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63 lines
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class Foo : public Bar
#define CTOR(i, _) : T(X()), \
y() \
{ }
class Foo2
: public Bar
class GLOX_API ClientBase : public Class, public OtherClass,
public ThridClass, public ForthClass
ClientBase(const ClientBase & f){
// do something
ClientBase::ClientBase (const std::string& ns,
const std::string& ns1,
const std::string& ns2)
Foo::Foo(int bar) : someVar(bar), othervar(0)
Foo::Foo(int bar) : someVar(bar),
Foo::Foo(int bar)
: someVar(bar), othervar(0)
Foo::Foo(int bar)
: someVar(bar), othervar(0)
Foo::Foo(int bar)
: someVar(bar),
Foo::Foo(int bar)
: someVar(bar),