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* @file enum_flags.h
* Operators for working with bit-flag enumerators.
* @author Matthew Woehlke (but mostly "borrowed" from Qt)
* @license GPL v2+
#include <type_traits>
#if __GNUC__ == 4 && !defined (__clang__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#if __GNUC_MINOR__ < 9 || __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ < 2
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-parameter"
#define UNC_DECLARE_FLAGS(flag_type, enum_type) \
using flag_type = ::uncrustify::flags<enum_type>
inline flag_type operator&(flag_type::enum_t f1, flag_type::enum_t f2) \
{ return(flag_type{ f1 } &f2); } \
inline flag_type operator|(flag_type::enum_t f1, flag_type::enum_t f2) \
{ return(flag_type{ f1 } | f2); } \
inline flag_type operator|(flag_type::enum_t f1, flag_type f2) \
{ return(f2 | f1); } \
inline void operator|(flag_type::enum_t f1, int f2) = delete
namespace uncrustify
template<typename Enum>
class flags
using enum_t = Enum;
using int_t = typename std::underlying_type<enum_t>::type;
template<typename T> using integral =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, bool>::type;
inline flags() = default;
inline flags(Enum flag)
: m_i{static_cast<int_t>(flag)}
inline bool operator==(Enum const &other)
{ return(m_i == static_cast<int_t>(other)); }
inline bool operator==(flags const &other)
{ return(m_i == other.m_i); }
inline bool operator!=(Enum const &other)
{ return(m_i != static_cast<int_t>(other)); }
inline bool operator!=(flags const &other)
{ return(m_i != other.m_i); }
template<typename T, integral<T> = true>
inline flags &operator&=(T mask)
{ m_i &= static_cast<int_t>(mask); return(*this); }
inline flags &operator|=(flags f)
{ m_i |= f.m_i; return(*this); }
inline flags &operator|=(Enum f)
{ m_i |= f; return(*this); }
inline flags &operator^=(flags f)
{ m_i ^= f.m_i; return(*this); }
inline flags &operator^=(Enum f)
{ m_i ^= f; return(*this); }
inline operator int_t() const { return(m_i); }
inline operator enum_t() const { return(static_cast<enum_t>(m_i)); }
inline flags operator&(Enum f) const
{ flags g; g.m_i = m_i & static_cast<int_t>(f); return(g); }
inline flags operator&(flags f) const
{ flags g; g.m_i = m_i & static_cast<int_t>(f); return(g); }
template<typename T, integral<T> = true>
inline flags operator&(T mask) const
{ flags g; g.m_i = m_i & static_cast<int_t>(mask); return(g); }
inline flags operator|(flags f) const
{ flags g; g.m_i = m_i | f.m_i; return(g); }
inline flags operator|(Enum f) const
{ flags g; g.m_i = m_i | static_cast<int_t>(f); return(g); }
inline flags operator^(flags f) const
{ flags g; g.m_i = m_i ^ f.m_i; return(g); }
inline flags operator^(Enum f) const
{ flags g; g.m_i = m_i ^ static_cast<int_t>(f); return(g); }
inline int_t operator~() const
{ return(~m_i); }
inline operator bool() const { return(!!m_i); }
inline bool operator!() const { return(!m_i); }
inline bool test(flags f) const { return((*this & f) == f); }
inline bool test(Enum f) const { return((*this & f) == f); }
inline bool test_any() const { return(m_i != 0); }
inline bool test_any(flags f) const { return((*this & f).test_any()); }
int_t m_i = 0;
} // namespace uncrustify
#if __GNUC__ == 4 && !defined (__clang__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop