You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
408 lines
11 KiB
408 lines
11 KiB
// 1/25/2002 created from
// Neal Richter
// htmerge: Merges two databases and/or updates databases to remove
// old documents and ensures the databases are consistent.
// Calls,, and/or as necessary
// Part of the ht://Dig package <>
// Copyright (c) 1999-2004 The ht://Dig Group
// For copyright details, see the file COPYING in your distribution
// or the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or later or later
// <>
// $Id:,v 1.5 2004/05/28 13:15:29 lha Exp $
#include "htconfig.h"
#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
extern "C" {
#include "libhtdig_api.h"
#include "libhtdig_log.h"
#include "WordContext.h"
#include "good_strtok.h"
#include "defaults.h"
#include "DocumentDB.h"
#include "HtURLCodec.h"
#include "HtWordList.h"
#include "HtWordReference.h"
#include "htString.h"
#ifdef HAVE_STD
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
#include <fstream.h>
#endif /* HAVE_STD */
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
// If we have this, we probably want it.
//#ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H
//#include <getopt.h>
//Global Variables for this file
// This hash is used to keep track of all the document IDs which have to be
// discarded.
// This is generated from the doc database and is used to prune words
// from the word db
static Dictionary discard_list;
// This config is used for merging multiple databses
static HtConfiguration merge_config;
static HtConfiguration *config = NULL;
static int verbose = 0;
//static int stats = 0;
static int alt_work_area = 0;
//static String configFile = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE;
extern String configFile;
static String merge_configFile = 0;
// Component procedures
static int mergeDB ();
int htmerge_index_merge(htmerge_parameters_struct *htmerge_parms)
int ret = -1;
int merge_ret = -1;
//load htmerge 'command-line parameters'
configFile = htmerge_parms->configFile;
merge_configFile = htmerge_parms->merge_configFile;
verbose = htmerge_parms->debug;
if(verbose != 0)
ret = logOpen(htmerge_parms->logFile);
if(ret == FALSE)
reportError (form ("[HTDIG] Error opening log file [%s] . Error:[%d], %s\n",
htmerge_parms->logFile, errno, strerror(errno)) );
alt_work_area = htmerge_parms->alt_work_area;
config = HtConfiguration::config ();
config->Defaults (&defaults[0]);
if (access ((char *) configFile, R_OK) < 0)
reportError (form ("[HTMERGE] Unable to find configuration file '%s'",
configFile.get ()));
config->Read (configFile);
// Check url_part_aliases and common_url_parts for
// errors.
String url_part_errors = HtURLCodec::instance ()->ErrMsg ();
if (url_part_errors.length () != 0)
reportError (form("[HTMERGE] Invalid url_part_aliases or common_url_parts: %s",
url_part_errors.get ()));
if (merge_configFile.length ())
merge_config.Defaults (&defaults[0]);
if (access ((char *) merge_configFile, R_OK) < 0)
reportError (form ("[HTMERGE] Unable to find configuration file '%s'",
merge_configFile.get ()));
merge_config.Read (merge_configFile);
if (alt_work_area != 0)
String configValue;
configValue = config->Find ("word_db");
if (configValue.length () != 0)
configValue << ".work";
config->Add ("word_db", configValue);
configValue = config->Find ("doc_db");
if (configValue.length () != 0)
configValue << ".work";
config->Add ("doc_db", configValue);
configValue = config->Find ("doc_index");
if (configValue.length () != 0)
configValue << ".work";
config->Add ("doc_index", configValue);
configValue = config->Find ("doc_excerpt");
if (configValue.length () != 0)
configValue << ".work";
config->Add ("doc_excerpt", configValue);
if (merge_configFile.length())
// Merge the databases specified in merge_configFile into the current
// databases. Do this first then update the other databases as usual
// Note: We don't have to specify anything, it's all in the config vars
merge_ret = mergeDB();
//call destructors here
if (verbose != 0)
ret = logClose();
if (ret == FALSE)
reportError (form("[HTMERGE]: Error closing file [%s]. Error:[%d], %s\n",
htmerge_parms->logFile, errno, strerror(errno)) );
// void mergeDB()
static int mergeDB ()
HtConfiguration *config = HtConfiguration::config ();
DocumentDB merge_db, db;
List *urls;
Dictionary merge_dup_ids, db_dup_ids; // Lists of DocIds to ignore
int docIDOffset;
const String doc_index = config->Find ("doc_index");
if (access (doc_index, R_OK) < 0)
reportError (form
("[HTMERGE] Unable to open document index '%s'",
(const char *) doc_index));
const String doc_excerpt = config->Find ("doc_excerpt");
if (access (doc_excerpt, R_OK) < 0)
reportError (form
("[HTMERGE] Unable to open document excerpts '%s'",
(const char *) doc_excerpt));
const String doc_db = config->Find ("doc_db");
if (db.Open (doc_db, doc_index, doc_excerpt) < 0)
reportError (form ("[HTMERGE] Unable to open/create document database '%s'",
(const char *) doc_db));
const String merge_doc_index = merge_config["doc_index"];
if (access (merge_doc_index, R_OK) < 0)
reportError (form
("[HTMERGE] Unable to open document index '%s'",
(const char *) merge_doc_index));
const String merge_doc_excerpt = merge_config["doc_excerpt"];
if (access (merge_doc_excerpt, R_OK) < 0)
reportError (form
("[HTMERGE] Unable to open document excerpts '%s'",
(const char *) merge_doc_excerpt));
const String merge_doc_db = merge_config["doc_db"];
if (merge_db.Open (merge_doc_db, merge_doc_index, merge_doc_excerpt) < 0)
reportError (form ("[HTMERGE] Unable to open document database '%s'",
(const char *) merge_doc_db));
// Start the merging by going through all the URLs that are in
// the database to be merged
urls = merge_db.URLs ();
// This ensures that every document added from merge_db has a unique ID
// in the new database
docIDOffset = db.NextDocID ();
urls->Start_Get ();
String *url;
String id;
while ((url = (String *) urls->Get_Next ()))
DocumentRef *ref = merge_db[url->get ()];
DocumentRef *old_ref = db[url->get ()];
if (!ref)
if (old_ref)
// Oh well, we knew this would happen. Let's get the duplicate
// And we'll only use the most recent date.
if (old_ref->DocTime () >= ref->DocTime ())
// Cool, the ref we're merging is too old, just ignore it
char str[20];
sprintf (str, "%d", ref->DocID ());
merge_dup_ids.Add (str, 0);
if (verbose > 1)
logEntry(form("[HTMERGE] Duplicate, URL: {%s} ignoring & merging copy\n", url));
// The ref we're merging is newer, delete the old one and add
char str[20];
sprintf (str, "%d", old_ref->DocID ());
db_dup_ids.Add (str, 0);
db.Delete (old_ref->DocID ());
ref->DocID (ref->DocID () + docIDOffset);
db.Add (*ref);
if (verbose > 1)
logEntry(form("[HTMERGE] Duplicate, URL: {%s} ignoring destination copy\n",url->get()));
// It's a new URL, just add it, making sure to load the excerpt
merge_db.ReadExcerpt (*ref);
ref->DocID (ref->DocID () + docIDOffset);
db.Add (*ref);
if (verbose > 1)
logEntry(form("[HTMERGE] Merged URL: {%s} \n",url->get()));
delete ref;
delete old_ref;
delete urls;
// As reported by Roman Dimov, we must update db.NextDocID()
// because of all the added records...
db.IncNextDocID (merge_db.NextDocID ());
merge_db.Close ();
db.Close ();
// OK, after merging the doc DBs, we do the same for the words
HtWordList mergeWordDB (*config), wordDB (*config);
List *words;
String docIDKey;
if (wordDB.Open (config->Find ("word_db"), O_RDWR) < 0)
reportError (form ("[HTMERGE] Unable to open/create word database '%s'",
(const char *) config->Find ("word_db")));
if (mergeWordDB.Open (merge_config["word_db"], O_RDONLY) < 0)
reportError (form ("[HTMERGE] Unable to open word database '%s'",
(const char *) merge_config["word_db"]));
// Start the merging by going through all the URLs that are in
// the database to be merged
words = mergeWordDB.WordRefs ();
words->Start_Get ();
HtWordReference *word;
while ((word = (HtWordReference *) words->Get_Next ()))
docIDKey = word->DocID ();
if (merge_dup_ids.Exists (docIDKey))
word->DocID (word->DocID () + docIDOffset);
wordDB.Override (*word);
delete words;
words = wordDB.WordRefs ();
words->Start_Get ();
while ((word = (HtWordReference *) words->Get_Next ()))
docIDKey = word->DocID ();
if (db_dup_ids.Exists (docIDKey))
wordDB.Delete (*word);
delete words;
// Cleanup--just close the two word databases
mergeWordDB.Close ();
wordDB.Close ();