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#ifndef _CANVASGLX_H
#define _CANVASGLX_H
#include "canvas_base.h"
#include <GL/glx.h>
// A Canvas for drawing to a GL window via GLX
// (currently only works on root window)
class CanvasGLX : public CanvasBase {
Window window;
Display *display;
int screen;
// create the window (either SDL or GLX)
virtual int create_window();
Window window_id;
CanvasGLX(Scene *s, bool full_screen, int mspf, Window wid);
virtual ~CanvasGLX() {}
// resize the viewport and apply frustum transformation
virtual void resize();
// repaint what's on the canvas
virtual void draw();
// handle all events, and call proper handlers.
// returns 0 normally, else >0 on QUIT
virtual int handle_events();
// get current millisecond (arbitrary reference: used for change in millis)
virtual int get_ms();
// delay for specified number of milliseconds
virtual void delay(int ms);
#endif // canvas_glx.h