You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
1.5 KiB

/* Not detected as a prototype? Spacing wrong. */
static struct my_entry *get_first_entry(const CHAR *blah);
static CFooo::entry *get_next_entry(const CHAR *blah);
static struct my_entry *get_next_entry(const CHAR *blah);
/* Not handling prototype params: */
typedef void (*function_name)(my_t *p_my, int foo);
typedef void (*function_name)(my_t *, int);
typedef enum
one = 1,
three = 3,
five_hundred = 5,
a_really_really_big_number = 6,
two = 7,
a_really_really_really_big_number = 8,
} yuck_t;
const char *names[] =
one = "one",
three = "three",
five_hundred = "five_hundred",
a_really_really_big_number = "a_really_really_big_number",
two = "two",
a_really_really_really_big_number = "a_really_really_really_big_number",
bool foo(char c)
xWindow *pWindow = ::RelatedWindow();
/* space between ] and ( */
/* Indenting with multiple members: */
asdfasdf = 5;
asdfasdf = 5;
dookie::wookie << "asd"
<< "bag"
<< "sag";
sp_sign = 4 - -5;
sp_sign = -sp_sign;
sp_sign = 4 + +7;
sp_sign = +sp_sign;
sp_sign = 4 + +sp_sign;
#ifndef abc
#define abc 123 /* some comment */
#endif /* another comment