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/* qdbusproxy.h DBUS Object proxy
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Kevin Krammer <>
* Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
* USA.
* @page dbusclient Using D-Bus as a client
* Contents:
* - @ref dbusclient-introduction
* - @ref dbusclient-example
* - @ref dbusclient-initialization
* - @ref dbusclient-methodcall
* - @ref dbusclient-synccall
* - @ref dbusclient-asynccall
* - @ref dbusclient-signals
* - @ref dbusclient-signals-example
* @section dbusclient-introduction Introduction
* While it is of course possible to just exchange D-Bus messages with a
* D-Bus service, it is a lot more comfortable to use TQT_DBusProxy.
* With TQT_DBusProxy you only need to specify the service object once, i.e.
* its D-Bus name, path and interface, and just provide the method and its
* parameters when initiating an invokation.
* Additionally the proxy transforms D-Bus signals from the proxy's peer
* (the D-Bus service object's interface it is associated with) to TQObject
* signal carrying the original signal's content.
* @section dbusclient-example A simple D-Bus client example
* @code
* #include <dbus/tqdbusconnection.h>
* #include <dbus/tqdbusmessage.h>
* #include <dbus/tqdbusproxy.h>
* int main()
* {
* // establish a connection to the session bus
* TQT_DBusConnection connection = TQT_DBusConnection::sessionBus();
* if (!connection.isConnected())
* qFatal("Failed to connect to session bus");
* // create a proxy object for method calls
* TQT_DBusProxy proxy(connection);
* proxy.setService("org.freedesktop.DBus"); // who we work with
* proxy.setPath("/org/freedesktop/DBus"); // which object inside the peer work with
* proxy.setInterface("org.freedesktop.DBus"); // which of its interfaces we will use
* // call the "ListNames" method. It returns an array of string, in TQt3 terms
* // a TQStringList, it expects no parameters
* TQValueList<TQT_DBusData> params;
* TQT_DBusMessage reply = proxy.sendWithReply("ListNames", params);
* if (reply.type() != TQT_DBusMessage::ReplyMessage)
* qFatal("Call failed");
* if (reply.count() != 1 || reply[0].type() != TQT_DBusData::List)
* qFatal("Unexpected reply");
* bool ok = false;
* TQStringList names = reply[0].toTQStringList(&ok);
* if (!ok) qFatal("Unexpected reply");
* for (TQStringList::iterator it = names.begin(); it != names.end(); ++it)
* {
* qDebug("%s", (*it).local8Bit().data());
* }
* return 0;
* }
* @endcode
* @section dbusclient-initialization Program initialization
* A connection to the bus is acquired using TQT_DBusConnection::sessionBus()
* Next, a proxy is created for the object @c "/org/freedesktop/DBus" with
* interface @c "org.freedesktop.DBus" on the service @c "org.freedesktop.DBus"
* This is a proxy for the message bus itself.
* @section dbusclient-methodcall Method invocation
* There are two choices for method invocation:
* - sychronous (blocking) calls
* - asynchronous (non-blocking) calls
* @subsection dbusclient-synccall Synchronous method calls
* As seen in the example code above, a synchronous method call can be achieved
* by TQT_DBusProxy::sendWithReply(). It sends a method call to the remote object,
* and blocks until reply is received. The outgoing arguments are specified as
* a list of TQT_DBusData.
* @subsection dbusclient-asynccall Asynchronous method calls
* To invoke a method asynchronously, connect the proxy's signal
* TQT_DBusProxy::asyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusMessage&) to a suitable slot like
* with any other TQt Signal-Slot connection.
* Then call TQT_DBusProxy::sendWithAsyncReply()
* It returns a numerical identifier of the call, so it can be related in the
* slot once the result is available.
* The slot's first argument is the reveived reply's call identifier as
* returned by the method call. The second parameter is the reply message
* similar to the one in the synchronous call.
* @note For asynchronous calls you'll need a running event loop, i.e. a
* TQApplication object and its exec() having been invoked.
* @section dbusclient-signals Connecting to D-Bus signals
* To receive D-BUS signals just connect to the TQT_DBusProxy's signal
* TQT_DBusProxy::dbusSignal(const TQT_DBusMessage&)
* It will be emitted whenever a D-Bus signal message is received from the peer
* object.
* Filtering of signals is based on the value set for @c service, @c path and
* @c interface
* @note Filtering for @c service will only happen if @c service is a unique
* D-Bus name, i.e. if it starts with a colon @c ":" since D-Bus signals
* carry the sender's unique name and filtering by a requested name
* would reject all signals
* Usually a proxy will be also be used to send to the peer object, thus having
* them all set. However if a proxy is only needed for signals, any of the
* three properties can be omitted (e.g. set to @c TQString() ), in which
* case only the available properties will be checked against the respective
* message field when deciding about dropping or emitting the message.
* See TQT_DBusProxy::handleDBusSignal()
* If you want all signal travelling on the bus, or apply filtering for
* different criteria, e.g. get all signals coming from interfaces starting
* with @c "org.", use @c TQT_DBusConnection::connect() instead.
* The signature of the slot stays the same.
* @subsection dbusclient-signals-example Signal example
* First declare a receiver class:
* @code
* class MyReceiver : public TQObject
* {
* public slots:
* void handleDBusSignal(const TQT_DBusMessage&);
* };
* @endcode
* Then somewhere else in a source file:
* @code
* TQT_DBusConnection connection = TQT_DBusConnection::sessionBus();
* MyReceiver* receiver1 = new MyReceiver();
* connection.connect(receiver1, TQT_SLOT(handleDBusSignal(const TQT_DBusMessage&)));
* @endcode
* @c receiver1 will get all signals on this connection
* @code
* TQT_DBusProxy* proxy = new TQT_DBusProxy(connection);
* proxy->setService("org.freedesktop.DBus"); // who we work with
* proxy->setPath("/org/freedesktop/DBus"); // which object inside the peer work with
* proxy->setInterface("org.freedesktop.DBus"); // which of its interfaces we will use
* MyReceiver* receiver2 = new MyReceiver();
* TQObject::connect(proxy, TQT_SIGNAL(dbusSignal(const TQT_DBusMessage&)),
* receiver2, TQT_SLOT(handleDBusSignal(const TQT_DBusMessage&)));
* @endcode
* @c receiver2 will only get signals coming from the proxy's peer interface
* @include example-client.h
* @example example-client.cpp
#include <tqobject.h>
#include "tqdbusmacros.h"
class TQT_DBusConnection;
class TQT_DBusData;
class TQT_DBusError;
class TQT_DBusMessage;
template <class T> class TQValueList;
* @brief Client interface to a remote service object
* TQT_DBusProxy provides a convenience interface for working with D-Bus services,
* or more precisely, interfaces of D-Bus service objects.
* A D-Bus service object is identified through the name of its host application
* on the bus and its path (logical location) within the host application.
* Such a service object can implement any number of interfaces, i.e. groups
* methods and signals, and can create a TQT_DBusProxy instance for every one
* your application needs to work with.
* See section @ref dbusclient for documentation on how to use TQT_DBusProxy
class TQDBUS_EXPORT TQT_DBusProxy : public TQObject
* @brief Creates a proxy without binding it to a service or connection
* This basic constructor allows to create a proxy and specify the peer
* object and interface later on.
* @param parent TQObject parent
* @param name TQObject name
TQT_DBusProxy(TQObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0);
* @brief Creates a proxy on a given connection without binding it to a
* service
* Similar to the above constructor, it does not yet specify and details
* about the proxy's peer, but already specifies which connection to work
* on.
* This can be useful to monitor all signal on a connection without
* filtering for a specific peer.
* @param connection the D-Bus connection to work on
* @param parent TQObject parent
* @param name TQObject name
TQT_DBusProxy(const TQT_DBusConnection& connection, TQObject* parent = 0,
const char* name = 0);
* @brief Creates a proxy for a given peer on a given connection
* This creates a proxy for a specific peer object-interface combination
* It is equvalent to creating an "empty" proxy and calling setConnection(),
* setService(), setPath() and setInterface() manually.
* @param service the name the peer's host application uses on the bus
* @param path the peer object's path within its host application
* @param interface the interface to work with
* @param connection the D-Bus connection to work on
* @param parent TQObject parent
* @param name TQObject name
TQT_DBusProxy(const TQString& service, const TQString& path,
const TQString& interface, const TQT_DBusConnection& connection,
TQObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0);
* @brief Destroys the proxy instance
virtual ~TQT_DBusProxy();
* @brief Sets the D-Bus connection to work on
* Disconnects from any previously used connection and connects
* to the new connection's signal distribution.
* If no peer information has been provided at creation time or through
* the other set methods, the instance's signal dbusSignal() will emit
* all signals received on the given connection.
* @param connection the D-Bus connection to work on
* @return @c true if connecting to the new connection's signal succeeded,
* @c false if it failed, e.g. if the connection is a "null"
* connection
* @see connection()
* @see setService()
* @see setPath()
* @see setInterface()
bool setConnection(const TQT_DBusConnection& connection);
* @brief Returns the currently used D-Bus connection
* @see setConnection()
const TQT_DBusConnection& connection() const;
* @brief Sets the peer's service name
* A non-empty service name is required if the proxy is to be used for
* method calls. See section @ref dbusconventions-servicename for details.
* If a string other than @c TQString() is set, it will be used to
* filter signals, i.e. a signal received by the proxy will only be emitted
* if the service name matches.
* @param service the peer's name on the bus
* @see service()
* @see setPath()
* @see setInterface()
void setService(const TQString& service);
* @brief Returns the peer's service name
* @return the peer object's service name
* @see setService()
TQString service() const;
* @brief Sets the peer's object path
* A non-empty object path is required if the proxy is to be used for
* method calls. See section @ref dbusconventions-objectpath for details.
* If a string other than @c TQString() is set, it will be used to
* filter signals, i.e. a signal received by the proxy will only be emitted
* if the object path matches.
* @param path the peer's object path inside its host application
* (logical address)
* @see path()
* @see setService()
* @see setInterface()
void setPath(const TQString& path);
* @brief Returns the peer's object path
* @return the peer object's path
* @see setPath()
TQString path() const;
* @brief Sets the name of the peer interface
* A non-empty interface name is required if the proxy is to be used for
* method calls. See section @ref dbusconventions-interfacename for
* details.
* If a string other than @c TQString() is set, it will be used to
* filter signals, i.e. a signal received by the proxy will only be emitted
* if the interface name matches.
* @param interface the peer's interface to work with
* @see interface()
* @see setService()
* @see setPath()
void setInterface(const TQString& interface);
* @brief Returns the name of the peer interface
* @return the peer object's interface
* @see setInterface()
TQString interface() const;
* @brief Returns whether the proxy can be used to send method calls
* The capabilitly to send method calls depends on having all necessary
* base information:
* - Service name, see setService()
* - Object path, see setPath()
* - Interface, see setInterface()
* and a working connection, see setConnection()
* @return @c true if method calls can be sent, @c false if any of the three
* base information is missing or if the connection is not connected
* @see send()
* @see sendWithReply()
* @see sendWithAsyncReply()
bool canSend() const;
* @brief Sends a method call to the peer object
* This is roughly equivalent to calling a C++ method with no return value
* or like ignoring the it.
* @param method the name of the method to invoke
* @param params the method parameters. Use an empty list if the method
* does not require parameters
* @return @c true if sending succeeded, @c false if sending failed,
* the method name was empty or any of the conditions for
* successfull sending as described for canSend() are not met
* @see lastError()
* @see sendWithReply()
* @see sendWithAsyncReply()
* @see @ref dbusconventions-membername
bool send(const TQString& method, const TQValueList<TQT_DBusData>& params) const;
* @brief Sends a method call to the peer object and waits for the reply
* This is roughly equivalent to calling a C++ method on a local object.
* @param method the name of the method to invoke
* @param params the method parameters. Use an empty list if the method
* does not require parameters
* @param error optional parameter to get any error directly
* @return a TQT_DBusMessage containing any return values of the invoked method.
* Will be an invalid message if an error occurs. The error can be
* accessed through the optional paramater @p error or through
* lastError()
* @see canSend()
* @see send()
* @see sendWithAsyncReply()
* @see @ref dbusconventions-membername
TQT_DBusMessage sendWithReply(const TQString& method,
const TQValueList<TQT_DBusData>& params, TQT_DBusError* error = 0) const;
* @brief Sends a method call to the peer object but does not wait for an
* answer
* This is roughly equivalent to calling a C++ method on a local TQt
* event loop driven object, where the result of the method call is
* delivered later through a signal.
* @note as with TQt's asychronous classes this needs a running event loop
* @param method the name of the method to invoke
* @param params the method parameters. Use an empty list if the method
* does not require parameters
* @return a serial number to easily identify the reply once it is received
* or 0 if the call is not possible, i.e. the method name is empty
* or any of the conditions for canSend() are not met
* @warning if a asynchronous call is followed by a synchronous call, e.g.
* using sendWithReply(), without returning to the event loop,
* is recommended to call TQT_DBusConnection::scheduleDispatch()
* after the synchronous call to make sure any reply received
* during the blocking call is delivered
* @see asyncReply()
* @see send()
* @see sendWithReply()
* @see @ref dbusconventions-membername
int sendWithAsyncReply(const TQString& method, const TQValueList<TQT_DBusData>& params);
* @brief Returns the last error seen by the proxy
* The last error can a connection error, e.g. sending a message failed due
* connection being lost, or the error of the last call to sendWithReply or
* the error of the last received asyncReply()
* @return the last dbus error seen by this proxy
TQT_DBusError lastError() const;
* @brief Signal emitted for D-Bus signals from the peer
* Signals received on the proxy's connection are filtered by
* handleDBusSignal() for all proxy properties that are not empty.
* @param message the signal's content
* @see TQT_DBusMessage::SignalMessage
void dbusSignal(const TQT_DBusMessage& message);
* @brief Signal emitted for received replies to asynchronous method calls
* If a method invoked by using sendWithAsyncReply() send a response, e.g.
* method return value or errors, this signal is emitted to notify the
* proxy's user.
* @param callID the method call's serial number as returned by
* sendWithAsyncReply()
* @param message the reply's content
* @see handleAsyncReply()
* @see TQT_DBusMessage::replySerialNumber()
void asyncReply(int callID, const TQT_DBusMessage& message);
protected slots:
* @brief Handles D-Bus signals received on the proxy's connection
* The base implementation checks each non-empty property, i.e. service
* name, object path and interface, with the respective field of the
* signal's D-Bus message.
* If all available matches succeed, the message is emitted by
* dbusSignal(), otherwise it is discarded.
* @note Filtering for @c service will only happen if @c service is a
* unique D-Bus name, i.e. if it starts with a colon @c ":" since
* D-Bus signals carry the sender's unique name and filtering by a
* requested name would reject all signals.
* @param message the D-Bus signal message as received
* @see TQT_DBusMessage::SignalMessage
virtual void handleDBusSignal(const TQT_DBusMessage& message);
* @brief Handles replies to asynchronous method calls
* The base implementation simply extracts the reply's error and makes
* it available for lastError(). It then emits asyncReply()
* @param message the D-Bus reply message as received
* @see TQT_DBusMessage::replySerialNumber()
virtual void handleAsyncReply(const TQT_DBusMessage& message);
class Private;
Private* d;
TQT_DBusProxy(const TQT_DBusProxy&);
TQT_DBusProxy& operator=(const TQT_DBusProxy&);