You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

456 lines
9.9 KiB

/* ============================================================
* This file is a part of digiKam project
* Date : 2004-06-15
* Description : digiKam album types
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Renchi Raju <>
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by Gilles Caulier <caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* ============================================================ */
/** @file album.h */
#ifndef ALBUM_H
#define ALBUM_H
// Qt includes.
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qmap.h>
// KDE includes.
#include <kurl.h>
namespace Digikam
* \class Album
* \brief Abstract base class for all album types
* A class which provides an abstraction for a type Album. This class is meant to
* be derived and every time a new Album Type is defined add a enum corresponding
* to that to Album::Type
* This class provides a means of building a tree representation for
* Albums @see Album::setParent().
class Album
enum Type
PHYSICAL=0, /**< PHYSICAL: A physical album type @see PAlbum */
TAG, /**< TAG: A tag album type @see TAlbum */
DATE, /**< DATE: A date album type @see DAlbum */
SEARCH /**< SEARCH: A search album type @see SAlbum */
* Destructor
* this will also recursively delete all child Albums
virtual ~Album();
* Delete all child albums and also remove any associated extra data
void clear();
* @return the parent album for this album
Album* parent() const;
* @return the first child of this album or 0 if no children
Album* firstChild() const;
* @return the last child of this album or 0 if no children
Album* lastChild() const;
* @return the next sibling of this album of this album or 0
* if no next sibling
* @see AlbumIterator
Album* next() const;
* @return the previous sibling of this album of this album or 0 if no
* previous sibling
* @see AlbumIterator
Album* prev() const;
* @return the type of album
* @see Type
Type type() const;
* Each album has a @p ID uniquely identifying it in the set of Albums of
* a Type
* \note The @p ID for a root Album is always 0
* @return the @p ID of the album
* @see globalID()
int id() const;
* An album ID is only unique among the set of all Albums of its Type.
* This is a global Identifier which will uniquely identifying the Album
* among all Albums
* \note If you are adding a new Album Type make sure to update
* this implementation.
* You can always get the @p ID of the album using something like
* \code
* int albumID = rootAlbum->globalID() - album->globalID();
* \endcode
* @return the @p globalID of the album
* @see id()
int globalID() const;
* @return the @p title aka name of the album
QString title() const;
* @return the kde url of the album
virtual KURL kurl() const = 0;
* @return true is the album is a Root Album
bool isRoot() const;
* @return true if the @p album is in the parent hierarchy
* @param album Album to check whether it belongs in the child
* hierarchy
bool isAncestorOf(Album* album) const;
* This allows to associate some "extra" data to a Album. As one
* Album can be used by several objects (often views) which all need
* to add some data, you have to use a key to reference your extra data
* within the Album.
* That way a Album can hold and provide access to all those views
* separately.
* for eg,
* \code
* album->setExtraData( this, searchFolderItem );
* \endcode
* and can later access the searchFolderItem by doing
* \code
* SearchFolderItem *item = static_cast<SearchFolderItem*>(album->extraData(this));
* \endcode
* Note: you have to remove and destroy the data you associated yourself
* when you don't need it anymore!
* @param key the key of the extra data
* @param value the value of the extra data
* @see extraData
* @see removeExtraData
void setExtraData(const void* key, void *value);
* Remove the associated extra data associated with @p key
* @param key the key of the extra data
* @see setExtraData
* @see extraData
void removeExtraData(const void* key);
* Retrieve the associated extra data associated with @p key
* @param key the key of the extra data
* @see setExtraData
* @see extraData
void* extraData(const void* key) const;
* Constructor
Album(Album::Type type, int id, bool root);
* @internal use only
* Set a new title for the album
* @param title new title for the album
void setTitle(const QString& title);
* @internal use only
* Set the parent of the album
* @param parent set the parent album of album to @p parent
void setParent(Album* parent);
* @internal use only
* Insert an Album as a child for this album
* @param child the Album to add as child
void insertChild(Album* child);
* @internal use only
* Remove a Album from the children list for this album
* @param child the Album to remove
void removeChild(Album* child);
* Disable copy and default constructor
Album(const Album&);
Album& operator==(const Album&);
Type m_type;
int m_id;
bool m_root;
QString m_title;
Album* m_parent;
Album* m_firstChild;
Album* m_lastChild;
Album* m_next;
Album* m_prev;
bool m_clearing;
QMap<const void*, void*> m_extraMap;
friend class AlbumManager;
* \class PAlbum
* A Physical Album representation
class PAlbum : public Album
PAlbum(const QString& title, int id, bool root=false);
void setCaption(const QString& caption);
void setCollection(const QString& collection);
void setDate(const QDate& date);
QString caption() const;
QString collection() const;
QDate date() const;
QString url() const;
QString prettyURL() const;
QString folderPath() const;
KURL kurl() const;
QString icon() const;
KURL iconKURL() const;
QString m_collection;
QString m_caption;
QDate m_date;
QString m_icon;
friend class AlbumManager;
* \class TAlbum
* A Tag Album representation
class TAlbum : public Album
TAlbum(const QString& title, int id, bool root=false);
* @return The tag path, e.g. "/People/Friend/John" if leadingSlash is true,
"People/Friend/John" if leadingSlash if false.
* The root TAlbum returns "/" resp. "".
QString tagPath(bool leadingSlash = true) const;
KURL kurl() const;
QString prettyURL() const;
QString icon() const;
QString m_icon;
int m_pid;
friend class AlbumManager;
* \class DAlbum
* A Date Album representation
class DAlbum : public Album
enum Range
Month = 0,
DAlbum(const QDate& date, bool root=false, Range range=Month);
QDate date() const;
Range range() const;
KURL kurl() const;
static int m_uniqueID;
Range m_range;
QDate m_date;
friend class AlbumManager;
* \class SAlbum
* A Search Album representation
class SAlbum : public Album
SAlbum(int id, const KURL& url, bool simple, bool root=false);
KURL kurl() const;
bool isSimple() const;
KURL m_kurl;
bool m_simple;
friend class AlbumManager;
* \class AlbumIterator
* Iterate over all children of this Album.
* \note It will not include the specified album
* Example usage:
* \code
* AlbumIterator it(album);
* while ( it.current() )
* {
* DDebug() << "Album: " << it.current()->title() << endl;
* ++it;
* }
* \endcode
* \warning Do not delete albums using this iterator.
class AlbumIterator
AlbumIterator(Album *album);
AlbumIterator& operator++();
Album* operator*();
Album* current() const;
AlbumIterator() {}
AlbumIterator(const AlbumIterator&) {}
AlbumIterator& operator=(const AlbumIterator&){ return *this; }
Album* m_current;
Album* m_root;
} // namespace Digikam
#endif /* ALBUM_H */