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# (C) 2010-2011 Serghei Amelian
# serghei (DOT) amelian (AT)
# Improvements and feedback are welcome
# This file is released under GPL >= 2
##### tagmp4 (static) ###########################
tde_add_library( tagmp4 STATIC_PIC
taglib_mp4filetyperesolver.cpp mp4file.cpp mp4itunestag.cpp mp4isobox.cpp
mp4isofullbox.cpp mp4skipbox.cpp mp4moovbox.cpp mp4mvhdbox.cpp
mp4ilstbox.cpp boxfactory.cpp mp4fourcc.cpp mp4udtabox.cpp mp4metabox.cpp
mp4tagsproxy.cpp mp4mdiabox.cpp mp4minfbox.cpp mp4audioproperties.cpp
mp4hdlrbox.cpp mp4stblbox.cpp mp4audiosampleentry.cpp mp4stsdbox.cpp
mp4sampleentry.cpp mp4trakbox.cpp mp4propsproxy.cpp itunesnambox.cpp
itunesartbox.cpp itunesalbbox.cpp itunescvrbox.cpp itunesgenbox.cpp
itunestrknbox.cpp itunesdaybox.cpp itunescmtbox.cpp itunesgrpbox.cpp
ituneswrtbox.cpp itunesdiskbox.cpp itunestmpobox.cpp itunesdatabox.cpp