You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

904 lines
23 KiB

* $Id: k3bdevicemanager.cpp 676188 2007-06-16 08:55:00Z trueg $
* Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Sebastian Trueg <>
* This file is part of the K3b project.
* Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#include <config.h>
#include "k3bdevicemanager.h"
#include "k3bdevice.h"
#include "k3bdeviceglobals.h"
#include "k3bscsicommand.h"
#include "k3bmmc.h"
#include "k3bdebug.h"
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqfileinfo.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <tdetempfile.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/ucred.h>
#include <osreldate.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <resmgr.h>
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
/* Fix definitions for 2.5 kernels */
#include <linux/version.h>
typedef unsigned char u8;
#undef __STRICT_ANSI__
#include <asm/types.h>
#define __STRICT_ANSI__
#include <scsi/scsi.h>
#include <linux/major.h>
#define SCSI_DISK_MAJOR(M) ((M) == SCSI_DISK0_MAJOR || \
((M) >= SCSI_DISK1_MAJOR && (M) <= SCSI_DISK7_MAJOR) || \
#define SCSI_BLK_MAJOR(M) \
#endif // Q_OS_LINUX
#include <cam/cam.h>
#include <cam/scsi/scsi_pass.h>
#include <camlib.h>
#ifdef Q_OS_NETBSD
#include <sys/scsiio.h>
class K3bDevice::DeviceManager::Private
TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device> allDevices;
TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device> cdReader;
TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device> cdWriter;
TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device> dvdReader;
TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device> dvdWriter;
TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device> bdReader;
TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device> bdWriter;
bool checkWritingModes;
K3bDevice::DeviceManager::DeviceManager( TQObject* parent, const char* name )
: TQObject( parent, name )
d = new Private;
d->allDevices.setAutoDelete( true );
delete d;
void K3bDevice::DeviceManager::setCheckWritingModes( bool b )
d->checkWritingModes = b;
K3bDevice::Device* K3bDevice::DeviceManager::deviceByName( const TQString& name )
return findDevice( name );
K3bDevice::Device* K3bDevice::DeviceManager::findDevice( int bus, int id, int lun )
TQPtrListIterator<K3bDevice::Device> it( d->allDevices );
while( it.current() )
if( it.current()->scsiBus() == bus &&
it.current()->scsiId() == id &&
it.current()->scsiLun() == lun )
return it.current();
return 0;
K3bDevice::Device* K3bDevice::DeviceManager::findDevice( const TQString& devicename )
if( devicename.isEmpty() ) {
k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::DeviceManager) request for empty device!" << endl;
return 0;
TQPtrListIterator<K3bDevice::Device> it( d->allDevices );
while( it.current() ) {
if( it.current()->deviceNodes().contains(devicename) )
return it.current();
return 0;
const TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device>& K3bDevice::DeviceManager::cdWriter() const
return d->cdWriter;
const TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device>& K3bDevice::DeviceManager::cdReader() const
return d->cdReader;
const TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device>& K3bDevice::DeviceManager::dvdWriter() const
return d->dvdWriter;
const TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device>& K3bDevice::DeviceManager::dvdReader() const
return d->dvdReader;
const TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device>& K3bDevice::DeviceManager::blueRayReader() const
return d->bdReader;
const TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device>& K3bDevice::DeviceManager::blueRayWriters() const
return d->bdWriter;
const TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device>& K3bDevice::DeviceManager::burningDevices() const
return cdWriter();
const TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device>& K3bDevice::DeviceManager::readingDevices() const
return cdReader();
const TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device>& K3bDevice::DeviceManager::allDevices() const
return d->allDevices;
int K3bDevice::DeviceManager::scanBus()
unsigned int numDevs = d->allDevices.count();
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
#ifdef Q_OS_NETBSD
return d->allDevices.count() - numDevs;
void K3bDevice::DeviceManager::LinuxDeviceScan()
// Resmgr device scan
char** resmgrDevices = rsm_list_devices( 0 );
if( resmgrDevices ) {
for( int i = 0; resmgrDevices[i]; ++i ) {
addDevice( resmgrDevices[i] );
free( resmgrDevices[i] );
free( resmgrDevices );
TQFile info("/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info");
TQString line,devstring;
if( ) {
info.readLine(line,80); // CD-ROM information, Id: cdrom.c 3.12 2000/10/18
info.readLine(line,80); //
TQRegExp re("[\t\n:]+");
while( info.readLine( line, 80 ) > 0 ) {
if( line.contains("drive name") > 0 ) {
int i = 1;
TQString dev;
while( !(dev = line.section(re, i, i)).isEmpty() ) {
if( addDevice( TQString("/dev/%1").arg(dev) ) ) {
devstring += dev + "|";
// according to the LINUX ALLOCATED DEVICES document (,
// the official device names for SCSI-CDROM's (block major 11) are /dev/sr*, the
// prefix /dev/scd instead of /dev/sr has been used as well, and might make more sense.
// Since there should be one and only one device node (and maybe several symbolic links) for
// each physical device the next line should be better
// else if ( dev.startsWith("sr") )
if ( dev.startsWith("sr") ) {
if( addDevice(TQString("/dev/%1").arg(dev.replace(TQRegExp("r"),"cd"))) )
devstring += dev + "|";
else {
kdError() << "(K3bDevice::DeviceManager) could not open /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info" << endl;
// Scan the generic devices if we have scsi devices
k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::DeviceManager) SCANNING FOR GENERIC DEVICES." << endl;
for( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
TQString sgDev = resolveSymLink( TQString("/dev/sg%1").arg(i) );
int bus = -1, id = -1, lun = -1;
if( determineBusIdLun( sgDev, bus, id, lun ) ) {
if( Device* dev = findDevice( bus, id, lun ) ) {
dev->m_genericDevice = sgDev;
// FIXME: also scan /dev/scsi/hostX.... for devfs without symlinks
void K3bDevice::DeviceManager::NetBSDDeviceScan()
// Generate entries for /dev/cd* devices
// Note: As there are only 10 possible /dev/(r)cd devices,
// only these will be found.
int i;
// Whole disk mask (According to cd(4), the AMD64, i386 and BeBox ports use
// 'd' as whole-disk partition, the rest uses 'c'.)
#if defined(__i386__) || defined (__amd64__) || defined (__bebox__)
static const char slicename = 'd';
static const char slicename = 'c';
char devicename[11]; // /dev/rcdXd + trailing zero
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) // cd(4) claims there are max. 10 CD devices.
snprintf(devicename,11,"/dev/rcd%d%c",i, slicename);
void K3bDevice::DeviceManager::BSDDeviceScan()
// Unfortunately uses lots of FBSD-specific data structures
#ifndef Q_OS_FREEBSD
// bool bsdspecificcode = false;
// assert(bsdspecificcode);
union ccb ccb;
int fd;
int need_close = 0;
int skip_device = 0;
int bus, target, lun;
TQString dev1, dev2;
if ((fd = open(XPT_DEVICE, O_RDWR)) == -1)
k3bDebug() << "couldn't open %s " << XPT_DEVICE << endl;
memset(&ccb, 0, sizeof(ccb));
ccb.ccb_h.func_code = XPT_DEV_MATCH;
char buffer[100*sizeof(struct dev_match_result)];
ccb.cdm.match_buf_len = 100*sizeof(struct dev_match_result);
ccb.cdm.matches = (struct dev_match_result *)buffer;
ccb.cdm.num_matches = 0;
ccb.cdm.num_patterns = 0;
ccb.cdm.pattern_buf_len = 0;
do {
if (ioctl(fd, CAMIOCOMMAND, &ccb) == -1) {
k3bDebug() << "(BSDDeviceScan) error sending CAMIOCOMMAND ioctl: " << errno << endl;
if ((ccb.ccb_h.status != CAM_RETQ_CMP)
|| ((ccb.cdm.status != CAM_DEV_MATCH_LAST) && (ccb.cdm.status != CAM_DEV_MATCH_MORE))) {
k3bDebug() << "(BSDDeviceScan) got CAM error " << ccb.ccb_h.status << ", CDM error %d" << ccb.cdm.status << endl;
k3bDebug() << "(BSDDeviceScan) number of matches " << (int)ccb.cdm.num_matches << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)ccb.cdm.num_matches; i++) {
switch (ccb.cdm.matches[i].type) {
struct device_match_result *dev_result = &ccb.cdm.matches[i].result.device_result;
if (dev_result->flags & DEV_RESULT_UNCONFIGURED)
skip_device = 1;
skip_device = 0;
if (need_close)
TQString pass = dev1;
TQString dev = "/dev/" + dev2;
if (dev2.startsWith("pass"))
pass = dev2;
dev = "/dev/" + dev1;
#if __FreeBSD_version < 500100
dev += "c";
if (!dev1.isEmpty() && !dev2.isEmpty() && dev.startsWith("/dev/cd"))
Device* device = new Device(dev.latin1());
device->m_bus = bus;
device->m_target = target;
device->m_lun = lun;
device->m_passDevice = "/dev/" + pass;
k3bDebug() << "(BSDDeviceScan) add device " << dev << ":" << bus << ":" << target << ":" << lun << endl;
need_close = 0;
bus = dev_result->path_id;
target = dev_result->target_id;
lun = dev_result->target_lun;
need_close = 1;
struct periph_match_result *periph_result = &ccb.cdm.matches[i].result.periph_result;
if (skip_device != 0)
if (need_close > 1)
dev1 = periph_result->periph_name + TQString::number(periph_result->unit_number);
dev2 = periph_result->periph_name + TQString::number(periph_result->unit_number);
case DEV_MATCH_BUS : {
// bool cannotmatchbus = false;
// assert(cannotmatchbus);
} while ((ccb.ccb_h.status == CAM_RETQ_CMP)
&& (ccb.cdm.status == CAM_DEV_MATCH_MORE));
if (need_close)
TQString pass = dev1;
TQString dev = "/dev/" + dev2;
if (dev2.startsWith("pass"))
pass = dev2;
dev = "/dev/" + dev1;
#if __FreeBSD_version < 500100
dev += "c";
if (!dev1.isEmpty() && !dev2.isEmpty() && dev.startsWith("/dev/cd"))
Device* device = new Device(dev.latin1());
device->m_bus = bus;
device->m_target = target;
device->m_lun = lun;
device->m_passDevice = "/dev/" + pass;
k3bDebug() << "(BSDDeviceScan) add device " << dev << ":" << bus << ":" << target << ":" << lun << endl;
void K3bDevice::DeviceManager::printDevices()
k3bDebug() << "Devices:" << endl
<< "------------------------------" << endl;
TQPtrListIterator<Device> it( allDevices() );
for( ; *it; ++it ) {
Device* dev = *it;
k3bDebug() << "Blockdevice: " << dev->blockDeviceName() << endl
<< "Generic device: " << dev->genericDevice() << endl
<< "Vendor: " << dev->vendor() << endl
<< "Description: " << dev->description() << endl
<< "Version: " << dev->version() << endl
<< "Write speed: " << dev->maxWriteSpeed() << endl
<< "Profiles: " << mediaTypeString( dev->supportedProfiles() ) << endl
<< "Read Cap: " << mediaTypeString( dev->readCapabilities() ) << endl
<< "Write Cap: " << mediaTypeString( dev->writeCapabilities() ) << endl
<< "Writing modes: " << writingModeString( dev->writingModes() ) << endl
<< "Reader aliases: " << dev->deviceNodes().join(", ") << endl
<< "------------------------------" << endl;
void K3bDevice::DeviceManager::clear()
// clear current devices
// to make sure no one crashes lets keep the devices around until the changed
// signals return
TQPtrList<K3bDevice::Device> tmp = d->allDevices;
tmp.setAutoDelete( true );
emit changed( this );
emit changed();
bool K3bDevice::DeviceManager::readConfig( TDEConfig* c )
// New configuration format since K3b 0.11.94
// for details see saveConfig()
if( !c->hasGroup( "Devices" ) )
return false;
c->setGroup( "Devices" );
TQStringList deviceSearchPath = c->readListEntry( "device_search_path" );
for( TQStringList::const_iterator it = deviceSearchPath.constBegin();
it != deviceSearchPath.constEnd(); ++it )
addDevice( *it );
// Iterate over all devices and check if we have a config entry
for( TQPtrListIterator<K3bDevice::Device> it( d->allDevices ); *it; ++it ) {
K3bDevice::Device* dev = *it;
TQString configEntryName = dev->vendor() + " " + dev->description();
TQStringList list = c->readListEntry( configEntryName );
if( !list.isEmpty() ) {
k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::DeviceManager) found config entry for devicetype: " << configEntryName << endl;
dev->setMaxReadSpeed( list[0].toInt() );
if( list.count() > 1 )
dev->setMaxWriteSpeed( list[1].toInt() );
if( list.count() > 2 )
dev->setCdrdaoDriver( list[2] );
if( list.count() > 3 )
dev->setCdTextCapability( list[3] == "yes" );
return true;
bool K3bDevice::DeviceManager::saveConfig( TDEConfig* c )
// New configuration format since K3b 0.11.94
// We save a device search path which contains all device nodes
// where devices could be found including the old search path.
// This way also for example a manually added USB device will be
// found between sessions.
// Then we do not save the device settings (writing speed, cdrdao driver)
// for every single device but for every device type.
// This also makes sure device settings are kept between sessions
c->setGroup( "Devices" );
TQStringList deviceSearchPath = c->readListEntry( "device_search_path" );
// remove duplicate entries (caused by buggy old implementations)
TQStringList saveDeviceSearchPath;
for( TQStringList::const_iterator it = deviceSearchPath.constBegin(); it != deviceSearchPath.constEnd(); ++it )
if( !saveDeviceSearchPath.contains( *it ) )
saveDeviceSearchPath.append( *it );
for( TQPtrListIterator<K3bDevice::Device> it( d->allDevices ); *it; ++it ) {
K3bDevice::Device* dev = *it;
// update device search path
if( !saveDeviceSearchPath.contains( dev->blockDeviceName() ) )
saveDeviceSearchPath.append( dev->blockDeviceName() );
// save the device type settings
TQString configEntryName = dev->vendor() + " " + dev->description();
TQStringList list;
list << TQString::number(dev->maxReadSpeed())
<< TQString::number(dev->maxWriteSpeed())
<< dev->cdrdaoDriver();
if( dev->cdrdaoDriver() != "auto" )
list << ( dev->cdTextCapable() == 1 ? "yes" : "no" );
list << "auto";
c->writeEntry( configEntryName, list );
c->writeEntry( "device_search_path", saveDeviceSearchPath );
return true;
bool K3bDevice::DeviceManager::testForCdrom( const TQString& devicename )
return true;
#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) || defined(Q_OS_NETBSD)
bool ret = false;
int cdromfd = K3bDevice::openDevice( devicename.ascii() );
if (cdromfd < 0) {
k3bDebug() << "could not open device " << devicename << " (" << strerror(errno) << ")" << endl;
return ret;
// stat the device
struct stat cdromStat;
if( ::fstat( cdromfd, &cdromStat ) )
return false;
if( !S_ISBLK( cdromStat.st_mode) ) {
k3bDebug() << devicename << " is no block device" << endl;
else {
k3bDebug() << devicename << " is block device (" << (int)(cdromStat.st_rdev & 0xFF) << ")" << endl;
#if defined(Q_OS_NETBSD)
// inquiry
// use a 36 bytes buffer since not all devices return the full inquiry struct
unsigned char buf[36];
struct inquiry* inq = (struct inquiry*)buf;
::memset( buf, 0, sizeof(buf) );
ScsiCommand cmd( cdromfd );
cmd[0] = MMC_INQUIRY;
cmd[4] = sizeof(buf);
cmd[5] = 0;
if( cmd.transport( TR_DIR_READ, buf, sizeof(buf) ) ) {
k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::Device) Unable to do inquiry. " << devicename << " is not a cdrom device" << endl;
else if( (inq->p_device_type&0x1f) != 0x5 ) {
k3bDebug() << devicename << " seems not to be a cdrom device: " << strerror(errno) << endl;
else {
ret = true;
k3bDebug() << devicename << " seems to be cdrom" << endl;
::close( cdromfd );
return ret;
K3bDevice::Device* K3bDevice::DeviceManager::addDevice( const TQString& devicename )
return 0;
K3bDevice::Device* device = 0;
// resolve all symlinks
TQString resolved = resolveSymLink( devicename );
k3bDebug() << devicename << " resolved to " << resolved << endl;
if ( K3bDevice::Device* oldDev = findDevice(resolved) ) {
k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::DeviceManager) dev " << resolved << " already found" << endl;
oldDev->addDeviceNode( devicename );
return 0;
if( !testForCdrom(resolved) ) {
// With resmgr we might only be able to open the symlink name.
if( testForCdrom(devicename) ) {
resolved = devicename;
else {
return 0;
return 0;
int bus = -1, target = -1, lun = -1;
bool scsi = determineBusIdLun( resolved, bus, target, lun );
if(scsi) {
if ( K3bDevice::Device* oldDev = findDevice(bus, target, lun) ) {
k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::DeviceManager) dev " << resolved << " already found" << endl;
oldDev->addDeviceNode( devicename );
return 0;
device = new K3bDevice::Device(resolved);
if( scsi ) {
device->m_bus = bus;
device->m_target = target;
device->m_lun = lun;
return addDevice(device);
K3bDevice::Device* K3bDevice::DeviceManager::addDevice( K3bDevice::Device* device )
const TQString devicename = device->devicename();
if( !device->init() ) {
k3bDebug() << "Could not initialize device " << devicename << endl;
delete device;
return 0;
if( device ) {
d->allDevices.append( device );
// not every drive is able to read CDs
// there are some 1st generation DVD writer that cannot
if( device->type() & K3bDevice::DEVICE_CD_ROM )
d->cdReader.append( device );
if( device->readsDvd() )
d->dvdReader.append( device );
if( device->writesCd() )
d->cdWriter.append( device );
if( device->writesDvd() )
d->dvdWriter.append( device );
if( device->readCapabilities() & MEDIA_BD_ALL )
d->bdReader.append( device );
if( device->writeCapabilities() & MEDIA_BD_ALL )
d->bdWriter.append( device );
if( device->writesCd() ) {
// default to max write speed
k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::DeviceManager) setting current write speed of device "
<< device->blockDeviceName()
<< " to " << device->maxWriteSpeed() << endl;
device->setCurrentWriteSpeed( device->maxWriteSpeed() );
emit changed( this );
emit changed();
return device;
void K3bDevice::DeviceManager::removeDevice( const TQString& dev )
if( Device* device = findDevice( dev ) ) {
d->cdReader.removeRef( device );
d->dvdReader.removeRef( device );
d->bdReader.removeRef( device );
d->cdWriter.removeRef( device );
d->dvdWriter.removeRef( device );
d->bdWriter.removeRef( device );
d->allDevices.removeRef( device );
emit changed( this );
emit changed();
delete device;
bool K3bDevice::DeviceManager::determineBusIdLun( const TQString& dev, int& bus, int& id, int& lun )
return false;
#ifdef Q_OS_NETBSD
int cdromfd = K3bDevice::openDevice ( dev.ascii() );
if (cdromfd < 0) {
int local_errno = errno; // For all we know, k3bDebug() destroys errno
k3bDebug() << "could not open device " << dev << " (" << strerror(local_errno) << ")" << endl;
return false;
struct scsi_addr my_addr;
if (::ioctl(cdromfd, SCIOCIDENTIFY, &my_addr))
int local_errno = errno; // For all we know, k3bDebug() destroys errno
k3bDebug() << "ioctl(SCIOCIDENTIFY) failed on device " << dev << " (" << strerror(local_errno) << ")" << endl;
return false;
if (my_addr.type == TYPE_ATAPI)
// XXX Re-map atapibus, so it doesn't conflict with "real" scsi
// busses
bus = 15;
id = + 2 * my_addr.addr.atapi.atbus;
lun = 0;
bus = my_addr.addr.scsi.scbus;
id =;
lun = my_addr.addr.scsi.lun;
return true;
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
int ret = false;
int cdromfd = K3bDevice::openDevice( dev.ascii() );
if (cdromfd < 0) {
return false;
struct stat cdromStat;
if ( ::fstat( cdromfd, &cdromStat ) )
return false;
if( SCSI_BLK_MAJOR( cdromStat.st_rdev>>8 ) ||
SCSI_GENERIC_MAJOR == (cdromStat.st_rdev>>8) ) {
struct ScsiIdLun
int id;
int lun;
ScsiIdLun idLun;
// in kernel 2.2 SCSI_IOCTL_GET_IDLUN does not contain the bus id
if ( (::ioctl( cdromfd, SCSI_IOCTL_GET_IDLUN, &idLun ) < 0) ||
(::ioctl( cdromfd, SCSI_IOCTL_GET_BUS_NUMBER, &bus ) < 0) ) {
k3bDebug() << "Need a filename that resolves to a SCSI device" << endl;
ret = false;
else {
id = & 0xff;
lun = ( >> 8) & 0xff;
k3bDebug() << "bus: " << bus << ", id: " << id << ", lun: " << lun << endl;
ret = true;
return ret;
TQString K3bDevice::DeviceManager::resolveSymLink( const TQString& path )
char resolved[PATH_MAX];
if( !realpath( TQFile::encodeName(path), resolved ) )
k3bDebug() << "Could not resolve " << path << endl;
return path;
return TQString::fromLatin1( resolved );
#include "k3bdevicemanager.moc"