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28 lines
681 B

#define A -3
#define B 163
#define C 2
void foo()
const std::string & targetName1 = pEntry->getTargetName();
const Point3d_t currentPosition1 = pSatOrbit->GetPositionAtTime(jdNow);
void foo2()
const std::string **targetName2 = pEntry->getTargetName();
const Point3d_t currentPosition2 = pSatOrbit->GetPositionAtTime(jdNow);
void foo2()
const std::string **targetName3 = pEntry->getTargetName();
const Point3d_t currentPosition3 = pSatOrbit->GetPositionAtTime(jdNow);
typedef int MY_INT;
typedef int *MY_INTP;
typedef int (*foo_t)(void *bar);
typedef int (*somefunc_t)(void *barstool);