You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1016 lines
32 KiB

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* osd.cpp: Shows some text in a pretty way independent to the WM
* begin: Fre Sep 26 2003
* copyright: (C) 2004 Christian Muehlhaeuser <>
* (C) 2004-2006 Seb Ruiz <>
* (C) 2004, 2005 Max Howell
* (C) 2005 Gábor Lehel <>
#include "amarok.h"
#include "amarokconfig.h"
#include "collectiondb.h" //for albumCover location
#include "debug.h"
#include "enginecontroller.h"
#include "osd.h"
#include "playlist.h" //if osdUsePlaylistColumns()
#include "playlistitem.h" //ditto
#include "podcastbundle.h"
#include "qstringx.h"
#include "starmanager.h"
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kpixmap.h>
#include <kpixmapeffect.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h> //locate
#include <tqbitmap.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqvaluevector.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
namespace ShadowEngine
TQImage makeShadow( const TQPixmap &textPixmap, const TQColor &bgColor );
OSDWidget::OSDWidget( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
: TQWidget( parent, name, WType_TopLevel | WNoAutoErase | WStyle_Customize | WX11BypassWM | WStyle_StaysOnTop )
, m_duration( 2000 )
, m_timer( new TQTimer( this ) )
, m_alignment( Middle )
, m_screen( 0 )
, m_y( MARGIN )
, m_drawShadow( false )
, m_translucency( false )
, m_rating( 0 )
, m_volume( false )
setFocusPolicy( TQ_NoFocus );
setBackgroundMode( NoBackground );
connect( m_timer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(hide()) );
connect( CollectionDB::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL( ratingChanged( const TQString&, int ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( ratingChanged( const TQString&, int ) ) );
//or crashes, KWin bug I think, crashes in TQWidget::icon()
kapp->setTopWidget( this );
OSDWidget::show( const TQString &text, TQImage newImage )
#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
m_text = text;
if ( !newImage.isNull() )
m_cover = newImage;
int w = m_scaledCover.width();
int h = m_scaledCover.height();
m_scaledCover = m_cover.smoothScale(w, h);
Q_UNUSED( text );
Q_UNUSED( newImage );
OSDWidget::ratingChanged( const short rating )
//m_text = '\n' + i18n( "Rating changed" );
setRating( rating ); //Checks isEnabled() before doing anything
if( useMoodbar() )
OSDWidget::setMoodbar( EngineController::instance()->bundle() );
if( isShown() )
OSDWidget::ratingChanged( const TQString& path, int rating )
const MetaBundle &currentTrack = EngineController::instance()->bundle();
if( currentTrack.isFile() && currentTrack.url().path() == path )
ratingChanged( rating );
OSDWidget::volChanged( unsigned char volume )
if ( isEnabled() )
m_volume = true;
m_newvolume = volume;
m_text = m_newvolume ? i18n("Volume: %1%").arg( m_newvolume ) : i18n("Mute");
OSDWidget::show() //virtual
#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
if ( !isEnabled() || m_text.isEmpty() )
const uint M = fontMetrics().width( 'x' );
const TQRect oldGeometry = TQRect( pos(), size() );
const TQRect newGeometry = determineMetrics( M );
if( m_translucency && !isShown() || !newGeometry.intersects( oldGeometry ) )
m_screenshot = TQPixmap(TQPixmap::grabWindow( tqt_xrootwin(),
newGeometry.x(), newGeometry.y(),
newGeometry.width(), newGeometry.height() ));
else if ( m_translucency )
const TQRect unite = oldGeometry.unite( newGeometry );
KPixmap pix = TQPixmap(TQPixmap::grabWindow( tqt_xrootwin(), unite.x(), unite.y(), unite.width(), unite.height() ));
TQPoint p = oldGeometry.topLeft() - unite.topLeft();
bitBlt( &pix, p, &m_screenshot );
m_screenshot.resize( newGeometry.size() );
p = newGeometry.topLeft() - unite.topLeft();
if (!kapp->isX11CompositionAvailable())
bitBlt( &m_screenshot, 0, 0, &pix, p.x(), p.y() );
if( newGeometry.width() > 0 && newGeometry.height() > 0 )
render( M, newGeometry.size() );
setGeometry( newGeometry );
if( m_duration ) //duration 0 -> stay forever
m_timer->start( m_duration, true ); //calls hide()
warning() << "Attempted to make an invalid sized OSD\n";
OSDWidget::determineMetrics( const uint M )
// sometimes we only have a tiddly cover
const TQSize minImageSize = m_cover.size().boundedTo( TQSize(100,100) );
// determine a sensible maximum size, don't cover the whole desktop or cross the screen
const TQSize margin( (M + MARGIN) * 2, (M + MARGIN) * 2 ); //margins
const TQSize image = m_cover.isNull() ? TQSize( 0, 0 ) : minImageSize;
const TQSize max = TQApplication::desktop()->screen( m_screen )->size() - margin;
// If we don't do that, the boundingRect() might not be suitable for drawText() (TQt issue N67674)
m_text.replace( TQRegExp(" +\n"), "\n" );
// remove consecutive line breaks
m_text.replace( TQRegExp("\n+"), "\n" );
// The osd cannot be larger than the screen
TQRect rect = fontMetrics().boundingRect( 0, 0,
max.width() - image.width(), max.height(),
AlignCenter | WordBreak, m_text );
if( m_volume )
static const TQString tmp = TQString ("******").insert( 3,
( i18n("Volume: 100%").length() >= i18n("Mute").length() )?
i18n("Volume: 100%") : i18n("Mute") );
TQRect tmpRect = fontMetrics().boundingRect( 0, 0,
max.width() - image.width(), max.height() - fontMetrics().height(),
AlignCenter | WordBreak, tmp );
tmpRect.setHeight( tmpRect.height() + fontMetrics().height() / 2 );
rect = tmpRect;
if( m_rating )
TQPixmap* star = StarManager::instance()->getStar( 1, true );
if( rect.width() < star->width() * 5 )
rect.setWidth( star->width() * 5 ); //changes right edge position
rect.setHeight( rect.height() + star->height() + M ); //changes bottom edge pos
if( useMoodbar() )
rect.setHeight( rect.height() + MOODBAR_HEIGHT + M );
if( !m_cover.isNull() )
const int availableWidth = max.width() - rect.width() - M; //WILL be >= (minImageSize.width() - M)
m_scaledCover = m_cover.smoothScale(
TQMIN( availableWidth, m_cover.width() ),
TQMIN( rect.height(), m_cover.height() ),
TQ_ScaleMin ); //this will force us to be with our bounds
int shadowWidth = 0;
if( m_drawShadow && !m_scaledCover.hasAlpha() &&
( m_scaledCover.width() > 22 || m_scaledCover.height() > 22 ) )
shadowWidth = static_cast<uint>( m_scaledCover.width() / 100.0 * 6.0 );
const int widthIncludingImage = rect.width()
+ m_scaledCover.width()
+ shadowWidth
+ M; //margin between text + image
rect.setWidth( widthIncludingImage );
// expand in all directions by M
rect.addCoords( -M, -M, M, M );
const TQSize newSize = rect.size();
const TQRect screen = TQApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry( m_screen );
TQPoint newPos( MARGIN, m_y );
switch( m_alignment )
case Left:
case Right:
newPos.rx() = screen.width() - MARGIN - newSize.width();
case Center:
newPos.ry() = (screen.height() - newSize.height()) / 2;
case Middle:
newPos.rx() = (screen.width() - newSize.width()) / 2;
//ensure we don't dip below the screen
if ( newPos.y() + newSize.height() > screen.height() - MARGIN )
newPos.ry() = screen.height() - MARGIN - newSize.height();
// correct for screen position
newPos += screen.topLeft();
return TQRect( newPos, rect.size() );
OSDWidget::render( const uint M, const TQSize &size )
/// render with margin/spacing @param M and @param size
TQPoint point;
TQRect rect( point, size );
// From qt sources
const uint xround = (M * 200) / size.width();
const uint yround = (M * 200) / size.height();
{ /// apply the mask
static TQBitmap mask;
mask.resize( size );
mask.fill( TQt::black );
TQPainter p( &mask );
p.setBrush( TQt::white );
p.drawRoundRect( rect, xround, yround );
setMask( mask );
TQColor shadowColor;
int h,s,v;
foregroundColor().getHsv( &h, &s, &v );
shadowColor = v > 128 ? TQt::black : TQt::white;
int align = TQt::AlignCenter | WordBreak;
m_buffer.resize( rect.size() );
TQPainter p( &m_buffer );
if (( m_translucency ) && (!kapp->isX11CompositionAvailable()))
KPixmap background( m_screenshot );
KPixmapEffect::fade( background, 0.80, backgroundColor() );
p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, background );
else if (( m_translucency ) && (kapp->isX11CompositionAvailable()))
// Make the background semi-transparent
TQPixmap background( m_screenshot.width(), m_screenshot.height(), 32 );
TQRgb blend_color = tqRgba(backgroundColor().red(), backgroundColor().green(), backgroundColor().blue(), 204); // RGBA
float alpha = tqAlpha(blend_color) / 255.0;
int pixel = tqAlpha(blend_color) << 24 | int(tqRed(blend_color) * alpha) << 16 | int(tqGreen(blend_color) * alpha) << 8 | int(tqBlue(blend_color) * alpha);
background.fill(TQColor(blend_color, pixel));
bitBlt( &m_buffer, 0, 0, &background );
p.fillRect( rect, backgroundColor() );
p.setPen( backgroundColor().dark() );
p.drawRoundRect( rect, xround, yround );
rect.addCoords( M, M, -M, -M );
if( !m_cover.isNull() )
TQRect r( rect );
r.setTop( (size.height() - m_scaledCover.height()) / 2 );
r.setSize( m_scaledCover.size() );
if( !m_scaledCover.hasAlpha() && m_drawShadow &&
( m_scaledCover.width() > 22 || m_scaledCover.height() > 22 ) ) {
// don't draw a shadow for eg, the Amarok icon
TQImage shadow;
const uint shadowSize = static_cast<uint>( m_scaledCover.width() / 100.0 * 6.0 );
const TQString folder = Amarok::saveLocation( "covershadow-cache/" );
const TQString file = TQString( "shadow_albumcover%1x%2.png" ).arg( m_scaledCover.width() + shadowSize )
.arg( m_scaledCover.height() + shadowSize );
if ( TQFile::exists( folder + file ) )
shadow.load( folder + file );
else {
shadow.load( locate( "data", "amarok/images/shadow_albumcover.png" ) );
shadow = shadow.smoothScale( m_scaledCover.width() + shadowSize, m_scaledCover.height() + shadowSize ); folder + file, "PNG" );
TQPixmap target;
target.convertFromImage( shadow ); //FIXME slow
copyBlt( &target, 0, 0, &m_scaledCover );
m_scaledCover = target;
r.setTop( (size.height() - m_scaledCover.height()) / 2 );
r.setSize( m_scaledCover.size() );
p.drawPixmap( r.topLeft(), m_scaledCover );
rect.rLeft() += m_scaledCover.width() + M;
if( m_volume )
TQPixmap vol;
vol = TQPixmap( rect.width(), rect.height() + fontMetrics().height() / 4 );
TQPixmap buf( vol.size() );
TQRect r( rect );
r.setLeft( rect.left() + rect.width() / 2 - vol.width() / 2 );
r.setTop( size.height() / 2 - vol.height() / 2);
KPixmap pixmapGradient;
{ // gradient
TQBitmap mask;
mask.resize( vol.size() );
mask.fill( TQt::black );
TQPainter p( &mask );
p.setBrush( TQt::white );
p.drawRoundRect ( 3, 3, vol.width() - 6, vol.height() - 6,
M * 300 / vol.width(), 99 );
pixmapGradient = TQPixmap( vol.size() );
KPixmapEffect::gradient( pixmapGradient, colorGroup().background(),
colorGroup().highlight(), KPixmapEffect::EllipticGradient );
pixmapGradient.setMask( mask );
if (( m_translucency ) && (!kapp->isX11CompositionAvailable()))
KPixmap background( m_screenshot );
KPixmapEffect::fade( background, 0.80, backgroundColor() );
bitBlt( &vol, -r.left(),, &background );
else if (( m_translucency ) && (kapp->isX11CompositionAvailable()))
// Make the background semi-transparent
TQPixmap background( m_screenshot.width(), m_screenshot.height(), 32 );
TQRgb blend_color = tqRgba(backgroundColor().red(), backgroundColor().green(), backgroundColor().blue(), 204); // RGBA
float alpha = tqAlpha(blend_color) / 255.0;
int pixel = tqAlpha(blend_color) << 24 | int(tqRed(blend_color) * alpha) << 16 | int(tqGreen(blend_color) * alpha) << 8 | int(tqBlue(blend_color) * alpha);
background.fill(TQColor(blend_color, pixel));
bitBlt( &vol, -r.left(),, &background );
vol.fill( backgroundColor() );
{ // vol ( bg-alpha )
static TQBitmap mask;
mask.resize( vol.size() );
mask.fill( TQt::white );
TQPainter p( &mask );
p.setBrush( TQt::black );
p.drawRoundRect ( 1, 1, rect.width()-2, rect.height() + fontMetrics().height() / 4 - 2,
M * 300 / vol.width(), 99 );
p.setBrush( TQt::white );
p.drawRoundRect ( 3, 3, vol.width() - 6, vol.height() - 6,
M * 300 / vol.width(), 99 );
vol.setMask( mask );
buf.fill( backgroundColor().dark() );
const int offset = int( double( vol.width() * m_newvolume ) / 100 );
bitBlt( &buf, 0, 0, &vol ); // bg
bitBlt( &buf, 0, 0, &pixmapGradient, 0, 0, offset );
p.drawPixmap( r.left(),, buf );
m_volume = false;
TQPixmap* star = StarManager::instance()->getStar( m_rating/2, true );
int graphicsHeight = 0;
if( useMoodbar() )
TQPixmap moodbar
= m_moodbarBundle.moodbar().draw( rect.width(), MOODBAR_HEIGHT );
TQRect r( rect );
r.setTop( rect.bottom() - moodbar.height()
- (m_rating ? star->height() + M : 0) );
graphicsHeight += moodbar.height() + M;
p.drawPixmap( r.left(),, moodbar );
m_moodbarBundle = MetaBundle();
if( m_rating > 0 )
TQRect r( rect );
//Align to center...
r.setLeft(( rect.left() + rect.width() / 2 ) - star->width() * m_rating / 4 );
r.setTop( rect.bottom() - star->height() );
graphicsHeight += star->height() + M;
bool half = m_rating%2;
if( half )
TQPixmap* halfStar = StarManager::instance()->getHalfStar( m_rating/2 + 1, true );
p.drawPixmap( r.left() + star->width() * ( m_rating / 2 ),, *halfStar );
star = StarManager::instance()->getStar( m_rating/2 + 1, true );
for( int i = 0; i < m_rating/2; i++ )
p.drawPixmap( r.left() + i * star->width(),, *star );
m_rating = 0;
rect.setBottom( rect.bottom() - graphicsHeight );
if( m_drawShadow )
TQPixmap pixmap( rect.size() + TQSize(10,10) );
pixmap.fill( TQt::black );
pixmap.setMask( pixmap.createHeuristicMask( true ) );
TQPainter p2( &pixmap );
p2.setFont( font() );
p2.setPen( TQt::white );
p2.setBrush( TQt::white );
p2.drawText( TQRect(TQPoint(5,5), rect.size()), align , m_text );
p.drawImage( rect.topLeft() - TQPoint(5,5), ShadowEngine::makeShadow( pixmap, shadowColor ) );
p.setPen( foregroundColor() );
p.setFont( font() );
p.drawText( rect, align, m_text );
if ((m_translucency) && (kapp->isX11CompositionAvailable())) {
// We have true composition support, so make the OSD truly transparent
TQImage blendedImage = m_buffer.convertToImage();
blendedImage = blendedImage.convertDepth(32);
// Convert the ARGB pixmap to an ARGB image
// NOTE 1: TQPixmap::convertToImage() always converts an ARGB pixmap into an RGB image
// NOTE 2: This should eventually make its way into tdelibs or Qt itself,
// as it would also be useful in applications other than Amarok
int w = blendedImage.width();
int h = blendedImage.height();
Pixmap rawpixmap = m_buffer.handle();
XImage *image;
image = XGetImage (tqt_xdisplay(), rawpixmap, 0, 0, w, h, AllPlanes, XYPixmap);
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
TQRgb *ls = (TQRgb *)blendedImage.scanLine( y );
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
unsigned int rawpixel = XGetPixel(image, x, y);
int r = int( (rawpixel & 0x00ff0000) >> 16 );
int g = int( (rawpixel & 0x0000ff00) >> 8 );
int b = int( (rawpixel & 0x000000ff) );
int a = int( (rawpixel & 0xff000000) >> 24 );
ls[x] = tqRgba( r, g, b, a );
XFree (image);
// Finally, paint it
TQPainter p1;
p1.begin( this );
p1.drawImage( 0, 0, blendedImage );
else {
bitBlt( this, 0, 0, &m_buffer );
OSDWidget::event( TQEvent *e )
switch( e->type() )
case TQEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange:
if( !AmarokConfig::osdUseCustomColors() )
unsetColors(); //use new palette's colours
return true;
case TQEvent::Paint:
return true;
return TQWidget::event( e );
OSDWidget::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* )
const TQColorGroup c = TQApplication::palette().active();
setPaletteForegroundColor( c.highlightedText() );
setPaletteBackgroundColor( c.highlight() );
OSDWidget::setScreen( int screen )
const int n = TQApplication::desktop()->numScreens();
m_screen = (screen >= n) ? n-1 : screen;
OSDWidget::useMoodbar( void )
return (m_moodbarBundle.moodbar().state() == Moodbar::Loaded &&
AmarokConfig::showMoodbar() );
////// OSDPreviewWidget below /////////////////////
#include <kcursor.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
namespace Amarok
TQImage icon() { return TQImage( TDEIconLoader().iconPath( "amarok", -TDEIcon::SizeHuge ) ); }
OSDPreviewWidget::OSDPreviewWidget( TQWidget *parent )
: OSDWidget( parent, "osdpreview" )
, m_dragging( false )
m_text = i18n( "OSD Preview - drag to reposition" );
m_duration = 0;
m_cover = Amarok::icon();
void OSDPreviewWidget::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *event )
m_dragOffset = event->pos();
if( event->button() == Qt::LeftButton && !m_dragging ) {
grabMouse( KCursor::sizeAllCursor() );
m_dragging = true;
void OSDPreviewWidget::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent * /*event*/ )
if( m_dragging )
m_dragging = false;
// compute current Position && offset
TQDesktopWidget *desktop = TQApplication::desktop();
int currentScreen = desktop->screenNumber( pos() );
if( currentScreen != -1 ) {
// set new data
m_screen = currentScreen;
m_y = TQWidget::y();
emit positionChanged();
void OSDPreviewWidget::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
if( m_dragging && this == mouseGrabber() )
// Here we implement a "snap-to-grid" like positioning system for the preview widget
const TQRect screen = TQApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry( m_screen );
const uint hcenter = screen.width() / 2;
const uint eGlobalPosX = e->globalPos().x() - screen.left();
const uint snapZone = screen.width() / 24;
TQPoint destination = e->globalPos() - m_dragOffset - screen.topLeft();
int maxY = screen.height() - height() - MARGIN;
if( destination.y() < MARGIN ) destination.ry() = MARGIN;
if( destination.y() > maxY ) destination.ry() = maxY;
if( eGlobalPosX < (hcenter-snapZone) ) {
m_alignment = Left;
destination.rx() = MARGIN;
else if( eGlobalPosX > (hcenter+snapZone) ) {
m_alignment = Right;
destination.rx() = screen.width() - MARGIN - width();
else {
const uint eGlobalPosY = e->globalPos().y() -;
const uint vcenter = screen.height()/2;
destination.rx() = hcenter - width()/2;
if( eGlobalPosY >= (vcenter-snapZone) && eGlobalPosY <= (vcenter+snapZone) )
m_alignment = Center;
destination.ry() = vcenter - height()/2;
else m_alignment = Middle;
destination += screen.topLeft();
move( destination );
////// Amarok::OSD below /////////////////////
#include "enginecontroller.h"
#include "metabundle.h"
#include <tqregexp.h>
Amarok::OSD::OSD(): OSDWidget( 0 )
connect( CollectionDB::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL( coverChanged( const TQString&, const TQString& ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotCoverChanged( const TQString&, const TQString& ) ) );
connect( CollectionDB::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL( imageFetched( const TQString& ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotImageChanged( const TQString& ) ) );
Amarok::OSD::show( const MetaBundle &bundle ) //slot
#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
TQString text = "";
if( bundle.url().isEmpty() )
text = i18n( "No track playing" );
TQValueVector<TQString> tags;
for( int i = 0; i < PlaylistItem::NUM_COLUMNS; ++i )
tags.append(bundle.prettyText( i ));
if( bundle.length() <= 0 )
tags[PlaylistItem::Length+1] = TQString();
if( AmarokConfig::osdUsePlaylistColumns() )
TQString tag;
TQValueVector<int> availableTags; //eg, ones that aren't empty
static const TQValueList<int> parens = //display these in parentheses
TQValueList<int>() << PlaylistItem::PlayCount << PlaylistItem::Year << PlaylistItem::Comment
<< PlaylistItem::Genre << PlaylistItem::Length << PlaylistItem::Bitrate
<< PlaylistItem::LastPlayed << PlaylistItem::Score << PlaylistItem::Filesize;
OSDWidget::setRating( 0 );
for( int i = 0, n = Playlist::instance()->numVisibleColumns(); i < n; ++i )
const int column = Playlist::instance()->mapToLogicalColumn( i );
if( ! column + 1 ).isEmpty() && column != PlaylistItem::Rating )
if( column == PlaylistItem::Rating )
OSDWidget::setRating( bundle.rating() );
else if( column == PlaylistItem::Mood )
OSDWidget::setMoodbar( bundle );
for( int n = availableTags.count(), i = 0; i < n; ++i )
const int column = i );
TQString append = ( i == 0 ) ? ""
: ( n > 1 && i == n / 2 ) ? "\n"
: ( parens.contains( column ) || parens.contains( i - 1 ) ) ) ? " "
: i18n(" - ");
append += ( parens.contains( column ) ? "(%1)" : "%1" );
text += append.arg( column + 1 ) );
TQMap<TQString, TQString> args;
args["prettytitle"] = bundle.prettyTitle();
for( int i = 0; i < PlaylistItem::NUM_COLUMNS; ++i )
args[bundle.exactColumnName( i ).lower()] = bundle.prettyText( i );
if( bundle.length() <= 0 )
args["length"] = TQString();
uint time=EngineController::instance()->engine()->position();
uint sec=(time/1000)%60; //is there a better way to calculate the time?
time /= 1000;
uint min=(time/60)%60;
time /= 60;
uint hour=(time/60)%60;
TQString timeformat="";
timeformat += TQString::number(hour);
timeformat +=":";
timeformat +=TQString::number(min);
timeformat +=":";
timeformat +="0";
timeformat +=TQString::number(sec);
QStringx osd = AmarokConfig::osdText();
// hacky, but works...
if( osd.contains( "%rating" ) )
OSDWidget::setRating( AmarokConfig::useRatings() ? bundle.rating() : 0 );
OSDWidget::setRating( 0 );
osd.replace( "%rating", "" );
if( osd.contains( "%moodbar" ) && AmarokConfig::showMoodbar() )
OSDWidget::setMoodbar( bundle );
osd.replace( "%moodbar", "" );
text = osd.namedOptArgs( args );
// KDE 3.3 rejects \n in the .kcfg file, and TDEConfig turns \n into \\n, so...
text.replace( "\\n", "\n" );
if ( AmarokConfig::osdCover() ) {
//avoid showing the generic cover. we can overwrite this by passing an arg.
//get large cover for scaling if big cover needed
TQString location = TQString();
if( bundle.podcastBundle() )
location = CollectionDB::instance()->podcastImage( bundle, false, 0 );
location = CollectionDB::instance()->albumImage( bundle, false, 0 );
if ( location.find( "nocover" ) != -1 )
setImage( Amarok::icon() );
setImage( location );
text = text.stripWhiteSpace();
if( text.isEmpty() )
text = MetaBundle::prettyTitle( bundle.url().fileName() ).stripWhiteSpace();
if( text.startsWith( "- " ) ) //When we only have a title tag, _something_ prepends a hyphen. Remove that.
text = text.mid( 2 );
if( text.isEmpty() ) //still
text = i18n("No information available for this track");
OSDWidget::show( text );
Q_UNUSED( bundle );
setAlignment( static_cast<OSDWidget::Alignment>( AmarokConfig::osdAlignment() ) );
setDuration( AmarokConfig::osdDuration() );
#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
setEnabled( AmarokConfig::osdEnabled() );
setEnabled( false );
setOffset( AmarokConfig::osdYOffset() );
setScreen( AmarokConfig::osdScreen() );
setFont( AmarokConfig::osdFont() );
setDrawShadow( AmarokConfig::osdDrawShadow() );
setTranslucency( AmarokConfig::osdUseFakeTranslucency() );
if( AmarokConfig::osdUseCustomColors() )
setTextColor( AmarokConfig::osdTextColor() );
setBackgroundColor( AmarokConfig::osdBackgroundColor() );
else unsetColors();
#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
if ( !isShown() ) {
const bool b = isEnabled();
setEnabled( true );
show( EngineController::instance()->bundle() );
setEnabled( b );
Amarok::OSD::slotCoverChanged( const TQString &artist, const TQString &album )
if( AmarokConfig::osdCover() && artist == EngineController::instance()->bundle().artist()
&& album == EngineController::instance()->bundle().album() )
TQString location = CollectionDB::instance()->albumImage( artist, album, false, 0 );
if( location.find( "nocover" ) != -1 )
setImage( Amarok::icon() );
setImage( location );
Amarok::OSD::slotImageChanged( const TQString &remoteURL )
TQString url = EngineController::instance()->bundle().url().url();
PodcastEpisodeBundle peb;
if( CollectionDB::instance()->getPodcastEpisodeBundle( url, &peb ) )
PodcastChannelBundle pcb;
if( CollectionDB::instance()->getPodcastChannelBundle( peb.parent().url(), &pcb ) )
if( pcb.imageURL().url() == remoteURL )
TQString location = CollectionDB::instance()->podcastImage( remoteURL, false, 0 );
if( location == CollectionDB::instance()->notAvailCover( false, 0 ) )
setImage( Amarok::icon() );
setImage( location );
/* Code copied from kshadowengine.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2003 Laur Ivan <>
* Many thanks to:
* - Bernardo Hung <> for the enhanced shadow
* algorithm (currently used)
* - Tim Jansen <> for the API updates and fixes.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
namespace ShadowEngine
// Not sure, doesn't work above 10
static const int MULTIPLICATION_FACTOR = 3;
// Multiplication factor for pixels directly above, under, or next to the text
static const double AXIS_FACTOR = 2.0;
// Multiplication factor for pixels diagonal to the text
static const double DIAGONAL_FACTOR = 0.1;
// Self explanatory
static const int MAX_OPACITY = 200;
double decay( TQImage&, int, int );
TQImage makeShadow( const TQPixmap& textPixmap, const TQColor &bgColor )
TQImage result;
const int w = textPixmap.width();
const int h = textPixmap.height();
const int bgr =;
const int bgg =;
const int bgb =;
int alphaShadow;
// This is the source pixmap
TQImage img = textPixmap.convertToImage().convertDepth( 32 );
result.create( w, h, 32 );
result.fill( 0 ); // fill with black
result.setAlphaBuffer( true );
static const int M = 5;
for( int i = M; i < w - M; i++) {
for( int j = M; j < h - M; j++ )
alphaShadow = (int) decay( img, i, j );
result.setPixel( i,j, tqRgba( bgr, bgg , bgb, TQMIN( MAX_OPACITY, alphaShadow ) ) );
return result;
double decay( TQImage& source, int i, int j )
//if ((i < 1) || (j < 1) || (i > source.width() - 2) || (j > source.height() - 2))
// return 0;
double alphaShadow;
alphaShadow =(tqGray(source.pixel(i-1,j-1)) * DIAGONAL_FACTOR +
tqGray(source.pixel(i-1,j )) * AXIS_FACTOR +
tqGray(source.pixel(i-1,j+1)) * DIAGONAL_FACTOR +
tqGray(source.pixel(i ,j-1)) * AXIS_FACTOR +
0 +
tqGray(source.pixel(i ,j+1)) * AXIS_FACTOR +
tqGray(source.pixel(i+1,j-1)) * DIAGONAL_FACTOR +
tqGray(source.pixel(i+1,j )) * AXIS_FACTOR +
tqGray(source.pixel(i+1,j+1)) * DIAGONAL_FACTOR) / MULTIPLICATION_FACTOR;
return alphaShadow;
#include "osd.moc"