You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* This software is released under the provisions of the GPL version 2.
* see file "COPYING". If that file is not available, the full statement
* of the license can be found at
* Portions Copyright (c) 1995-2004 RealNetworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef _HXCLSNK_H_
#define _HXCLSNK_H_
* Forward declarations of some interfaces defined or used here-in.
typedef _INTERFACE IHXClientAdviseSink IHXClientAdviseSink;
typedef _INTERFACE IHXRequest IHXRequest;
* Interface:
* IHXClientAdviseSink
* Purpose:
* Interface supplied by client to core to receive notifications of
* status changes.
* IID_IHXClientAdviseSink:
* {00000B00-0901-11d1-8B06-00A024406D59}
DEFINE_GUID(IID_IHXClientAdviseSink, 0x00000B00, 0x901, 0x11d1, 0x8b, 0x6, 0x0,
0xa0, 0x24, 0x40, 0x6d, 0x59);
#define INTERFACE IHXClientAdviseSink
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IHXClientAdviseSink, IUnknown)
* IUnknown methods
STDTQT_METHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_
REFIID riid,
void** ppvObj) PURE;
* IHXClientAdviseSink methods
* Method:
* IHXClientAdviseSink::OnPosLength
* Purpose:
* Called to advise the client that the position or length of the
* current playback context has changed.
UINT32 ulPosition,
UINT32 ulLength) PURE;
* Method:
* IHXClientAdviseSink::OnPresentationOpened
* Purpose:
* Called to advise the client a presentation has been opened.
STDTQT_METHOD(OnPresentationOpened) (THIS) PURE;
* Method:
* IHXClientAdviseSink::OnPresentationClosed
* Purpose:
* Called to advise the client a presentation has been closed.
STDTQT_METHOD(OnPresentationClosed) (THIS) PURE;
* Method:
* IHXClientAdviseSink::OnStatisticsChanged
* Purpose:
* Called to advise the client that the presentation statistics
* have changed.
STDTQT_METHOD(OnStatisticsChanged) (THIS) PURE;
* Method:
* IHXClientAdviseSink::OnPreSeek
* Purpose:
* Called by client engine to inform the client that a seek is
* about to occur. The render is informed the last time for the
* stream's time line before the seek, as well as the first new
* time for the stream's time line after the seek will be completed.
ULONG32 ulOldTime,
ULONG32 ulNewTime) PURE;
* Method:
* IHXClientAdviseSink::OnPostSeek
* Purpose:
* Called by client engine to inform the client that a seek has
* just occurred. The render is informed the last time for the
* stream's time line before the seek, as well as the first new
* time for the stream's time line after the seek.
ULONG32 ulOldTime,
ULONG32 ulNewTime) PURE;
* Method:
* IHXClientAdviseSink::OnStop
* Purpose:
* Called by client engine to inform the client that a stop has
* just occurred.
* Method:
* IHXClientAdviseSink::OnPause
* Purpose:
* Called by client engine to inform the client that a pause has
* just occurred. The render is informed the last time for the
* stream's time line before the pause.
ULONG32 ulTime) PURE;
* Method:
* IHXClientAdviseSink::OnBegin
* Purpose:
* Called by client engine to inform the client that a begin or
* resume has just occurred. The render is informed the first time
* for the stream's time line after the resume.
ULONG32 ulTime) PURE;
* Method:
* IHXClientAdviseSink::OnBuffering
* Purpose:
* Called by client engine to inform the client that buffering
* of data is occurring. The render is informed of the reason for
* the buffering (start-up of stream, seek has occurred, network
* congestion, etc.), as well as percentage complete of the
* buffering process.
ULONG32 ulFlags,
UINT16 unPercentComplete) PURE;
* Method:
* IHXClientAdviseSink::OnContacting
* Purpose:
* Called by client engine to inform the client is contacting
* hosts(s).
const char* pHostName) PURE;
// $Private:
* Interface:
* IHXClientRequestSink
* Purpose:
* Enables top level clients to get notified of new URLs
* IID_IHXClientRequestSink
* {00000B01-0901-11d1-8B06-00A024406D59}
DEFINE_GUID(IID_IHXClientRequestSink, 0x00000B01, 0x901, 0x11d1, 0x8b, 0x6, 0x0,
0xa0, 0x24, 0x40, 0x6d, 0x59);
#define INTERFACE IHXClientRequestSink
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IHXClientRequestSink, IUnknown)
* Method:
* IHXClientRequestSink::OnNewRequest
* Purpose:
* Inform TLC of the new request. The TLC may choose to
* modify RequestHeaders at this time.
STDTQT_METHOD(OnNewRequest) (THIS_ IHXRequest* pNewRequest) PURE;
// $EndPrivate.
#endif /* _HXCLSNK_H_ */