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* img_yuv_rgb.c - YUV<->RGB image format conversion routines
* Written by Andrew Church <>
* This file is part of transcode, a video stream processing tool.
* transcode is free software, distributable under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (version 2 or later). See the file COPYING
* for details.
#include "ac.h"
#include "ac_internal.h"
#include "imgconvert.h"
#include "img_internal.h"
#include <string.h>
#define USE_LOOKUP_TABLES /* for YUV420P->RGB24 */
/* Standard C implementations */
const int cY = 76309;
const int crV = 104597;
const int cgU = -25675;
const int cgV = -53279;
const int cbU = 132201;
# define TABLE_SCALE 16 /* scale factor for Y */
static int Ylutbase[768*TABLE_SCALE];
static int *Ylut = Ylutbase+256*TABLE_SCALE;
static int rVlut[256];
static int gUlut[256];
static int gVlut[256];
static int bUlut[256];
static void yuv_create_tables(void) {
static int yuv_tables_created = 0;
if (!yuv_tables_created) {
int i;
for (i = -256*TABLE_SCALE; i < 512*TABLE_SCALE; i++) {
int v = ((cY*(i-16*TABLE_SCALE)/TABLE_SCALE) + 32768) >> 16;
Ylut[i] = v<0 ? 0 : v>255 ? 255 : v;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
rVlut[i] = ((crV * (i-128)) * TABLE_SCALE + cY/2) / cY;
gUlut[i] = ((cgU * (i-128)) * TABLE_SCALE + cY/2) / cY;
gVlut[i] = ((cgV * (i-128)) * TABLE_SCALE + cY/2) / cY;
bUlut[i] = ((cbU * (i-128)) * TABLE_SCALE + cY/2) / cY;
yuv_tables_created = 1;
# define YUV2RGB(uvofs,rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs) do { \
int Y = src[0][y*width+x] * TABLE_SCALE; \
int U = src[1][(uvofs)]; \
int V = src[2][(uvofs)]; \
dest[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+rofs] = Ylut[Y+rVlut[V]]; \
dest[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+gofs] = Ylut[Y+gUlut[U]+gVlut[V]];\
dest[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+bofs] = Ylut[Y+bUlut[U]]; \
} while (0)
# define YUV2RGB_PACKED(yofs,uofs,vofs,rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs) do { \
int Y = src[0][(y*width+x)*2+yofs] * TABLE_SCALE; \
int U = src[0][(y*width+(x&~1))*2+uofs]; \
int V = src[0][(y*width+(x&~1))*2+vofs]; \
dest[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+rofs] = Ylut[Y+rVlut[V]]; \
dest[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+gofs] = Ylut[Y+gUlut[U]+gVlut[V]];\
dest[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+bofs] = Ylut[Y+bUlut[U]]; \
} while (0)
#else /* !USE_LOOKUP_TABLES */
# define yuv_create_tables() /*nothing*/
# define YUV2RGB(uvofs,rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs) do { \
int Y = cY * (src[0][y*width+x] - 16); \
int U = src[1][(uvofs)] - 128; \
int V = src[2][(uvofs)] - 128; \
int r = (Y + crV*V + 32768) >> 16; \
int g = (Y + cgU*U + cgV*V + 32768) >> 16; \
int b = (Y + cbU*U + 32768) >> 16; \
dest[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+rofs] = r<0 ? 0 : r>255 ? 255 : r;\
dest[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+gofs] = g<0 ? 0 : g>255 ? 255 : g;\
dest[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+bofs] = b<0 ? 0 : b>255 ? 255 : b;\
} while (0)
# define YUV2RGB_PACKED(yofs,uofs,vofs,rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs) do { \
int Y = cY * (src[0][(y*width+x)*2+yofs] - 16); \
int U = src[0][(y*width+(x&~1))*2+uofs] - 128; \
int V = src[0][(y*width+(x&~1))*2+vofs] - 128; \
int r = (Y + crV*V + 32768) >> 16; \
int g = (Y + cgU*U + cgV*V + 32768) >> 16; \
int b = (Y + cbU*U + 32768) >> 16; \
dest[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+rofs] = r<0 ? 0 : r>255 ? 255 : r;\
dest[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+gofs] = g<0 ? 0 : g>255 ? 255 : g;\
dest[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+bofs] = b<0 ? 0 : b>255 ? 255 : b;\
} while (0)
#define YUV2RGB_420P(s,r,g,b) YUV2RGB((y/2)*(width/2)+(x/2),s,r,g,b)
#define YUV2RGB_411P(s,r,g,b) YUV2RGB((y )*(width/4)+(x/4),s,r,g,b)
#define YUV2RGB_422P(s,r,g,b) YUV2RGB((y )*(width/2)+(x/2),s,r,g,b)
#define YUV2RGB_444P(s,r,g,b) YUV2RGB((y )*(width )+(x ),s,r,g,b)
#define YUV2RGB_YUY2(s,r,g,b) YUV2RGB_PACKED(0,1,3, s,r,g,b)
#define YUV2RGB_UYVY(s,r,g,b) YUV2RGB_PACKED(1,0,2, s,r,g,b)
#define YUV2RGB_YVYU(s,r,g,b) YUV2RGB_PACKED(0,3,1, s,r,g,b)
#define DEFINE_YUV2RGB(name,op) \
static int name(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height) \
{ \
int x, y; \
yuv_create_tables(); \
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { \
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { \
op; \
} \
} \
return 1; \
#define DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SET(rgb,rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs) \
DEFINE_YUV2RGB(yuv420p_##rgb, YUV2RGB_420P(rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs)) \
DEFINE_YUV2RGB(yuv411p_##rgb, YUV2RGB_411P(rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs)) \
DEFINE_YUV2RGB(yuv422p_##rgb, YUV2RGB_422P(rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs)) \
DEFINE_YUV2RGB(yuv444p_##rgb, YUV2RGB_444P(rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs)) \
DEFINE_YUV2RGB(yuy2_##rgb, YUV2RGB_YUY2(rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs)) \
DEFINE_YUV2RGB(uyvy_##rgb, YUV2RGB_UYVY(rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs)) \
DEFINE_YUV2RGB(yvyu_##rgb, YUV2RGB_YVYU(rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs))
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SET(rgb24, 3,0,1,2)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SET(bgr24, 3,2,1,0)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SET(rgba32, 4,0,1,2)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SET(abgr32, 4,3,2,1)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SET(argb32, 4,1,2,3)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SET(bgra32, 4,2,1,0)
/* Y8->RGB is defined as part of grayscale stuff below */
#define RGB2Y() \
(dest[0][y*width+x] = ((16829*r + 33039*g + 6416*b + 32768) >> 16) + 16)
#define RGB2U(uvofs) \
(dest[1][(uvofs)] = ((-9714*r - 19070*g + 28784*b + 32768) >> 16) + 128)
#define RGB2V(uvofs) \
(dest[2][(uvofs)] = ((28784*r - 24103*g - 4681*b + 32768) >> 16) + 128)
#define RGB2Y_PACKED(ofs) \
(dest[0][(y*width+x)*2+(ofs)] = ((16829*r + 33039*g + 6416*b + 32768) >> 16) + 16)
#define RGB2U_PACKED(ofs) \
(dest[0][(y*width+x)*2+(ofs)] = ((-9714*r - 19070*g + 28784*b + 32768) >> 16) + 128)
#define RGB2V_PACKED(ofs) \
(dest[0][(y*width+x)*2+(ofs)] = ((28784*r - 24103*g - 4681*b + 32768) >> 16) + 128)
#define RGB2YUV(utest,vtest,uvofs) \
RGB2Y(); if (utest) RGB2U(uvofs); if (vtest) RGB2V(uvofs)
#define RGB2YUV_PACKED(utest,vtest,yofs,uvofs) \
RGB2Y_PACKED(yofs); \
if (utest) RGB2U_PACKED(uvofs); \
if (vtest) RGB2V_PACKED(uvofs)
/* YUV420P: take Cb/Cr from opposite corners */
#define RGB2YUV_420P RGB2YUV(!((x|y) & 1), (x&y) & 1, (y/2)*(width/2)+(x/2))
/* YUV411P: take Cb/Cr from points 2 pixels apart */
#define RGB2YUV_411P RGB2YUV(!(x & 3), !((x^2) & 3), y*(width/4)+(x/4))
/* YUV422P: take Cb/Cr from adjacent pixels */
#define RGB2YUV_422P RGB2YUV(!(x & 1), x & 1, y*(width/2)+(x/2))
/* YUV444P: every pixel is sampled */
#define RGB2YUV_444P RGB2YUV(1, 1, y*width+x)
/* YUY2/UYVY/YVYU: take Cb/Cr from the corresponding pixel */
#define RGB2YUV_YUY2 RGB2YUV_PACKED(!(x & 1), x & 1, 0,1)
#define RGB2YUV_UYVY RGB2YUV_PACKED(!(x & 1), x & 1, 1,0)
#define RGB2YUV_YVYU RGB2YUV_PACKED(x & 1, !(x & 1), 0,1)
#define DEFINE_RGB2YUV(name,rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs,op) \
static int name(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height) \
{ \
int x, y; \
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { \
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { \
int r = src[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+rofs]; \
int g = src[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+gofs]; \
int b = src[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+bofs]; \
op; \
} \
} \
return 1; \
#define DEFINE_RGB2Y8(name,rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs) \
static int name(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height) \
{ \
int x, y; \
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { \
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { \
int r = src[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+rofs]; \
int g = src[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+gofs]; \
int b = src[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+bofs]; \
RGB2Y(); \
} \
} \
return 1; \
#define DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SET(rgb,rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV(rgb##_yuv420p, rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs, RGB2YUV_420P) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV(rgb##_yuv411p, rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs, RGB2YUV_411P) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV(rgb##_yuv422p, rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs, RGB2YUV_422P) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV(rgb##_yuv444p, rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs, RGB2YUV_444P) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV(rgb##_yuy2, rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs, RGB2YUV_YUY2) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV(rgb##_uyvy, rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs, RGB2YUV_UYVY) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV(rgb##_yvyu, rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs, RGB2YUV_YVYU) \
DEFINE_RGB2Y8 (rgb##_y8, rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs)
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SET(rgb24, 3,0,1,2)
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SET(bgr24, 3,2,1,0)
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SET(rgba32, 4,0,1,2)
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SET(abgr32, 4,3,2,1)
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SET(argb32, 4,1,2,3)
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SET(bgra32, 4,2,1,0)
/* All YUV planar formats convert to grayscale the same way */
static uint8_t graylut[2][256];
static int graylut_created = 0;
static void gray8_create_tables(void)
if (!graylut_created) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (i <= 16)
graylut[0][i] = 0;
else if (i >= 235)
graylut[0][i] = 255;
graylut[0][i] = (i-16) * 255 / 219;
graylut[1][i] = 16 + i*219/255;
graylut_created = 1;
# define Y2GRAY(val) (graylut[0][(val)])
# define GRAY2Y(val) (graylut[1][(val)])
# define gray8_create_tables() /*nothing*/
# define Y2GRAY(val) ((val)<16 ? 0 : (val)>=235 ? 255 : ((val)-16)*256/219)
# define GRAY2Y(val) (16 + (val)*219/255)
static int yuvp_gray8(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width*height; i++)
dest[0][i] = Y2GRAY(src[0][i]);
return 1;
static int yuy2_gray8(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width*height; i++)
dest[0][i] = Y2GRAY(src[0][i*2]);
return 1;
static int uyvy_gray8(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width*height; i++)
dest[0][i] = Y2GRAY(src[0][i*2+1]);
return 1;
static int gray8_y8(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width*height; i++)
dest[0][i] = GRAY2Y(src[0][i]);
return 1;
static int gray8_yuv420p(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
if (!ac_imgconvert(src, IMG_GRAY8, dest, IMG_Y8, width, height))
return 0;
memset(dest[1], 128, (width/2)*(height/2));
memset(dest[2], 128, (width/2)*(height/2));
return 1;
static int gray8_yuv411p(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
if (!ac_imgconvert(src, IMG_GRAY8, dest, IMG_Y8, width, height))
return 0;
memset(dest[1], 128, (width/4)*height);
memset(dest[2], 128, (width/4)*height);
return 1;
static int gray8_yuv422p(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
if (!ac_imgconvert(src, IMG_GRAY8, dest, IMG_Y8, width, height))
return 0;
memset(dest[1], 128, (width/2)*height);
memset(dest[2], 128, (width/2)*height);
return 1;
static int gray8_yuv444p(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
if (!ac_imgconvert(src, IMG_GRAY8, dest, IMG_Y8, width, height))
return 0;
memset(dest[1], 128, width*height);
memset(dest[2], 128, width*height);
return 1;
static int gray8_yuy2(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width*height; i++) {
dest[0][i*2 ] = GRAY2Y(src[0][i]);
dest[0][i*2+1] = 128;
return 1;
static int gray8_uyvy(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width*height; i++) {
dest[0][i*2 ] = 128;
dest[0][i*2+1] = GRAY2Y(src[0][i]);
return 1;
/* We only need 3 functions for Y8->RGB (no difference between RGB and BGR) */
static int y8_rgb24(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width*height; i++)
dest[0][i*3] = dest[0][i*3+1] = dest[0][i*3+2] = Y2GRAY(src[0][i]);
return 1;
static int y8_rgba32(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width*height; i++)
dest[0][i*4] = dest[0][i*4+1] = dest[0][i*4+2] = Y2GRAY(src[0][i]);
return 1;
static int y8_argb32(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width*height; i++)
dest[0][i*4+1] = dest[0][i*4+2] = dest[0][i*4+3] = Y2GRAY(src[0][i]);
return 1;
/* Accelerated versions of colorspace routines. */
/* Common constant values used in routines: */
#if defined(HAVE_ASM_MMX)
#include "img_x86_common.h"
static const struct { uint16_t n[72]; } __attribute__((aligned(16))) yuv_data = {{
0x00FF,0x00FF,0x00FF,0x00FF,0x00FF,0x00FF,0x00FF,0x00FF, /* for odd/even */
0x0010,0x0010,0x0010,0x0010,0x0010,0x0010,0x0010,0x0010, /* for Y -16 */
0x0080,0x0080,0x0080,0x0080,0x0080,0x0080,0x0080,0x0080, /* for U/V -128 */
0x2543,0x2543,0x2543,0x2543,0x2543,0x2543,0x2543,0x2543, /* Y constant */
0x3313,0x3313,0x3313,0x3313,0x3313,0x3313,0x3313,0x3313, /* rV constant */
0xF377,0xF377,0xF377,0xF377,0xF377,0xF377,0xF377,0xF377, /* gU constant */
0xE5FC,0xE5FC,0xE5FC,0xE5FC,0xE5FC,0xE5FC,0xE5FC,0xE5FC, /* gV constant */
0x408D,0x408D,0x408D,0x408D,0x408D,0x408D,0x408D,0x408D, /* bU constant */
0x0008,0x0008,0x0008,0x0008,0x0008,0x0008,0x0008,0x0008, /* for rounding */
/* Note that G->Y exceeds 0x7FFF, so be careful to treat it as unsigned
* (the rest of the values are signed) */
static const struct { uint16_t n[96]; } __attribute__((aligned(16))) rgb_data = {{
0x41BD,0x41BD,0x41BD,0x41BD,0x41BD,0x41BD,0x41BD,0x41BD, /* R->Y */
0x810F,0x810F,0x810F,0x810F,0x810F,0x810F,0x810F,0x810F, /* G->Y */
0x1910,0x1910,0x1910,0x1910,0x1910,0x1910,0x1910,0x1910, /* B->Y */
0xDA0E,0xDA0E,0xDA0E,0xDA0E,0xDA0E,0xDA0E,0xDA0E,0xDA0E, /* R->U */
0xB582,0xB582,0xB582,0xB582,0xB582,0xB582,0xB582,0xB582, /* G->U */
0x7070,0x7070,0x7070,0x7070,0x7070,0x7070,0x7070,0x7070, /* B->U */
0x7070,0x7070,0x7070,0x7070,0x7070,0x7070,0x7070,0x7070, /* R->V */
0xA1D9,0xA1D9,0xA1D9,0xA1D9,0xA1D9,0xA1D9,0xA1D9,0xA1D9, /* G->V */
0xEDB7,0xEDB7,0xEDB7,0xEDB7,0xEDB7,0xEDB7,0xEDB7,0xEDB7, /* B->V */
0x0420,0x0420,0x0420,0x0420,0x0420,0x0420,0x0420,0x0420, /* Y +16.5 */
0x2020,0x2020,0x2020,0x2020,0x2020,0x2020,0x2020,0x2020, /* U/V +128.5 */
0x00FF,0x00FF,0x00FF,0x00FF,0x00FF,0x00FF,0x00FF,0x00FF, /* for odd/even */
#define Y_GRAY 0x4A85
#define GRAY_Y 0x36F7
static const struct { uint16_t n[32]; } __attribute__((aligned(16))) gray_data = {{
0x0010,0x0010,0x0010,0x0010,0x0010,0x0010,0x0010,0x0010, /* Y +/-16 */
0x00FF,0xFF00,0x0000,0x00FF,0xFF00,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, /* for Y->RGB */
/* Convert 4 RGB32 pixels in EAX/EBX/ECX/EDX to RGB24 in EAX/EBX/ECX */
#define IA32_RGB32_TO_RGB24 \
"movl %%ebx, %%esi # ESI: 00 B1 G1 R1 \n\
shll $24, %%esi # ESI: R1 00 00 00 \n\
shrl $8, %%ebx # EBX: 00 00 B1 G1 \n\
orl %%esi, %%eax # EAX: R1 B0 G0 R0 \n\
movl %%ecx, %%esi # ESI: 00 B2 G2 R2 \n\
shll $16, %%esi # ESI: G2 R2 00 00 \n\
shrl $16, %%ecx # ECX: 00 00 00 B2 \n\
shll $8, %%edx # EDX: B3 G3 R3 00 \n\
orl %%esi, %%ebx # EBX: G2 R2 B1 G1 \n\
orl %%edx, %%ecx # ECX: B3 G3 R3 B2 \n"
/* Convert 4 RGB24 pixels in EAX/EBX/ECX to RGB32 in EAX/EBX/ECX/EDX */
#define IA32_RGB24_TO_RGB32 \
"movl %%ecx, %%edx # EDX: B3 G3 R3 B2 \n\
shrl $8, %%edx # EDX: 00 B3 G3 R3 \n\
andl $0xFF, %%ecx # ECX: 00 00 00 B2 \n\
movl %%ebx, %%edi # EDI: G2 R2 B1 G1 \n\
andl $0xFFFF0000, %%edi # EDI: G2 R2 00 00 \n\
orl %%edi, %%ecx # ECX: G2 R2 00 B2 \n\
rorl $16, %%ecx # ECX: 00 B2 G2 R2 \n\
movl %%eax, %%edi # EDI: R1 B0 G0 R0 \n\
andl $0xFF000000, %%edi # EDI: R1 00 00 00 \n\
andl $0x0000FFFF, %%ebx # EBX: 00 00 B1 G1 \n\
orl %%edi, %%ebx # EBX: R1 00 B1 G1 \n\
roll $8, %%ebx # EBX: 00 B1 G1 R1 \n\
andl $0x00FFFFFF, %%eax # EAX: 00 B0 G0 R0 \n"
#endif /* HAVE_ASM_MMX */
/* MMX routines */
#if defined(HAVE_ASM_MMX) && defined(ARCH_X86) /* i.e. not x86_64 */
static inline void mmx_yuv42Xp_to_rgb(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV);
#define mmx_yuv420p_to_rgb mmx_yuv42Xp_to_rgb
#define mmx_yuv422p_to_rgb mmx_yuv42Xp_to_rgb
static inline void mmx_store_rgb24(uint8_t *dest);
static inline void mmx_store_bgr24(uint8_t *dest);
static inline void mmx_store_rgba32(uint8_t *dest);
static inline void mmx_store_abgr32(uint8_t *dest);
static inline void mmx_store_argb32(uint8_t *dest);
static inline void mmx_store_bgra32(uint8_t *dest);
#define DEFINE_YUV2RGB_MMX(yuv,rgb,uvofs,rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs) \
static int yuv##_##rgb##_mmx(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, \
int width, int height) \
{ \
int x, y; \
yuv_create_tables(); \
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { \
for (x = 0; x < (width & ~7); x += 8) { \
mmx_##yuv##_to_rgb(src[0]+y*width+x, \
src[1]+(uvofs), src[2]+(uvofs)); \
mmx_store_##rgb(dest[0]+(y*width+x)*rgbsz); \
} \
while (x < width) { \
YUV2RGB(uvofs,rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs); \
x++; \
} \
} \
asm("emms"); \
return 1; \
#define DEFINE_YUV2RGB_MMX_SET(rgb,rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs) \
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_MMX(yuv422p,rgb,(y )*(width/2)+(x/2),rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_MMX_SET(rgb24, 3,0,1,2)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_MMX_SET(bgr24, 3,2,1,0)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_MMX_SET(rgba32, 4,0,1,2)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_MMX_SET(abgr32, 4,3,2,1)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_MMX_SET(argb32, 4,1,2,3)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_MMX_SET(bgra32, 4,2,1,0)
static inline void mmx_yuv42Xp_to_rgb(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV)
# Load data, bias and expand to 16 bits \n\
pxor %%mm4, %%mm4 # MM4: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \n\
movq ("EAX"), %%mm6 # MM6: Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 \n\
movd ("ECX"), %%mm2 # MM2: U3 U2 U1 U0 \n\
movd ("EDX"), %%mm3 # MM3: V3 V2 V1 V0 \n\
movq %%mm6, %%mm7 # MM7: Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%mm6 # MM6: -Y6- -Y4- -Y2- -Y0- \n\
psrlw $8, %%mm7 # MM7: -Y7- -Y5- -Y3- -Y1- \n\
punpcklbw %%mm4, %%mm2 # MM2: -U3- -U2- -U1- -U0- \n\
punpcklbw %%mm4, %%mm3 # MM3: -V3- -V2- -V1- -V0- \n\
psubw 16("ESI"), %%mm6 # MM6: subtract 16 \n\
psubw 16("ESI"), %%mm7 # MM7: subtract 16 \n\
psubw 32("ESI"), %%mm2 # MM2: subtract 128 \n\
psubw 32("ESI"), %%mm3 # MM3: subtract 128 \n\
psllw $7, %%mm6 # MM6: convert to fixed point 8.7 \n\
psllw $7, %%mm7 # MM7: convert to fixed point 8.7 \n\
psllw $7, %%mm2 # MM2: convert to fixed point 8.7 \n\
psllw $7, %%mm3 # MM3: convert to fixed point 8.7 \n\
# Multiply by constants \n\
pmulhw 48("ESI"), %%mm6 # MM6: -cY6- -cY4- -cY2- -cY0- \n\
pmulhw 48("ESI"), %%mm7 # MM6: -cY7- -cY5- -cY3- -cY1- \n\
movq 80("ESI"), %%mm4 # MM4: gU constant \n\
movq 96("ESI"), %%mm5 # MM5: gV constant \n\
pmulhw %%mm2, %%mm4 # MM4: -gU3- -gU2- -gU1- -gU0- \n\
pmulhw %%mm3, %%mm5 # MM5: -gV3- -gV2- -gV1- -gV0- \n\
paddw %%mm5, %%mm4 # MM4: -g3- -g2- -g1- -g0- \n\
pmulhw 64("ESI"), %%mm3 # MM3: -r3- -r2- -r1- -r0- \n\
pmulhw 112("ESI"),%%mm2 # MM2: -b3- -b2- -b1- -b0- \n\
movq %%mm3, %%mm0 # MM0: -r3- -r2- -r1- -r0- \n\
movq %%mm4, %%mm1 # MM1: -g3- -g2- -g1- -g0- \n\
movq %%mm2, %%mm5 # MM5: -b3- -b2- -b1- -b0- \n\
# Add intermediate results and round/shift to get R/G/B values \n\
paddw 128("ESI"), %%mm6 # Add rounding value (0.5 @ 8.4 fixed) \n\
paddw 128("ESI"), %%mm7 \n\
paddw %%mm6, %%mm0 # MM0: -R6- -R4- -R2- -R0- \n\
psraw $4, %%mm0 # Shift back to 8.0 fixed \n\
paddw %%mm6, %%mm1 # MM1: -G6- -G4- -G2- -G0- \n\
psraw $4, %%mm1 \n\
paddw %%mm6, %%mm2 # MM2: -B6- -B4- -B2- -B0- \n\
psraw $4, %%mm2 \n\
paddw %%mm7, %%mm3 # MM3: -R7- -R5- -R3- -R1- \n\
psraw $4, %%mm3 \n\
paddw %%mm7, %%mm4 # MM4: -G7- -G5- -G3- -G1- \n\
psraw $4, %%mm4 \n\
paddw %%mm7, %%mm5 # MM5: -B7- -B5- -B3- -B1- \n\
psraw $4, %%mm5 \n\
# Saturate to 0-255 and pack into bytes \n\
packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0 # MM0: R6 R4 R2 R0 R6 R4 R2 R0 \n\
packuswb %%mm1, %%mm1 # MM1: G6 G4 G2 G0 G6 G4 G2 G0 \n\
packuswb %%mm2, %%mm2 # MM2: B6 B4 B2 B0 B6 B4 B2 B0 \n\
packuswb %%mm3, %%mm3 # MM3: R7 R5 R3 R1 R7 R5 R3 R1 \n\
packuswb %%mm4, %%mm4 # MM4: G7 G5 G3 G1 G7 G5 G3 G1 \n\
packuswb %%mm5, %%mm5 # MM5: B7 B5 B3 B1 B7 B5 B3 B1 \n\
punpcklbw %%mm3, %%mm0 # MM0: R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 \n\
punpcklbw %%mm4, %%mm1 # MM1: G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 \n\
punpcklbw %%mm5, %%mm2 # MM2: B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (srcY), "c" (srcU), "d" (srcV), "S" (&yuv_data), "m" (yuv_data)
/* Convert YUV->RGB output to RGBA pixels in MM0..MM3 */
#define MMX_RGB_TO_RGBA "\
pxor %%mm7, %%mm7 # MM7: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \n\
movq %%mm0, %%mm3 # MM3: R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 \n\
movq %%mm1, %%mm4 # MM4: G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 \n\
movq %%mm2, %%mm5 # MM5: B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 \n\
punpcklbw %%mm1, %%mm0 # MM0: G3 R3 G2 R2 G1 R1 G0 R0 \n\
punpcklbw %%mm7, %%mm2 # MM2: 00 B3 00 B2 00 B1 00 B0 \n\
movq %%mm0, %%mm1 # MM1: G3 R3 G2 R2 G1 R1 G0 R0 \n\
punpcklwd %%mm2, %%mm0 # MM0: 00 B1 G1 R1 00 B0 G0 R0 \n\
punpckhwd %%mm2, %%mm1 # MM1: 00 B3 G3 R3 00 B2 G2 R2 \n\
punpckhbw %%mm4, %%mm3 # MM3: G7 R7 G6 R6 G5 R5 G4 R4 \n\
punpckhbw %%mm7, %%mm5 # MM5: 00 B7 00 B6 00 B5 00 B4 \n\
movq %%mm3, %%mm2 # MM2: G7 R7 G6 R6 G5 R5 G4 R4 \n\
punpckhwd %%mm5, %%mm3 # MM3: 00 B7 G7 R7 00 B6 G6 R6 \n\
punpcklwd %%mm5, %%mm2 # MM2: 00 B5 G5 R5 00 B4 G4 R4 \n"
/* Convert YUV->RGB output to BGRA pixels in MM0..MM3 */
#define MMX_RGB_TO_BGRA "\
pxor %%mm7, %%mm7 # MM7: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \n\
movq %%mm0, %%mm5 # MM5: R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 \n\
movq %%mm1, %%mm4 # MM4: G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 \n\
movq %%mm2, %%mm3 # MM3: B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 \n\
punpcklbw %%mm1, %%mm2 # MM2: G3 B3 G2 B2 G1 B1 G0 B0 \n\
punpcklbw %%mm7, %%mm0 # MM0: 00 R3 00 R2 00 R1 00 R0 \n\
movq %%mm2, %%mm1 # MM1: G3 B3 G2 B2 G1 B1 G0 B0 \n\
punpcklwd %%mm0, %%mm2 # MM2: 00 R1 G1 B1 00 R0 G0 B0 \n\
punpckhwd %%mm0, %%mm1 # MM1: 00 R3 G3 B3 00 R2 G2 B2 \n\
movq %%mm2, %%mm0 # MM0: 00 R1 G1 B1 00 R0 G0 B0 \n\
punpckhbw %%mm4, %%mm3 # MM3: G7 B7 G6 B6 G5 B5 G4 B4 \n\
punpckhbw %%mm7, %%mm5 # MM5: 00 R7 00 R6 00 R5 00 R4 \n\
movq %%mm3, %%mm2 # MM2: G7 B7 G6 B6 G5 B5 G4 B4 \n\
punpckhwd %%mm5, %%mm3 # MM3: 00 R7 G7 B7 00 R6 G6 B6 \n\
punpcklwd %%mm5, %%mm2 # MM2: 00 R5 G5 B5 00 R4 G4 B4 \n"
static inline void mmx_store_rgb24(uint8_t *dest)
/* It looks like it's fastest to go to RGB32 first, then shift the
* result to merge the 24-bit pixels together. */
movq %%mm0, %%mm4 # MM4: 00 B1 G1 R1 00 B0 G0 R0 \n\
movq %%mm1, %%mm5 # MM5: 00 B3 G3 R3 00 B2 G2 R2 \n\
movq %%mm2, %%mm6 # MM6: 00 B5 G5 R5 00 B4 G4 R4 \n\
movq %%mm3, %%mm7 # MM7: 00 B7 G7 R7 00 B6 G6 R6 \n\
psrlq $32, %%mm4 # MM4: 00 00 00 00 00 B1 G1 R1 \n\
psrlq $32, %%mm5 # MM5: 00 00 00 00 00 B3 G3 R3 \n\
psrlq $32, %%mm6 # MM6: 00 00 00 00 00 B5 G5 R5 \n\
psrlq $32, %%mm7 # MM7: 00 00 00 00 00 B7 G7 R7 \n\
push "EBX" \n\
movd %%mm0, %%eax # EAX: 00 B0 G0 R0 \n\
movd %%mm4, %%ebx # EBX: 00 B1 G1 R1 \n\
movd %%mm1, %%ecx # ECX: 00 B2 G2 R2 \n\
movd %%mm5, %%edx # EDX: 00 B3 G3 R3 \n\
"IA32_RGB32_TO_RGB24" \n\
movl %%eax, ("EDI") \n\
movl %%ebx, 4("EDI") \n\
movl %%ecx, 8("EDI") \n\
movd %%mm2, %%eax # EAX: 00 B4 G4 R4 \n\
movd %%mm6, %%ebx # EBX: 00 B5 G5 R5 \n\
movd %%mm3, %%ecx # ECX: 00 B6 G6 R6 \n\
movd %%mm7, %%edx # EDX: 00 B7 G7 R7 \n\
"IA32_RGB32_TO_RGB24" \n\
movl %%eax, 12("EDI") \n\
movl %%ebx, 16("EDI") \n\
movl %%ecx, 20("EDI") \n\
pop "EBX" \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "D" (dest)
: "eax", "ecx", "edx", "esi"
static inline void mmx_store_bgr24(uint8_t *dest)
movq %%mm0, %%mm4 # MM4: 00 B1 G1 R1 00 B0 G0 R0 \n\
movq %%mm1, %%mm5 # MM5: 00 B3 G3 R3 00 B2 G2 R2 \n\
movq %%mm2, %%mm6 # MM6: 00 B5 G5 R5 00 B4 G4 R4 \n\
movq %%mm3, %%mm7 # MM7: 00 B7 G7 R7 00 B6 G6 R6 \n\
psrlq $32, %%mm4 # MM4: 00 00 00 00 00 B1 G1 R1 \n\
psrlq $32, %%mm5 # MM5: 00 00 00 00 00 B3 G3 R3 \n\
psrlq $32, %%mm6 # MM6: 00 00 00 00 00 B5 G5 R5 \n\
psrlq $32, %%mm7 # MM7: 00 00 00 00 00 B7 G7 R7 \n\
push "EBX" \n\
movd %%mm0, %%eax # EAX: 00 B0 G0 R0 \n\
movd %%mm4, %%ebx # EBX: 00 B1 G1 R1 \n\
movd %%mm1, %%ecx # ECX: 00 B2 G2 R2 \n\
movd %%mm5, %%edx # EDX: 00 B3 G3 R3 \n\
"IA32_RGB32_TO_RGB24" \n\
movl %%eax, ("EDI") \n\
movl %%ebx, 4("EDI") \n\
movl %%ecx, 8("EDI") \n\
movd %%mm2, %%eax # EAX: 00 B4 G4 R4 \n\
movd %%mm6, %%ebx # EBX: 00 B5 G5 R5 \n\
movd %%mm3, %%ecx # ECX: 00 B6 G6 R6 \n\
movd %%mm7, %%edx # EDX: 00 B7 G7 R7 \n\
"IA32_RGB32_TO_RGB24" \n\
movl %%eax, 12("EDI") \n\
movl %%ebx, 16("EDI") \n\
movl %%ecx, 20("EDI") \n\
pop "EBX" \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "D" (dest)
: "eax", "ecx", "edx", "esi"
static inline void mmx_store_rgba32(uint8_t *dest)
movq %%mm0, ("EDI") \n\
movq %%mm1, 8("EDI") \n\
movq %%mm2, 16("EDI") \n\
movq %%mm3, 24("EDI") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "D" (dest)
static inline void mmx_store_abgr32(uint8_t *dest)
psllq $8, %%mm0 \n\
psllq $8, %%mm1 \n\
psllq $8, %%mm2 \n\
psllq $8, %%mm3 \n\
movq %%mm0, ("EDI") \n\
movq %%mm1, 8("EDI") \n\
movq %%mm2, 16("EDI") \n\
movq %%mm3, 24("EDI") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "D" (dest)
static inline void mmx_store_argb32(uint8_t *dest)
psllq $8, %%mm0 \n\
psllq $8, %%mm1 \n\
psllq $8, %%mm2 \n\
psllq $8, %%mm3 \n\
movq %%mm0, ("EDI") \n\
movq %%mm1, 8("EDI") \n\
movq %%mm2, 16("EDI") \n\
movq %%mm3, 24("EDI") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "D" (dest)
static inline void mmx_store_bgra32(uint8_t *dest)
movq %%mm0, ("EDI") \n\
movq %%mm1, 8("EDI") \n\
movq %%mm2, 16("EDI") \n\
movq %%mm3, 24("EDI") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "D" (dest)
#endif /* HAVE_ASM_MMX && ARCH_X86 */
/* SSE2 routines */
#if defined(HAVE_ASM_SSE2)
static inline void sse2_load_yuv420p(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV, int x, int y, int width);
static inline void sse2_load_yuv411p(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV, int x, int y, int width);
static inline void sse2_load_yuv422p(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV, int x, int y, int width);
static inline void sse2_load_yuv444p(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV, int x, int y, int width);
static inline void sse2_load_yuy2(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV, int x, int y, int width);
static inline void sse2_load_uyvy(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV, int x, int y, int width);
static inline void sse2_load_yvyu(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV, int x, int y, int width);
static inline void sse2_yuv_to_rgb(void);
static inline void sse2_yuv444_to_rgb(void);
static inline void sse2_store_rgb24(uint8_t *dest);
static inline void sse2_store_bgr24(uint8_t *dest);
static inline void sse2_store_rgba32(uint8_t *dest);
static inline void sse2_store_abgr32(uint8_t *dest);
static inline void sse2_store_argb32(uint8_t *dest);
static inline void sse2_store_bgra32(uint8_t *dest);
#define DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2(yuv,y2r,rgb,rgbsz,slowop) \
static int yuv##_##rgb##_sse2(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, \
int width, int height) \
{ \
int x, y; \
yuv_create_tables(); \
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { \
for (x = 0; x < (width & ~15); x += 16) { \
sse2_load_##yuv(src[0], src[1], src[2], x, y, width); \
sse2_##y2r(); \
sse2_store_##rgb(dest[0] + (y*width+x)*rgbsz); \
} \
while (x < width) { \
slowop; \
x++; \
} \
} \
asm("emms"); \
return 1; \
#define DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2_SET(rgb,sz,r,g,b) \
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2(yuv420p, yuv_to_rgb, rgb,sz, YUV2RGB_420P(sz,r,g,b))\
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2(yuv411p, yuv_to_rgb, rgb,sz, YUV2RGB_411P(sz,r,g,b))\
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2(yuv422p, yuv_to_rgb, rgb,sz, YUV2RGB_422P(sz,r,g,b))\
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2(yuv444p, yuv444_to_rgb,rgb,sz, YUV2RGB_444P(sz,r,g,b))\
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2(yuy2, yuv_to_rgb, rgb,sz, YUV2RGB_YUY2(sz,r,g,b))\
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2(uyvy, yuv_to_rgb, rgb,sz, YUV2RGB_UYVY(sz,r,g,b))\
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2(yvyu, yuv_to_rgb, rgb,sz, YUV2RGB_YVYU(sz,r,g,b))
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2_SET(rgb24, 3,0,1,2)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2_SET(bgr24, 3,2,1,0)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2_SET(rgba32, 4,0,1,2)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2_SET(abgr32, 4,3,2,1)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2_SET(argb32, 4,1,2,3)
DEFINE_YUV2RGB_SSE2_SET(bgra32, 4,2,1,0)
static inline void sse2_load_yuv420p(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV, int x, int y, int width)
srcY += y*width+x;
srcU += (y/2)*(width/2)+(x/2);
srcV += (y/2)*(width/2)+(x/2);
# Load data, bias and expand to 16 bits \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # XMM4: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \n\
movdqu ("EAX"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: YF...................Y0 \n\
movq ("ECX"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: U7.......U0 \n\
movq ("EDX"), %%xmm3 # XMM3: V7.......V0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm6, %%xmm7 # XMM7: YF...................Y0 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: YE YC YA Y8 Y6 Y4 Y2 Y0 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm7 # XMM7: YF YD YB Y9 Y7 Y5 Y3 Y1 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4,%%xmm2 # XMM2: U7 U6 U5 U4 U3 U2 U1 U0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4,%%xmm3 # XMM3: V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (srcY), "c" (srcU), "d" (srcV), "S" (&yuv_data), "m" (yuv_data)
static inline void sse2_load_yuv411p(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV, int x, int y, int width)
srcY += y*width+x;
srcU += y*(width/4)+(x/4);
srcV += y*(width/4)+(x/4);
# Load data, bias and expand to 16 bits \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # XMM4: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \n\
movdqu ("EAX"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: YF...................Y0 \n\
movd ("ECX"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: U3.U0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm2,%%xmm2 # XMM2: U3 U3.U0 U0 \n\
movd ("EDX"), %%xmm3 # XMM3: V3.V0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm3,%%xmm3 # XMM2: V3 V3.V0 V0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm6, %%xmm7 # XMM7: YF...................Y0 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: YE YC YA Y8 Y6 Y4 Y2 Y0 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm7 # XMM7: YF YD YB Y9 Y7 Y5 Y3 Y1 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4,%%xmm2 # XMM2: U3 U3 U2 U2 U1 U1 U0 U0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4,%%xmm3 # XMM3: V3 V3 V2 V2 V1 V1 V0 V0 \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (srcY), "c" (srcU), "d" (srcV), "S" (&yuv_data), "m" (yuv_data)
static inline void sse2_load_yuv422p(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV, int x, int y, int width)
srcY += y*width+x;
srcU += y*(width/2)+(x/2);
srcV += y*(width/2)+(x/2);
# Load data, bias and expand to 16 bits \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # XMM4: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \n\
movdqu ("EAX"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: YF...................Y0 \n\
movq ("ECX"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: U7.......U0 \n\
movq ("EDX"), %%xmm3 # XMM3: V7.......V0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm6, %%xmm7 # XMM7: YF...................Y0 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: YE YC YA Y8 Y6 Y4 Y2 Y0 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm7 # XMM7: YF YD YB Y9 Y7 Y5 Y3 Y1 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4,%%xmm2 # XMM2: U7 U6 U5 U4 U3 U2 U1 U0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4,%%xmm3 # XMM3: V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (srcY), "c" (srcU), "d" (srcV), "S" (&yuv_data), "m" (yuv_data)
static inline void sse2_load_yuv444p(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV, int x, int y, int width)
srcY += y*width+x;
srcU += y*width+x;
srcV += y*width+x;
# Load data, bias and expand to 16 bits \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # XMM4: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \n\
movdqu ("EAX"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: YF...................Y0 \n\
movdqu ("ECX"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: UF...................U0 \n\
movdqu ("EDX"), %%xmm0 # XMM0: VF...................V0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm6, %%xmm7 # XMM7: YF...................Y0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4,%%xmm6 # XMM6: Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 \n\
punpckhbw %%xmm4,%%xmm7 # XMM7: YF YE YD YC YB YA Y9 Y8 \n\
movdqa %%xmm2, %%xmm5 # XMM5: UF...................U0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4,%%xmm2 # XMM2: U7 U6 U5 U4 U3 U2 U1 U0 \n\
punpckhbw %%xmm4,%%xmm5 # XMM5: UF UE UD UC UB UA U9 U8 \n\
movdqa %%xmm0, %%xmm3 # XMM3: VF...................V0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4,%%xmm0 # XMM0: V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 \n\
punpckhbw %%xmm4,%%xmm3 # XMM3: VF VE VD VC VB VA V9 V8 \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (srcY), "c" (srcU), "d" (srcV), "S" (&yuv_data), "m" (yuv_data)
static inline void sse2_load_yuy2(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV, int x, int y, int width)
srcY += (y*width+x)*2;
# Load data, bias and expand to 16 bits \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # XMM4: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \n\
movdqu ("EAX"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: V3 Y7.............U0 Y0 \n\
movdqu 16("EAX"),%%xmm7 # XMM7: V7 YF.............U4 Y8 \n\
movdqa %%xmm6, %%xmm2 # XMM2: V3 Y7.............U0 Y0 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm2 # XMM2: V3 U3 V2 U2 V1 U1 V0 U0 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm7, %%xmm3 # XMM3: V7 YF.............U4 Y8 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm3 # XMM3: V7 U7 V6 U6 V5 U5 V4 U4 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm7 # XMM6: YF YE YD YC YB YA Y9 Y8 \n\
packuswb %%xmm3, %%xmm2 # XMM2: V7 U7.............V0 U0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm2, %%xmm3 # XMM3: V7 U7.............V0 U0 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: U7 U6 U5 U4 U3 U2 U1 U0 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm3 # XMM3: V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 \n\
packuswb %%xmm7, %%xmm6 # XMM6: YF...................Y0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm6, %%xmm7 # XMM7: YF...................Y0 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: YE YC YA Y8 Y6 Y4 Y2 Y0 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm7 # XMM7: YF YD YB Y9 Y7 Y5 Y3 Y1 \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (srcY), "S" (&yuv_data), "m" (yuv_data)
static inline void sse2_load_uyvy(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV, int x, int y, int width)
srcY += (y*width+x)*2;
# Load data, bias and expand to 16 bits \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # XMM4: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \n\
movdqu ("EAX"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: Y7 V3.............Y0 00 \n\
movdqu 16("EAX"),%%xmm7 # XMM7: YF V7.............Y8 U4 \n\
movdqa %%xmm6, %%xmm2 # XMM2: Y7 V3.............Y0 U0 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: V3 U3 V2 U2 V1 U1 V0 U0 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm6 # XMM6: Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm7, %%xmm3 # XMM3: YF V7.............Y8 U4 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm3 # XMM3: V7 U7 V6 U6 V5 U5 V4 U4 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm7 # XMM6: YF YE YD YC YB YA Y9 Y8 \n\
packuswb %%xmm3, %%xmm2 # XMM2: V7 U7.............V0 U0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm2, %%xmm3 # XMM3: V7 U7.............V0 U0 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: U7 U6 U5 U4 U3 U2 U1 U0 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm3 # XMM3: V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 \n\
packuswb %%xmm7, %%xmm6 # XMM6: YF...................Y0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm6, %%xmm7 # XMM7: YF...................Y0 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: YE YC YA Y8 Y6 Y4 Y2 Y0 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm7 # XMM7: YF YD YB Y9 Y7 Y5 Y3 Y1 \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (srcY), "S" (&yuv_data), "m" (yuv_data)
static inline void sse2_load_yvyu(uint8_t *srcY, uint8_t *srcU,
uint8_t *srcV, int x, int y, int width)
srcY += (y*width+x)*2;
# Load data, bias and expand to 16 bits \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # XMM4: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \n\
movdqu ("EAX"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: U3 Y7.............V0 Y0 \n\
movdqu 16("EAX"),%%xmm7 # XMM7: U7 YF.............V4 Y8 \n\
movdqa %%xmm6, %%xmm2 # XMM2: U3 Y7.............V0 Y0 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm2 # XMM2: U3 V3 U2 V2 U1 V1 U0 V0 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm7, %%xmm3 # XMM3: U7 YF.............V4 Y8 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm3 # XMM3: U7 V7 U6 V6 U5 V5 U4 V4 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm7 # XMM6: YF YE YD YC YB YA Y9 Y8 \n\
packuswb %%xmm3, %%xmm2 # XMM2: U7 V7.............U0 V0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm2, %%xmm3 # XMM3: U7 V7.............U0 V0 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm2 # XMM2: U7 U6 U5 U4 U3 U2 U1 U0 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm3 # XMM3: V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 \n\
packuswb %%xmm7, %%xmm6 # XMM6: YF...................Y0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm6, %%xmm7 # XMM7: YF...................Y0 \n\
pand ("ESI"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: YE YC YA Y8 Y6 Y4 Y2 Y0 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm7 # XMM7: YF YD YB Y9 Y7 Y5 Y3 Y1 \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (srcY), "S" (&yuv_data), "m" (yuv_data)
/* Standard YUV->RGB (Yodd=XMM7 Yeven=XMM6 U=XMM2 V=XMM3) */
static inline void sse2_yuv_to_rgb(void)
psubw 16("ESI"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: subtract 16 \n\
psllw $7, %%xmm6 # XMM6: convert to fixed point 8.7 \n\
psubw 16("ESI"), %%xmm7 # XMM7: subtract 16 \n\
psllw $7, %%xmm7 # XMM7: convert to fixed point 8.7 \n\
psubw 32("ESI"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: subtract 128 \n\
psllw $7, %%xmm2 # XMM2: convert to fixed point 8.7 \n\
psubw 32("ESI"), %%xmm3 # XMM3: subtract 128 \n\
psllw $7, %%xmm3 # XMM3: convert to fixed point 8.7 \n\
# Multiply by constants \n\
pmulhw 48("ESI"),%%xmm6 # XMM6: cYE.................cY0 \n\
pmulhw 48("ESI"),%%xmm7 # XMM7: cYF.................cY1 \n\
movdqa 80("ESI"),%%xmm4 # XMM4: gU constant \n\
pmulhw %%xmm2, %%xmm4 # XMM4: gU7.................gU0 \n\
movdqa 96("ESI"),%%xmm5 # XMM5: gV constant \n\
pmulhw %%xmm3, %%xmm5 # XMM5: gV7.................gV0 \n\
paddw %%xmm5, %%xmm4 # XMM4: g7 g6 g5 g4 g3 g2 g1 g0 \n\
pmulhw 64("ESI"),%%xmm3 # XMM3: r7 r6 r5 r4 r3 r2 r1 r0 \n\
pmulhw 112("ESI"),%%xmm2 #XMM2: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm3, %%xmm0 # XMM0: r7 r6 r5 r4 r3 r2 r1 r0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm4, %%xmm1 # XMM1: g7 g6 g5 g4 g3 g2 g1 g0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm2, %%xmm5 # XMM5: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 \n\
# Add intermediate results and round/shift to get R/G/B values \n\
paddw 128("ESI"),%%xmm6 # Add rounding value (0.5 @ 8.4 fixed) \n\
paddw 128("ESI"),%%xmm7 \n\
paddw %%xmm6, %%xmm0 # XMM0: RE RC RA R8 R6 R4 R2 R0 \n\
psraw $4, %%xmm0 # Shift back to 8.0 fixed \n\
paddw %%xmm6, %%xmm1 # XMM1: GE GC GA G8 G6 G4 G2 G0 \n\
psraw $4, %%xmm1 \n\
paddw %%xmm6, %%xmm2 # XMM2: BE BC BA B8 B6 B4 B2 B0 \n\
psraw $4, %%xmm2 \n\
paddw %%xmm7, %%xmm3 # XMM3: RF RD RB R9 R7 R5 R3 R1 \n\
psraw $4, %%xmm3 \n\
paddw %%xmm7, %%xmm4 # XMM4: GF GD GB G9 G7 G5 G3 G1 \n\
psraw $4, %%xmm4 \n\
paddw %%xmm7, %%xmm5 # XMM5: BF BD BB B9 B7 B5 B3 B1 \n\
psraw $4, %%xmm5 \n\
# Saturate to 0-255 and pack into bytes \n\
packuswb %%xmm0, %%xmm0 # XMM0: RE.......R0 RE.......R0 \n\
packuswb %%xmm1, %%xmm1 # XMM1: GE.......G0 GE.......G0 \n\
packuswb %%xmm2, %%xmm2 # XMM2: BE.......B0 BE.......B0 \n\
packuswb %%xmm3, %%xmm3 # XMM3: RF.......R1 RF.......R1 \n\
packuswb %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # XMM4: GF.......G1 GF.......G1 \n\
packuswb %%xmm5, %%xmm5 # XMM5: BF.......B1 BF.......B1 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm3,%%xmm0 # XMM0: RF...................R0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4,%%xmm1 # XMM1: GF...................G0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm5,%%xmm2 # XMM2: BF...................B0 \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (&yuv_data), "m" (yuv_data)
static inline void sse2_yuv444_to_rgb(void)
psubw 16("ESI"), %%xmm6 # XMM6: subtract 16 \n\
psllw $7, %%xmm6 # XMM6: convert to fixed point 8.7 \n\
psubw 16("ESI"), %%xmm7 # XMM7: subtract 16 \n\
psllw $7, %%xmm7 # XMM7: convert to fixed point 8.7 \n\
psubw 32("ESI"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: subtract 128 \n\
psllw $7, %%xmm2 # XMM2: convert to fixed point 8.7 \n\
psubw 32("ESI"), %%xmm5 # XMM5: subtract 128 \n\
psllw $7, %%xmm5 # XMM5: convert to fixed point 8.7 \n\
psubw 32("ESI"), %%xmm0 # XMM0: subtract 128 \n\
psllw $7, %%xmm0 # XMM0: convert to fixed point 8.7 \n\
psubw 32("ESI"), %%xmm3 # XMM3: subtract 128 \n\
psllw $7, %%xmm3 # XMM3: convert to fixed point 8.7 \n\
# Multiply by constants \n\
pmulhw 48("ESI"),%%xmm6 # XMM6: cY7.................cY0 \n\
movdqa 80("ESI"),%%xmm1 # XMM1: gU constant \n\
pmulhw %%xmm2, %%xmm1 # XMM1: gU7.................gU0 \n\
movdqa 96("ESI"),%%xmm4 # XMM4: gV constant \n\
pmulhw %%xmm0, %%xmm4 # XMM4: gV7.................gV0 \n\
paddw %%xmm4, %%xmm1 # XMM1: g7 g6 g5 g4 g3 g2 g1 g0 \n\
pmulhw 64("ESI"),%%xmm0 # XMM0: r7 r6 r5 r4 r3 r2 r1 r0 \n\
pmulhw 112("ESI"),%%xmm2 #XMM2: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 \n\
# Add intermediate results and round/shift to get R/G/B values \n\
paddw 128("ESI"),%%xmm6 # Add rounding value (0.5 @ 8.4 fixed) \n\
paddw %%xmm6, %%xmm0 # XMM0: R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 \n\
psraw $4, %%xmm0 # Shift back to 8.0 fixed \n\
paddw %%xmm6, %%xmm1 # XMM1: G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 \n\
psraw $4, %%xmm1 \n\
paddw %%xmm6, %%xmm2 # XMM2: B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 \n\
psraw $4, %%xmm2 \n\
# Do it all over again for pixels 8-15 \n\
pmulhw 48("ESI"),%%xmm7 # XMM7: cYF.................cY8 \n\
movdqa 80("ESI"),%%xmm6 # XMM6: gU constant \n\
pmulhw %%xmm5, %%xmm6 # XMM6: gUF.................gU8 \n\
movdqa 96("ESI"),%%xmm4 # XMM4: gV constant \n\
pmulhw %%xmm3, %%xmm4 # XMM4: gVF.................gV8 \n\
paddw %%xmm6, %%xmm4 # XMM4: gF gE gD gC gB gA g9 g8 \n\
pmulhw 64("ESI"),%%xmm3 # XMM3: rF rE rD rC rB rA r9 r8 \n\
pmulhw 112("ESI"),%%xmm5 #XMM5: bF bE bD bC bB bA b9 b8 \n\
paddw 128("ESI"),%%xmm7 # Add rounding value (0.5 @ 8.4 fixed) \n\
paddw %%xmm7, %%xmm3 # XMM3: RF RE RD RC RB RA R9 R8 \n\
psraw $4, %%xmm3 \n\
paddw %%xmm7, %%xmm4 # XMM4: GF GE GD GC GB GA G9 G8 \n\
psraw $4, %%xmm4 \n\
paddw %%xmm7, %%xmm5 # XMM5: BF BE BD BC BB BA B9 B8 \n\
psraw $4, %%xmm5 \n\
# Saturate to 0-255 and pack into bytes \n\
packuswb %%xmm3, %%xmm0 # XMM0: RF...................R0 \n\
packuswb %%xmm4, %%xmm1 # XMM1: GF...................G0 \n\
packuswb %%xmm5, %%xmm2 # XMM2: BF...................B0 \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (&yuv_data), "m" (yuv_data)
/* Convert YUV->RGB output to RGBA pixels in XMM0..XMM3 */
#define SSE2_RGB_TO_RGBA "\
pxor %%xmm7, %%xmm7 # XMM7: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \n\
movdqa %%xmm0, %%xmm3 # XMM3: RF...................R0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm1, %%xmm4 # XMM4: GF...................G0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm2, %%xmm5 # XMM5: BF...................B0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm1,%%xmm0 # XMM0: G7 R7.............G0 R0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm7,%%xmm2 # XMM2: 00 B7.............00 B0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm0, %%xmm1 # XMM1: G7 R7.............G0 R0 \n\
punpcklwd %%xmm2,%%xmm0 # XMM0: 0BGR3 0BGR2 0BGR1 0BGR0 \n\
punpckhwd %%xmm2,%%xmm1 # XMM1: 0BGR7 0BGR6 0BGR5 0BGR4 \n\
punpckhbw %%xmm4,%%xmm3 # XMM3: GF RF.............G8 R8 \n\
punpckhbw %%xmm7,%%xmm5 # XMM5: 00 BF.............00 B8 \n\
movdqa %%xmm3, %%xmm2 # XMM2: GF RF.............G8 R8 \n\
punpckhwd %%xmm5,%%xmm3 # XMM3: 0BGRF 0BGRE 0BGRD 0BGRC \n\
punpcklwd %%xmm5,%%xmm2 # XMM2: 0BGRB 0BGRA 0BGR9 0BGR8 \n"
/* Convert YUV->RGB output to BGRA pixels in XMM0..XMM3 */
#define SSE2_RGB_TO_BGRA "\
pxor %%xmm7, %%xmm7 # XMM7: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \n\
movdqa %%xmm0, %%xmm5 # XMM5: RF...................R0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm1, %%xmm4 # XMM4: GF...................G0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm2, %%xmm3 # XMM3: BF...................B0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm1,%%xmm2 # XMM0: G7 B7.............G0 B0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm7,%%xmm0 # XMM2: 00 R7.............00 R0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm2, %%xmm1 # XMM1: G7 B7.............G0 B0 \n\
punpcklwd %%xmm0,%%xmm2 # XMM2: 0RGB3 0RGB2 0RGB1 0RGB0 \n\
punpckhwd %%xmm0,%%xmm1 # XMM1: 0RGB7 0RGB6 0RGB5 0RGB4 \n\
movdqa %%xmm2, %%xmm0 # XMM0: 0RGB3 0RGB2 0RGB1 0RGB0 \n\
punpckhbw %%xmm4,%%xmm3 # XMM3: GF BF.............G8 B8 \n\
punpckhbw %%xmm7,%%xmm5 # XMM5: 00 RF.............00 R8 \n\
movdqa %%xmm3, %%xmm2 # XMM2: GF BF.............G8 B8 \n\
punpckhwd %%xmm5,%%xmm3 # XMM3: 0RGBF 0RGBE 0RGBD 0RGBC \n\
punpcklwd %%xmm5,%%xmm2 # XMM2: 0RGBB 0RGBA 0RGB9 0RGB8 \n"
/* Convert and 4 RGBA32 (BGRA32) pixels in XMMn to RGB24 (BGR24) and store
* at EDI+(12*n) */
#define SSE2_RGB32_TO_RGB24(n) "\
movd %%xmm"#n", %%eax # EAX: 00 B0 G0 R0 \n\
psrldq $4, %%xmm"#n" # XMMn: 00000 0BGR3 0BGR2 0BGR1 \n\
movd %%xmm"#n", %%ebx # EBX: 00 B1 G1 R1 \n\
psrldq $4, %%xmm"#n" # XMMn: 00000 00000 0BGR3 0BGR2 \n\
movd %%xmm"#n", %%ecx # ECX: 00 B2 G2 R2 \n\
psrldq $4, %%xmm"#n" # XMMn: 00000 00000 00000 0BGR3 \n\
movd %%xmm"#n", %%edx # EDX: 00 B3 G3 R3 \n\
"IA32_RGB32_TO_RGB24" \n\
movl %%eax, 12*"#n"+0("EDI") \n\
movl %%ebx, 12*"#n"+4("EDI") \n\
movl %%ecx, 12*"#n"+8("EDI") \n"
static inline void sse2_store_rgb24(uint8_t *dest)
/* It looks like it's fastest to go to RGB32 first, then shift the
* result to merge the 24-bit pixels together. */
asm(SSE2_RGB_TO_RGBA" \n\
"PUSH(EBX)" \n\
"SSE2_RGB32_TO_RGB24(0)" \n\
"SSE2_RGB32_TO_RGB24(1)" \n\
"SSE2_RGB32_TO_RGB24(2)" \n\
"SSE2_RGB32_TO_RGB24(3)" \n\
"POP(EBX)" \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "D" (dest)
: "eax", "ecx", "edx", "esi" COMMA_FAKE_PUSH_REG
static inline void sse2_store_bgr24(uint8_t *dest)
"PUSH(EBX)" \n\
"SSE2_RGB32_TO_RGB24(0)" \n\
"SSE2_RGB32_TO_RGB24(1)" \n\
"SSE2_RGB32_TO_RGB24(2)" \n\
"SSE2_RGB32_TO_RGB24(3)" \n\
"POP(EBX)" \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "D" (dest)
: "eax", "ecx", "edx", "esi" COMMA_FAKE_PUSH_REG
/* It would be nice to be able to use movntdq here for a 50% speedup,
* but we're not guaranteed alignment... (think 766x512 for example) */
static inline void sse2_store_rgba32(uint8_t *dest)
movdqu %%xmm0, ("EDI") \n\
movdqu %%xmm1, 16("EDI") \n\
movdqu %%xmm2, 32("EDI") \n\
movdqu %%xmm3, 48("EDI") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "D" (dest)
static inline void sse2_store_abgr32(uint8_t *dest)
pslldq $1, %%xmm0 \n\
pslldq $1, %%xmm1 \n\
pslldq $1, %%xmm2 \n\
pslldq $1, %%xmm3 \n\
movdqu %%xmm0, ("EDI") \n\
movdqu %%xmm1, 16("EDI") \n\
movdqu %%xmm2, 32("EDI") \n\
movdqu %%xmm3, 48("EDI") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "D" (dest)
static inline void sse2_store_argb32(uint8_t *dest)
pslldq $1, %%xmm0 \n\
pslldq $1, %%xmm1 \n\
pslldq $1, %%xmm2 \n\
pslldq $1, %%xmm3 \n\
movdqu %%xmm0, ("EDI") \n\
movdqu %%xmm1, 16("EDI") \n\
movdqu %%xmm2, 32("EDI") \n\
movdqu %%xmm3, 48("EDI") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "D" (dest)
static inline void sse2_store_bgra32(uint8_t *dest)
movdqu %%xmm0, ("EDI") \n\
movdqu %%xmm1, 16("EDI") \n\
movdqu %%xmm2, 32("EDI") \n\
movdqu %%xmm3, 48("EDI") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "D" (dest)
static inline void sse2_load_rgb24(uint8_t *src);
static inline void sse2_load_bgr24(uint8_t *src);
static inline void sse2_load_rgba32(uint8_t *src);
static inline void sse2_load_abgr32(uint8_t *src);
static inline void sse2_load_argb32(uint8_t *src);
static inline void sse2_load_bgra32(uint8_t *src);
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_yuv420p(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width);
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_yuv411p(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width);
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_yuv422p(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width);
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_yuv444p(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width);
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_yuy2(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width);
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_uyvy(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width);
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_yvyu(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width);
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_y8(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width);
#define DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2(rgb,yuv,rgbsz,rofs,gofs,bofs,slowop) \
static int rgb##_##yuv##_sse2(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, \
int width, int height) \
{ \
int x, y; \
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { \
for (x = 0; x < (width & ~7); x += 8) { \
sse2_load_##rgb(src[0]+(y*width+x)*rgbsz); \
sse2_rgb_to_##yuv(dest[0], dest[1], dest[2], x, y, width); \
} \
while (x < width) { \
int r = src[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+rofs]; \
int g = src[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+gofs]; \
int b = src[0][(y*width+x)*rgbsz+bofs]; \
slowop; \
x++; \
} \
} \
asm("emms"); \
return 1; \
#define DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2_SET(rgb,sz,r,g,b) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2(rgb,yuv420p, sz,r,g,b, RGB2YUV_420P) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2(rgb,yuv411p, sz,r,g,b, RGB2YUV_411P) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2(rgb,yuv422p, sz,r,g,b, RGB2YUV_422P) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2(rgb,yuv444p, sz,r,g,b, RGB2YUV_444P) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2(rgb,yuy2, sz,r,g,b, RGB2YUV_YUY2) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2(rgb,uyvy, sz,r,g,b, RGB2YUV_UYVY) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2(rgb,yvyu, sz,r,g,b, RGB2YUV_YVYU) \
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2(rgb,y8, sz,r,g,b, RGB2Y())
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2_SET(rgb24, 3,0,1,2)
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2_SET(bgr24, 3,2,1,0)
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2_SET(rgba32, 4,0,1,2)
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2_SET(abgr32, 4,3,2,1)
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2_SET(argb32, 4,1,2,3)
DEFINE_RGB2YUV_SSE2_SET(bgra32, 4,2,1,0)
/* Split 8 RGBA pixels in XMMr/XMMb into R/G/B in XMM0/XMM1/XMM2.
* r and b are 0 and 2 for RGB, 2 and 0 for BGR */
#define SSE2_SPLIT_RGB32(r,b) "\
movdqa 176("EDI"), %%xmm7 # XMM7: 00FF*8 \n\
movdqa %%xmm"#r", %%xmm1 # XMM1: XBGR3 XBGR2 XBGR1 XBGR0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm"#b", %%xmm3 # XMM3: XBGR7 XBGR6 XBGR5 XBGR4 \n\
pand %%xmm7, %%xmm"#r" # XMMr: B3 R3 B2 R2 B1 R1 B0 R0 \n\
psrld $8, %%xmm1 # XMM1: -XBG3 -XBG2 -XBG1 -XBG0 \n\
pand %%xmm7, %%xmm"#b" # XMMb: B7 R7 B6 R6 B5 R5 B4 R4 \n\
psrld $8, %%xmm3 # XMM3: -XBG7 -XBG6 -XBG5 -XBG4 \n\
pand %%xmm7, %%xmm1 # XMM1: XX G3 XX G2 XX G1 XX G0 \n\
packuswb %%xmm"#b", %%xmm"#r" # XMMr: B7 R7 ........... B0 R0 \n\
pand %%xmm7, %%xmm3 # XMM3: XX G7 XX G6 XX G5 XX G4 \n\
movdqa %%xmm"#r", %%xmm"#b" # XMMb: B7 R7 ........... B0 R0 \n\
packuswb %%xmm3, %%xmm1 # XMM1: XX G7 ........... XX G0 \n\
pand %%xmm7, %%xmm"#r" # XMMr: R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm"#b" # XMMb: B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 \n\
pand %%xmm7, %%xmm1 # XMM1: G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 \n"
static inline void sse2_load_rgb24(uint8_t *src)
"PUSH(EBX)" \n\
# Make stack space for loading XMM registers \n"
#ifdef ARCH_X86_64
" sub $24+128, "ESP" \n"
" sub $24, "ESP" \n"
" # Copy source pixels to appropriate positions in stack (this \n\
# seems to be the fastest way to get them where we want them) \n\
movl $8, %%ebx \n\
movl $24, %%edx \n\
0: \n\
movb -3("ESI","EDX"), %%al \n\
movb %%al, 0-1("ESP","EBX") \n\
movb -2("ESI","EDX"), %%al \n\
movb %%al, 8-1("ESP","EBX") \n\
movb -1("ESI","EDX"), %%al \n\
movb %%al, 16-1("ESP","EBX") \n\
subl $3, %%edx \n\
subl $1, %%ebx \n\
jnz 0b \n\
# Load XMM0-XMM2 with R/G/B values and expand to 16-bit \n\
pxor %%xmm7, %%xmm7 \n\
movq ("ESP"), %%xmm0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm7, %%xmm0 \n\
movq 8("ESP"), %%xmm1 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm7, %%xmm1 \n\
movq 16("ESP"), %%xmm2 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm7, %%xmm2 \n"
#ifdef ARCH_X86_64
" add $24+128, "ESP" \n"
" add $24, "ESP" \n"
" "POP(EBX)" \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (src)
: "eax", "ecx", "edx", "edi" COMMA_FAKE_PUSH_REG
static inline void sse2_load_bgr24(uint8_t *src)
/* Load as RGB and swap registers */
movdqa %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\
movdqa %%xmm2, %%xmm0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm3, %%xmm2 \n"
: /* no outputs */
: /* no inputs */
static inline void sse2_load_rgba32(uint8_t *src)
movdqu ("ESI"), %%xmm0 # XMM0: XBGR3 XBGR2 XBGR1 XBGR0 \n\
movdqu 16("ESI"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: XBGR7 XBGR6 XBGR5 XBGR4 \n\
"SSE2_SPLIT_RGB32(0,2)" \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (src), "D" (&rgb_data), "m" (rgb_data)
static inline void sse2_load_abgr32(uint8_t *src)
movdqu ("ESI"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: RGBX3 RGBX2 RGBX1 RGBX0 \n\
movdqu 16("ESI"), %%xmm0 # XMM0: RGBX7 RGBX6 RGBX5 RGBX4 \n\
psrld $8, %%xmm2 # XMM2: -RGB3 -RGB2 -RGB1 -RGB0 \n\
psrld $8, %%xmm0 # XMM0: -RGB7 -RGB6 -RGB5 -RGB4 \n\
"SSE2_SPLIT_RGB32(2,0)" \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (src), "D" (&rgb_data), "m" (rgb_data)
static inline void sse2_load_argb32(uint8_t *src)
movdqu ("ESI"), %%xmm0 # XMM0: BGRX3 BGRX2 BGRX1 BGRX0 \n\
movdqu 16("ESI"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: BGRX7 BGRX6 BGRX5 BGRX4 \n\
psrld $8, %%xmm0 # XMM0: -BGR3 -BGR2 -BGR1 -BGR0 \n\
psrld $8, %%xmm2 # XMM2: -BGR7 -BGR6 -BGR5 -BGR4 \n\
"SSE2_SPLIT_RGB32(0,2)" \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (src), "D" (&rgb_data), "m" (rgb_data)
static inline void sse2_load_bgra32(uint8_t *src)
movdqu ("ESI"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: XRGB3 XRGB2 XRGB1 XRGB0 \n\
movdqu 16("ESI"), %%xmm0 # XMM0: XRGB7 XRGB6 XRGB5 XRGB4 \n\
"SSE2_SPLIT_RGB32(2,0)" \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (src), "D" (&rgb_data), "m" (rgb_data)
#define SSE2_RGB2Y "\
# Make RGB data into 8.6 fixed-point, then create 8.6 \n\
# fixed-point Y data in XMM3 \n\
psllw $6, %%xmm0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\
pmulhuw ("EDI"), %%xmm3 \n\
psllw $6, %%xmm1 \n\
movdqa %%xmm1, %%xmm6 \n\
pmulhuw 16("EDI"), %%xmm6 \n\
psllw $6, %%xmm2 \n\
movdqa %%xmm2, %%xmm7 \n\
pmulhuw 32("EDI"), %%xmm7 \n\
paddw %%xmm6, %%xmm3 # No possibility of overflow \n\
paddw %%xmm7, %%xmm3 \n\
paddw 144("EDI"), %%xmm3 \n"
#define SSE2_RGB2U "\
# Create 8.6 fixed-point U data in XMM4 \n\
movdqa %%xmm0, %%xmm4 \n\
pmulhw 48("EDI"), %%xmm4 \n\
movdqa %%xmm1, %%xmm6 \n\
pmulhw 64("EDI"), %%xmm6 \n\
movdqa %%xmm2, %%xmm7 \n\
pmulhw 80("EDI"), %%xmm7 \n\
paddw %%xmm6, %%xmm4 \n\
paddw %%xmm7, %%xmm4 \n\
paddw 160("EDI"), %%xmm4 \n"
#define SSE2_RGB2U0 "\
# Create 8.6 fixed-point U data in XMM0 \n\
pmulhw 48("EDI"), %%xmm0 \n\
pmulhw 64("EDI"), %%xmm1 \n\
pmulhw 80("EDI"), %%xmm2 \n\
paddw %%xmm1, %%xmm0 \n\
paddw %%xmm2, %%xmm0 \n\
paddw 160("EDI"), %%xmm0 \n"
#define SSE2_RGB2V "\
# Create 8.6 fixed-point V data in XMM0 \n\
pmulhw 96("EDI"), %%xmm0 \n\
pmulhw 112("EDI"), %%xmm1 \n\
pmulhw 128("EDI"), %%xmm2 \n\
paddw %%xmm1, %%xmm0 \n\
paddw %%xmm2, %%xmm0 \n\
paddw 160("EDI"), %%xmm0 \n"
#define SSE2_PACKYU "\
# Shift back down to 8-bit values \n\
psraw $6, %%xmm3 \n\
psraw $6, %%xmm0 \n\
# Pack into bytes \n\
pxor %%xmm7, %%xmm7 \n\
packuswb %%xmm7, %%xmm3 \n\
packuswb %%xmm7, %%xmm0 \n"
#define SSE2_PACKYUV "\
# Shift back down to 8-bit values \n\
psraw $6, %%xmm3 \n\
psraw $6, %%xmm4 \n\
psraw $6, %%xmm0 \n\
# Pack into bytes \n\
pxor %%xmm7, %%xmm7 \n\
packuswb %%xmm7, %%xmm3 \n\
packuswb %%xmm7, %%xmm4 \n\
packuswb %%xmm7, %%xmm0 \n"
#define SSE2_STRIPU(N) "\
# Remove every odd U value \n\
pand 176("EDI"), %%xmm"#N" \n\
packuswb %%xmm7, %%xmm"#N" \n"
#define SSE2_STRIPV "\
# Remove every even V value \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm0 \n\
packuswb %%xmm7, %%xmm0 \n"
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_yuv420p(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width)
if (y%2 == 0) {
"SSE2_RGB2Y" \n\
"SSE2_RGB2U0" \n\
"SSE2_STRIPU(0)" \n\
# Store into destination pointers \n\
movq %%xmm3, ("EAX") \n\
movd %%xmm0, ("ECX") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (destY+y*width+x), "c" (destU+(y/2)*(width/2)+(x/2)),
"D" (&rgb_data), "m" (rgb_data)
} else {
"SSE2_RGB2Y" \n\
"SSE2_RGB2V" \n\
# Store into destination pointers \n\
movq %%xmm3, ("EAX") \n\
movd %%xmm0, ("EDX") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (destY+y*width+x), "d" (destV+(y/2)*(width/2)+(x/2)),
"D" (&rgb_data), "m" (rgb_data)
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_yuv411p(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width)
"SSE2_RGB2Y" \n\
"SSE2_RGB2U" \n\
"SSE2_RGB2V" \n\
"SSE2_STRIPU(4)" \n\
"SSE2_STRIPU(4)" \n\
"SSE2_STRIPU(0)" \n\
# Store into destination pointers \n\
movq %%xmm3, ("EAX") \n\
"PUSH(EAX)" # needed because GCC might rely on it later \n\
movd %%xmm4, %%eax \n\
movw %%ax, ("ECX") \n\
movd %%xmm0, %%eax \n\
movw %%ax, ("EDX") \n\
"POP(EAX)" \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (destY+y*width+x), "c" (destU+y*(width/4)+(x/4)),
"d" (destV+y*(width/4)+(x/4)), "D" (&rgb_data), "m" (rgb_data)
#ifdef ARCH_X86_64
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_yuv422p(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width)
"SSE2_RGB2Y" \n\
"SSE2_RGB2U" \n\
"SSE2_RGB2V" \n\
"SSE2_STRIPU(4)" \n\
# Store into destination pointers \n\
movq %%xmm3, ("EAX") \n\
movd %%xmm4, ("ECX") \n\
movd %%xmm0, ("EDX") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (destY+y*width+x), "c" (destU+y*(width/2)+(x/2)),
"d" (destV+y*(width/2)+(x/2)), "D" (&rgb_data), "m" (rgb_data)
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_yuv444p(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width)
"SSE2_RGB2Y" \n\
"SSE2_RGB2U" \n\
"SSE2_RGB2V" \n\
# Store into destination pointers \n\
movq %%xmm3, ("EAX") \n\
movq %%xmm4, ("ECX") \n\
movq %%xmm0, ("EDX") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (destY+y*width+x), "c" (destU+y*width+x), "d" (destV+y*width+x),
"D" (&rgb_data), "m" (rgb_data)
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_yuy2(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width)
"SSE2_RGB2Y" \n\
"SSE2_RGB2U" \n\
"SSE2_RGB2V" \n\
"SSE2_STRIPU(4)" \n\
# Interleave Y/U/V \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm0, %%xmm4 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4, %%xmm3 \n\
# Store into destination pointer \n\
movdqu %%xmm3, ("EAX") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (destY+(y*width+x)*2), "D" (&rgb_data), "m" (rgb_data)
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_uyvy(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width)
"SSE2_RGB2Y" \n\
"SSE2_RGB2U" \n\
"SSE2_RGB2V" \n\
"SSE2_STRIPU(4)" \n\
# Interleave Y/U/V \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm0, %%xmm4 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm3, %%xmm4 \n\
# Store into destination pointer \n\
movdqu %%xmm4, ("EAX") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (destY+(y*width+x)*2), "D" (&rgb_data), "m" (rgb_data)
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_yvyu(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width)
"SSE2_RGB2Y" \n\
"SSE2_RGB2U" \n\
"SSE2_RGB2V" \n\
# Remove every odd V value \n\
pand 176("EDI"), %%xmm0 \n\
packuswb %%xmm7, %%xmm0 \n\
# Remove every even U value \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm4 \n\
packuswb %%xmm7, %%xmm4 \n\
# Interleave Y/U/V \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4, %%xmm0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\
# Store into destination pointer \n\
movdqu %%xmm3, ("EAX") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (destY+(y*width+x)*2), "D" (&rgb_data), "m" (rgb_data)
static inline void sse2_rgb_to_y8(
uint8_t *destY, uint8_t *destU, uint8_t *destV, int x, int y, int width)
psllw $6, %%xmm0 \n\
pmulhuw ("EDI"), %%xmm0 \n\
psllw $6, %%xmm1 \n\
pmulhuw 16("EDI"), %%xmm1 \n\
psllw $6, %%xmm2 \n\
pmulhuw 32("EDI"), %%xmm2 \n\
paddw %%xmm1, %%xmm0 # No possibility of overflow \n\
paddw %%xmm2, %%xmm0 \n\
paddw 144("EDI"), %%xmm0 \n\
psraw $6, %%xmm0 \n\
packuswb %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n\
movq %%xmm0, ("EAX") \n"
: /* no outputs */
: "a" (destY+y*width+x), "D" (&rgb_data), "m" (rgb_data)
static int yuvp_gray8_sse2(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
asm("movdqa ("EDX"), %%xmm7 # constant: 255/219 \n\
movdqa 32("EDX"), %%xmm6 # constant: 16 \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # constant: 0 \n"
/* blocksize */ 16,
/* push_regs */ "",
/* pop_regs */ "",
/* small_loop */ "\
movzbl -1("ESI","ECX"), %%eax # retrieve Y byte \n\
subl $16, %%eax # subtract 16 \n\
imull %3, %%eax # multiply by 255/219 \n\
shrl $14, %%eax # shift down to 8 bits \n\
testb %%ah, %%ah # saturate to 0..255 \n\
movl $-1, %%edx # (trash EDX, we don't need it \n\
cmovnz %%edx, %%eax # anymore) \n\
movl $0, %%edx \n\
cmovs %%edx, %%eax \n\
movb %%al, -1("EDI","ECX") # and store \n",
/* main_loop */ "\
movdqu -16("ESI","ECX"), %%xmm0 # XMM0: Y15..Y0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm0, %%xmm1 # XMM1: Y15..Y0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4, %%xmm0 # XMM0: Y7..Y0 \n\
psubw %%xmm6, %%xmm0 # XMM0: unbias by 16 \n\
psllw $2, %%xmm0 # XMM0: fixed point 8.2 \n\
pmulhw %%xmm7, %%xmm0 # XMM0: multiply by 255/219>>2 \n\
punpckhbw %%xmm4, %%xmm1 # XMM1: Y15..Y8 << 8 \n\
psubw %%xmm6, %%xmm1 # XMM1: unbias by 16 \n\
psllw $2, %%xmm1 # XMM1: fixed point 8.2 \n\
pmulhw %%xmm7, %%xmm1 # XMM1: multiply by 255/219>>2 \n\
packuswb %%xmm1, %%xmm0 # XMM0: G15..G0, saturated \n\
movdqu %%xmm0, -16("EDI","ECX") \n",
/* emms */ "emms")
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (src[0]), "D" (dest[0]), "c" (width*height),
"i" (Y_GRAY), "d" (&gray_data), "m" (gray_data)
: "eax");
return 1;
static int yuy2_gray8_sse2(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
asm("movdqa ("EDX"), %%xmm7 # constant: 255/219 \n\
movdqa 32("EDX"), %%xmm6 # constant: 16 \n\
pcmpeqd %%xmm5, %%xmm5 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm5 # constant: 0x00FF \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # constant: 0 \n"
/* blocksize */ 8,
/* push_regs */ "",
/* pop_regs */ "",
/* small_loop */ "\
movzbl -2("ESI","ECX",2), %%eax # retrieve Y byte \n\
subl $16, %%eax # subtract 16 \n\
imull %3, %%eax # multiply by 255/219 \n\
shrl $14, %%eax # shift down to 8 bits \n\
testb %%ah, %%ah # saturate to 0..255 \n\
movl $-1, %%edx # (trash EDX, we don't need it \n\
cmovnz %%edx, %%eax # anymore) \n\
movl $0, %%edx \n\
cmovs %%edx, %%eax \n\
movb %%al, -1("EDI","ECX") # and store \n",
/* main_loop */ "\
movdqu -16("ESI","ECX",2),%%xmm0 #XMM0: V3 Y7..U0 Y0 \n\
pand %%xmm5, %%xmm0 # XMM0: Y7..Y0 \n\
psubw %%xmm6, %%xmm0 # XMM0: unbias by 16 \n\
psllw $2, %%xmm0 # XMM0: fixed point 8.2 \n\
pmulhw %%xmm7, %%xmm0 # XMM0: multiply by 255/219>>2 \n\
packuswb %%xmm0, %%xmm0 # XMM0: G7..G0, saturated \n\
movq %%xmm0, -8("EDI","ECX") \n",
/* emms */ "emms")
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (src[0]), "D" (dest[0]), "c" (width*height),
"i" (Y_GRAY), "d" (&gray_data), "m" (gray_data)
: "eax");
return 1;
static int uyvy_gray8_sse2(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
asm("movdqa ("EDX"), %%xmm7 # constant: 255/219 \n\
movdqa 32("EDX"), %%xmm6 \n\
psllw $2, %%xmm6 # constant: 16<<2 \n\
pcmpeqd %%xmm5, %%xmm5 \n\
psllw $8, %%xmm5 # constant: 0xFF00 \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # constant: 0 \n"
/* blocksize */ 8,
/* push_regs */ "",
/* pop_regs */ "",
/* small_loop */ "\
movzbl -1("ESI","ECX",2), %%eax # retrieve Y byte \n\
subl $16, %%eax # subtract 16 \n\
imull %3, %%eax # multiply by 255/219 \n\
shrl $14, %%eax # shift down to 8 bits \n\
testb %%ah, %%ah # saturate to 0..255 \n\
movl $-1, %%edx # (trash EDX, we don't need it \n\
cmovnz %%edx, %%eax # anymore) \n\
movl $0, %%edx \n\
cmovs %%edx, %%eax \n\
movb %%al, -1("EDI","ECX") # and store \n",
/* main_loop */ "\
movdqu -16("ESI","ECX",2),%%xmm0 #XMM0: Y7 V3..Y0 U0 \n\
pand %%xmm5, %%xmm0 # XMM0: Y7..Y0 << 8 \n\
psrlw $6, %%xmm0 # XMM0: fixed point 8.2 \n\
psubw %%xmm6, %%xmm0 # XMM0: unbias by 16 \n\
pmulhw %%xmm7, %%xmm0 # XMM0: multiply by 255/219>>2 \n\
packuswb %%xmm0, %%xmm0 # XMM0: G7..G0, saturated \n\
movq %%xmm0, -8("EDI","ECX") \n",
/* emms */ "emms")
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (src[0]), "D" (dest[0]), "c" (width*height),
"i" (Y_GRAY), "d" (&gray_data), "m" (gray_data)
: "eax");
return 1;
static int gray8_y8_sse2(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
asm("movdqa 16("EDX"), %%xmm7 # constant: 219/255 \n\
movdqa 32("EDX"), %%xmm6 # constant: 16 \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # constant: 0 \n"
/* blocksize */ 16,
/* push_regs */ "",
/* pop_regs */ "",
/* small_loop */ "\
movzbl -1("ESI","ECX"), %%eax # retrieve gray byte \n\
imull %3, %%eax # multiply by 219/255 \n\
shrl $14, %%eax # shift down to 8 bits \n\
addl $16, %%eax # add 16 \n\
movb %%al, -1("EDI","ECX") # and store \n",
/* main_loop */ "\
movdqu -16("ESI","ECX"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: G15..G0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm4, %%xmm0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm2, %%xmm0 # XMM0: G7..G0 << 8 \n\
pmulhuw %%xmm7, %%xmm0 # XMM0: multiply by 219/255>>2 \n\
movdqa %%xmm4, %%xmm1 \n\
punpckhbw %%xmm2, %%xmm1 # XMM1: G15..G8 << 8 \n\
pmulhuw %%xmm7, %%xmm1 # XMM1: multiply by 219/255>>2 \n\
psrlw $6, %%xmm0 # XMM0: shift down to 8 bits \n\
paddw %%xmm6, %%xmm0 # XMM0: bias by 16 \n\
psrlw $6, %%xmm1 # XMM1: shift down to 8 bits \n\
paddw %%xmm6, %%xmm1 # XMM1: bias by 16 \n\
packuswb %%xmm1, %%xmm0 # XMM0: Y15..Y0 \n\
movdqu %%xmm0, -16("EDI","ECX") \n",
/* emms */ "emms")
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (src[0]), "D" (dest[0]), "c" (width*height),
"i" (GRAY_Y), "d" (&gray_data), "m" (gray_data)
: "eax");
return 1;
static int gray8_yuy2_sse2(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
asm("movdqa 16("EDX"), %%xmm7 # constant: 219/255 \n\
movdqa 32("EDX"), %%xmm6 # constant: 16 \n\
pcmpeqd %%xmm5, %%xmm5 \n\
psllw $15, %%xmm5 # constant: 0x8000 \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # constant: 0 \n"
/* blocksize */ 8,
/* push_regs */ "",
/* pop_regs */ "",
/* small_loop */ "\
movzbl -1("ESI","ECX"), %%eax # retrieve gray byte \n\
imull %3, %%eax # multiply by 219/255 \n\
shrl $14, %%eax # shift down to 8 bits \n\
addl $16, %%eax # add 16 \n\
movb %%al, -2("EDI","ECX",2) # and store \n\
movb $128, -1("EDI","ECX",2) # store 128 in U/V byte \n",
/* main_loop */ "\
movq -8("ESI","ECX"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: G5..G0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm4, %%xmm0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm2, %%xmm0 # XMM0: G7..G0 << 8 \n\
pmulhuw %%xmm7, %%xmm0 # XMM0: multiply by 219/255>>2 \n\
psrlw $6, %%xmm0 # XMM0: shift down to 8 bits \n\
paddw %%xmm6, %%xmm0 # XMM0: bias by 16 \n\
por %%xmm5, %%xmm0 # XMM0: OR in U/V bytes \n\
movdqu %%xmm0, -16("EDI","ECX",2) \n",
/* emms */ "emms")
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (src[0]), "D" (dest[0]), "c" (width*height),
"i" (GRAY_Y), "d" (&gray_data), "m" (gray_data)
: "eax");
return 1;
static int gray8_uyvy_sse2(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height) {
asm("movdqa 16("EDX"), %%xmm7 # constant: 219/255 \n\
movdqa 32("EDX"), %%xmm6 \n\
psllw $8, %%xmm6 # constant: 16 << 8 \n\
pcmpeqd %%xmm5, %%xmm5 \n\
psllw $15, %%xmm5 \n\
psrlw $8, %%xmm5 # constant: 0x0080 \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # constant: 0 \n\
pcmpeqd %%xmm3, %%xmm3 \n\
psllw $8, %%xmm3 # constant: 0xFF00 \n"
/* blocksize */ 8,
/* push_regs */ "",
/* pop_regs */ "",
/* small_loop */ "\
movzbl -1("ESI","ECX"), %%eax # retrieve gray byte \n\
imull %3, %%eax # multiply by 219/255 \n\
shrl $14, %%eax # shift down to 8 bits \n\
addl $16, %%eax # add 16 \n\
movb %%al, -1("EDI","ECX",2) # and store \n\
movb $128, -2("EDI","ECX",2) # store 128 in U/V byte \n",
/* main_loop */ "\
movq -8("ESI","ECX"), %%xmm2 # XMM2: G5..G0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm4, %%xmm0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm2, %%xmm0 # XMM0: G7..G0 << 8 \n\
pmulhuw %%xmm7, %%xmm0 # XMM0: multiply by 219/255>>2 \n\
psllw $2, %%xmm0 # XMM0: shift results to hi byte\n\
pand %%xmm3, %%xmm0 # XMM0: clear low byte \n\
paddw %%xmm6, %%xmm0 # XMM0: bias by 16 \n\
por %%xmm5, %%xmm0 # XMM0: OR in U/V bytes \n\
movdqu %%xmm0, -16("EDI","ECX",2) \n",
/* emms */ "emms")
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (src[0]), "D" (dest[0]), "c" (width*height),
"i" (GRAY_Y), "d" (&gray_data), "m" (gray_data)
: "eax");
return 1;
static int y8_rgb24_sse2(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
asm("movdqa ("EDX"), %%xmm7 # constant: 255/219 \n\
movdqa 32("EDX"), %%xmm6 # constant: 16 \n\
movdqa 48("EDX"), %%xmm5 # constant: bytes 0/3/6/9 mask \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # constant: 0 \n"
/* blocksize */ 4,
/* push_regs */ "push "EBX,
/* pop_regs */ "pop "EBX,
/* small_loop */ "\
lea ("ECX","ECX",2), "EDX" # 3*count for RGB offset \n\
movzbl -1("ESI","ECX"), %%eax # retrieve Y byte \n\
subl $16, %%eax # subtract 16 \n\
imull %3, %%eax # multiply by 255/219 \n\
shrl $14, %%eax # shift down to 8 bits \n\
testb %%ah, %%ah # saturate to 0..255 \n\
movl $-1, %%ebx \n\
cmovnz %%ebx, %%eax \n\
movl $0, %%ebx \n\
cmovs %%ebx, %%eax \n\
movb %%al, -3("EDI","EDX") # and store \n\
movb %%al, -2("EDI","EDX") \n\
movb %%al, -1("EDI","EDX") \n",
/* main_loop */ "\
lea ("ECX","ECX",2), "EDX" \n\
movd -4("ESI","ECX"), %%xmm0 # XMM0: Y3..Y0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4, %%xmm0 # XMM0: Y3..Y0 in 16 bits \n\
psubw %%xmm6, %%xmm0 # XMM0: unbias by 16 \n\
psllw $2, %%xmm0 # XMM0: fixed point 8.2 \n\
pmulhw %%xmm7, %%xmm0 # XMM0: multiply by 255/219>>2 \n\
packuswb %%xmm0, %%xmm0 # XMM0: G3..G0, saturated \n\
pshuflw $0x50, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 # X0.l: G3 G2 G3 G2 G1 G0 G1 G0 \n\
pshufhw $0x55, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 # X0.h: G3 G2 G3 G2 G3 G2 G3 G2 \n\
pand %%xmm5, %%xmm0 # XMM0: ------3--2--1--0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm0, %%xmm1 # XMM1: ------3--2--1--0 \n\
pslldq $1, %%xmm1 # XMM1: -----3--2--1--0- \n\
movdqa %%xmm0, %%xmm2 # XMM2: ------3--2--1--0 \n\
pslldq $2, %%xmm2 # XMM2: ----3--2--1--0-- \n\
por %%xmm1, %%xmm0 # XMM0: -----33-22-11-00 \n\
por %%xmm2, %%xmm0 # XMM0: ----333222111000 \n\
movd %%xmm0, -12("EDI","EDX") \n\
pshufd $0xC9, %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n\
movq %%xmm0, -8("EDI","EDX") \n",
/* emms */ "emms")
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (src[0]), "D" (dest[0]), "c" (width*height),
"i" (Y_GRAY), "d" (&gray_data), "m" (gray_data)
: "eax");
return 1;
/* 4BPP is slightly easier... */
static int y8_rgba32_sse2(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
asm("movdqa ("EDX"), %%xmm7 # constant: 255/219 \n\
movdqa 32("EDX"), %%xmm6 # constant: 16 \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # constant: 0 \n"
/* blocksize */ 4,
/* push_regs */ "",
/* pop_regs */ "",
/* small_loop */ "\
movzbl -1("ESI","ECX"), %%eax # retrieve Y byte \n\
subl $16, %%eax # subtract 16 \n\
imull %3, %%eax # multiply by 255/219 \n\
shrl $14, %%eax # shift down to 8 bits \n\
testb %%ah, %%ah # saturate to 0..255 \n\
movl $-1, %%edx \n\
cmovnz %%edx, %%eax \n\
movl $0, %%edx \n\
cmovs %%edx, %%eax \n\
movb %%al, -4("EDI","ECX",4) # and store \n\
movb %%al, -3("EDI","ECX",4) \n\
movb %%al, -2("EDI","ECX",4) \n",
/* main_loop */ "\
movd -4("ESI","ECX"), %%xmm0 # XMM0: Y3..Y0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4, %%xmm0 # XMM0: Y3..Y0 in 16 bits \n\
psubw %%xmm6, %%xmm0 # XMM0: unbias by 16 \n\
psllw $2, %%xmm0 # XMM0: fixed point 8.2 \n\
pmulhw %%xmm7, %%xmm0 # XMM0: multiply by 255/219>>2 \n\
packuswb %%xmm0, %%xmm0 # XMM0: G3..G0, saturated \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4, %%xmm0 # XMM0: G3..G0 in 16 bits \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4, %%xmm0 # XMM0: ---3---2---1---0 \n\
movdqa %%xmm0, %%xmm1 # XMM1: ---3---2---1---0 \n\
pslldq $1, %%xmm1 # XMM1: --3---2---1---0- \n\
movdqa %%xmm0, %%xmm2 # XMM2: ---3---2---1---0 \n\
pslldq $2, %%xmm2 # XMM2: -3---2---1---0-- \n\
por %%xmm1, %%xmm0 # XMM0: --33--22--11--00 \n\
por %%xmm2, %%xmm0 # XMM0: -333-222-111-000 \n\
movntdq %%xmm0, -16("EDI","ECX",4) \n",
/* emms */ "emms")
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (src[0]), "D" (dest[0]), "c" (width*height),
"i" (Y_GRAY), "d" (&gray_data), "m" (gray_data)
: "eax");
return 1;
static int y8_argb32_sse2(uint8_t **src, uint8_t **dest, int width, int height)
asm("movdqa ("EDX"), %%xmm7 # constant: 255/219 \n\
movdqa 32("EDX"), %%xmm6 # constant: 16 \n\
pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4 # constant: 0 \n"
/* blocksize */ 4,
/* push_regs */ "",
/* pop_regs */ "",
/* small_loop */ "\
movzbl -1("ESI","ECX"), %%eax # retrieve Y byte \n\
subl $16, %%eax # subtract 16 \n\
imull %3, %%eax # multiply by 255/219 \n\
shrl $14, %%eax # shift down to 8 bits \n\
testb %%ah, %%ah # saturate to 0..255 \n\
movl $-1, %%edx \n\
cmovnz %%edx, %%eax \n\
movl $0, %%edx \n\
cmovs %%edx, %%eax \n\
movb %%al, -3("EDI","ECX",4) # and store \n\
movb %%al, -2("EDI","ECX",4) \n\
movb %%al, -1("EDI","ECX",4) \n",
/* main_loop */ "\
movd -4("ESI","ECX"), %%xmm0 # XMM0: Y3..Y0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4, %%xmm0 # XMM0: Y3..Y0 in 16 bits \n\
psubw %%xmm6, %%xmm0 # XMM0: unbias by 16 \n\
psllw $2, %%xmm0 # XMM0: fixed point 8.2 \n\
pmulhw %%xmm7, %%xmm0 # XMM0: multiply by 255/219>>2 \n\
packuswb %%xmm0, %%xmm0 # XMM0: G3..G0, saturated \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm4, %%xmm0 # XMM0: G3..G0 in 16 bits \n\
movdqa %%xmm4, %%xmm3 # XMM3: 0 \n\
punpcklbw %%xmm0, %%xmm3 # XMM3: --3---2---1---0- \n\
movdqa %%xmm3, %%xmm1 # XMM1: --3---2---1---0- \n\
pslldq $1, %%xmm1 # XMM1: -3---2---1---0-- \n\
movdqa %%xmm3, %%xmm2 # XMM2: --3---2---1---0- \n\
pslldq $2, %%xmm2 # XMM2: 3---2---1---0--- \n\
por %%xmm1, %%xmm3 # XMM3: -33--22--11--00- \n\
por %%xmm2, %%xmm3 # XMM3: 333-222-111-000- \n\
movntdq %%xmm3, -16("EDI","ECX",4) \n",
/* emms */ "emms")
: /* no outputs */
: "S" (src[0]), "D" (dest[0]), "c" (width*height),
"i" (Y_GRAY), "d" (&gray_data), "m" (gray_data)
: "eax");
return 1;
#endif /* HAVE_ASM_SSE2 */
/* Initialization */
int ac_imgconvert_init_yuv_rgb(int accel)
/******** Standard C implementations ********/
//---- YUV->RGB ----//
if (!register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_RGB24, yuv420p_rgb24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV411P, IMG_RGB24, yuv411p_rgb24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_RGB24, yuv422p_rgb24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV444P, IMG_RGB24, yuv444p_rgb24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUY2, IMG_RGB24, yuy2_rgb24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_UYVY, IMG_RGB24, uyvy_rgb24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YVYU, IMG_RGB24, yvyu_rgb24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_Y8, IMG_RGB24, y8_rgb24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_BGR24, yuv420p_bgr24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV411P, IMG_BGR24, yuv411p_bgr24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_BGR24, yuv422p_bgr24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV444P, IMG_BGR24, yuv444p_bgr24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUY2, IMG_BGR24, yuy2_bgr24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_UYVY, IMG_BGR24, uyvy_bgr24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YVYU, IMG_BGR24, yvyu_bgr24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_Y8, IMG_BGR24, y8_rgb24)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_RGBA32, yuv420p_rgba32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV411P, IMG_RGBA32, yuv411p_rgba32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_RGBA32, yuv422p_rgba32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV444P, IMG_RGBA32, yuv444p_rgba32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUY2, IMG_RGBA32, yuy2_rgba32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_UYVY, IMG_RGBA32, uyvy_rgba32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YVYU, IMG_RGBA32, yvyu_rgba32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_Y8, IMG_RGBA32, y8_rgba32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_ABGR32, yuv420p_abgr32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV411P, IMG_ABGR32, yuv411p_abgr32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_ABGR32, yuv422p_abgr32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV444P, IMG_ABGR32, yuv444p_abgr32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUY2, IMG_ABGR32, yuy2_abgr32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_UYVY, IMG_ABGR32, uyvy_abgr32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YVYU, IMG_ABGR32, yvyu_abgr32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_Y8, IMG_ABGR32, y8_argb32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_ARGB32, yuv420p_argb32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV411P, IMG_ARGB32, yuv411p_argb32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_ARGB32, yuv422p_argb32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV444P, IMG_ARGB32, yuv444p_argb32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUY2, IMG_ARGB32, yuy2_argb32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_UYVY, IMG_ARGB32, uyvy_argb32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YVYU, IMG_ARGB32, yvyu_argb32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_Y8, IMG_ARGB32, y8_argb32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_BGRA32, yuv420p_bgra32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV411P, IMG_BGRA32, yuv411p_bgra32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_BGRA32, yuv422p_bgra32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV444P, IMG_BGRA32, yuv444p_bgra32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUY2, IMG_BGRA32, yuy2_bgra32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_UYVY, IMG_BGRA32, uyvy_bgra32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YVYU, IMG_BGRA32, yvyu_bgra32)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_Y8, IMG_BGRA32, y8_rgba32)
//---- RGB->YUV ----//
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_YUV420P, rgb24_yuv420p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_YUV411P, rgb24_yuv411p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_YUV422P, rgb24_yuv422p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_YUV444P, rgb24_yuv444p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_YUY2, rgb24_yuy2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_UYVY, rgb24_uyvy)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_YVYU, rgb24_yvyu)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_Y8, rgb24_y8)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_YUV420P, bgr24_yuv420p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_YUV411P, bgr24_yuv411p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_YUV422P, bgr24_yuv422p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_YUV444P, bgr24_yuv444p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_YUY2, bgr24_yuy2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_UYVY, bgr24_uyvy)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_YVYU, bgr24_yvyu)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_Y8, bgr24_y8)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_YUV420P, rgba32_yuv420p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_YUV411P, rgba32_yuv411p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_YUV422P, rgba32_yuv422p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_YUV444P, rgba32_yuv444p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_YUY2, rgba32_yuy2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_UYVY, rgba32_uyvy)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_YVYU, rgba32_yvyu)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_Y8, rgba32_y8)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_YUV420P, abgr32_yuv420p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_YUV411P, abgr32_yuv411p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_YUV422P, abgr32_yuv422p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_YUV444P, abgr32_yuv444p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_YUY2, abgr32_yuy2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_UYVY, abgr32_uyvy)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_YVYU, abgr32_yvyu)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_Y8, abgr32_y8)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_YUV420P, argb32_yuv420p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_YUV411P, argb32_yuv411p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_YUV422P, argb32_yuv422p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_YUV444P, argb32_yuv444p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_YUY2, argb32_yuy2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_UYVY, argb32_uyvy)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_YVYU, argb32_yvyu)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_Y8, argb32_y8)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_YUV420P, bgra32_yuv420p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_YUV411P, bgra32_yuv411p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_YUV422P, bgra32_yuv422p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_YUV444P, bgra32_yuv444p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_YUY2, bgra32_yuy2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_UYVY, bgra32_uyvy)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_YVYU, bgra32_yvyu)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_Y8, bgra32_y8)
//---- Grayscale ----//
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_GRAY8, yuvp_gray8)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV411P, IMG_GRAY8, yuvp_gray8)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_GRAY8, yuvp_gray8)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV444P, IMG_GRAY8, yuvp_gray8)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUY2, IMG_GRAY8, yuy2_gray8)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_UYVY, IMG_GRAY8, uyvy_gray8)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YVYU, IMG_GRAY8, yuy2_gray8)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_Y8, IMG_GRAY8, yuvp_gray8)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_GRAY8, IMG_YUV420P, gray8_yuv420p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_GRAY8, IMG_YUV411P, gray8_yuv411p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_GRAY8, IMG_YUV422P, gray8_yuv422p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_GRAY8, IMG_YUV444P, gray8_yuv444p)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_GRAY8, IMG_YUY2, gray8_yuy2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_GRAY8, IMG_UYVY, gray8_uyvy)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_GRAY8, IMG_YVYU, gray8_yuy2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_GRAY8, IMG_Y8, gray8_y8)
) {
return 0;
/******** MMX implementations ********/
#if defined(HAVE_ASM_MMX) && defined(ARCH_X86)
if (accel & AC_MMX) {
//---- YUV->RGB ----//
if (!register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_RGB24, yuv420p_rgb24_mmx)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_RGB24, yuv422p_rgb24_mmx)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_BGR24, yuv420p_bgr24_mmx)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_BGR24, yuv422p_bgr24_mmx)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_RGBA32, yuv420p_rgba32_mmx)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_RGBA32, yuv422p_rgba32_mmx)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_ABGR32, yuv420p_abgr32_mmx)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_ABGR32, yuv422p_abgr32_mmx)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_ARGB32, yuv420p_argb32_mmx)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_ARGB32, yuv422p_argb32_mmx)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_BGRA32, yuv420p_bgra32_mmx)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_BGRA32, yuv422p_bgra32_mmx)
) {
return 0;
/******** SSE2 implementations ********/
#if defined(HAVE_ASM_SSE2)
if (HAS_ACCEL(accel, AC_SSE2)) {
//---- YUV->RGB ----//
if (!register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_RGB24, yuv420p_rgb24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV411P, IMG_RGB24, yuv411p_rgb24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_RGB24, yuv422p_rgb24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV444P, IMG_RGB24, yuv444p_rgb24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUY2, IMG_RGB24, yuy2_rgb24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_UYVY, IMG_RGB24, uyvy_rgb24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YVYU, IMG_RGB24, yvyu_rgb24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_Y8, IMG_RGB24, y8_rgb24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_BGR24, yuv420p_bgr24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV411P, IMG_BGR24, yuv411p_bgr24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_BGR24, yuv422p_bgr24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV444P, IMG_BGR24, yuv444p_bgr24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUY2, IMG_BGR24, yuy2_bgr24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_UYVY, IMG_BGR24, uyvy_bgr24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YVYU, IMG_BGR24, yvyu_bgr24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_Y8, IMG_BGR24, y8_rgb24_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_RGBA32, yuv420p_rgba32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV411P, IMG_RGBA32, yuv411p_rgba32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_RGBA32, yuv422p_rgba32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV444P, IMG_RGBA32, yuv444p_rgba32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUY2, IMG_RGBA32, yuy2_rgba32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_UYVY, IMG_RGBA32, uyvy_rgba32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YVYU, IMG_RGBA32, yvyu_rgba32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_Y8, IMG_RGBA32, y8_rgba32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_ABGR32, yuv420p_abgr32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV411P, IMG_ABGR32, yuv411p_abgr32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_ABGR32, yuv422p_abgr32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV444P, IMG_ABGR32, yuv444p_abgr32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUY2, IMG_ABGR32, yuy2_abgr32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_UYVY, IMG_ABGR32, uyvy_abgr32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YVYU, IMG_ABGR32, yvyu_abgr32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_Y8, IMG_ABGR32, y8_argb32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_ARGB32, yuv420p_argb32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV411P, IMG_ARGB32, yuv411p_argb32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_ARGB32, yuv422p_argb32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV444P, IMG_ARGB32, yuv444p_argb32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUY2, IMG_ARGB32, yuy2_argb32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_UYVY, IMG_ARGB32, uyvy_argb32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YVYU, IMG_ARGB32, yvyu_argb32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_Y8, IMG_ARGB32, y8_argb32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_BGRA32, yuv420p_bgra32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV411P, IMG_BGRA32, yuv411p_bgra32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_BGRA32, yuv422p_bgra32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV444P, IMG_BGRA32, yuv444p_bgra32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUY2, IMG_BGRA32, yuy2_bgra32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_UYVY, IMG_BGRA32, uyvy_bgra32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YVYU, IMG_BGRA32, yvyu_bgra32_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_Y8, IMG_BGRA32, y8_rgba32_sse2)
//---- RGB->YUV ----//
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_YUV420P, rgb24_yuv420p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_YUV411P, rgb24_yuv411p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_YUV422P, rgb24_yuv422p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_YUV444P, rgb24_yuv444p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_YUY2, rgb24_yuy2_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_UYVY, rgb24_uyvy_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_YVYU, rgb24_yvyu_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGB24, IMG_Y8, rgb24_y8_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_YUV420P, bgr24_yuv420p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_YUV411P, bgr24_yuv411p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_YUV422P, bgr24_yuv422p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_YUV444P, bgr24_yuv444p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_YUY2, bgr24_yuy2_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_UYVY, bgr24_uyvy_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_YVYU, bgr24_yvyu_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGR24, IMG_Y8, bgr24_y8_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_YUV420P, rgba32_yuv420p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_YUV411P, rgba32_yuv411p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_YUV422P, rgba32_yuv422p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_YUV444P, rgba32_yuv444p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_YUY2, rgba32_yuy2_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_UYVY, rgba32_uyvy_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_YVYU, rgba32_yvyu_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_RGBA32, IMG_Y8, rgba32_y8_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_YUV420P, abgr32_yuv420p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_YUV411P, abgr32_yuv411p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_YUV422P, abgr32_yuv422p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_YUV444P, abgr32_yuv444p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_YUY2, abgr32_yuy2_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_UYVY, abgr32_uyvy_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_YVYU, abgr32_yvyu_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ABGR32, IMG_Y8, abgr32_y8_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_YUV420P, argb32_yuv420p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_YUV411P, argb32_yuv411p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_YUV422P, argb32_yuv422p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_YUV444P, argb32_yuv444p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_YUY2, argb32_yuy2_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_UYVY, argb32_uyvy_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_YVYU, argb32_yvyu_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_ARGB32, IMG_Y8, argb32_y8_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_YUV420P, bgra32_yuv420p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_YUV411P, bgra32_yuv411p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_YUV422P, bgra32_yuv422p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_YUV444P, bgra32_yuv444p_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_YUY2, bgra32_yuy2_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_UYVY, bgra32_uyvy_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_YVYU, bgra32_yvyu_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_BGRA32, IMG_Y8, bgra32_y8_sse2)
//---- Grayscale ----//
|| !register_conversion(IMG_GRAY8, IMG_YUY2, gray8_yuy2_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_GRAY8, IMG_UYVY, gray8_uyvy_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_GRAY8, IMG_YVYU, gray8_yuy2_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_GRAY8, IMG_Y8, gray8_y8_sse2)
) {
return 0;
/* YUV->GRAY8 routines use CMOVcc */
if (HAS_ACCEL(accel, AC_CMOVE|AC_SSE2)) {
if (!register_conversion(IMG_YUV420P, IMG_GRAY8, yuvp_gray8_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV411P, IMG_GRAY8, yuvp_gray8_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV422P, IMG_GRAY8, yuvp_gray8_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUV444P, IMG_GRAY8, yuvp_gray8_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YUY2, IMG_GRAY8, yuy2_gray8_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_UYVY, IMG_GRAY8, uyvy_gray8_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_YVYU, IMG_GRAY8, yuy2_gray8_sse2)
|| !register_conversion(IMG_Y8, IMG_GRAY8, yuvp_gray8_sse2)
) {
return 0;
return 1;
* Local variables:
* c-file-style: "stroustrup"
* c-file-offsets: ((case-label . *) (statement-case-intro . *))
* indent-tabs-mode: nil
* End:
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