You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

212 lines
6.1 KiB

* This software is released under the provisions of the GPL version 2.
* see file "COPYING". If that file is not available, the full statement
* of the license can be found at
* Portions Copyright (c) 1995-2004 RealNetworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "hxtypes.h"
#include "hxassert.h"
typedef void* POSITION; // XXXSAB: where does this belong?
// The default values to the hash class result in terrible heap consumption.
// Using absolute minimal values here. Not much of a hash table now though!
#define CHUNK_INIT 1
#define CHUNK_INIT 16
class CLASS \
{ \
public: \
CLASS(); \
CLASS(int num);\
CLASS(int num, const ITEM& item); \
CLASS(const CLASS& from); \
CLASS& operator= (const CLASS& from); \
~CLASS(); \
inline ITEM& operator[] (int idx) \
{ \
return m_items[idx]; \
/* return (idx >= 0 && idx < m_used ? m_items[idx] : nil()); */ \
} \
inline const ITEM& operator[] (int idx) const \
{ \
return m_items[idx]; \
/* return (idx >= 0 && idx < m_used ? m_items[idx] : nil()); */ \
} \
inline bool empty () const { return m_used <= 0; } \
inline int size () const { return m_used; } \
inline void resize (int s) \
{ \
resize(s, INIT); \
} \
void resize (int s, const ITEM& item); \
inline int capacity () const { return m_alloc; } \
void reserve (int s); \
inline void SetChunkSize (int chunk) { m_chunkSize = chunk; } \
void GrowBy (int by); \
CLASS& push_back (const ITEM& item); \
inline CLASS& pop_back () \
{ \
HX_ASSERT (m_used > 0); \
if (m_used > 0) --m_used; \
return *this; \
} \
inline ITEM& back() \
{ \
HX_ASSERT (m_items); HX_ASSERT (m_used > 0); \
return m_items[m_used-1]; \
} \
void zap (int idx, int numToZap = 1); \
private: \
ITEM* m_items; \
int m_alloc; \
int m_used; \
UINT16 m_chunkSize; \
m_items(0), m_alloc(0), m_used(0), m_chunkSize(CHUNK) \
{ \
} \
PARENT::CLASS::CLASS(int num) : \
m_items(0), m_alloc(0), m_used(0), m_chunkSize(CHUNK) \
{ \
if (num > 0) \
{ \
m_items = new ITEM[num]; \
m_used = m_alloc = num; \
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) m_items[i] = INIT; \
} \
} \
PARENT::CLASS::CLASS(int num, const ITEM& item) : \
m_items(0), m_alloc(0), m_used(0), m_chunkSize(CHUNK) \
{ \
if (num > 0) \
{ \
m_items = new ITEM[num]; \
m_used = m_alloc = num; \
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) m_items[i] = item; \
} \
} \
m_items(0), m_alloc(0), m_used(0), m_chunkSize(CHUNK) \
{ \
m_used = from.m_used; \
m_alloc = from.m_alloc; \
m_items = new ITEM[m_alloc]; \
for (int i = 0; i < m_used; ++i) m_items[i] = from.m_items[i]; \
} \
PARENT::CLASS& PARENT::CLASS::operator= (const PARENT::CLASS& from) \
{ \
if (m_items != from.m_items) \
{ \
HX_VECTOR_DELETE(m_items); \
m_used = from.m_used; \
m_alloc = from.m_alloc; \
m_items = new ITEM[m_alloc]; \
for (int i = 0; i < m_used; ++i) m_items[i] = from.m_items[i]; \
} \
return *this; \
} \
void PARENT::CLASS::resize (int s, const ITEM& item) \
{ \
reserve(s); \
for (int i = m_used; i < s; ++i) m_items[i] = item; \
m_used = s; \
} \
void PARENT::CLASS::reserve (int s) \
{ \
if (s > m_alloc) \
{ \
ITEM* newItems = new ITEM[s]; \
if( newItems ){ \
for (int i = 0; i < m_used; ++i) newItems[i] = m_items[i]; \
HX_VECTOR_DELETE (m_items); \
m_items = newItems; \
m_alloc = s; \
} \
} \
} \
void PARENT::CLASS::GrowBy (int by) \
{ \
/* If no chunkSize specified, \
use the larger of 16 and the currently allocated amount. \
*/ \
int chunk = m_chunkSize > 0 ? m_chunkSize : MAX (m_alloc, CHUNK_INIT); \
int newAlloc = m_alloc + ((by + chunk - 1) / chunk) * chunk; \
reserve (newAlloc); \
} \
PARENT::CLASS& PARENT::CLASS::push_back (const ITEM& item) \
{ \
if (m_used == m_alloc) GrowBy (1); \
HX_ASSERT (m_used < m_alloc); \
m_items[m_used++] = item; \
return *this; \
} \
void PARENT::CLASS::zap (int idx, int numToZap) \
{ \
HX_ASSERT (idx >= 0 && idx < m_used); \
if ((idx + numToZap) >= m_used) \
{ \
m_used = idx; \
} \
else \
{ \
int src = idx + numToZap; \
int dest = idx; \
for (; src < m_used; ++src, ++dest) \
m_items[dest] = m_items[src]; \
m_used -= numToZap; \
} \
struct HlxMap
DECLARE_ITEMVEC(IntVec_t, int, 0, 0, 0);
static ULONG32 StrHashFunc (const char* key, bool bCaseSens);
#endif // _HLXMAPUTILS_H_