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set -x
gcc -O3 -g -I. -I.. "$0" -DARCH_X86
exit $?
* test-acmemcpy-speed.c - time all accelerated memcpy() implementations
* Written by Andrew Church <>
* This file is part of transcode, a video stream processing tool.
* transcode is free software, distributable under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (version 2 or later). See the file COPYING
* for details.
#include "config.h"
#define _GNU_SOURCE /* for strsignal */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define ac_memcpy local_ac_memcpy /* to avoid clash with libac.a */
#define ac_memcpy_init local_ac_memcpy_init /* to avoid clash with libac.a */
#include "aclib/ac.h"
/* Include memcpy.c directly to get access to the particular implementations */
#include "../aclib/memcpy.c"
#undef ac_memcpy
/* Make sure all names are available, to simplify function table */
#if !defined(ARCH_X86) || !defined(HAVE_ASM_MMX)
# define memcpy_mmx memcpy
#if !defined(ARCH_X86) || !defined(HAVE_ASM_SSE)
# define memcpy_sse memcpy
#if !defined(ARCH_X86_64) || !defined(HAVE_ASM_SSE2)
# define memcpy_amd64 memcpy
/* Default copy size and test length */
#define DEF_BLOCKSIZE 0x10000
#define DEF_TESTTIME 2000 /* milliseconds */
static void *old_SIGSEGV = NULL, *old_SIGILL = NULL, *old_SIGVTALRM = NULL;
static sigjmp_buf env;
static void sighandler(int sig)
if (sig != SIGVTALRM)
printf("*** %s\n", strsignal(sig));
siglongjmp(env, sig);
static void set_signals(void)
old_SIGSEGV = signal(SIGSEGV , sighandler);
old_SIGILL = signal(SIGILL , sighandler);
old_SIGVTALRM = signal(SIGVTALRM, sighandler);
static void clear_signals(void)
signal(SIGSEGV , old_SIGSEGV );
signal(SIGILL , old_SIGILL );
/* align1 and align2 are 0..63 */
static void testit(void *(*func)(void *, const void *, size_t), int size,
int align1, int align2, int msec, uint64_t *iterations)
char *chunk1, *chunk1_base;
char *chunk2, *chunk2_base;
int sig;
volatile uint64_t iter = 0;
chunk1_base = malloc(size+128);
chunk2_base = malloc(size+128);
chunk1 = (char *)(((long)chunk1_base+63) & -64) + align1;
chunk2 = (char *)(((long)chunk2_base+63) & -64) + align2;
memset(chunk1, 0x11, size);
memset(chunk2, 0x22, size);
if ((sig = sigsetjmp(env, 1)) != 0) {
if (sig == SIGVTALRM)
*iterations = iter;
*iterations = 0;
} else {
struct itimerval timer;
timer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
timer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
timer.it_value.tv_sec = msec/1000;
timer.it_value.tv_usec = msec%1000;
if (setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &timer, NULL) < 0) {
for (;;) {
(*func)(chunk2, chunk1, size);
/* Turn presence/absence of #define into a number */
#if defined(ARCH_X86)
# define defined_ARCH_X86 1
# define defined_ARCH_X86 0
#if defined(ARCH_X86_64)
# define defined_ARCH_X86_64 1
# define defined_ARCH_X86_64 0
#if defined(HAVE_ASM_MMX)
# define defined_HAVE_ASM_MMX 1
# define defined_HAVE_ASM_MMX 0
#if defined(HAVE_ASM_SSE)
# define defined_HAVE_ASM_SSE 1
# define defined_HAVE_ASM_SSE 0
#if defined(HAVE_ASM_SSE2)
# define defined_HAVE_ASM_SSE2 1
# define defined_HAVE_ASM_SSE2 0
/* List of routines to test, NULL-terminated */
static struct {
const char *name; /* centered in 5 chars */
int arch_ok; /* defined(ARCH_xxx) */
int acflags; /* required ac_cpuinfo() flags */
void *(*func)(void *, const void *, size_t);
} testfuncs[] = {
{ "libc ", 1,
0, memcpy },
{ " mmx ", defined_ARCH_X86 && defined_HAVE_ASM_MMX,
AC_MMX, memcpy_mmx },
{ " sse ", defined_ARCH_X86 && defined_HAVE_ASM_SSE,
AC_CMOVE|AC_SSE, memcpy_sse },
{ "amd64", defined_ARCH_X86_64 && defined_HAVE_ASM_SSE2,
AC_CMOVE|AC_SSE2, memcpy_amd64 },
{ NULL }
/* Alignments/sizes to test */
static struct {
int align1, align2;
} tests[] = {
{ 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1 },
{ 0, 4 },
{ 0, 8 },
{ 0, 63 },
{ 1, 0 },
{ 1, 1 },
{ 1, 4 },
{ 1, 8 },
{ 1, 63 },
{ 4, 0 },
{ 4, 1 },
{ 8, 0 },
{ 8, 1 },
{ 63, 0 },
{ 63, 1 },
{ 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1 },
{ 0, 4 },
{ 0, 8 },
{ 0, 63 },
{ 1, 0 },
{ 1, 1 },
{ 1, 4 },
{ 1, 8 },
{ 1, 63 },
{ -1, -1 }
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int size = DEF_BLOCKSIZE, testtime = DEF_TESTTIME;
int ch, i;
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hs:t:")) != EOF) {
if (ch == 's') {
size = atoi(optarg);
} else if (ch == 't') {
testtime = atoi(optarg);
} else {
"Usage: %s [-s blocksize] [-t msec-per-test]\n"
"Defaults: -s %d -t %d\n",
return 1;
if (size <= 0 || testtime <= 0)
goto usage;
for (i = 0; testfuncs[i].name; i++) {
if ((ac_cpuinfo() & testfuncs[i].acflags) != testfuncs[i].acflags)
testfuncs[i].arch_ok = 0;
printf("Size: %d msec/test: %d Table entries in MB/s\n",
size, testtime);
printf("Align ");
for (i = 0; testfuncs[i].name; i++) {
if (testfuncs[i].arch_ok)
printf("|%s", testfuncs[i].name);
for (i = 0; testfuncs[i].name; i++) {
if (testfuncs[i].arch_ok)
for (i = 0; tests[i].align1 >= 0; i++) {
int j;
printf("%2d/%2d ", tests[i].align1, tests[i].align2);
for (j = 0; testfuncs[j].name; j++) {
if (testfuncs[j].arch_ok) {
uint64_t iterations;
testit(testfuncs[j].func, size,
tests[i].align1, tests[i].align2, testtime,
if (iterations == 0)
(int)(iterations*size*1000 / testtime / (1<<20)));
return 0;
* Local variables:
* c-file-style: "stroustrup"
* c-file-offsets: ((case-label . *) (statement-case-intro . *))
* indent-tabs-mode: nil
* End:
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