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437 lines
17 KiB
437 lines
17 KiB
13 years ago
* this file was largely taken from the oxygen gtk engine
* Copyright (c) 2010 Hugo Pereira Da Costa <>
* Copyright (c) 2010 Ruslan Kabatsayev <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or(at your option ) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "tdegtk-animations.h"
#include "tdegtk-utils.h"
#include "../config.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
Animations::Animations( void ):
_innerShadowsEnabled( true ),
_hooksInitialized( false )
std::cerr << "Oxygen::Animations::Animations" << std::endl;
// create engines
#if 0
registerEngine( _backgroundHintEngine = new BackgroundHintEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _comboBoxEngine = new ComboBoxEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _comboBoxEntryEngine = new ComboBoxEntryEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _dialogEngine = new DialogEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _groupBoxEngine = new GroupBoxEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _groupBoxLabelEngine = new GroupBoxLabelEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _hoverEngine = new HoverEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _mainWindowEngine = new MainWindowEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _menuItemEngine = new MenuItemEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _panedEngine = new PanedEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _scrollBarEngine = new ScrollBarEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _scrolledWindowEngine = new ScrolledWindowEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _innerShadowEngine = new InnerShadowEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _tabWidgetEngine = new TabWidgetEngine( this ) );
#if 0
registerEngine( _treeViewEngine = new TreeViewEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _widgetSizeEngine = new WidgetSizeEngine( this ) );
// animations specific engines
registerEngine( _widgetStateEngine = new WidgetStateEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _arrowStateEngine = new ArrowStateEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _scrollBarStateEngine = new ScrollBarStateEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _tabWidgetStateEngine = new TabWidgetStateEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _treeViewStateEngine = new TreeViewStateEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _menuBarStateEngine = new MenuBarStateEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _menuStateEngine = new MenuStateEngine( this ) );
registerEngine( _toolBarStateEngine = new ToolBarStateEngine( this ) );
Animations::~Animations( void )
std::cerr << "Oxygen::Animations::~Animations" << std::endl;
// delete all engines
for( BaseEngine::List::iterator iter = _engines.begin(); iter != _engines.end(); ++iter )
{ delete *iter; }
// disconnect all signals from map
for( WidgetMap::iterator iter = _allWidgets.begin(); iter != _allWidgets.end(); iter++ )
{ iter->second.disconnect(); }
// clear hooks
#if 0
void Animations::initialize( const QtSettings& settings )
const bool animationsEnabled( settings.animationsEnabled() );
// pass animations configuration to engines
widgetStateEngine().setEnabled( animationsEnabled && settings.genericAnimationsEnabled() );
widgetStateEngine().setDuration( settings.genericAnimationsDuration() );
arrowStateEngine().setEnabled( animationsEnabled && settings.genericAnimationsEnabled() );
arrowStateEngine().setDuration( settings.genericAnimationsDuration() );
scrollBarStateEngine().setEnabled( animationsEnabled && settings.genericAnimationsEnabled() );
scrollBarStateEngine().setDuration( settings.genericAnimationsDuration() );
tabWidgetStateEngine().setEnabled( animationsEnabled && settings.genericAnimationsEnabled() );
tabWidgetStateEngine().setDuration( settings.genericAnimationsDuration() );
treeViewStateEngine().setEnabled( animationsEnabled && settings.genericAnimationsEnabled() );
treeViewStateEngine().setDuration( settings.genericAnimationsDuration() );
menuBarStateEngine().setAnimationsEnabled( animationsEnabled && (settings.menuBarAnimationType() != None) );
menuBarStateEngine().setFollowMouse( settings.menuBarAnimationType() == FollowMouse );
menuBarStateEngine().setDuration( settings.menuBarAnimationsDuration() );
menuBarStateEngine().setFollowMouseAnimationsDuration( settings.menuBarFollowMouseAnimationsDuration() );
menuStateEngine().setEnabled( animationsEnabled && (settings.menuAnimationType() != None) );
menuStateEngine().setFollowMouse( settings.menuAnimationType() == FollowMouse );
menuStateEngine().setDuration( settings.menuAnimationsDuration() );
menuStateEngine().setFollowMouseAnimationsDuration( settings.menuFollowMouseAnimationsDuration() );
// for now, only Fade animations mode is supported for toolbar animations
toolBarStateEngine().setEnabled( animationsEnabled && (settings.toolBarAnimationType() != None) );
toolBarStateEngine().setFollowMouse( settings.toolBarAnimationType() == FollowMouse );
toolBarStateEngine().setDuration( settings.genericAnimationsDuration() );
toolBarStateEngine().setFollowMouseAnimationsDuration( settings.toolBarAnimationsDuration() );
void Animations::initializeHooks( void )
if( _hooksInitialized ) return;
#if 0
_backgroundHintHook.connect( "realize", (GSignalEmissionHook)backgroundHintHook, this );
{ _innerShadowHook.connect( "realize", (GSignalEmissionHook)innerShadowHook, this ); }
_sizeAllocationHook.connect( "size-allocate", (GSignalEmissionHook)sizeAllocationHook, this );
_realizationHook.connect( "realize", (GSignalEmissionHook)realizationHook, this );
_hooksInitialized = true;
bool Animations::registerWidget( GtkWidget* widget )
if( _allWidgets.find( widget ) != _allWidgets.end() ) return false;
std::cerr << "Oxygen::Animations::registerWidget - " << widget << " (" << G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME( widget ) << ")" << std::endl;
Signal destroyId;
destroyId.connect( G_OBJECT( widget ), "destroy", G_CALLBACK( destroyNotifyEvent ), this );
_allWidgets.insert( std::make_pair( widget, destroyId ) );
return true;
void Animations::unregisterWidget( GtkWidget* widget )
std::cerr << "Oxygen::Animations::unregisterWidget - " << widget << " (" << G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME( widget ) << ")" << std::endl;
// find in map
WidgetMap::iterator iter( _allWidgets.find( widget ) );
assert( iter != _allWidgets.end() );
// disconnect signal
// erase from map
_allWidgets.erase( widget );
// erase from all maps
for( BaseEngine::List::iterator iter = _engines.begin(); iter != _engines.end(); ++iter )
{ (*iter)->unregisterWidget( widget ); }
void Animations::setEnabled( bool value )
for( BaseEngine::List::iterator iter = _engines.begin(); iter != _engines.end(); ++iter )
{ (*iter)->setEnabled( value ); }
gboolean Animations::destroyNotifyEvent( GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data )
static_cast<Animations*>(data)->unregisterWidget( widget );
return FALSE;
gboolean Animations::sizeAllocationHook( GSignalInvocationHint*, guint, const GValue* params, gpointer data )
// get widget from params
GtkWidget* widget( GTK_WIDGET( g_value_get_object( params ) ) );
// check type
if( !GTK_IS_WIDGET( widget ) ) return FALSE;
// comboboxes
need to force the wrap-width property to 0,
otherwise the "appears-as-list" flag is not respected, which additionally breaks the widget rendering.
This has to be done soon enoug to avoid crash with latest gtk3 versions
GTK_IS_COMBO_BOX( widget ) &&
Gtk::gtk_combobox_appears_as_list( widget ) &&
!gtk_combo_box_get_has_entry( GTK_COMBO_BOX( widget ) ) )
gtk_combo_box_set_wrap_width( GTK_COMBO_BOX( widget ), 0 );
return TRUE;
#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION( 3, 5, 0 )
HACK: Somehow, style_updated method for GtkRange widgets is not called anymore
as soon as we (oxygen-gtk) install our hooks. This prevents some settings to be
properly initialized, such as the slider length, or the arrows for scrollbars.
Therefore we explicitly call the styleUpdated function ourselves.
if( GTK_IS_RANGE( widget ) )
// get class
GtkWidgetClass* widgetClass = GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS( widget );
if( widgetClass && widgetClass->style_updated )
{ (*widgetClass->style_updated)(widget); }
// groupbox labels
if( static_cast<Animations*>( data )->groupBoxLabelEngine().contains( widget ) )
static_cast<Animations*>( data )->groupBoxLabelEngine().adjustSize( widget );
return TRUE;
// comboboxes
if( !GTK_IS_WINDOW( widget ) ) return TRUE;
GtkWindow* window( GTK_WINDOW( widget ) );
if( gtk_window_get_type_hint( window ) != GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_COMBO ) return TRUE;
Animations& animations( *static_cast<Animations*>(data) );
GtkWidget* combobox = animations.comboBoxEngine().find( widget );
if( !combobox ) combobox = animations.comboBoxEntryEngine().find( widget );
if( !combobox ) return true;
int w, h;
gtk_window_get_size( window, &w, &h );
gint sourceX, sourceY;
gint targetX, targetY;
gtk_window_get_position( window, &sourceX, &sourceY );
gdk_window_get_origin( gtk_widget_get_window( combobox ), &targetX, &targetY );
// store allocations
const GtkAllocation comboAllocation( Gtk::gtk_widget_get_allocation( combobox ) );
const GtkAllocation widgetAllocation( Gtk::gtk_widget_get_allocation( widget ) );
const bool widthChanged( widgetAllocation.width != comboAllocation.width - 6 );
const bool positionChanged( sourceX != targetX + comboAllocation.x + 3 );
<< "Animations::comboBoxHook -"
<< " widget: " << widget
<< " widthChanged: " << widthChanged
<< " positionChanged: " << positionChanged
<< std::endl;
int uglyShadowWidth=!Gtk::gdk_default_screen_is_composited();
// perform move-resize
if( widthChanged && positionChanged )
gtk_widget_get_window( widget ),
targetX + comboAllocation.x + 3 - uglyShadowWidth, sourceY,
comboAllocation.width - 6 + 2*uglyShadowWidth, widgetAllocation.height );
} else if( widthChanged ) {
gtk_widget_get_window( widget ),
comboAllocation.width - 6 + 2*uglyShadowWidth, widgetAllocation.height );
} else if( positionChanged ) {
gtk_widget_get_window( widget ),
targetX + comboAllocation.x + 3 - uglyShadowWidth, sourceY );
return true;
#if 0
gboolean Animations::backgroundHintHook( GSignalInvocationHint*, guint, const GValue* params, gpointer data )
// get widget from params
GtkWidget* widget( GTK_WIDGET( g_value_get_object( params ) ) );
// check type
if( !GTK_IS_WIDGET( widget ) ) return FALSE;
if( !GTK_IS_WINDOW( widget ) ) return TRUE;
Animations& animations( *static_cast<Animations*>(data) );
animations.backgroundHintEngine().registerWidget( widget );
return TRUE;
gboolean Animations::innerShadowHook( GSignalInvocationHint*, guint, const GValue* params, gpointer data )
// get widget from params
GtkWidget* widget( GTK_WIDGET( g_value_get_object( params ) ) );
// check type
if( !GTK_IS_WIDGET( widget ) ) return FALSE;
// check enabled state
Animations& animations( *static_cast<Animations*>(data) );
if( !animations.innerShadowsEnabled() ) return TRUE;
// blacklist
if( Gtk::g_object_is_a( G_OBJECT( widget ), "SwtFixed" ) ) return TRUE;
if( Gtk::g_object_is_a( G_OBJECT( widget ), "GtkPizza" ) ) return TRUE;
if( Gtk::g_object_is_a( G_OBJECT( widget ), "MessageList") ) return TRUE;
GtkWidget* parent(gtk_widget_get_parent(widget));
if( !GTK_IS_SCROLLED_WINDOW( parent ) ) return TRUE;
GtkWidget* child(gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(parent)));
if(child!=widget) return TRUE;
<< "Oxygen::Animations::innerShadowHook -"
<< " widget: " << widget << " (" << G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME(widget) << ")"
<< " parent: " << parent << " (" << G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME(parent) << ")"
<< " widget path: " << Gtk::gtk_widget_path( widget )
<< " isTreeView: " << (GTK_IS_TREE_VIEW(widget)?"true":"false")
<< " isTextView: " << (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW(widget)?"true":"false")
<< std::endl;
animations.innerShadowEngine().registerWidget( parent );
animations.innerShadowEngine().registerChild( parent, widget );
return TRUE;
gboolean Animations::realizationHook( GSignalInvocationHint*, guint, const GValue* params, gpointer data )
// get widget from params
GtkWidget* widget( GTK_WIDGET( g_value_get_object( params ) ) );
// check type
if( !GTK_IS_WIDGET( widget ) ) return FALSE;
if( GTK_IS_NOTEBOOK( widget ) )
{ gtk_notebook_set_show_border( GTK_NOTEBOOK(widget), FALSE ); }
if( GTK_IS_LABEL( widget ) && GTK_IS_FRAME( gtk_widget_get_parent( widget ) ) )
GtkFrame *frame( GTK_FRAME( gtk_widget_get_parent( widget ) ) );
if( widget == gtk_frame_get_label_widget( frame ) && !Gtk::gtk_widget_find_parent( widget, "GtkPizza" ) )
<< "Oxygen::Animations::realizationHook -"
<< " widget: " << widget << " (" << G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME( widget ) << ")"
<< " parent: " << frame << " (" << G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME( frame ) << ")"
<< std::endl;
// modify alignment
gtk_frame_set_label_align( frame, 0.5, 0.0 );
gtk_frame_set_shadow_type( frame, GTK_SHADOW_OUT );
// register to engine
static_cast<Animations*>( data )->groupBoxLabelEngine().registerWidget( widget );
static_cast<Animations*>( data )->groupBoxLabelEngine().adjustSize( widget );
return TRUE;