You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

785 lines
25 KiB

* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
#include "csearchdialogpages.h"
#include "csearchdialog.h"
#include "csearchanalysis.h"
#include "crangechooser.h"
#include "cmoduleresultview.h"
#include "csearchresultview.h"
#include "cmodulechooser.h"
#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
#include "backend/cdisplayrendering.h"
#include "frontend/display/cdisplay.h"
#include "frontend/display/creaddisplay.h"
#include "util/cresmgr.h"
#include "util/ctoolclass.h"
//TQt includes
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqeventloop.h>
//KDE includes
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kprogress.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
//Lucence includes
//#include "CLucene.h"
//#include "CLucene/util/Reader.h"
//#include "CLucene/util/Misc.h"
//#include "CLucene/util/dirent.h"
namespace Search {
namespace Result {
************ StrongsResulClass *************
void StrongsResultClass::initStrongsResults(void) {
using namespace Rendering;
CDisplayRendering render;
ListCSwordModuleInfo modules;
CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings;
TQString rText, lText, key;
bool found;
int sIndex;
int count;
int index;
TQString text;
sword::ListKey& result = srModule->searchResult();
count = result.Count();
if (!count)
TDEApplication::kApplication()->processEvents( 1 ); //1 ms only
// for whatever reason the text "Parsing...translations." does not appear.
// this is not critical but the text is necessary to get the dialog box
// to be wide enough.
KProgressDialog* progress = new KProgressDialog(0, "progressDialog", i18n("Parsing Stong's Numbers"), i18n("Parsing Stong's numbers for translations."), true);
for (index = 0; index < count; index++){
progress->progressBar()->setProgress( int( (index*100) / count ) );
TDEApplication::kApplication()->processEvents( 1 ); //1 ms only
key = TQString::fromUtf8(result.GetElement(index)->getText());
text = render.renderSingleKey(key, modules, settings);
sIndex = 0;
while ((rText = getStrongsNumberText(text, &sIndex)) != "")
StrongsResultList::iterator it;
found = FALSE;
for ( it = srList.begin(); it != srList.end(); ++it )
lText = (*it).keyText();
if (lText == rText)
found = TRUE;
if (found == FALSE)
srList.append( StrongsResult(rText, key) );
delete progress;
progress = 0;
TQString StrongsResultClass::getStrongsNumberText(const TQString& verseContent, int *startIndex) {
// get the strongs text
int idx1, idx2, index;
TQString sNumber, strongsText;
//const bool cs = CSwordModuleSearch::caseSensitive;
const bool cs = false;
if (*startIndex == 0) {
index = verseContent.find("<body", 0);
else {
index = *startIndex;
// find all the "lemma=" inside the the content
while((index = verseContent.find("lemma=", index, cs)) != -1) {
// get the strongs number after the lemma and compare it with the
// strongs number we are looking for
idx1 = verseContent.find("\"", index) + 1;
idx2 = verseContent.find("\"", idx1 + 1);
sNumber = verseContent.mid(idx1, idx2 - idx1);
if (sNumber == lemmaText) {
// strongs number is found now we need to get the text of this node
// search right until the ">" is found. Get the text from here to
// the next "<".
index = verseContent.find(">", index, cs) + 1;
idx2 = verseContent.find("<", index, cs);
strongsText = verseContent.mid(index, idx2 - index);
index = idx2;
*startIndex = index;
else {
index += 6; // 6 is the length of "lemma="
return TQString();
********** CSearchDialogResultPage *********
CSearchResultPage::CSearchResultPage(TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
SearchResultsForm(parent, name) {
CSearchResultPage::~CSearchResultPage() {}
/** Initializes the view of this widget. */
void CSearchResultPage::initView() {
TQVBoxLayout* frameLayout = new TQVBoxLayout(m_displayFrame, 0, 6, "frameLayout");
m_previewDisplay = CDisplay::createReadInstance(0, m_displayFrame);
/** Sets the modules which contain the result of each. */
void CSearchResultPage::setSearchResult(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules) {
const TQString searchedText = CSearchDialog::getSearchDialog()->searchText();
reset(); //clear current modules
m_modules = modules;
m_moduleListBox->setupTree(modules, searchedText);
//have a Bible or commentary in the modules?
bool enable = false;
// for (modules.first(); !enable && modules.current(); {
ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = modules.end();
for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(modules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
if ((*it)->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible ) {
enable = true;
/** Resets the current list of modules and the displayed list of found entries. */
void CSearchResultPage::reset() {
// m_modules.setAutoDelete(false); //make sure we don't delete modules accidentally
/** Update the preview of the selected key. */
void CSearchResultPage::updatePreview(const TQString& key) {
using namespace Rendering;
CSwordModuleInfo* module = m_moduleListBox->activeModule();
if ( module ) {
const TQString searchedText = CSearchDialog::getSearchDialog()->searchText();
//const int searchFlags = CSearchDialog::getSearchDialog()->searchFlags();
TQString text;
CDisplayRendering render;
ListCSwordModuleInfo modules;
CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings;
//for bibles render 5 context verses
if (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible) {
CSwordVerseKey vk(module);
((VerseKey*)(module->module()->getKey()))->Headings(1); //HACK: enable headings for VerseKeys
//first go back and then go forward the keys to be in context
//include Headings in display, they are indexed and searched too
if (vk.Verse() == 1){
if (vk.Chapter() == 1){
const TQString startKey = vk.key();
const TQString endKey = vk.key();
settings.keyRenderingFace = CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings::CompleteShort;
text = render.renderKeyRange(startKey, endKey, modules, key, settings);
//for commentaries only one verse, but with heading
else if (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary) {
CSwordVerseKey vk(module);
((VerseKey*)(module->module()->getKey()))->Headings(1); //HACK: enable headings for VerseKeys
//include Headings in display, they are indexed and searched too
if (vk.Verse() == 1){
if (vk.Chapter() == 1){
const TQString startKey = vk.key();
const TQString endKey = vk.key();
settings.keyRenderingFace = CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings::NoKey;
text = render.renderKeyRange(startKey, endKey, modules, key, settings);
else {
text = render.renderSingleKey(key, modules, settings);
m_previewDisplay->setText( highlightSearchedText(text, searchedText/*, searchFlags*/) );
m_previewDisplay->moveToAnchor( CDisplayRendering::keyToHTMLAnchor(key) );
TQStringList CSearchResultPage::QueryParser(const TQString& queryString) {
TQString token;
TQStringList tokenList;
int cnt, pos;
token = "";
cnt = 0;
while(cnt < queryString.length()) {
// add to token
if ((queryString[cnt]).isLetterOrNumber() || (queryString[cnt] == '*')) {
token = token + queryString[cnt];
// token break
else if (queryString[cnt] == ' ') {
token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
token = "";
// clucene appears to ignore quoted strings in the sence
// that it treats all the words within quoted strings as
// regular tokens and not as a single token.
else if (queryString[cnt] == '"') {
// wild card - treat as a special token break
//else if (queryString[cnt] == '*') {
// token = token + queryString[cnt];
// token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
// if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
// tokenList.append(token);
// // start next token with wildcard (kin*m -> kin* *m)
// token = "*";
// cnt++;
// the ! token is also a token break
else if (queryString[cnt] == '!') {
// store away current token
token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
// add the ! token
token = "";
// the - token is also a token break
else if (queryString[cnt] == '-') {
// store away current token
token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
// add the ! token
token = "";
// the + token is also a token break
else if (queryString[cnt] == '+') {
// store away current token
token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
// add the + token
token = "";
// the || token is also a token break
else if ((queryString[cnt] == '|') && (queryString[cnt+1] == '|')) {
// store away current token
token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
// add the || token
token = "";
cnt += 2;
// the && token is also a token break
else if ((queryString[cnt] == '&') && (queryString[cnt+1] == '&')) {
// store away current token
token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
// add the || token
token = "";
cnt += 2;
else cnt++;
token = token.stripWhiteSpace();
if ((token != "*") && (token != ""))
cnt = 0;
TQStringList::iterator it;
for ( it = tokenList.begin(); it != tokenList.end(); it++ ) {
// remove all the NOT(!) tokens - these do not need to be
// highlighted in the highlighter
if (((*it) == "!") || ((*it) == "NOT") || ((*it) == "-")) {
it = tokenList.remove(it);
if (it == tokenList.end())
it = tokenList.remove(it);
if (it == tokenList.end())
// remove all the operator tokens - these do not need to be
// highlighted in the highlighter
else if ( ((*it) == "||") || ((*it) == "OR") || ((*it) == "+") ||
((*it) == "AND") || ((*it) == "&&") )
it = tokenList.remove(it);
if (it == tokenList.end())
// if the token contains a ^ then trim the remainder of the
// token from the ^
else if ( (pos = (*it).contains("^")) >= 0 ) {
(*it) = (*it).left(pos - 1);
// if the token contains a ~ then trim the remainder of the
// token from the ~
else if ( (pos = (*it).contains("~")) >= 0 ) {
(*it) = (*it).left(pos - 2) + "*";
const TQString CSearchResultPage::highlightSearchedText(const TQString& content, const TQString& searchedText/*, const int searchFlags*/) {
TQString ret = content;
//const bool cs = (searchFlags & CSwordModuleSearch::caseSensitive);
const bool cs = false;
// int index = 0;
int index = ret.find("<body", 0);
int matchLen = 0;
int length = searchedText.length();
const TQString rep1("<span style=\"background-color:#FFFF66;\">");
const TQString rep2("</span>");
const unsigned int repLength = rep1.length() + rep1.length();
int sstIndex; // strong search text index for finding "strong:"
bool inQuote;
TQString newSearchText;
newSearchText = searchedText;
// find the strongs search lemma and highlight it
// search the searched text for "strong:" until it is not found anymore
sstIndex = 0;
while ((sstIndex = newSearchText.find("strong:", sstIndex)) != -1) {
int idx1, idx2, sTokenIndex, sTokenIndex2;
TQString sNumber, lemmaText;
const TQString rep3("style=\"background-color:#FFFF66;\" ");
const unsigned int rep3Length = rep3.length();
int strongIndex = index;
// get the strongs number from the search text
// first find the first space after "strong:"
// this should indicate a change in search token
sstIndex = sstIndex + 7;
sTokenIndex = newSearchText.find(" ", sstIndex);
sTokenIndex2 = newSearchText.find("|", sstIndex);
if ((sTokenIndex2 != -1) && (sTokenIndex2 < sTokenIndex)) {
sNumber = newSearchText.mid(sstIndex, sTokenIndex2 - sstIndex);
else {
sNumber = newSearchText.mid(sstIndex, sTokenIndex - sstIndex);
// remove this strong entry
sstIndex -= 7;
newSearchText.replace(sstIndex, sTokenIndex - sstIndex, "");
// find all the "lemma=" inside the the content
while((strongIndex = ret.find("lemma=", strongIndex, cs)) != -1) {
// get the strongs number after the lemma and compare it with the
// strongs number we are looking for
idx1 = ret.find("\"", strongIndex) + 1;
idx2 = ret.find("\"", idx1 + 1);
lemmaText = ret.mid(idx1, idx2 - idx1);
if (lemmaText == sNumber) {
// strongs number is found now we need to highlight it
// I believe the easiest way is to insert rep3 just before "lemma="
ret = ret.insert(strongIndex, rep3);
strongIndex += rep3Length;
strongIndex += 6; // 6 is the length of "lemma="
// now that the strong: stuff is out of the way continue with
// other search options
// try to figure out how to use the lucene query parser
//using namespace lucene::queryParser;
//using namespace lucene::search;
//using namespace lucene::analysis;
//using namespace lucene::util;
//wchar_t *buf;
//char buf8[1000];
//standard::WhitespaceAnalyzer analyzer;
//lucene_utf8towcs(m_wcharBuffer, searchedText.utf8(), MAX_CONV_SIZE);
//util::scoped_ptr<Query> q( QueryParser::parse(m_wcharBuffer, _T("content"), &analyzer) );
//StringReader reader(m_wcharBuffer);
//TokenStream* tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream( _T("field"), &reader);
//Token token;
//while(tokenStream->next(&token) != 0) {
// lucene_wcstoutf8(buf8, token.termText(), 1000);
// printf("%s\n", buf8);
// since I could not figure out the lucene query parser, I
// made a simple parser.
TQStringList words = QueryParser(newSearchText);
for ( int wi = 0; (unsigned int)wi < words.count(); ++wi ) { //search for every word in the list
TQRegExp findExp;
TQString word = words[ wi ];
if (word.contains("*")) {
length = word.length() - 1;
word.replace('*', "\\S*"); //match within a word
findExp = TQRegExp(word);
else {
length = word.length();
findExp = TQRegExp("\\b" + word + "\\b");
// index = 0; //for every word start at the beginning
index = ret.find("<body", 0);
//while ( (index = ret.find(findExp, index)) != -1 ) { //while we found the word
while ( (index =, index)) != -1 ) { //while we found the word
matchLen = findExp.matchedLength();
if (!CToolClass::inHTMLTag(index, ret)) {
length = matchLen;
ret = ret.insert( index+length, rep2 );
ret = ret.insert( index, rep1 );
index += repLength;
index += length;
//tqWarning("\n\n\n%s", ret.latin1());
return ret;
/** Initializes the signal slot conections of the child widgets, */
void CSearchResultPage::initConnections() {
connect(m_resultListBox, TQT_SIGNAL(keySelected(const TQString&)),
this, TQT_SLOT(updatePreview(const TQString&)));
connect(m_moduleListBox, TQT_SIGNAL(moduleSelected(CSwordModuleInfo*)),
m_resultListBox, TQT_SLOT(setupTree(CSwordModuleInfo*)));
connect(m_moduleListBox, TQT_SIGNAL(moduleChanged()),
m_previewDisplay->connectionsProxy(), TQT_SLOT(clear()));
connect(m_analyseButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(showAnalysis()));
// connect the strongs list
connect(m_moduleListBox, TQT_SIGNAL(strongsSelected(CSwordModuleInfo*, TQStringList*)),
m_resultListBox, TQT_SLOT(setupStrongsTree(CSwordModuleInfo*, TQStringList*)));
/** Shows a dialog with the search analysis of the current search. */
void CSearchResultPage::showAnalysis() {
Analysis::CSearchAnalysisDialog dlg(m_modules, this);
} //end of namespace Search.Result
namespace Options {
CSearchOptionsPage::CSearchOptionsPage(TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
SearchOptionsForm(parent,name) {
CSearchOptionsPage::~CSearchOptionsPage() {
/** Returns the search text set in this page. */
const TQString CSearchOptionsPage::searchText() {
return m_searchTextCombo->currentText();
/** Sets the search text used in the page. */
void CSearchOptionsPage::setSearchText(const TQString& text) {
bool found = false;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; !found && i < m_searchTextCombo->count(); ++i) {
if (m_searchTextCombo->text(i) == text) {
found = true;
// This is needed because in the for loop i is incremented before the comparison (++i)
// As a result the index i is actually one greater than expected.
if (!found) {
i = 0;
m_searchTextCombo->insertItem( text,0 );
/** Initializes this page. */
void CSearchOptionsPage::initView() {
connect( m_searchTextCombo, TQT_SIGNAL(activated( const TQString& )),
m_searchTextCombo, TQT_SLOT( addToHistory( const TQString& ))
connect( m_searchTextCombo, TQT_SIGNAL(returnPressed ( const TQString& )),
m_searchTextCombo, TQT_SLOT(addToHistory(const TQString&))
TQToolTip::add(m_searchTextCombo, CResMgr::searchdialog::options::searchedText::tooltip);
connect( m_syntaxButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(syntaxHelp()));
connect(m_chooseModulesButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, TQT_SLOT(chooseModules()));
(m_chooseModulesButton, CResMgr::searchdialog::options::moduleChooserButton::tooltip);
(m_rangeChooserCombo, CResMgr::searchdialog::options::chooseScope::tooltip);
connect(m_chooseRangeButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, TQT_SLOT(setupRanges()));
//set the initial focus
/** Sets the modules used by the search. */
void CSearchOptionsPage::setModules( ListCSwordModuleInfo modules ) {
TQString t = i18n("Searching in: ");
m_modules.clear(); //remove old modules
ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator end_it = modules.end();
for (ListCSwordModuleInfo::iterator it(modules.begin()); it != end_it; ++it) {
//ToDo: Check for containsRef compat
if (*it == 0) { //don't operate on null modules.
if ( !m_modules.contains(*it) ) {
m_modules.append( *it );
t.append( (*it)->name() );
if (*it != modules.last()) {
t += TQString::fromLatin1(", "); // so that it will become a readable list (WLC, LXX, GerLut...)
emit( sigSetSearchButtonStatus( (modules.count() != 0) ) );
/** Opens the modules chooser dialog. */
void CSearchOptionsPage::chooseModules() {
CModuleChooserDialog* dlg = new CModuleChooserDialog(this, modules());
connect(dlg, TQT_SIGNAL(modulesChanged(ListCSwordModuleInfo)),
this, TQT_SLOT(setModules(ListCSwordModuleInfo)));
/** Returns the list of used modules. */
const ListCSwordModuleInfo CSearchOptionsPage::modules() {
return m_modules;
/** Sets all options back to the default. */
void CSearchOptionsPage::reset() {
m_rangeChooserCombo->setCurrentItem(0); //no scope
/** Reads the settings for the searchdialog from disk. */
void CSearchOptionsPage::saveSettings() {
(CBTConfig::searchCompletionTexts, m_searchTextCombo->completionObject()->items());
(CBTConfig::searchTexts, m_searchTextCombo->historyItems());
/** Reads the settings of the last searchdialog session. */
void CSearchOptionsPage::readSettings() {
m_searchTextCombo->completionObject()->setItems( CBTConfig::get
(CBTConfig::searchCompletionTexts) );
m_searchTextCombo->setHistoryItems( CBTConfig::get
(CBTConfig::searchTexts) );
void CSearchOptionsPage::aboutToShow() {
/** No descriptions */
void CSearchOptionsPage::setupRanges() {
CRangeChooserDialog* chooser = new CRangeChooserDialog(this);
/** No descriptions */
void CSearchOptionsPage::syntaxHelp() {
TQString syntax = i18n (
"<p>Enter search terms separated by spaces. By default the search "
"function will return results that match any of the search terms (OR). "
"To search for all the terms separate the terms by AND.</p>") + i18n(
"<p>You can use wildcards: '*' matches any sequence of characters, "
"while '?' matches any single character. The use of brackets allows you to "
"group your search terms, e.g. '(Jesus OR spirit) AND God'.</p>") + i18n(
"<p>To search text other than the main text, enter the text type followed "
"by \":\", and then the search term. For example, to search for the Strong's "
"number H8077, use 'strong:H8077'.</p>") + i18n(
"<p>Available text types:<br><table>"
"<tr><td>heading:</td><td>searches headings</td></tr>"
"<tr><td>footnote:</td><td>searches footnotes</td></tr>"
"<tr><td>strong:</td><td>searches Strong's Numbers</td></tr>"
"<tr><td>morph:</td><td>searches morphology codes</td></tr></table></p>") + i18n(
"<p>BibleTime uses the Lucene search engine to perform your searches. "
"It has many advanced features, and you can read more about it here: "
"<a href=\"\">"
KMessageBox::about( this, syntax, i18n("Basic Search Syntax Introduction"));
/** refreshes the listof ranges and the range combobox. */
void CSearchOptionsPage::refreshRanges() {
//the first two options are fixed, the others can be edited using the "Setup ranges" button.
m_rangeChooserCombo->insertItem(i18n("No search scope"));
//m_rangeChooserCombo->insertItem(i18n("Last search result"));
//insert the user-defined ranges
CBTConfig::StringMap map = CBTConfig::get
CBTConfig::StringMap::Iterator it;
for (it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
/** Returns the selected search scope if a search scope was selected. */
sword::ListKey CSearchOptionsPage::searchScope() {
if (m_rangeChooserCombo->currentItem() > 0) { //is not "no scope"
CBTConfig::StringMap map = CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::searchScopes);
TQString scope = map[ m_rangeChooserCombo->currentText() ];
if (!scope.isEmpty()) {
return sword::VerseKey().ParseVerseList( (const char*)scope.utf8(), "Genesis 1:1", true);
return sword::ListKey();
\fn CSearchOptionsPage::hasSearchScope()
bool CSearchOptionsPage::hasSearchScope() {
return (searchScope().Count() > 0);
} //end of namespace Options
} //end of namespace Search