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# GslWave file sample header. all gslwave files should contain
# "#GslWave" as their initial bytes, to allow magic(5) identification.
# single line comments are enclosed in '#' and newlines.
# newlines (also consecutive), tabs and spaces are all treated as
# a single 'space', i.e. word boundary.
# Wave definition, a wave consists of one or more samples (chunks),
# which usually compose a single instrument. the individual samples
# are provided for different notes or sampling frequences, the wave
# can be played at.
wave {
name = "quoted string" # each wave must have a descriptive name
mix_freq = 44100 # the default sampling frequency for the
# wave chunks to follow. defaults to 44100.
# a chunk definition, a sample chunk points to encoded sample
# data which records how the wave sounds at given note.
chunk {
osc_freq = 440.0 # note frequency the chunk is to be
# played at. (or, the note that was
# played when the chunk was recorded).
midi_note = 57 # alternative way to specify osc_freq.
# e.g. the midi note number '57' means
# 440 Hz (A-1).
mix_freq = 44100 # the sampling frequency with which
# this chunk has been recorded.
file = "filename" # file containing this chunk's
# sampled data.
index = "wavename" # wavename of sample to read from
# filename, indexing this chunk's
# sampled data.
boffset = 256 # for raw samples, the number of bytes
# to skip at beginning of filename
n_values = 512 # number of values recorded in
# filename. (maybe 0 for default)
# defaults to filelength without the
# offset, divided by the format size
# loop definition
# for samples that contain parts which are to be looped,
# the loop definition specifies the start and end points of
# the loop, and how often it is supposed to be repeated.
# the loop start and end positions are supposed to be
# n_channels aligned.
loop_type = jump # the loop type can be one of:
# none, jump or pingpong.
# defaults to jump.
loop_start = 16
loop_end = 32 # should be >=loop_start
loop_count = 42 # defaults to maximum
# more chunk definitions may follow
format = signed_8 # for raw samples, possible formats are:
# signed_8, unsigned_8, signed_12,
# unsigned_12, signed_16, unsigned_16 or
# float. defaults to signed_16.
byte_order = little # for raw samples, possible values are:
# little_endian, little, big_endian or big.
# defaults to little_endian.
n_channels = 2 # for raw samples, must be greater than 0.
# defaults to 1 (mono).
# a literal "\000" byte in the header denotes the parsing end.
# this can be used to construct gslwave files that contain:
# 1) the gslwave header
# 2) a literal "\000" byte
# 3) encoded sample data which the chunks refer to
File content which is ignore by the gslwave header parser.