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831 lines
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* bluetooth.c: Interface layer to bluetooth HotSync connections
* using the Bluez stack (
* Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, D. Jeff Dionne & Kenneth Albanowski
* Copyright (c) 1999, Tilo Christ
* Copyright (c) 2005, Florent Pillet
* Copyright (c) 2004, Paul Evans <>
* Copyright (c) 2005, Bastien Nocera <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h> /* Needed for Redhat 6.x machines */
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <bluetooth/bluetooth.h>
#include <bluetooth/rfcomm.h>
#include <bluetooth/hci.h>
#include <bluetooth/hci_lib.h>
#include "pi-debug.h"
#include "pi-source.h"
#include "pi-socket.h"
#include "pi-bluetooth.h"
#include "pi-cmp.h"
#include "pi-net.h"
#include "pi-error.h"
#include "pi-serial.h"
#include "pi-util.h"
#ifdef OS2
#include <sys/select.h>
/* Declare prototypes */
static int pi_bluetooth_open(struct pi_socket *ps, struct pi_sockaddr *addr,
int addrlen);
static int pi_bluetooth_connect(pi_socket_t *ps, struct sockaddr *addr,
size_t addrlen);
static int pi_bluetooth_bind(pi_socket_t *ps, struct sockaddr *addr,
size_t addrlen);
static int pi_bluetooth_listen(pi_socket_t *ps, int backlog);
static int pi_bluetooth_accept(pi_socket_t *ps, struct sockaddr *addr,
size_t *addrlen);
static int pi_bluetooth_getsockopt(pi_socket_t *ps, int level,
int option_name, void *option_value,
size_t *option_len);
static int pi_bluetooth_setsockopt(pi_socket_t *ps, int level,
int option_name, const void *option_value,
size_t *option_len);
static int pi_bluetooth_close(pi_socket_t *ps);
static int pi_bluetooth_flush(pi_socket_t *ps, int flags);
static ssize_t pi_bluetooth_write(struct pi_socket *ps,
const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, int flags);
static ssize_t pi_bluetooth_read(struct pi_socket *ps,
pi_buffer_t *buf, size_t len, int flags);
extern int pi_socket_init(pi_socket_t *ps);
/* SDP Helper functions */
* Copyright (C) 2004 Edd Dumbill <>
* Copyright (C) 2005 Bastien Nocera <>
* Mostly borrowed from BlueZ
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Nokia Corporation
* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Maxim Krasnyansky <>
* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Marcel Holtmann <>
* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Stephen Crane <>
* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Jean Tourrilhes <>
#include <bluetooth/sdp.h>
#include <bluetooth/sdp_lib.h>
typedef struct {
char *name;
char *provider;
char *desc;
unsigned int class;
unsigned int profile;
unsigned int channel;
} svc_info_t;
static unsigned char hotsync_uuid[] = {
0xD8, 0x0C, 0xF9, 0xEA, 0x13, 0x4C, 0x11, 0xD5,
0x83, 0xCE, 0x00, 0x30, 0x65, 0x7C, 0x54, 0x3C
static int
add_hotsync(sdp_session_t *session,
sdp_record_t *rec,
bdaddr_t *interface,
svc_info_t *si,
uint32_t *handle,
int *channel_ret)
sdp_record_t record;
sdp_list_t *root, *svclass, *proto;
uuid_t root_uuid, svclass_uuid, l2cap_uuid, rfcomm_uuid;
uint8_t channel = HOTSYNC_CHANNEL;
memset(&record, 0, sizeof(record));
record.handle = 0xffffffff;
sdp_uuid16_create(&root_uuid, PUBLIC_BROWSE_GROUP);
root = sdp_list_append(NULL, &root_uuid);
sdp_set_browse_groups(&record, root);
sdp_uuid16_create(&l2cap_uuid, L2CAP_UUID);
proto = sdp_list_append(NULL, sdp_list_append(NULL, &l2cap_uuid));
sdp_uuid16_create(&rfcomm_uuid, RFCOMM_UUID);
proto = sdp_list_append(proto, sdp_list_append(
sdp_list_append(NULL, &rfcomm_uuid), sdp_data_alloc(SDP_UINT8, &channel)));
sdp_set_access_protos(&record, sdp_list_append(NULL, proto));
sdp_uuid128_create(&svclass_uuid, (void *) hotsync_uuid);
svclass = sdp_list_append(NULL, &svclass_uuid);
sdp_set_service_classes(&record, svclass);
sdp_set_info_attr(&record, "PalmOS HotSync", NULL, NULL);
if (sdp_device_record_register(session, interface, &record, 0) < 0) {
"bluetooth: service record registration failed\n"));
return -1;
*handle = record.handle;
*channel_ret = HOTSYNC_CHANNEL;
return 0;
static int
register_sdp (uint32_t *handle, int *channel, sdp_session_t **sess)
svc_info_t si;
bdaddr_t interface;
bacpy (&interface, BDADDR_ANY);
*sess = sdp_connect (&interface, BDADDR_LOCAL, 0);
if (*sess == NULL)
return -1;
memset (&si, 0, sizeof(si)); = "HOTSYNC";
return add_hotsync (*sess, 0, &interface, &si, handle, channel);
static int
deregister_sdp(uint32_t handle, sdp_session_t *sess)
uint32_t range = 0x0000ffff;
sdp_list_t *attr;
sdp_record_t *rec;
bdaddr_t interface;
if (!sess)
return 0;
bacpy(&interface, BDADDR_ANY);
attr = sdp_list_append(0, &range);
rec = sdp_service_attr_req(sess, handle, SDP_ATTR_REQ_RANGE, attr);
sdp_list_free(attr, 0);
if (!rec) {
"bluetooth: service record not found\n"));
return -1;
if (sdp_record_unregister(sess, rec)) {
"bluetooth: failed to unregister service record: %s\n",
return -1;
LOG((PI_DBG_DEV, PI_DBG_LVL_INFO, "bluetooth: service record deleted\n"));
return 0;
/* Protocol Functions */
* Function: pi_bluetooth_protocol_dup
* Summary: clones an existing pi_protocol struct
* Parameters: pi_protocol*
* Returns: pi_protocol_t* or NULL if operation failed
static pi_protocol_t*
pi_bluetooth_protocol_dup (pi_protocol_t *prot)
pi_protocol_t *new_prot;
ASSERT (prot != NULL);
new_prot = (pi_protocol_t *) malloc(sizeof (pi_protocol_t));
if (new_prot != NULL) {
new_prot->level = prot->level;
new_prot->dup = prot->dup;
new_prot->free = prot->free;
new_prot->read = prot->read;
new_prot->write = prot->write;
new_prot->flush = prot->flush;
new_prot->getsockopt = prot->getsockopt;
new_prot->setsockopt = prot->setsockopt;
new_prot->data = NULL;
return new_prot;
* Function: pi_bluetooth_protocol_free
* Summary: frees an existing pi_protocol struct
* Parameters: pi_protocol*
* Returns: void
static void
pi_bluetooth_protocol_free (pi_protocol_t *prot)
ASSERT (prot != NULL);
if (prot != NULL)
* Function: pi_bluetooth_protocol
* Summary: creates and inits pi_protocol struct instance
* Parameters: pi_device_t*
* Returns: pi_protocol_t* or NULL if operation failed
static pi_protocol_t*
pi_bluetooth_protocol (pi_device_t *dev)
pi_protocol_t *prot;
struct pi_bluetooth_data *data;
ASSERT (dev != NULL);
prot = (pi_protocol_t *) malloc(sizeof (pi_protocol_t));
data = (struct pi_bluetooth_data *)(dev->data);
if (prot != NULL) {
prot->level = PI_LEVEL_DEV;
prot->dup = pi_bluetooth_protocol_dup;
prot->free = pi_bluetooth_protocol_free;
prot->read = pi_bluetooth_read;
prot->write = pi_bluetooth_write;
prot->flush = pi_bluetooth_flush;
prot->getsockopt = pi_bluetooth_getsockopt;
prot->setsockopt = pi_bluetooth_setsockopt;
prot->data = NULL;
return prot;
/* Device Functions */
* Function: pi_bluetooth_register_hotsync_sdp
* Summary: Gets on which channel the HOTSYNC service is, and
* registers it if necessary
* Parameters: None
* Returns: Nothing
static void
pi_bluetooth_register_hotsync_sdp (struct pi_bluetooth_data *data)
if (register_sdp (&data->handle, &data->channel, &data->sess) < 0) {
data->channel = -1;
data->handle = 0;
data->sess = NULL;
* Function: pi_bluetooth_unregister_hotsync_sdp
* Summary: Removes the HOTSYNC service
* Parameters: None
* Returns: Nothing
static void
pi_bluetooth_unregister_hotsync_sdp (struct pi_bluetooth_data *data)
if (data->handle != 0)
deregister_sdp (data->handle, data->sess);
* Function: pi_bluetooth_device_free
* Summary: frees an existing pi_device struct
* Parameters: pi_device_t*
* Returns: void
static void
pi_bluetooth_device_free (pi_device_t *dev)
struct pi_bluetooth_data *data;
ASSERT (dev != NULL);
if (dev->data) {
data = dev->data;
pi_bluetooth_unregister_hotsync_sdp (data);
if (data->device)
free (data->device);
* Function: pi_bluetooth_open
* Summary: Open a new BlueTooth RFCOMM socket
* Parameters: None
* Returns: A negative number on error, 0 otherwise
static int
pi_bluetooth_open(struct pi_socket *ps, struct pi_sockaddr *addr, int addrlen)
int fd, flags;
struct pi_bluetooth_data *data = ps->device->data;
pi_bluetooth_register_hotsync_sdp (data);
/* If we didn't manage to create an SDP record, force channel 22 and try
* again */
if (data->channel < 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "didn't manage to get a channel\n");
data->channel = 22;
return -1;
if ((flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0)) != -1) {
flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags);
if (pi_socket_setsd(ps, fd) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
* Function: pi_bluetooth_device
* Summary: creates and inits pi_device struct instance
* Parameters: device type
* Returns: pi_device_t* or NULL if operation failed
pi_bluetooth_device (int type)
pi_device_t *dev;
struct pi_bluetooth_data *data;
dev = (pi_device_t *) malloc(sizeof (pi_device_t));
if (dev == NULL)
return NULL;
data = (struct pi_bluetooth_data *) malloc(sizeof (struct pi_bluetooth_data));
if (data == NULL) {
return NULL;
dev->free = pi_bluetooth_device_free;
dev->protocol = pi_bluetooth_protocol;
dev->bind = pi_bluetooth_bind;
dev->listen = pi_bluetooth_listen;
dev->accept = pi_bluetooth_accept;
dev->connect = pi_bluetooth_connect;
dev->close = pi_bluetooth_close;
data->timeout = 0;
dev->data = data;
return dev;
* Function: pi_bluetooth_connect
* Summary: Connect socket to a given address
* Parameters: pi_socket*, sockaddr*, size_t
* Returns: A negative number on error, 0 otherwise
static int
pi_bluetooth_connect(pi_socket_t *ps, struct sockaddr *addr,
size_t addrlen)
ps->raddr = malloc(addrlen);
memcpy(ps->raddr, addr, addrlen);
ps->raddrlen = addrlen;
ps->laddr = malloc(addrlen);
memcpy(ps->laddr, addr, addrlen);
ps->laddrlen = addrlen;
if (( ps->type == PI_SOCK_STREAM &&
ps->cmd == PI_CMD_CMP) &&
cmp_tx_handshake(ps) < 0)
return -1;
ps->state = PI_SOCK_CONN_INIT;
ps->command = 0;
return 0;
* Function: pi_bluetooth_bind
* Summary: Bind address to a local socket
* Parameters: pi_socket*, sockaddr*, size_t
* Returns: A negative number on error, 0 otherwise
static int
pi_bluetooth_bind(pi_socket_t *ps, struct sockaddr *addr, size_t addrlen)
struct pi_sockaddr *pa = (struct pi_sockaddr *) addr;
struct pi_bluetooth_data *data =
(struct pi_bluetooth_data *)ps->device->data;
char *device = pa->pi_device;
struct sockaddr_rc bindaddr;
if (pi_bluetooth_open(ps, pa, addrlen) == -1)
return -1; /* errno already set */
data->device = strdup (device);
bindaddr.rc_family = AF_BLUETOOTH;
bacpy(&bindaddr.rc_bdaddr, BDADDR_ANY);
bindaddr.rc_channel = data->channel;
if (bind(ps->sd, (struct sockaddr *)&bindaddr, sizeof(bindaddr)) < 0) {
pi_set_error(ps->sd, PI_ERR_GENERIC_SYSTEM);
return -1;
ps->laddr = malloc(addrlen);
memcpy(ps->laddr, addr, addrlen);
ps->laddrlen = addrlen;
return 0;
* Function: pi_bluetooth_listen
* Summary: Prepare for incoming connections
* Parameters: pi_socket*, backlog
* Returns: 0 for success, negative otherwise
static int pi_bluetooth_listen(pi_socket_t *ps, int backlog)
// FIXME: no result is actually being taken into account
listen(ps->sd, 10);
ps->state = PI_SOCK_LISTEN;
return 0;
* Function: pi_bluetooth_accept_rfcomm
* Summary: Accept an incoming connection and associate it with an
* RFCOMM serial device
* Parameters: None
* Returns: Nothing
static int
pi_bluetooth_accept_rfcomm(struct pi_socket *ps, const char *device, struct sockaddr_rc *peeraddr, unsigned int *peeraddrlen)
int rfcommfd;
rfcommfd = accept(ps->sd, (struct sockaddr *)peeraddr, peeraddrlen);
if (rfcommfd < 0) {
pi_set_error(ps->sd, PI_ERR_GENERIC_SYSTEM);
return -1;
/* Check whether we need to really accept this connection */
if (device[0] != '\0' && strcmp (device, "any") != 0) {
bdaddr_t tmp;
if (str2ba (device, &tmp) < 0) {
close (rfcommfd);
return -1;
if (bacmp (&tmp, &(peeraddr->rc_bdaddr)) != 0) {
close (rfcommfd);
return -1;
return rfcommfd;
* Function: pi_bluetooth_accept
* Summary: Accept an incoming connection
* Parameters: pi_socket*, sockaddr*
* Returns: Nothing
static int
pi_bluetooth_accept(pi_socket_t *ps, struct sockaddr *addr,
size_t *addrlen)
struct pi_bluetooth_data *data =
(struct pi_bluetooth_data *)ps->device->data;
struct sockaddr_rc peeraddr;
unsigned int peeraddrlen = sizeof(peeraddr);
int sd;
/* Wait for data */
sd = pi_bluetooth_accept_rfcomm(ps, data->device, &peeraddr, &peeraddrlen);
if (sd < 0) {
pi_set_error(ps->sd, PI_ERR_GENERIC_SYSTEM);
return -1;
if (pi_socket_setsd(ps, sd) < 0)
return -1;
if (ps->type == PI_SOCK_STREAM) {
switch (ps->cmd) {
case PI_CMD_CMP:
if (cmp_rx_handshake(ps, 0, 0) < 0)
return -1;
case PI_CMD_NET:
if (net_rx_handshake(ps) < 0)
return -1;
ps->dlprecord = 0;
data->timeout = 0;
ps->command = 0;
ps->state = PI_SOCK_CONN_ACCEPT;
return ps->sd;
static int
pi_bluetooth_flush(pi_socket_t *ps, int flags)
char buf[256];
int fl;
if (flags & PI_FLUSH_INPUT) {
if ((fl = fcntl(ps->sd, F_GETFL, 0)) != -1) {
fcntl(ps->sd, F_SETFL, fl | O_NONBLOCK);
while (read(ps->sd, buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0)
fcntl(ps->sd, F_SETFL, fl);
return 0;
static ssize_t
pi_bluetooth_read(struct pi_socket *ps, pi_buffer_t *buf, size_t len, int flags)
int rbuf;
struct pi_bluetooth_data *data = (struct pi_bluetooth_data *)ps->device->data;
struct timeval t;
fd_set ready;
if (pi_buffer_expect (buf, len) == NULL)
return pi_set_error(ps->sd, PI_ERR_GENERIC_MEMORY);
FD_SET(ps->sd, &ready);
/* If timeout == 0, wait forever for packet, otherwise wait till
timeout milliseconds */
if (data->timeout == 0)
select(ps->sd + 1, &ready, 0, 0, 0);
else {
t.tv_sec = data->timeout / 1000;
t.tv_usec = (data->timeout % 1000) * 1000;
select(ps->sd + 1, &ready, 0, 0, &t);
/* If data is available in time, read it */
if (FD_ISSET(ps->sd, &ready)) {
if (flags == PI_MSG_PEEK && len > 256)
len = 256;
rbuf = read(ps->sd, buf->data + buf->used, len);
} else {
LOG((PI_DBG_DEV, PI_DBG_LVL_WARN, "DEV RX BlueTooth timeout\n"));
pi_set_error(ps->sd, PI_ERR_SOCK_TIMEOUT);
return -1;
buf->used += rbuf;
LOG((PI_DBG_DEV, PI_DBG_LVL_INFO, "DEV RX bluetooth %d bytes\n", rbuf));
return rbuf;
static ssize_t
pi_bluetooth_write(struct pi_socket *ps, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, int flags)
int total,
struct pi_bluetooth_data *data = (struct pi_bluetooth_data *)ps->device->data;
struct timeval t;
fd_set ready;
FD_SET(ps->sd, &ready);
total = len;
while (total > 0) {
if (data->timeout == 0)
select(ps->sd + 1, 0, &ready, 0, 0);
else {
t.tv_sec = data->timeout / 1000;
t.tv_usec = (data->timeout % 1000) * 1000;
select(ps->sd + 1, 0, &ready, 0, &t);
if (!FD_ISSET(ps->sd, &ready)) {
pi_set_error(ps->sd, PI_ERR_SOCK_IO);
return -1;
nwrote = write(ps->sd, buf, len);
if (nwrote < 0) {
pi_set_error(ps->sd, PI_ERR_SOCK_IO);
return -1;
total -= nwrote;
LOG((PI_DBG_DEV, PI_DBG_LVL_INFO, "DEV TX bluetooth %d bytes\n", len));
return len;
* Function: pi_bluetooth_getsockopt
* Summary: get options on socket
* Parameters: pi_socket*, level, option name, option value, option length
* Returns: 0 for success, negative otherwise
static int
pi_bluetooth_getsockopt(pi_socket_t *ps, int level, int option_name,
void *option_value, size_t *option_len)
struct pi_bluetooth_data *data =
(struct pi_bluetooth_data *)ps->device->data;
if (option_name == PI_DEV_TIMEOUT) {
if (*option_len < sizeof (data->timeout)) {
pi_set_error(ps->sd, PI_ERR_GENERIC_ARGUMENT);
return -1;
memcpy (option_value, &data->timeout, sizeof (data->timeout));
*option_len = sizeof (data->timeout);
return 0;
* Function: pi_bluetooth_setsockopt
* Summary: set options on socket
* Parameters: pi_socket*, level, option name, option value, option length
* Returns: 0 for success, negative otherwise
static int
pi_bluetooth_setsockopt(pi_socket_t *ps, int level, int option_name,
const void *option_value, size_t *option_len)
struct pi_bluetooth_data *data =
(struct pi_bluetooth_data *)ps->device->data;
if (option_name == PI_DEV_TIMEOUT) {
if (*option_len != sizeof (data->timeout)) {
pi_set_error(ps->sd, PI_ERR_GENERIC_ARGUMENT);
return -1;
memcpy (&data->timeout, option_value, sizeof (data->timeout));
return 0;
* Function: pi_bluetooth_close
* Summary: Close a connection, destroy the socket
* Parameters: pi_socket*
* Returns: always 0 for success
static int pi_bluetooth_close(pi_socket_t *ps)
if (ps->laddr) {
ps->laddr = NULL;
if (ps->raddr) {
ps->raddr = NULL;
return 0;
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