# Part of the ht://Dig package <http://www.htdig.org/>
# Copyright (c) 1999-2004 The ht://Dig Group
# For copyright details, see the file COPYING in your distribution
# or the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or later
# <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html>
# $Id: t_validwords,v 1.2 2004/05/28 13:15:30 lha Exp $
try() {
$htsearch -c $config "$query" > $tmp 2> /dev/null
for pattern
if grep "$pattern" $tmp > /dev/null
then :
$htsearch -vv -c $config "$query" > /dev/null
echo "Output doesn't match \"$pattern\""
fail "$htsearch -c $config '$query' >> $tmp --
. ./test_functions
# set up config file with chosen non-default values
cp $testdir/conf/htdig.conf $config
set_attr allow_numbers "false"
set_attr minimum_word_length "3"
set_attr maximum_word_length "10"
set_attr translate_latin1 "0"
set_attr valid_punctuation "."
set_attr extra_word_characters "<22><>"
#set_attr locale fr
$htdig "$@" -t -i -c $config || fail "Couldn't dig"
set_attr remove_bad_urls "false"
set_attr remove_unretrieved_urls "true"
$htpurge -vv -c $config > tmp1 || fail "Couldn't purge"
# How can I check that unretrieved urls have been removed, but bad ones haven't?
try "Search for '2001' without allow_numbers" \
"words=2001" \
'No matches'
try "Search for '0b3' without allow_numbers" \
"words=0b3" \
'1 matches' 'bad_local.htm' '3.2.<strong>0b3</strong>'
try "Search for '3.2.0b3' without allow_numbers" \
"words=3.2.0b3" \
'1 matches' 'bad_local.htm' '<strong>3.2.0b3</strong>'
try "Search for '320b3' without allow_numbers" \
"words=320b3" \
'1 matches' 'bad_local.htm'
try 'Search for "archive." without . in extra_word_characters' \
'words=archive.' \
'1 matches' 'bad_local.htm' '<strong>archive</strong>.'
try 'Search for "archive" without . in extra_word_characters' \
'words=archive' \
'1 matches' 'bad_local.htm' '<strong>archive</strong>.'
try "Search for 'graduateprofessional' which should not match a slash" \
"words=graduateprofessional" \
'No matches'
try "Search for 'now' with minimum_word_length=3" \
"words=now" \
'1 matches' 'bad_local.htm'
try "Search for 'fran<61>ais' without translate_latin1" \
"words=fran<61>ais" \
'1 matches' 'site4.html' '<strong>fran<61>ais</strong>'
try "Search for 'qu<71>bec' without translate_latin1" \
"words=qu<71>bec" \
'No matches'
try "Search for 'with' with default bad_word_list" \
"words=with" \
'No matches'
try "Search for 'technical' with default bad_word_list" \
"words=technical" \
'1 matches' 'site%201.html'
set_attr allow_numbers "true"
set_attr minimum_word_length "4"
set_attr maximum_word_length "13"
set_attr translate_latin1 "yes"
set_attr valid_punctuation "/"
set_attr extra_word_characters '.\\\$<24><>' # string is .\$<24><>, chars: .$<24><>
set_attr bad_word_list "${testdir}/bad_word_list"
#set_attr locale fr
$htdig "$@" -t -i -c $config || fail "Couldn't dig"
set_attr remove_bad_urls "true"
set_attr remove_unretrieved_urls "false"
$htpurge -vv -c $config > tmp || fail "Couldn't purge"
# How can I check that bad urls have been removed, but unretrieved ones haven't?
try "Search for '2001' " \
"words=2001" \
'1 matches' '1995-<strong>2001</strong>'
try "Search for '9.00'" \
"words=9.00" \
'1 matches' 'site4.html' '<strong>9.00</strong>'
try "Search for '9/00' -- checking . is not just valid_punctuation" \
"words=9/00" \
'No matches'
try 'Search for "archive." with . in extra_word_characters' \
'words=archive.' \
'1 matches' 'bad_local.htm' '<strong>archive.</strong>'
try 'Search for "archive" with . in extra_word_characters' \
'words=archive' \
'No matches'
try 'Search for "$195"' \
'words=$195' \
'1 matches' 'site4.html' '<strong>$195</strong>,000'
try "Search for 'graduateprofessional' which should match a slash" \
"words=graduateprofessional" \
'1 matches' 'site4.html' '<strong>graduate/professional</strong>'
#try "Search for 'graduateprofexyz' which should match a truncated word" \
# "words=graduateprofexyz" \
# '1 matches' 'site4.html' '<strong>graduate/professional</strong>'
try "Search for 'graduateprofexyz' which should match a truncated word" \
"words=graduateprofexyz" \
'1 matches' 'site4.html'
try "Search for 'graduateprofxyz' which should fail to match a truncated word" \
"words=graduateprofxyz" \
'No matches'
try "Search for 'part' with minimum_word_length=4" \
"words=part" \
'2 matches' 'bad_local.htm' 'script.html'
try "Search for 'now' with minimum_word_length=4" \
"words=now" \
'No matches'
try "Search for 'fran<61>ais' with translate_latin1" \
"words=fran<61>ais" \
'1 matches' 'site4.html' '<strong>français</strong>'
try "Search for 'qu<71>bec' with translate_latin1" \
"words=qu<71>bec" \
'1 matches' 'site4.html' '<strong>Québec</strong>'
try "Search for 'with' with new bad_word_list" \
"words=with" \
'4 matches' 'bad_local.htm' 'script.html' 'site4.html' 'site%201.html'
try "Search for 'technical' with new bad_word_list" \
"words=technical" \
'No matches'
. ./test_functions