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<title>OpenSLP Users Guide - The slp.conf File</title>
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<h2> The slp.conf File</h2>
<hr width="100%">
<p>The slp.conf file contains configuration information that affects the operation
of the OpenSLP daemon (slpd) and any application that uses the OpenSLP library.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
The master slp.conf file is located at <tt>/etc/slp.conf</tt>.&nbsp; There
is <a href="CommandLine.html">command line option</a> that forces slpd to
read a different configuration file, but the SLP library is hard coded to
read from <tt>/etc/slp.conf</tt> and can only be changed by re-compiling
the library. </p>
<p>The OpenSLP slp.conf file diverges <i>slightly</i> from the <a
href="../../rfc/rfc2614.txt">RFC 2614</a> specification for the slp configuration
file, so you should probably read <a
href="#Divergence%20from%20RFC%202614">Divergence from RFC 2614</a> even
if you are familiar with the RFC spec. <br>
&nbsp; </p>
<h3> File Syntax</h3>
The slp.conf file syntax is very simple.&nbsp; OpenSLP follows the syntax
specified in <a href="../../rfc/rfc2614.txt">RFC 2614</a> which is simply
a list of key/value pairs separated by newlines; comment lines begin with
a '#' or a ';'.&nbsp; A good example file is copied to <tt>/etc/slp.conf</tt>
with the OpenSLP distribution. Take a look at it or <a
href="../../rfc/rfc2614.txt">read the RFC if you need more details</a>. <br>
<h3> Settings</h3>
The following is a list of settings that are supported by OpenSLP:
<p><b>net.slp.useScopes</b> </p>
<blockquote>This option is a comma delimited list of strings indicating the
only scopes a UA or SA is allowed when making requests or registering or
the scopes a DA must support. The default value is "DEFAULT".</blockquote>
<blockquote>Allows administrator to force UA and SA agents to use specific
DAs.&nbsp; If this setting is not used dynamic DA discovery will be used to
determine which DAs to use.&nbsp; Default is to use dynamic DA discovery.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Force broadcasts to be used instead of multicast. This setting
is seldom necessary since OpenSLP will automatically use broadcast if multicast
is unavailable. Default is false.</blockquote>
<blockquote>A boolean indicating whether passive DA detection should be used.
Default is true.</blockquote>
<blockquote>A 16 bit positive integer giving the number of seconds between
DA active discovery queries.&nbsp; Default is 900 seconds (15 minutes).&nbsp;
If the property is set to zero, active discovery is turned off.&nbsp; This
is useful when the DAs available are explicitly restricted to those obtained
from DHCP or the net.slp.DAAddresses property.</blockquote>
<blockquote>A positive integer that is less than or equal to 255.&nbsp; The
default is&nbsp; 255.</blockquote>
<blockquote>An integer giving the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds)
to perform multicast requests.&nbsp; Default is 15000 ms or 15 secs.</blockquote>
<blockquote>An integer giving the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds)
to perform unicast requests. Default is 15000 ms or 15 secs.</blockquote>
<blockquote>An integer giving the maximum value for all random wait parameters.
Default is 1000 or 1 sec.</blockquote>
<blockquote>A integer giving the network packet MTU in bytes.&nbsp; Default
is 1400 bytes.</blockquote>
<blockquote>A list of IP address of network interfaces on which the DA/SA
should listen for slp requests.&nbsp; By default, OpenSLP will use all interfaces.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Indicates whether all agents should use authentication blocks.</blockquote>
<blockquote>A RFC 1766 Language Tag [6] for the language locale.&nbsp; Setting
this property causes the property value to become the default locale for
SLP messages.&nbsp; Default is "en".&nbsp; This property is also used for
SA and DA configuration.</blockquote>
<blockquote>A 32 bit integer giving the maximum number of results to accumulate
and return for a synchronous request before the timeout, or the maximum number
of results to return through a callback if the request results are reported
<blockquote>A boolean indicating if the SLP server is to act as a DA. If false,
not run as a DA. Default is false.</blockquote>
<blockquote>A 32 bit integer giving the number of seconds for the DA heartbeat.&nbsp;
Default is 3 hours (10800 seconds).&nbsp; Ignored if net.slp.isDA is false.</blockquote>
net.slp.DAAttributes (currently ignored)
<blockquote>A comma-separated list of parenthesized attribute/value list pairs
that the DA must advertise in DAAdverts.&nbsp; The property must be in the
SLP attribute list wire format, including escapes for reserved characters.
<h3> <a name="Divergance from RFC 2614"></a>Divergence from RFC 2614</h3>
OpenSLP does not support all of the settings that are specified by RFC 2614.&nbsp;
The reasons for not supporting some of the settings range from the implementors'
opinions that they are either not useful or very difficult to implement with
regard to their usefulness.&nbsp; The following is a list of options that
OpenSLP has no plans to support.
<p><b>net.slp.serializedRegURL</b> </p>
<blockquote>slpd accepts the [-r] command line parameter that specifies the
serialized registration file to use.</blockquote>
<blockquote>OpenSLP does not honor this parameter.&nbsp; Currently multicast
timeouts are generated internally based on the net.slp.multicastMaximumWait
<blockquote>OpenSLP does not honor this parameter.&nbsp; Currently multicast
timeouts are generated internally based on the net.slp.multicastMaximumWait
<blockquote>OpenSLP does not honor this parameter.&nbsp; Currently unicast
timeouts are generated internally based on the net.slp.unicastMaximumWait