQClipboard::Clipboard );
TQApplication::clipboard()->setText( text, TQClipboard::Selection );
void HTMLView::paletteChange() {
delete m_bgGradientImage;
delete m_headerGradientImage;
delete m_shadowGradientImage;
m_bgGradientImage = m_headerGradientImage = m_shadowGradientImage = 0;
TQString themeName = AmarokConfig::contextBrowserStyleSheet().latin1();
const TQString file = kapp->dirs()->findResource( "data","amarok/themes/" + themeName + "/stylesheet.css" );
TQString styleSheet;
if ( themeName != "Default" && TQFile::exists( file ) )
const TQString CSSLocation = kapp->dirs()->findResource( "data","amarok/themes/" + themeName + "/stylesheet.css" );
TQFile ExternalCSS( CSSLocation );
if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) )
return TQString(); //FIXME: should actually return the default style sheet, then
const TQString pxSize = TQString::number( ContextBrowser::instance()->fontMetrics().height() - 4 );
const TQString fontFamily = AmarokConfig::useCustomFonts() ?
AmarokConfig::contextBrowserFont().family() :
const TQString text = ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().text().name();
const TQString link = ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().link().name();
const TQString fg = ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().highlightedText().name();
const TQString bg = ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().highlight().name();
const TQString base = ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().base().name();
const TQColor bgColor = ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().highlight();
TQColor gradientColor = bgColor;
//we have to set the color for body due to a KHTML bug
//KHTML sets the base color but not the text color
styleSheet = TQString( "body { margin: 8px; font-size: %1px; color: %2; background-color: %3; font-family: %4; }" )
.arg( pxSize )
.arg( text )
.arg( AmarokConfig::schemeAmarok() ? fg : TQString( )
.arg( fontFamily );
TQTextStream eCSSts( &ExternalCSS );
TQString tmpCSS =;
tmpCSS.replace( "./", KURL::fromPathOrURL( CSSLocation ).directory( false ) );
tmpCSS.replace( "AMAROK_FONTSIZE-2", pxSize );
tmpCSS.replace( "AMAROK_FONTSIZE", pxSize );
tmpCSS.replace( "AMAROK_FONTSIZE+2", pxSize );
tmpCSS.replace( "AMAROK_FONTFAMILY", fontFamily );
tmpCSS.replace( "AMAROK_TEXTCOLOR", text );
tmpCSS.replace( "AMAROK_LINKCOLOR", link );
tmpCSS.replace( "AMAROK_BGCOLOR", bg );
tmpCSS.replace( "AMAROK_FGCOLOR", fg );
tmpCSS.replace( "AMAROK_BASECOLOR", base );
tmpCSS.replace( "AMAROK_DARKBASECOLOR", ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().base().dark( 120 ).name() );
styleSheet += tmpCSS;
int pxSize = ContextBrowser::instance()->fontMetrics().height() - 4;
const TQString fontFamily = AmarokConfig::useCustomFonts() ? AmarokConfig::contextBrowserFont().family() : TQApplication::font().family();
const TQString text = ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().text().name();
const TQString link = ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().link().name();
const TQString fg = ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().highlightedText().name();
const TQString bg = ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().highlight().name();
const TQColor baseColor = ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().base();
const TQColor bgColor = ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().highlight();
const TQColor gradientColor = bgColor;
if ( !m_bgGradientImage ) {
m_bgGradientImage = new KTempFile( locateLocal( "tmp", "gradient" ), ".png", 0600 );
TQImage image = KImageEffect::gradient( TQSize( 600, 1 ), gradientColor, gradientColor.light( 130 ), KImageEffect::PipeCrossGradient ); m_bgGradientImage->file(), "PNG" );
if ( !m_headerGradientImage ) {
m_headerGradientImage = new KTempFile( locateLocal( "tmp", "gradient_header" ), ".png", 0600 );
TQImage imageH = KImageEffect::unbalancedGradient( TQSize( 1, 10 ), bgColor, gradientColor.light( 130 ), KImageEffect::VerticalGradient, 100, -100 );
imageH.copy( 0, 1, 1, 9 ).save( m_headerGradientImage->file(), "PNG" );
if ( !m_shadowGradientImage ) {
m_shadowGradientImage = new KTempFile( locateLocal( "tmp", "gradient_shadow" ), ".png", 0600 );
TQImage imageS = KImageEffect::unbalancedGradient( TQSize( 1, 10 ), baseColor, TQt::gray, KImageEffect::VerticalGradient, 100, -100 ); m_shadowGradientImage->file(), "PNG" );
//unlink the files for us on deletion
m_bgGradientImage->setAutoDelete( true );
m_headerGradientImage->setAutoDelete( true );
m_shadowGradientImage->setAutoDelete( true );
//we have to set the color for body due to a KHTML bug
//KHTML sets the base color but not the text color
styleSheet = TQString( "body { margin: 4px; font-size: %1px; color: %2; background-color: %3; background-image: url( %4 ); background-repeat: repeat; font-family: %5; }" )
.arg( pxSize )
.arg( text )
.arg( AmarokConfig::schemeAmarok() ? fg : TQString( )
.arg( m_bgGradientImage->name() )
.arg( fontFamily );
//text attributes
styleSheet += TQString( "h1 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 8 );
styleSheet += TQString( "h2 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 6 );
styleSheet += TQString( "h3 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 4 );
styleSheet += TQString( "h4 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 3 );
styleSheet += TQString( "h5 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 2 );
styleSheet += TQString( "h6 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 1 );
styleSheet += TQString( "a { font-size: %1px; color: %2; }" ).arg( pxSize ).arg( text );
styleSheet += TQString( ".info { display: block; margin-left: 4px; font-weight: normal; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( ".song a { display: block; padding: 1px 2px; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( ".song a:hover { color: %1; background-color: %2; }" ).arg( fg ).arg( bg );
styleSheet += TQString( ".song-title { font-weight: bold; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( ".song-place { font-size: %1px; font-weight: bold; }" ).arg( pxSize + 3 );
//box: the base container for every block (border hilighted on hover, 'A' without underlining)
styleSheet += TQString( ".box { border: solid %1 1px; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 10px; }" ).arg( bg );
styleSheet += TQString( ".box a { text-decoration: none; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( ".box:hover { border: solid %1 1px; }" ).arg( text );
//box contents: header, body, rows and alternate-rows
styleSheet += TQString( ".box-header { color: %1; background-color: %2; background-image: url( %4 ); background-repeat: repeat-x; font-size: %3px; font-weight: bold; padding: 1px 0.5em; border-bottom: 1px solid #000; }" )
.arg( fg )
.arg( bg )
.arg( pxSize + 2 )
.arg( m_headerGradientImage->name() );
styleSheet += TQString( ".box-body { padding: 2px; background-color: %1; background-image: url( %2 ); background-repeat: repeat-x; font-size:%3px; }" )
.arg( ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().base().name() )
.arg( m_shadowGradientImage->name() )
.arg( pxSize );
//"Related Artists" related styles
styleSheet += TQString( ".box-header-nav { color: %1; background-color: %2; font-size: %3px; font-weight: bold; padding: 1px 0.5em; border-bottom: 1px solid #000; text-align: right; }" )
.arg( fg )
.arg( bg )
.arg( pxSize );
//"Albums by ..." related styles
styleSheet += TQString( ".album-header:hover { color: %1; background-color: %2; cursor: pointer; }" ).arg( fg ).arg( bg );
styleSheet += TQString( ".album-header:hover a { color: %1; }" ).arg( fg );
styleSheet += TQString( ".album-body { background-color: %1; border-bottom: solid %2 1px; border-top: solid %3 1px; }" ).arg( ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().base().name() ).arg( bg ).arg( bg );
styleSheet += TQString( ".album-title { font-weight: bold; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( ".album-info { float:right; padding-right:4px; font-size: %1px }" ).arg( pxSize );
styleSheet += TQString( ".album-length { float:right; padding-right:4px; font-size: %1px; clear:right; }" ).arg( pxSize );
styleSheet += TQString( ".album-image { padding-right: 4px; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( ".album-song a { display: block; padding: 1px 2px; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( ".album-song a:hover { color: %1; background-color: %2; }" ).arg( fg ).arg( bg );
styleSheet += TQString( ".album-song-trackno { font-weight: bold; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( ".disc-separator { color: %1; border-bottom: 1px solid %2; }" ).arg( bg ).arg( bg );
styleSheet += TQString( ".disc-separator a { display: block; padding: 1px 2px; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( ".disc-separator a:hover { color: %1; background-color: %2; }" ).arg( fg ).arg( bg );
styleSheet += TQString( ".button { width: 100%; }" );
//boxes used to display score (sb: score box)
styleSheet += TQString( ".sbtext { text-align: right; padding: 0px 4px; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( ".sbinner { height: 8px; background-color: %1; border: solid %2 1px; }" )
.arg( ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().highlight().name() )
.arg( ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().highlightedText().name() );
styleSheet += TQString( ".sbouter { width: 52px; height: 10px; background-color: %1; border: solid %2 1px; }" )
.arg( ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().base().dark( 120 ).name() )
.arg( ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().highlight().name() );
styleSheet += TQString( ".ratingBox { padding: 0px 4px; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( ".ratingStar { height: 0.9em; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( ".statsBox { border-left: solid %1 1px; }" )
.arg( ContextBrowser::instance()->colorGroup().base().dark( 120 ).name() );
styleSheet += TQString( "#current_box-header-album { font-weight: normal; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( "#current_box-information-td { text-align: right; vertical-align: bottom; padding: 3px; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( "#current_box-largecover-td { text-align: left; width: 100px; padding: 0; vertical-align: bottom; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( "#current_box-largecover-image { padding: 4px; vertical-align: bottom; }" );
styleSheet += TQString( "#wiki_box-body a { color: %1; }" ).arg( link );
styleSheet += TQString( "#wiki_box-body a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }" );
//labels in tag dialog
styleSheet += ".label a:hover { font-weight: bold; }";
styleSheet += TQString( ".label.size1 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize );
styleSheet += TQString( ".label.size2 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 1 );
styleSheet += TQString( ".label.size3 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 2 );
styleSheet += TQString( ".label.size4 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 3 );
styleSheet += TQString( ".label.size5 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 4);
styleSheet += TQString( ".label.size6 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 5 );
styleSheet += TQString( ".label.size7 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 6 );
styleSheet += TQString( ".label.size8 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 7 );
styleSheet += TQString( ".label.size9 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 8 );
styleSheet += TQString( ".label.size10 { font-size: %1px; }" ).arg( pxSize + 9 );
return styleSheet;
HTMLView::set( const TQString& data )
setUserStyleSheet( loadStyleSheet() );
write( data );
void HTMLView::openURLRequest( const KURL &url )
// here, http urls are streams. For webpages we use externalurl
// NOTE there have been no links to streams! http now used for wiki tab.
if ( url.protocol() == "file" )
Playlist::instance()->insertMedia( url, Playlist::DefaultOptions );
#include "htmlview.moc"