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<title>OpenSLP Users Guide - When To Run slpd</title>
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When To Run slpd</h2>
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<p><tt>slpd</tt> provides SA (and possibly DA) functionality along with
the ability to maintain a consistent state with respect to the locations
of other SLP agents on the network.&nbsp; The SLP library (<tt></tt>)
provides UA functionality internally on a per process basis with out the
need to communicate with slpd. This means that in certain cases, the slp
daemon does not always have to be loaded on every machine.&nbsp; We're
not sure if this will be a valuable feature to a majority of users, but
at least it offers the additional flexibility to minimize the overhead for
SLP for those machines that will only need UA capabilities.&nbsp; (If you're
wondering about the meaning of DA, SA, and UA, you should probably read
<a href="../IntroductionToSLP/index.html">An
Introduction to SLP</a>).
When is slpd needed?</h3>
slpd must be running on all machines that will be registering services.&nbsp;
In other words, slpd is required on all machines that run applications
that make calls to one of the following SLP APIs <tt>SLPReg()</tt>,
or <tt>SLPDelAttrs().&nbsp; </tt><a href="../ProgrammersGuide/index.html">See
the OpenSLP Programmers Guide for details.</a></li>
slpd is the process that maintains static registrations from the /etc/slp.reg
file.&nbsp; If you expect the registrations for this file to be available
to other machines, you must run slpd.</li>
slpd is required for automatic DA and scope discovery to work correctly.&nbsp;
If you do not run slpd, then DAs and scopes can only be discovered via DHCP
or the <tt><a href="SlpConf.html">/etc/slp.conf</a></tt> file. (Note: Due
to a lack of a standard DHCP API DA discovery via DHCP is not yet supported).</li>
When is slpd not needed?</h3>
slpd is not needed if a machine will only be requesting services.&nbsp;
In other words, slpd is not required on machines if a call will never
be made to <tt>SLPReg()</tt>, <tt>SLPDeReg()</tt>, or <tt>SLPDelAttrs().</tt></li>
slpd is not needed on a machine if manual or DHCP DA or scope discovery
is sufficient.</li>