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# AMX Mod X style for Pawn (or as close as possible)
# Basic Indenting Stuff
# (a/i/r) comment notation for add/ignore/remove which is the actual setting
input_tab_size = 1 # tab size on input file: usually 8
output_tab_size = 8 # tab size for output: usually 8
indent_columns = 8 # ie 3 or 8
indent_with_tabs = 2 # 1=only to the 'level' indent, 2=use tab indenting
#indent_paren_nl = 1 # indent-align under paren for open followed by nl
pp_indent = remove # indent preproc 1 space per level (a/i/r)
pp_space_after = remove # spaces between # and word (add/ignore/remove)
#indent_switch_case = 1 # spaces to indent case from switch
#indent_case_brace = 0 # spaces to indent '{' from case
# (usually 0 or indent_columns)
#indent_brace = 0 # spaces to indent '{' from level (usually 0)
indent_braces = 0 # whether to indent the braces or not
#indent_label = 0 # 0=left >0=col from left (absolute column),
# <0=sub from brace indent (relative column)
indent_align_string = false # True/False - indent align broken strings
indent_col1_comment = false # indent comments in column 1
indent_func_call_param = false # indent continued function calls to indent_columns otherwise index_columns + spaces to align with open paren.
indent_namespace = true # indent stuff inside namespace braces
indent_class = true # indent stuff inside class braces
# Misc Inter-element Spacing
# Force,Ignore,Add,Remove
# ignored by nl_*_brace = true
sp_paren_brace = force # space between ')' and '{'
sp_fparen_brace = force # space between ')' and '{' of function
sp_sparen_brace = force # space between ')' and '{' of if, while, etc
sp_after_cast = force # space after cast - "(int) a" vs "(int)a"
sp_before_byref = force # space before '&' of 'fcn(int& idx)'
sp_inside_fparen = force # space inside 'foo( xxx )' vs 'foo(xxx)'
sp_inside_fparens = remove # space inside 'foo( )' vs 'foo()'
sp_inside_paren = remove # space inside '+ ( xxx )' vs '+ (xxx)'
sp_inside_square = remove # space inside 'byte[ 5 ]' vs 'byte[5]'
sp_inside_sparen = force # space inside 'if( xxx )' vs 'if(xxx)'
sp_inside_for = force # space inside 'for( xxx )' vs 'for(xxx)'
sp_inside_angle = ignore # space inside '<>', as in '<class T>'
sp_before_sparen = force # space before '(' of 'if/for/while/switch'
sp_after_sparen = force # space after ')' of 'if/for/while/switch'
# the do-while does not get set here
sp_before_angle = ignore # space before '<>', as in '<class T>'
sp_after_angle = ignore # space after '<>', as in '<class T>'
sp_before_square = ignore # space before single '['
sp_before_squares = remove # space before '[]', as in 'byte []'
sp_paren_paren = force # space between nested parens - '( (' vs '(('
sp_return_paren = remove # space between 'return' and '('
sp_sizeof_paren = remove # space between 'sizeof' and '('
sp_after_comma = force # space after ','
sp_arith = force # space around + - / * etc
sp_bool = force # space around || &&
sp_compare = force # space around < > ==, etc
sp_assign = force # space around =, +=, etc
sp_func_def_paren = remove # space between 'func' and '(' - "foo (" vs "foo("
sp_func_call_paren = remove # space between 'func' and '(' - "foo (" vs "foo("
sp_func_proto_paren = remove # space between 'func' and '(' - "foo (" vs "foo("
sp_func_class_paren = remove # space between ctor/dtor and '('
#sp_type_func = 1 # space between return type and 'func'
# a minimum of 1 is forced except for '*'
sp_special_semi = remove # space empty stmt ';' on while, if, for
# example "while (*p++ = ' ') ;"
sp_before_semi = remove # space before all ';'
sp_inside_braces = force # space inside '{' and '}' - "{ 1, 2, 3 }"
sp_inside_braces_enum = force # space inside enum '{' and '}' - "{ a, b, c }"
sp_inside_braces_struct = force # space inside struct/union '{' and '}'
sp_macro = force # space between macro and value, ie '#define a 6'
sp_macro_func = force # space between macro and value, ie '#define a 6'
sp_square_fparen = remove # weird pawn stuff: native yark[rect](a[rect])
sp_after_tag = remove # pawn: space after a tag colon
# Code Alignment
# (not left column spaces/tabs)
align_with_tabs = true # use tabs for aligning (0/1)
align_keep_tabs = false # keep non-indenting tabs
align_on_tabstop = true # always align on tabstops
align_nl_cont = 0 # align the back-slash \n combo (macros)
align_enum_equ_span = 1 # align the '=' in enums
align_assign_span = 1 # align on '='. 0=don't align
align_assign_thresh = 0 # threshold for aligning on '='. 0=no limit
align_right_cmt_span = 8 # align comment that end lines. 0=don't align
align_var_def_span = 1 # align variable defs on variable (span for regular stuff)
align_var_def_thresh = 0 # align variable defs threshold
align_var_def_inline = true # also align inline struct/enum/union var defs
align_var_def_star_style = 1 # the star is part of the variable name
align_var_def_colon = false # align the colon in struct bit fields
align_var_struct_span = 1 # span for struct/union (0=don't align)
align_pp_define_span = 1 # align bodies in #define statements
align_pp_define_gap = 1 # min space between define label and value "#define a <---> 16"
align_struct_init_span = 1 # align structure initializer values
align_func_proto_span = 1 # align function prototypes
align_number_right = false # right-align numbers (not fully supported, yet)
align_typedef_span = 1 # align single-line typedefs
align_typedef_gap = 1 # minimum spacing
align_typedef_star_style = 1 # Start aligning style
# 0: '*' not part of type
# 1: '*' part of the type - no space
# 2: '*' part of type, dangling
# Newline Adding and Removing Options
# Add/Remove/Ignore
nl_fdef_brace = add # "int foo() {" vs "int foo()\n{"
nl_func_decl_start = ignore # newline after the '(' in a function decl
nl_func_decl_args = ignore # newline after each ',' in a function decl
nl_func_decl_end = ignore # newline before the ')' in a function decl
nl_func_type_name = ignore # newline between return type and func name in def
nl_var_def_blk_end_func_top = 0 # newline after a block of variable defs
nl_before_case = false # newline before 'case' statement
nl_after_return = false # newline after return statement
nl_after_case = false # disallow nested "case 1: a=3;"
nl_fcall_brace = add # newline between function call and open brace
nl_squeeze_ifdef = false # no blanks after #ifxx, #elxx, or before #endif TRUE/F
nl_enum_brace = ignore # nl between enum and brace
nl_struct_brace = ignore # nl between struct and brace
nl_union_brace = ignore # nl between union and brace
nl_assign_brace = ignore # nl between '=' and brace
nl_class_brace = ignore # nl between class name and brace
nl_namespace_brace = ignore # nl between namespace name and brace
nl_do_brace = add # nl between do and {
nl_if_brace = add # nl between if and {
nl_for_brace = add # nl between for and {
nl_else_brace = remove # nl between else and {
nl_while_brace = add # nl between while and {
nl_switch_brace = add # nl between switch and {
nl_brace_else = remove # nl between } and else
nl_brace_while = add # nl between } and while of do stmt
nl_elseif_brace = add # nl between close paren and open brace in 'else if () {'
nl_define_macro = 0 # alter newlines in #define macros
nl_start_of_file = ignore # alter newlines at the start of file
nl_start_of_file_min = 0 # min number of newlines at the start of the file
nl_end_of_file = ignore # alter newlines at the end of file
nl_end_of_file_min = 0 # min number of newlines at the end of the file
pos_bool = start # end=move &&/|| to EOL ignore=gnore, start=move to SOL
# Blank Line Options
nl_before_block_comment = 3 # before a block comment (stand-alone
# comment-multi), except after brace open
nl_after_func_body = 3 # after the closing brace of a function body
nl_after_func_proto = 3 # after each prototype
nl_after_func_proto_group = 3 # after a block of prototypes
nl_max = 3 # maximum consecutive newlines (3=2 lines)
eat_blanks_after_open_brace = true # remove blank lines after {
eat_blanks_before_close_brace = true # remove blank lines before }
# Code Modifying Options
# (non-whitespace)
mod_paren_on_return = force # add or remove paren on return
mod_full_brace_nl = 1 # max number of newlines to span w/o braces
mod_full_brace_if = ignore # add or remove braces on if
mod_full_brace_for = ignore # add or remove braces on for
mod_full_brace_do = ignore # add or remove braces on do
mod_full_brace_while = ignore # add or remove braces on while
mod_pawn_semicolon = True # add optional semicolons
mod_full_brace_function = add # add optional braces on Pawn functions
# Comment Modifications
cmt_star_cont = true # put a star on subsequent comment lines
cmt_cpp_to_c = true # convert CPP comments to C comments
cmt_cpp_group = true # if UO_cmt_cpp_to_c, try to group in one big C comment
cmt_cpp_nl_start = true # put a blank /* at the start of a converted group
cmt_cpp_nl_end = true # put a nl before the */ in a converted group