You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

222 lines
7.8 KiB

This file contains invisible Unicode characters!

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that may be processed differently from what appears below. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal hidden characters.

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

* thmlplain - SWFilter descendant to strip out all ThML tags or convert to
* ASCII rendered symbols.
#include "bt_thmlplain.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <swbuf.h>
using namespace sword;
namespace Filters {
BT_ThMLPlain::BT_ThMLPlain() {
char BT_ThMLPlain::processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key, const SWModule *module)
char token[2048];
int tokpos = 0;
bool intoken = false;
bool ampersand = false;
const char *from;
SWBuf orig = text;
from = orig.c_str();
for (text = ""; *from; from++)
if (*from == 10 || *from == 13)
if (*from == '<') {
intoken = true;
tokpos = 0;
token[0] = 0;
token[1] = 0;
token[2] = 0;
ampersand = false;
else if (*from == '&') {
intoken = true;
tokpos = 0;
token[0] = 0;
token[1] = 0;
token[2] = 0;
ampersand = true;
if (*from == ';' && ampersand) {
intoken = false;
ampersand = false;
if (!strncmp("nbsp", token, 4)) text += " ";
else if (!strncmp("quot", token, 4)) text += "\"";
else if (!strncmp("amp", token, 3)) text += "&";
else if (!strncmp("lt", token, 2)) text += "<";
else if (!strncmp("gt", token, 2)) text += ">";
else if (!strncmp("brvbar", token, 6)) text += "¦";
else if (!strncmp("sect", token, 4)) text += "§";
else if (!strncmp("copy", token, 4)) text += "©";
else if (!strncmp("laquo", token, 5)) text += "«";
else if (!strncmp("reg", token, 3)) text += "®";
else if (!strncmp("acute", token, 5)) text += "´";
else if (!strncmp("para", token, 4)) text += "";
else if (!strncmp("raquo", token, 5)) text += "»";
else if (!strncmp("Aacute", token, 6)) text += "Á";
else if (!strncmp("Agrave", token, 6)) text += "À";
else if (!strncmp("Acirc", token, 5)) text += "Â";
else if (!strncmp("Auml", token, 4)) text += "Ä";
else if (!strncmp("Atilde", token, 6)) text += "Ã";
else if (!strncmp("Aring", token, 5)) text += "Å";
else if (!strncmp("aacute", token, 6)) text += "á";
else if (!strncmp("agrave", token, 6)) text += "à";
else if (!strncmp("acirc", token, 5)) text += "â";
else if (!strncmp("auml", token, 4)) text += "ä";
else if (!strncmp("atilde", token, 6)) text += "ã";
else if (!strncmp("aring", token, 5)) text += "å";
else if (!strncmp("Eacute", token, 6)) text += "É";
else if (!strncmp("Egrave", token, 6)) text += "È";
else if (!strncmp("Ecirc", token, 5)) text += "Ê";
else if (!strncmp("Euml", token, 4)) text += "Ë";
else if (!strncmp("eacute", token, 6)) text += "é";
else if (!strncmp("egrave", token, 6)) text += "è";
else if (!strncmp("ecirc", token, 5)) text += "ê";
else if (!strncmp("euml", token, 4)) text += "ë";
else if (!strncmp("Iacute", token, 6)) text += "Í";
else if (!strncmp("Igrave", token, 6)) text += "Ì";
else if (!strncmp("Icirc", token, 5)) text += "Î";
else if (!strncmp("Iuml", token, 4)) text += "Ï";
else if (!strncmp("iacute", token, 6)) text += "í";
else if (!strncmp("igrave", token, 6)) text += "ì";
else if (!strncmp("icirc", token, 5)) text += "î";
else if (!strncmp("iuml", token, 4)) text += "ï";
else if (!strncmp("Oacute", token, 6)) text += "Ó";
else if (!strncmp("Ograve", token, 6)) text += "Ò";
else if (!strncmp("Ocirc", token, 5)) text += "Ô";
else if (!strncmp("Ouml", token, 4)) text += "Ö";
else if (!strncmp("Otilde", token, 6)) text += "Õ";
else if (!strncmp("oacute", token, 6)) text += "ó";
else if (!strncmp("ograve", token, 6)) text += "ò";
else if (!strncmp("ocirc", token, 5)) text += "ô";
else if (!strncmp("ouml", token, 4)) text += "ö";
else if (!strncmp("otilde", token, 6)) text += "õ";
else if (!strncmp("Uacute", token, 6)) text += "Ú";
else if (!strncmp("Ugrave", token, 6)) text += "Ù";
else if (!strncmp("Ucirc", token, 5)) text += "Û";
else if (!strncmp("Uuml", token, 4)) text += "Ü";
else if (!strncmp("uacute", token, 6)) text += "ú";
else if (!strncmp("ugrave", token, 6)) text += "ù";
else if (!strncmp("ucirc", token, 5)) text += "û";
else if (!strncmp("uuml", token, 4)) text += "ü";
else if (!strncmp("Yacute", token, 6)) text += "Ý";
else if (!strncmp("yacute", token, 6)) text += "ý";
else if (!strncmp("yuml", token, 4)) text += "ÿ";
else if (!strncmp("deg", token, 3)) text += "°";
else if (!strncmp("plusmn", token, 6)) text += "±";
else if (!strncmp("sup2", token, 4)) text += "²";
else if (!strncmp("sup3", token, 4)) text += "³";
else if (!strncmp("sup1", token, 4)) text += "¹";
else if (!strncmp("nbsp", token, 4)) text += "º";
else if (!strncmp("pound", token, 5)) text += "£";
else if (!strncmp("cent", token, 4)) text += "¢";
else if (!strncmp("frac14", token, 6)) text += "¼";
else if (!strncmp("frac12", token, 6)) text += "½";
else if (!strncmp("frac34", token, 6)) text += "¾";
else if (!strncmp("iquest", token, 6)) text += "¿";
else if (!strncmp("iexcl", token, 5)) text += "¡";
else if (!strncmp("ETH", token, 3)) text += "Ð";
else if (!strncmp("eth", token, 3)) text += "ð";
else if (!strncmp("THORN", token, 5)) text += "Þ";
else if (!strncmp("thorn", token, 5)) text += "þ";
else if (!strncmp("AElig", token, 5)) text += "Æ";
else if (!strncmp("aelig", token, 5)) text += "æ";
else if (!strncmp("Oslash", token, 6)) text += "Ø";
else if (!strncmp("curren", token, 6)) text += "¤";
else if (!strncmp("Ccedil", token, 6)) text += "Ç";
else if (!strncmp("ccedil", token, 6)) text += "ç";
else if (!strncmp("szlig", token, 5)) text += "ß";
else if (!strncmp("Ntilde", token, 6)) text += "Ñ";
else if (!strncmp("ntilde", token, 6)) text += "ñ";
else if (!strncmp("yen", token, 3)) text += "¥";
else if (!strncmp("not", token, 3)) text += "¬";
else if (!strncmp("ordf", token, 4)) text += "ª";
else if (!strncmp("uml", token, 3)) text += "¨";
else if (!strncmp("shy", token, 3)) text += "­";
else if (!strncmp("macr", token, 4)) text += "¯";
else if (!strncmp("micro", token, 5)) text += "µ";
else if (!strncmp("middot", token, 6)) text +="·";
else if (!strncmp("cedil", token, 5)) text += "¸";
else if (!strncmp("ordm", token, 4)) text += "º";
else if (!strncmp("times", token, 5)) text += "×";
else if (!strncmp("divide", token, 6)) text +="÷";
else if (!strncmp("oslash", token, 6)) text +="ø";
else if (*from == '>' && !ampersand) {
intoken = false;
// process desired tokens
if (!strncmp(token, "sync type=\"Strongs\" value=\"", 27)) {
text += ' ';
text += '<';
for (unsigned int i = 27; token[i] != '\"'; i++)
text += token[i];
text += '>';
if (!strncmp(token, "sync type=\"morph\" value=\"", 25)) {
text += ' ';
text += '(';
for (unsigned int i = 25; token[i] != '\"'; i++)
text += token[i];
text += ')';
if (!strncmp("note", token, 4)) {
text += ' ';
text += '(';
else if (!strncmp("br", token, 2))
text += '\n';
else if (!strncmp("/p", token, 2))
text += '\n';
else if (!strncmp("/note", token, 5)) {
text += ')';
text += ' ';
if (intoken) {
if (tokpos < 2045)
token[tokpos++] = *from;
token[tokpos+2] = 0;
else text += *from;
orig = text;
from = orig.c_str();
for (text = ""; *from; from++) { //loop to remove extra spaces
if ((strchr(" \t\n\r", *from))) {
while (*(from+1) && (strchr(" \t\n\r", *(from+1)))) {
text += " ";
else {
text += *from;
text += (char)0;
return 0;