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1748 lines
51 KiB

use Config;
print $Config{startperl}, "\n";
print <DATA>;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use Time::Local;
use Digest::MD5;
use PDA::Pilot;
use Carp;
use strict;
my ($controldir, $dlp, $info, $db, $port);
my (%control, %pilothash, %pilotID, %planID, %exceptID, %planRecord,
%dbname, %sawName);
my ($slowsync, $file, $pilotname, $maxseed, $netplanversion);
my $PREFS = {
NetplanPort => 5444,
Debug => 1,
my @plversion; # pilot-link version (version, major, minor, patch)
# any or alll of these may be undefined, depending on the
# pilot-link version.
eval {
$plversion[0] = PDA::Pilot::PILOT_LINK_VERSION();
$plversion[1] = PDA::Pilot::PILOT_LINK_MAJOR();
$plversion[2] = PDA::Pilot::PILOT_LINK_MINOR();
$plversion[3] = PDA::Pilot::PILOT_LINK_PATCH();
# msg and status are here to localize the differences between the
# standalone sync-plan.PL and the module for PilotManager.
sub msg {
print @_;
sub status {
# CheckErrNotFound: Argument is a PDA::Pilot::DLP or a
# PDA::Pilot::DLP::DB. It's in its own package so that croak will
# give more useful information. I'm not using the equivalent function
# from the PilotMgr package because there is a stand-alone version of
# this conduit in the pilot-link distribution.
package ErrorCheck;
use Carp;
sub checkErrNotFound
my($obj) = @_;
my $errno = $obj->errno();
if (defined $plversion[0]) { # pilot-link version is >= 0.12.0-pre2
if ($errno != PDA::Pilot::PI_ERR_DLP_PALMOS()) {
croak "Error $errno";
if (($errno = $obj->palmos_errno()) != PDA::Pilot::dlpErrNotFound()) {
croak "Error $errno: " . PDA::Pilot::errorText($errno);
} else {
croak "Error $errno" if ($errno != -5); # dlpErrNotFound
*checkErrNotFound = \&ErrorCheck::checkErrNotFound;
sub DatePlanToPerl {
my ($PlanDate) = @_;
my ($m,$d,$y) = split(m!/!,$PlanDate);
if ($y < 40) {
$y += 100;
if ($y > 1900) {
$y -= 1900;
sub TimePlanToPerl {
my ($PlanTime) = @_;
my ($h,$m,$s) = split(m!:!,$PlanTime);
return undef if $h == 99 and $m == 99 and $s == 99;
$s + ($m * 60) + ($h * 60 * 60);
sub TimePerlToPlan {
my ($PerlDT) = @_;
return "99:99:99" if not defined $PerlDT;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
sub TimeRelPerlToPlan {
my ($PerlDT) = @_;
return "99:99:99" if not defined $PerlDT;
my ($sec,$min,$hour);
$hour = int($PerlDT/ (60*60));
$PerlDT -= $hour*60*60;
$min = int($PerlDT/ (60));
$PerlDT -= $min*60;
$sec = int($PerlDT);
$PerlDT -= $sec;
sub DatePilotToPerl {
my ($s,$m,$h, $mday,$mon,$year) = @_;
if (ref $s eq 'ARRAY') {
($s,$m,$h, $mday,$mon,$year) = @$s;
my ($date, $time);
if ($year >= 70 and $year <= 138) {
$date = eval { timegm($s,$m,$h,$mday,$mon,$year) };
msg("Trouble converting date: $mon/$mday/$year $h:$m$s")
if $@;
$time = $s + 60 * ($m + 60 * $h);
else {
msg("Bad year: $year");
return wantarray ? ($date, $time) : $date;
sub DatePerlToPlan {
my ($PerlDT) = @_;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
$year += 1900;
sub RecordPlanToPilot {
my ($plan,$pilot) = @_;
if (not defined $pilot) {
$pilot = PDA::Pilot::AppointmentDatabase->record;
$pilot->{'id'} = $plan->{'pilotid'};
$pilot->{'description'} = join("\xA", @{$plan->{'note'}}) if defined $plan->{'note'};
$pilot->{'note'} = join("\xA", @{$plan->{'message'}}) if defined $plan->{'message'};
$pilot->{'description'} ||= "";
if (defined $plan->{'time'}) {
$pilot->{'begin'} = [gmtime($plan->{'date'}+$plan->{'time'})];
$pilot->{'end'} = [gmtime($plan->{'date'}+$plan->{'time'}+$plan->{'length'})];
} else {
$pilot->{'begin'} = [gmtime($plan->{'date'})];
$pilot->{'event'} = 1;
$plan->{'early'} = 0;
$plan->{'late'} = 0;
if ($plan->{'early'} and $plan->{'late'} and ($plan->{'early'} != $plan->{'late'})) {
msg( "Two alarms - using earlier one." );
$plan->{'late'} = $plan->{'early'};
if ($plan->{'early'} or $plan->{'late'}) {
my ($alarm) = $plan->{'early'} || $plan->{'late'};
if ($alarm > (60*60*24)) {
$pilot->{'alarm'}->{'units'} = "days";
$pilot->{'alarm'}->{'advance'} = int($alarm / (60*60*24));
} elsif ($alarm > (60*60)) {
$pilot->{'alarm'}->{'units'} = "hours";
$pilot->{'alarm'}->{'advance'} = int($alarm / (60*60));
} else {
$pilot->{'alarm'}->{'units'} = "minutes";
$pilot->{'alarm'}->{'advance'} = int($alarm / 60);
if (defined $plan->{'exceptions'}) {
foreach (@{$plan->{'exceptions'}}) {
push @{$pilot->{'exceptions'}}, [gmtime($_)];
} else {
delete $pilot->{'exceptions'};
if (defined $plan->{'repeat'}) {
msg( "Converting repetition...\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 2);
delete $pilot->{'repeat'};
if ($plan->{'repeat'}->[1]) {
$pilot->{'repeat'}->{'end'} = [gmtime($plan->{'repeat'}->[1])];
my ($days,$end,$weekday,$mday,$yearly) = @{$plan->{'repeat'}};
msg( "Days: $days, End: $end, Weekday: $weekday, Mday: $mday, Yearly: $yearly\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 2);
$pilot->{'repeat'}->{'weekstart'} = 0;
$pilot->{'repeat'}->{'frequency'} = 1;
if ($days and !$weekday and !$mday and !$yearly) {
$pilot->{'repeat'}->{'type'} = "Daily";
$pilot->{'repeat'}->{'frequency'} = $days / (60*60*24);
} elsif(!$days and !$weekday and !$mday and $yearly) {
$pilot->{'repeat'}->{'type'} = "Yearly";
} elsif(!$days and !$weekday and ($mday == (1 << $pilot->{'begin'}[3])) and !$yearly) {
$pilot->{'repeat'}->{'type'} = "MonthlyByDate";
} elsif(!$days and $weekday and (($weekday & 0xff80) == 0) and !$mday and !$yearly) {
$pilot->{'repeat'}->{'type'} = "Weekly";
foreach my $i (0..6) {
$pilot->{'repeat'}->{'days'}[$i] = !! ($weekday & (1<<$i));
# If the weekday list does include the day the event is one, abort
if (!$pilot->{'repeat'}{'days'}[$pilot->{'begin'}[6]]) {
return undef;
} elsif(not $days and $weekday and not $mday and not $yearly) {
my ($wday) = $pilot->{'begin'}[6];
my ($week) = int(($pilot->{'begin'}[3]-1)/7);
msg( "weekday = $weekday, wday = $wday, week = $week\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 2);
if (($weekday & 0x7f) != (1<<$wday)) {
return undef;
if (($weekday & 4096) and ($weekday & 8192)) {
$weekday &= ~4096;
if ($week == 4) {
$week = 5;
if (($weekday & 0xff00) != (256<<$week)) {
return undef;
if ($week == 5) {
$week = 4;
$pilot->{'repeat'}->{'type'} = "MonthlyByDay";
$pilot->{'repeat'}->{'day'} = $week*7+$wday;
} else {
return undef;
} else {
delete $pilot->{'repeat'};
sub RecordPilotToPlan {
my ($pilot,$plan) = @_;
$plan = {color => 0} if not defined $plan;
$plan->{'pilotid'} = $pilot->{'id'};
$plan->{'id'} ||= 0;
$plan->{'message'} = [split("\xA", $pilot->{'note'})] if defined $pilot->{'note'};
$plan->{'note'} = [split("\xA", $pilot->{'description'})] if defined $pilot->{'description'};
my ($date, $time) = DatePilotToPerl($pilot->{'begin'});
unless ($date) {
msg("Begin time in Palm record untranslatable.");
return undef;
$plan->{'date'} = $date;
if ($pilot->{'event'}) {
$plan->{'time'} = undef;
$plan->{'length'} = 0;
} else {
$plan->{'time'} = $time;
my $end = DatePilotToPerl($pilot->{'end'});
unless ($end) {
msg("End time in Palm record untranslatable.");
return undef;
$plan->{'length'} = $end - $date;
if (exists $pilot->{'alarm'}) {
my($alarm) = 0;
if ($pilot->{'alarm'}{'units'} eq "days") {
$alarm = $pilot->{'alarm'}->{'advance'} * (60*60*24);
} elsif ($pilot->{'alarm'}{'units'} eq "hours") {
$alarm = $pilot->{'alarm'}->{'advance'} * (60*60);
} elsif ($pilot->{'alarm'}{'units'} eq "minutes") {
$alarm = $pilot->{'alarm'}->{'advance'} * (60);
if ($plan->{'late'}) {
$plan->{'late'} = $alarm;
$plan->{'early'} = 0;
} else {
$plan->{'late'} = 0;
$plan->{'early'} = $alarm;
} else {
if (exists $pilot->{'exceptions'}) {
# Plan records can only deal with four exceptions,
if (@{$pilot->{'exceptions'}} > 4) {
msg("Too many exceptions.");
return undef;
foreach (@{$pilot->{'exceptions'}}) {
push @{$plan->{'exceptions'}}, timegm(@{$_});
delete $plan->{'repeat'};
if (exists $pilot->{'repeat'}) {
$plan->{'repeat'} = [0,0,0,0,0];
if ($pilot->{'repeat'}->{'type'} eq "Daily") {
$plan->{'repeat'}->[0] = (60*60*24) * $pilot->{'repeat'}->{'frequency'};
$plan->{'repeat'}->[4] = 0;
} elsif ($pilot->{'repeat'}->{'type'} eq "Yearly" and ($pilot->{'repeat'}->{'frequency'}==1)) {
$plan->{'repeat'}->[4] = 1;
} elsif ($pilot->{'repeat'}->{'type'} eq "Weekly" and ($pilot->{'repeat'}->{'frequency'}==1)) {
my ($r) = 0;
foreach my $i (0..6) {
if ($pilot->{'repeat'}->{'days'}[$i]) {
$r |= (1<<$i);
$plan->{'repeat'}->[2] = $r;
} elsif ($pilot->{'repeat'}->{'type'} eq "Weekly" and ($pilot->{'repeat'}->{'frequency'}>1)) {
# Weekly repeat, not every week. If it repeats only once per week, convert it to a daily
# repeat with frequency a multiple of 7. If it repeats more than once a week, bail.
my $count = 0;
foreach my $i (0..6) {
$count ++ if ($pilot->{repeat}->{days}[$i]);
if ($count == 1) {
$plan->{'repeat'}->[0] = (60*60*24) * $pilot->{'repeat'}->{'frequency'} * 7;
$plan->{'repeat'}->[4] = 0;
} else {
msg("Repeat pattern too complex.");
return undef;
} elsif ($pilot->{'repeat'}->{'type'} eq "MonthlyByDate" and ($pilot->{'repeat'}->{'frequency'}==1)) {
$plan->{'repeat'}->[3] = 1 << $pilot->{'begin'}[3];
} elsif ($pilot->{'repeat'}->{'type'} eq "MonthlyByDay" and ($pilot->{'repeat'}->{'frequency'}==1)) {
my ($day) = $pilot->{'repeat'}{'day'} % 7;
my ($week) = int($pilot->{'repeat'}{'day'} / 7);
$week = 5 if $week == 4;
$plan->{'repeat'}->[2] = (1 << $day) | (256 << $week);
} else {
msg("Repeat pattern too complex.");
return undef;
if (defined $pilot->{'repeat'}->{'end'}) {
$plan->{'repeat'}->[1] = timegm(@{$pilot->{'repeat'}->{'end'}});
sub generaterecord {
my ($rec) = @_;
my (@output);
#print "Generating Plan record: ", Dumper($rec),"\n";
push(@output, DatePerlToPlan($rec->{'date'})." ".
TimeRelPerlToPlan($rec->{'time'})." ".
TimeRelPerlToPlan($rec->{'length'})." ".
TimeRelPerlToPlan($rec->{'early'})." ".
TimeRelPerlToPlan($rec->{'late'})." ".
($rec->{'suspended'} ? "S" : "-").
($rec->{'private'} ? "P" : "-").
($rec->{'noalarm'} ? "N" : "-").
($rec->{'hide_month'} ? "M" : "-").
($rec->{'hide_year'} ? "Y" : "-").
($rec->{'hide_week'} ? "W" : "-").
($rec->{'hide_yearover'} ? "O" : "-").
($rec->{'d_flag'} ? "D" : "-").
" ".$rec->{'color'});
if (defined $rec->{'repeat'}) {
push @output, "R\t".join(" ",@{$rec->{'repeat'}});
if (defined $rec->{'exceptions'}) {
foreach (@{$rec->{'exceptions'}}) {
push @output, "E\t".DatePerlToPlan($_);
if (defined $rec->{'note'}) {
push @output, map("N\t$_", @{$rec->{'note'}});
if (defined $rec->{'message'}) {
push @output, map("M\t$_", @{$rec->{'message'}});
if (defined $rec->{'script'}) {
push @output, map("S\t$_", @{$rec->{'script'}});
if (defined $rec->{'other'}) {
foreach (@{$rec->{'other'}}) {
push @output, $_;
my ($hash) = new Digest::MD5;
foreach (@output) {
#print "Adding |$_| to hash\n";
$rec->{'pilothash'} = $hash->hexdigest;
my ($i);
for ($i=0;$i<@output;$i++) {
last if $output[$i] =~ /^S/;
$rec->{'pilotexcept'} += 0;
my (@US);
@US = @{$rec->{'unhashedscript'}} if defined $rec->{'unhashedscript'};
unshift @US, "S\t#Pilot: 1 $pilotname $rec->{'pilothash'} $rec->{'pilotexcept'} $rec->{'pilotid'}";
splice @output, $i, 0, @US;
msg( "Generated record |" . join("\n", @output). "|\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 2);
sub PrintPlanRecord {
my ($rec) = @_;
my ($output);
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
$year += 1900;
$output = "$year/$mon/$mday";
if ($rec->{'time'}) {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
$output .= sprintf(" %02d:%02d-", $hour, $min);
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
$output .= sprintf("%02d:%02d", $hour, $min);
$output .= " '".join("\\n",@{$rec->{'note'}})."'" if defined $rec->{'note'};
$output .= " (".join("\\n",@{$rec->{'message'}}).")" if defined $rec->{'message'};
if ($rec->{'repeat'}) {
my (@r);
if ($rec->{'repeat'}[0]) {
push @r, "every " . ($rec->{'repeat'}[0] / (60*60*24)) . " days";
if ($rec->{'repeat'}[4]) {
push @r, "every year";
if ($rec->{'repeat'}[3]) {
my ($i) = $rec->{'repeat'}[3];
if ($i & 1) {
push @r, "the last day of each month";
foreach (1..31) {
push @r, "the $_ of each month" if $i & (1<<$_);
if ($rec->{'repeat'}[2]) {
push @r, "until ".scalar(gmtime($rec->{'repeat'}[2]));
if (@r) {
$output .= " repeat ".join(", ", @r);
# $output .= " {ID:$rec->{'pilotid'}, Except:";
# $output .= $rec->{'pilotexcept'} if (defined $rec->{'pilotexcept'});
# $output .= ", Changed:";
# $output .= $rec->{'modified'} if (defined $rec->{'modified'});
# $output .= ", Deleted:";
# $output .= $rec->{'deleted'} if (defined $rec->{'deleted'});
# $output .= "}";
sub PrintPilotRecord {
my ($rec) = @_;
my ($output);
$output = ($rec->{'begin'}[5]+1900)."/".($rec->{'begin'}[4]+1)."/".$rec->{'begin'}[3];
if (!$rec->{'event'}) {
$output .= " ";
$output .= sprintf("%02d:%02d-%02d:%02d",
$output .= " '$rec->{'description'}'";
$output .= " ($rec->{'message'})" if (defined $rec->{'message'});
# $output .= " {ID:$rec->{'id'}, Except:";
# $output .= $exceptID{$rec->{'id'}} if (defined $exceptID{$rec->{'id'}});
# $output .= ", Changed:";
# $output .= $rec->{'modified'} if (defined $rec->{'modified'});
# $output .= ", Deleted:";
# $output .= $rec->{'deleted'} if (defined $rec->{'deleted'});
# $output .= "}";
$output =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
$output =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
# Takes a Plan record in hash format
sub WritePlanRecord {
my ($socket, $record) = @_;
my ($raw) = generaterecord($record);
my ($reply);
$record->{'id'} ||= 0;
#print "ID is $record->{'id'}\n";
$raw =~ s/\n/\\\n/g;
$raw = "w$file $record->{'id'} $raw\n";
$record->{'raw'} = $raw;
SendPlanCommand($socket, $raw);
$reply = ReadPlanReply($socket);
#print "Installing record $record->{'id'} (PilotID: $record->{'pilotid'}) in Plan: ", Dumper($record);
# syswrite $socket, $raw, length($raw);
# sysread $socket, $reply, 1024;
# print "Reply to installation: |$reply|\n";
if ($reply =~ /^w[tf](\d+)/) {
$record->{'id'} = $1;
$planRecord{$1} = $record;
# print "New record id: $1\n";
} else {
msg( "Failed write: $reply\n" );
sub LoadPilotRecord {
my ($db, $i) = @_;
my ($record) = $db->getRecord($i);
if ($record) {
$pilotID{$record->{'id'}} = $record;
} else {
# takes a Plan record in hash format
sub DeletePlanRecord {
my ($socket, $record) = @_;
my ($raw);
$raw = "d$file $record->{'id'}\n";
# print "Deleting record $record->{'id'} (PilotID: $record->{'pilotid'}) in Plan\n";
# syswrite $socket, $raw, length($raw);
SendPlanCommand($socket, $raw);
# takes a Palm record in hash format
sub WritePilotRecord {
my ($db, $control, $record) = @_;
$record->{'id'} ||= 0;
$record->{'category'} ||= 0;
#print "Installing record in Palm: ",Dumper($record);
my ($id) = $db->setRecord($record);
if ($id) {
$pilotID{$id} = $record;
my ($hash) = HashPilotRecord($record);
$pilothash{$id} = $hash;
$dbname{$id} = $control->{'name'};
$record->{'id'} = $id;
$exceptID{$id} = 0;
sub DeletePilotRecord {
my ($db, $id) = @_;
my ($result) = $db->deleteRecord($id);
if ($result>=0) {
delete $pilothash{$id};
delete $pilotID{$id};
delete $dbname{$id};
delete $exceptID{$id};
$maxseed = 0;
sub dorecord {
my ($db,$socket,$control, $i,$r) = @_;
# print "Record: $r\n";
my (@l) = split(/\n/,$r);
my ($rec) = { raw => [@l], other => [] };
my (@E,@R,@N,@M,@S,@US);
my ($hash) = new Digest::MD5;
$l[0] =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ($date, $time, $length, $early, $late, $flags, $color) = split(/\s+/, shift @l);
$rec->{'pilotrec'} = "";
foreach (@l) {
if (/^E\t/) {
push @E, $';
} elsif (/^M\t/) {
push @M, $';
} elsif (/^N\t/) {
push @N, $';
} elsif (/^S\t/) {
my ($s) = $';
if ($s =~ /^\s*#Pilot:\s+(\d+)\s*(.*)$/) {
if ($1 == 1) { # version number
my ($name,$hash,$except,$id) = split(/\s+/, $2);
#print Dumper({Name=>$name,Hash=>$hash,Except=>$except,ID=>$id});
if ($name eq $pilotname) {
$rec->{'pilotid'} = $id;
$rec->{'pilotexcept'} = $except || 0;
$rec->{'pilothash'} = $hash;
$planID{$id} = $rec;
push @US, $_;
next; # skip hash add
} else {
push @S, $s;
} elsif (/^R\t/) {
my ($r) = $';
$r =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$rec->{'repeat'} = [split(/\s+/, $r)];
} else {
push @{$rec->{'other'}}, $_;
#print "Adding |$_| to hash\n";
$hash = $hash->hexdigest;
#print "Old hash: $hash, New hash: $rec->{'pilothash'}\n";
$rec->{'modified'} = (!defined($rec->{'pilothash'}) ||
($rec->{'pilothash'} ne $hash));
$rec->{'note'} = \@N if @N;
$rec->{'script'} = \@S if @S;
$rec->{'unhashedscript'} = \@US if @US;
$rec->{'message'} = \@M if @M;
$rec->{'date'} = DatePlanToPerl($date);
$rec->{'time'} = TimePlanToPerl($time);
$rec->{'length'} = TimePlanToPerl($length);
$rec->{'early'} = TimePlanToPerl($early);
$rec->{'late'} = TimePlanToPerl($late);
$rec->{'color'} = $color;
$rec->{'suspended'} = substr($flags,0,1) ne "-";
$rec->{'private'} = substr($flags,1,1) ne "-";
$rec->{'noalarm'} = substr($flags,2,1) ne "-";
$rec->{'hide_month'} = substr($flags,3,1) ne "-";
$rec->{'hide_year'} = substr($flags,4,1) ne "-";
$rec->{'hide_week'} = substr($flags,5,1) ne "-";
$rec->{'hide_yearover'} = substr($flags,6,1) ne "-";
$rec->{'d_flag'} = substr($flags,7,1) ne "-";
$rec->{'locked'} = 1;
$rec->{'id'} = $i;
$rec->{'exceptions'} = [map(DatePlanToPerl($_), @E)] if @E;
$planRecord{$i} = $rec;
#print "Read plan record:\n";
#print Dumper($rec);
sub HashPilotRecord {
my ($record) = @_;
my ($hash) = new Digest::MD5;
sub doafterplan {
my ($db,$socket,$control) = @_;
msg( "After stuff:\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 2);
# This batch of code scans for Plan records with identical Pilot
# IDs, presumambly caused by duplicating a plan record. We remove
# the ids from the duplicates. The weird sort is magic to prefer
# keeping the id (and thus leaving unmodified) of an otherwise
# unmodified record.
my (@uniq) = sort {$a->{'pilotid'} <=> $b->{'pilotid'} or $a->{'modified'} <=> $b->{'modified'}} grep {exists $_->{'pilotid'}} values %planRecord;
my ($i) = 0;
for($i=@uniq-1;$i>=1;$i--) {
#print "Checking plan record: ", Dumper($uniq[$i]),"\n";
if ($uniq[$i]->{'pilotid'} == $uniq[$i-1]->{'pilotid'}) {
delete $uniq[$i]->{'pilotid'};
$planID{$uniq[$i-1]->{'pilotid'}} = $uniq[$i-1];
#print "... A dup, blessed be ye without id, and be ye modified.\n";
$uniq[$i]->{'modified'} = 1;
# Use our saved Pilot ID cache to detect deleted Plan records. This
# will not catch deleted Plan records that were never assigned a
# Pilot ID, but that is OK because such records do not have to be
# removed from the Palm.
my ($loop_count) = (0);
my ($del) = -1;
foreach (keys %pilothash) {
# Palm records originally downloaded from a different Plan database
# are off-limits during this pass.
next if $dbname{$_} ne $control->{'name'};
# print "Palm cached ID: $_\n";
if (not defined $planID{$_} and not $exceptID{$_}) {
#print "Deleted plan record, with Pilot ID $_\n";
$planID{$_}->{'deleted'} = 1;
$planID{$_}->{'pilotid'} = $_;
$planID{$_}->{'id'} = $del;
$planRecord{$del} = $planID{$_};
msg( "Palm loop\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 2);
foreach (keys %pilotID) {
$dlp->tickle unless (++$loop_count % 50);
# Palm records originally downloaded from a different Plan database
# are off-limits during this pass.
next if $dbname{$_} ne $control->{'name'};
msg( "Palm record: " . PrintPilotRecord($pilotID{$_}) . "\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 1);
#print "Palm record: ",Dumper($pilotID{$_}),"\n";
if ($pilotID{$_}->{'deleted'} || $pilotID{$_}->{'archived'}) {
# # At this point are seeing Palm records marked as deleted or
# # archived. In the case of a slow sync, deleted records may not
# # be seen until a later pass.
# # Action: If there is an associated Plan record that has not
# # already been deleted, delete it.
# if (defined $planID{$_} and not $planID{$_}->{'deleted'}) {
# DeletePlanRecord($planID{$_});
# delete $planRecord{$planID{$_}->{'id'}};
# delete $planID{$_};
# }
# # Remove the Pilot ID from the exception cache, if present
# delete $exceptID{$_};
# delete $lastID{$_};
# delete $pilothash{$_};
} else {
my ($hash) = HashPilotRecord($pilotID{$_});
# If the pilot record ID is not cached, then it is
# definitely new. If the MD5 hash of the record is
# different from the cached hash, then it is
# definitely different. These checks are only needed
# during a slow sync (which will have inaccurate
# flags), but are harmless during a fast sync.
#print "Old hash: $pilothash{$_}, new hash: $hash\n";
if ((not exists $pilothash{$_}) or ($hash ne $pilothash{$_})) {
$pilotID{$_}->{'modified'} = 1;
#print "Note: cache indicates record is changed\n";
$pilothash{$_} = $hash; # Record the hash and ID for the next sync
# Remove the record from the exception cache if it has been
# modified: perhaps it is not exceptional any more
delete $exceptID{$_} if $pilotID{$_}->{'modified'};
#print "Matching plan record: ", Dumper($planID{$_}),"\n";
if (not defined $planID{$_}) {
if (!$exceptID{$_}) {
# The Palm record has no matching Plan record
# Action: Install the Palm record in Plan, regardless of
# changed status
msg( "Installing Palm record in Plan: ".
PrintPilotRecord($pilotID{$_}). "\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'});
#print "Installing pilot record in plan: ",Dumper($pilotID{$_});
my ($record) = RecordPilotToPlan($pilotID{$_});
if (not defined $record) {
# The record is not translatable to a Plan record.
# Action: Abort the install, and mark the record as
# uninstallable so that it will not be tried each sync.
# Code above will remove the exception flag when the
# record is changed.
$exceptID{$_} = 1;
msg( "Palm record unsyncable\n" );
} else {
WritePlanRecord($socket, $record);
} elsif ($pilotID{$_}->{'modified'} and $planID{$_}->{'deleted'}) {
# The Palm record has a matching _deleted_
# Plan record.
# This is collision, with a relatively
# simple solution. replace the Plan record
# with the Palm record. As the Plan record
# has already been permanently deleted, we
# need only copy the Palm record over.
# Action: Install the Palm record in Plan
my ($record) = RecordPilotToPlan($pilotID{$_}, $planID{$_});
if (not defined $record) {
# The record is not translatable to a Plan record.
# Action: Abort the install, and mark the record as
# uninstallable so that it will not be tried each sync.
$exceptID{$_} = 1;
msg( "Palm record modified while Plan record deleted, but new Palm record unsyncable\n" );
} else {
WritePlanRecord($socket, $record);
msg( "Palm record modified while Plan record deleted\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 1);
} elsif ($pilotID{$_}->{'modified'} and $planID{$_}->{'modified'}) {
# The Palm record has a matching _modified_
# Plan record.
# TODO: Use a comparator function to verify
# that the records are actually
# substantially different. If not, simply
# skip any action.
# This is collision with an ugly, but
# lossless, solution. Neither the Palm or
# Plan record is inherantly preferable, so
# we duplicate each record on the other
# side, severing the link between the
# original new records, forging two new
# links and two new records, one on each
# side.
# Action: Install the Palm record in Plan as
# a new, distinct, record, and install the
# Plan record on the Palm as a new,
# distinct, record.
msg( "Conflicting modified Plan and Palm records\n" );
my ($record) = RecordPlanToPilot($planID{$_});
if (not defined $record) {
# The Plan record is not translatable to a Palm record.
# Action: Abort the install.
msg( "Conflicting Plan record unsyncable.\n" );
} else {
$record->{'id'} = 0;
my ($id) = WritePilotRecord($db, $control, $record);
#my ($hash) = HashPilotRecord($record);
#$pilothash{$id} = $hash;
#$record->{'id'} = $id;
#$pilotID{$id} = $record;
#$dbname{$id} = $dbname;
$planID{$_}->{'pilotid'} = $id;
$planID{$_}->{'modified'} = 0;
WritePlanRecord($socket, $planID{$_});
msg( "ID of new Palm record is $id\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 2);
my ($record) = RecordPilotToPlan($pilotID{$_});
if (not defined $record) {
# The Palm record is not translatable to a Plan record.
# Action: Abort the install.
$exceptID{$_} = 1;
msg( "Conflicting Palm record unsyncable.\n" );
} else {
$record->{'modified'} = 0;
my ($id) = WritePlanRecord($socket, $record);
msg( "ID of new Plan record is $id\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 2);
} elsif($pilotID{$_}->{'modified'}) {
# At this point, we have a changed Palm
# record with an existing unmodified Plan
# record.
# Action: Install the Palm record in Plan,
# overwriting the Plan record.
my ($record) = RecordPilotToPlan($pilotID{$_}, $planID{$_});
if (not defined $record) {
# The record is not translatable to a Plan record.
# Action: Abort the install, and mark the record as
# uninstallable so that it will not be tried each sync.
# Code above will remove the exception flag when the
# record is changed.
$exceptID{$_} = 1;
DeletePlanRecord($socket, $planID{$_});
msg( "Palm record modified while Plan record unchanged, but new Palm record unsyncable. Plan record has been deleted.\n" );
} else {
#print "Overwriting plan record: ",Dumper($planID{$_});
#print "With pilot record: ",Dumper($pilotID{$_});
#print "As plan record: ",Dumper($record);
WritePlanRecord($socket, $record);
msg( "Updating Plan record with modified Palm record: ".PrintPilotRecord($pilotID{$_})."\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'});
#print "New plan record state: ",Dumper($planID{$_}),"\n";
msg( "Plan loop\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 2);
foreach (keys %planRecord) {
$dlp->tickle unless (++$loop_count % 100);
msg( "Plan record: " . PrintPlanRecord($planRecord{$_}),"\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 1);
my ($record) = $planRecord{$_};
my ($pid) = $planRecord{$_}->{'pilotid'};
#print "Plan record: ",Dumper($record),"\n";
if ($record->{'deleted'}) {
# # At this point are seeing Palm records marked as deleted or
# # archived. In the case of a slow sync, deleted records may not
# # be seen until a later pass.
# # Action: If there is an associated Plan record that has not
# # already been deleted, delete it.
# if (defined $planID{$_} and not $planID{$_}->{'deleted'}) {
# DeletePlanRecord($planID{$_});
# delete $planRecord{$planID{$_}->{'id'}};
# delete $planID{$_};
# }
# # Remove the Pilot ID from the exception cache, if present
# delete $exceptID{$_};
# delete $lastID{$_};
# delete $pilothash{$_};
} else {
# Remove the record from the exception cache if it has been
# modified: perhaps it is not exceptional any more
delete $record->{'pilotexcept'} if $record->{'modified'};
# If this is a fast sync, it's possible the record hasn't been
# fetched yet.
# This is dead code. Fast sync was never
# implemented, so $slowsync is always 1. I'm
# leaving it here as a hint in case someone
# ever gets around to implementing fast sync.
# But it looks incorrect to me:
# LoadPilotRecord takes an index, not an
# id. -ANK
if (!$slowsync and defined $pid and not exists $pilotID{$pid}) {
my ($precord) = LoadPilotRecord($db, $pid);
if (defined $precord) {
if (not defined $dbname{$pid}) {
$dbname{$pid} = $control->{'defaultname'};
$pilotID{$pid} = $precord;
if (defined $pid and defined $pilotID{$pid} and ($dbname{$pid} ne $control->{'name'})) {
msg( "Weird: Plan database $control->{'name'} claims to own Palm record $pid,\n" );
msg( "but my ID database says it is owned by $dbname{$pid}. I'll skip it.\n" );
#print "Matching pilot record: ", Dumper($pilotID{$pid}),"\n";
if (not defined $pid or not defined $pilotID{$pid}) {
if (!$record->{'pilotexcept'}) {
# The Plan record has no matching Palm record
# Action: Install the Plan record in Palm, regardless of
# changed status
msg( "Installing Plan record in Palm: ".
PrintPlanRecord($record). "\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'});
#print "Installing plan record in pilot: ",Dumper($record);
#print "Trying to install Plan record: ",Dumper($record),"\n";
my ($newrecord) = RecordPlanToPilot($record);
if (not defined $newrecord) {
# The record is not translatable to a Palm record.
# Action: Abort the install, and mark the record as
# uninstallable so that it will not be tried each sync.
# Code above will remove the exception flag when the
# record is changed.
$record->{'pilotexcept'} = 1;
$record->{'modified'} = 1;
msg( "Plan record unsyncable\n" );
} else {
#print "Installing Palm record: ", Dumper($newrecord),"\n";
$newrecord->{'id'} = 0;
$newrecord->{'secret'} = 0;
my ($id) = WritePilotRecord($db,$control,$newrecord);
msg( "ID of new Palm record is $id\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 2);
#my ($hash) = HashPilotRecord($newrecord);
#$pilothash{$id} = $hash;
#$newrecord->{'id'} = $id;
#$pilotID{$id} = $newrecord;
#$dbname{$id} = $dbname;
$record->{'pilotid'} = $id; # Match the Palm record to the Plan record
$record->{'modified'} = 1; # and make sure it is written back out
} elsif ($record->{'modified'} and $pilotID{$pid}->{'deleted'}) {
# The Plan record has a matching _deleted_ Palm record.
# This is collision, with a relatively simple solution.
# replace the Palm record with the Plan record.
# Action: Install the Plan record in Palm
my ($newrecord) = RecordPlanToPilot($record, $pilotID{$pid});
if (not defined $newrecord) {
# The record is not translatable to a Palm record.
# Action: Abort the install, and mark the record as
# uninstallable so that it will not be tried each sync.
$record->{'pilotexcept'} = 1;
msg( "Plan record modified while Palm record deleted, but new Plan record unsyncable\n" );
} else {
#print "Installing Palm record: ", Dumper($newrecord),"\n";
#my ($hash) = HashPilotRecord($newrecord);
#$pilothash{$pid} = $hash;
msg( "Plan record modified while Palm record deleted\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 1);
} elsif ($record->{'modified'} and $pilotID{$pid}->{'modified'}) {
croak("This shouldn't happen...");
} elsif ($record->{'modified'}) {
# At this point, we have a changed Plan record with an
# existing unmodified Palm record.
# Action: Install the Plan record in the Palm, overwriting the
# Palm record.
#print "Trying to install Plan record: ",Dumper($record),"\n";
my ($newrecord) = RecordPlanToPilot($record, $pilotID{$pid});
if (not defined $newrecord) {
# The record is not translatable to a Plan record.
# Action: Abort the install, and mark the record as
# uninstallable so that it will not be tried each sync.
# Code above will remove the exception flag when the
# record is changed.
$record->{'pilotexcept'} = 1;
#delete $pilothash{$record->{'pilotid'}};
#delete $exceptID{$record->{'pilotid'}};
msg( "Plan record modified while Palm record unchanged, but new Plan record unsyncable. Palm record has been deleted.\n" );
} else {
#print "Overwriting pilot record: ",Dumper($pilotID{$_});
#print "With plan record: ",Dumper($record);
#print "As pilot record: ",Dumper($newrecord);
#print "Installing Palm record: ", Dumper($newrecord),"\n";
#my ($hash) = HashPilotRecord($newrecord);
#$pilothash{$pid} = $hash;
msg( "Updating Palm record with modified Plan record: ".PrintPlanRecord($record)."\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'});
if ($record->{'modified'}) {
WritePlanRecord($socket, $record);
msg( "Palm delete loop\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 2);
foreach (keys %pilotID) {
$dlp->tickle unless (++$loop_count % 100);
# Palm records originally downloaded from a different Plan
# database are off-limits during this pass.
next if $dbname{$_} ne $control->{'name'};
#print "Palm record: ",Dumper($pilotID{$_}),"\n";
msg( "Palm record: " . PrintPilotRecord($pilotID{$_}) . "\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 1);
if ($pilotID{$_}->{'deleted'} || $pilotID{$_}->{'archived'}) {
# At this point are seeing Palm records marked as deleted or
# archived. In the case of a slow sync, deleted records may not
# be seen until a later pass.
# Action: If there is an associated Plan record that has not
# already been deleted, delete it.
msg( "Deleting Palm record.\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 1);
if (defined $planID{$_} and not $planID{$_}->{'deleted'}) {
msg( "... and associated Plan record.\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 1);
msg( "Deleting from Plan: ". PrintPlanRecord($planRecord{$planID{$_}->{'id'}}) ."\n") if ($PREFS->{'Debug'});
DeletePlanRecord($socket, $planID{$_});
delete $planRecord{$planID{$_}->{'id'}};
delete $planID{$_};
# Remove the Pilot ID from the exception cache, if present
delete $exceptID{$_};
delete $pilotID{$_};
delete $dbname{$_};
delete $pilothash{$_};
msg( "Plan delete loop\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 2);
foreach (keys %planRecord) {
$dlp->tickle unless (++$loop_count % 100);
my ($record) = $planRecord{$_};
my ($pid) = $planRecord{$_}->{'pilotid'};
#print "Plan record: ",Dumper($record),"\n";
msg( "Plan record: " . PrintPlanRecord($planRecord{$_}) . "\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 1);
# In a fast sync, we might not have loaded the record yet.
# This is dead code. Fast sync was never implemented,
# so $slowsync is always 1. I'm leaving it here as a
# hint in case someone ever gets around to
# implementing fast sync. But it looks incorrect to
# me: LoadPilotRecord takes an index, not an id. -ANK
if (!$slowsync and defined $pid and not exists $pilotID{$pid}) {
my ($precord) = LoadPilotRecord($db, $pid);
if (defined $precord) {
if (not defined $dbname{$pid}) {
$dbname{$pid} = $control->{'defaultname'};
$pilotID{$pid} = $precord;
if (defined $pid and defined $pilotID{$pid} and ($dbname{$pid} ne $control->{'name'})) {
msg( "Weird: Plan database $control->{'name'} claims to own Palm record $pid,\n" );
msg( "but my ID database says it is owned by $dbname{$pid}. I'll skip it.\n" );
if ($record->{'deleted'}) {
# At this point are seeing Palm records marked as deleted or
# archived. In the case of a slow sync, deleted records may not
# be seen until a later pass.
# Action: If there is an associated Plan record that has not
# already been deleted, delete it.
msg( "Deleting Plan record.\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 1);
if (defined $pid and defined $pilotID{$pid} and not $pilotID{$_}->{'deleted'}) {
msg( "... and associated Palm record.\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 1);
msg( "Deleting from Palm: " . PrintPilotRecord($pilotID{$pid}) ."\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'});
DeletePilotRecord($db, $pid);
#delete $pilotID{$pid};
#delete $pilothash{$pid};
#delete $exceptID{$pid};
# Remove the Pilot ID from the exception cache, if present
delete $planRecord{$_};
sub loadpilotrecords {
msg( "Loading pilot records:\n" );
if ($dlp->getStatus<0) {
croak "Cancelled.\n";
msg( "Synchronizing pilot called '$pilotname'\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 1);
if (not defined $control{$pilotname}) {
msg( "Database access list for Palm has not been defined!\n\n" );
msg( "Palm '$pilotname' has been added to $controldir/control.\n" );
msg( "Please edit $controldir/control and add the names of the Plan databases\n" );
msg( "that this Palm should synchronize with.\n" );
open (C, ">>$controldir/control");
print C "$pilotname\n";
close (C);
return 0;
$db = $dlp->open("DatebookDB");
my ($r, $i);
my $max = $db->getRecords();
$max ||= 1;
status("Reading Palm Appointments", 0);
while(defined($r = LoadPilotRecord($db,$i++))) {
status("Reading Palm Appointments", int(100*$i/$max))
if ($i % (int($max/20)+1) == 0);
status("Reading Palm Appointments", 100);
msg( "Done reading records\n" ) if ($PREFS->{'Debug'} > 1);
$slowsync = 1;
if ($slowsync) {
foreach (keys %pilothash) {
if (not exists $pilotID{$_}) {
$pilotID{$_}->{'deleted'} = 1;
return 1;
sub SendPlanCommand {
my ($socket,$text) = @_;
my ($len);
#print "Sending |$text|\n";
while (length($text)) {
$len = syswrite $socket, $text, length($text);
$text = substr($text,$len);
my ($partialReply) = "";
sub ReadPlanReply {
my ($socket) = @_;
my ($reply) = "";
my ($buf);
while (1) {
while ($partialReply =~ /\A(.*?)(\\)?\n/m) {
$reply .= $1."\n";
$partialReply = $';
if (not defined($2)) {
$reply =~ s/\\\n/\n/sg;
$reply =~ s/\n$//sg;
if ($reply =~ /\AR/) { # Discard
} elsif ($reply =~ /\A\?/) { # Discard
msg( "Plan message: $'" );
} else {
#print "Reply: |$reply|\n";
return $reply;
$reply = "";
do {
$partialReply .= $buf;
} while ($buf !~ /[^\\]\n|\A\n/);
# ^^ the regexp matches if $buf contains an unescaped
# newline, i.e. a newline that's either the first
# character, or preceded by a non-escape character.
sub SyncDB {
my ($db, $control) = @_;
my $dbname = $control->{'dbname'};
#print "Opening database $control->{'name'}\@$control->{'host'}:$control->{'port'}.\n";
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerPort => $control->{'port'}, PeerAddr => $control->{'host'}, Proto => 'tcp');
if (not defined $socket) {
croak "Unable to open plan socket on $control->{'host'}:$control->{'port'}\n";
my $select = IO::Select->new();
my $reply=ReadPlanReply($socket);
if ($reply !~ /^!/) {
croak "Unknown response from netplan: $reply\n";
$netplanversion = $reply;
# Authenticate
SendPlanCommand($socket, "=sync-plan<uid=$<,gid=$>,pid=$$>\n");
SendPlanCommand($socket, "o$dbname\n");
$reply = ReadPlanReply($socket);
if ($reply !~ /^otw(\d+)/) {
croak "Failed to open database $control->{'name'}\@$control->{'host'}:$control->{'port'}.\n";
$file = $1;
SendPlanCommand($socket, "n$file\n");
$reply = ReadPlanReply($socket);
if ($reply !~ /^n\d+\s+(\d+)/) {
croak "Failed to get record count.\n";
my $records = $1;
my @id= ();
SendPlanCommand($socket, "r$file 0\n");
while ($records) {
$reply = ReadPlanReply($socket);
if ($reply =~ /\Art\d+\s+(\d+)\s+/) {
push @id, $1;
#print "Got ID $1\n";
my ($loop_count) = (0);
foreach (@id) {
$dlp->tickle unless (++$loop_count % 50);
SendPlanCommand($socket, "l$file $_\n");
$reply = ReadPlanReply($socket);
if ($reply !~ /^lt/) {
croak "Failed to lock record $_.\n";
SendPlanCommand($socket, "r$file $_\n");
$reply = ReadPlanReply($socket);
if ($reply !~ /\Art\d+\s+(\d+)\s+/s) {
croak "Didn't get record I was looking for.\n";
dorecord($db, $socket, $control, $_, $');
doafterplan($db, $socket, $control);
%planRecord = (); # Flush plan records
SendPlanCommand($socket, "c$file\n");
sub readControlfile
if (! -d $controldir) {
croak "Directory $controldir does not exist. It must be created before $0 is run.\n\n";
if (! -f "$controldir/control") {
open(C, ">$controldir/control") || croak "Unable to write to $controldir/control";
print C "# this file is used to control which Palms are allowed to sync, and what databases\n";
print C "# each Palm will sync with. Each line consists of whitespace-separated fields, the\n";
print C "# first one being the name (and ID) of the Palm, and subsequent fields listing\n";
print C "# all plan databases that Palm will synchronize with.\n";
print C "#\n";
print C "# For example: Foo_s_Pilot_1234 myname\@localhost group\ ro:all\@localhostn";
print C "#\n";
print C "# New entries on the Palm are installed in the first database listed.\n";
print C "# Records will not exchanged between separate plan datatabses.\n";
print C "# A database may be prefixed with 'rw:' or 'ro:' to indicate read/write (the\n";
print C "# default) or read only access. If a database is read-only, any record changes\n";
print C "# on the Palm will be discarded. However, for technical reasons, you must have\n";
print C "# read/write access to the plan database itself.\n";
while (<C>) {
next if /^#/;
my ($i,@i) = split(/\s+/, $_);
my (@I);
my ($first) = 1;
my ($defaultname);
foreach (@i) {
my ($mode, $name, $host) = m/^(?:(wr|ro|rw):)?([^\@]+)(?:\@(.+))?$/;
if (not defined $mode) {
$mode = "rw";
if (not defined $host) {
$host = "localhost";
if ($mode !~ /^rw$/) {
croak "Access mode $mode (for Palm '$i') at line $. of $controldir/control unknown or unsupported.\n";
if ($first) {
$defaultname = $name.'@'.$host;
push @I, {mode => $mode, name => $name.'@'.$host, dbname => $name, host => $host, port => $PREFS->{'NetplanPort'}, 'read' => ($mode =~ /r/), 'write' => ($mode =~ /w/), default => $first, defaultname => $defaultname};
$first = 0;
$control{$i} = [@I];
sub conduitSync
$dlp = $_[1];
$info = $_[2];
# initialize variables that may still be set from last sync (which
# can happen when conduitSync is called from PilotManager).
%control = ();
%pilothash = ();
%pilotID = ();
%planID = ();
%exceptID = ();
%planRecord = ();
%dbname = ();
%sawName = ();
$pilotname = $db = $slowsync = $file = $maxseed = $netplanversion = undef;
$pilotname = $info->{'name'} . "_ " . $info->{'userID'};
$pilotname =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/_/g;
foreach (@{$control{$pilotname}}) {
$sawName{$_->{'name'}} = 1;
if (open (I, "<$controldir/ids.$pilotname")) {
foreach (<I>) {
my ($id, $hash, $except, $dbname) = split(/\s+/, $_);
$pilothash{$id} = $hash;
$exceptID{$id} = $except;
if (not defined $dbname or not length $dbname) {
$dbname = $control{$pilotname}->[0]->{'name'};
$dbname{$id} = $dbname if defined $dbname and length $dbname;
#print Dumper({dbname=>$dbname{$id}});
if (not defined $sawName{$dbname}) {
msg( "Warning! The ID file, $controldir/ids.$pilotname, lists a record as belonging\n" );
msg( "to database $dbname, but the control file $controldir/control does not list this\n" );
msg( "this database. If you have renamed a database, please edit $controldir/ids.$pilotname\n" );
msg( "so all references to this database match the new name.\n" );
msg( "\nIf you wish to delete all on the Palm that were originally from $dbname, then\n" );
msg( "delete the database name from the end of each record's line.\n" );
msg( "To merge the records into the default database, delete each affected line entirely.\n" );
$sawName{$dbname} = 1;
close (I);
if (loadpilotrecords) {
if (!@{$control{$pilotname}}) {
msg( "No plan databases are registered for the '$pilotname' Palm. Please\n" );
msg( "edit $controldir/control and add one or more databases.\n" );
foreach (keys %pilotID) {
if (not defined $dbname{$_}) {
$dbname{$_} = $control{$pilotname}->[0]->{'name'};
foreach (@{$control{$pilotname}}) {
next if not defined $_->{'host'}; # Sigh. Autoviv problem.
SyncDB($db, $_);
# Delete deleted & archived records
# Clear modified flags, and set last sync time to now
open (I, ">$controldir/ids.$pilotname");
foreach (keys %pilothash) {
if ($dbname{$_} eq $control{$pilotname}->[0]{'name'}) {
$exceptID{$_} = 0 unless (defined $exceptID{$_});
print I "$_ $pilothash{$_} $exceptID{$_} $dbname{$_}\n";
# main
my ($tempdlp, $tempinfo);
if (@ARGV<2) {
croak "Usage: $0 <pilot port> <control directory>\n\n<control directory> is where various information is stored.\nYou might wish to use " .
(getpwuid($>))[7] . "/.sync-plan\n";
$port = $ARGV[0];
$controldir = $ARGV[1];
$controldir =~ s/\/+$//;
msg "Please start HotSync now.\n";
my $psocket = PDA::Pilot::openPort($port);
if (!$psocket) {
croak "Unable to open port $port\n";
($tempdlp = PDA::Pilot::accept($psocket)) || croak "Can't connect to Palm";
($tempinfo = $tempdlp->getUserInfo) || croak "Lost connection to Palm";
conduitSync(undef, $tempdlp, $tempinfo);