You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

452 lines
12 KiB

* $Id: k3bapplication.cpp 802344 2008-04-29 07:45:46Z trueg $
* Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Sebastian Trueg <>
* This file is part of the K3b project.
* Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#include "k3bapplication.h"
#include "k3b.h"
#include "k3bsplash.h"
#include "k3baudioserver.h"
#include "k3binterface.h"
#include "k3bjobinterface.h"
#include "k3bprojectmanager.h"
#include "k3bappdevicemanager.h"
#include "k3bmediacache.h"
#include "k3bpassivepopup.h"
#include "k3blsofwrapperdialog.h"
#include "k3bfirstrun.h"
#include <k3bcore.h>
#include <k3bdevicemanager.h>
#include <k3bhalconnection.h>
#include <k3bexternalbinmanager.h>
#include <k3bdefaultexternalprograms.h>
#include <k3bglobals.h>
#include <k3bversion.h>
#include <k3bdoc.h>
#include "k3bsystemproblemdialog.h"
#include <k3bthread.h>
#include <k3bpluginmanager.h>
#include <k3bthememanager.h>
#include <k3bmsf.h>
#include <k3bmovixprogram.h>
#include <k3bview.h>
#include <k3bjob.h>
#include <ktip.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kstartupinfo.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <tqguardedptr.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tqcstring.h>
K3bApplication::Core* K3bApplication::Core::s_k3bAppCore = 0;
: KUniqueApplication(),
// insert library i18n data
KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue( "libk3bdevice" );
KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue( "libk3b" );
m_core = new Core( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) );
// TODO: move to K3bCore?
// from this point on available through K3bAudioServer::instance()
m_audioServer = new K3bAudioServer( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), "K3bAudioServer" );
connect( m_core, TQT_SIGNAL(initializationInfo(const TQString&)),
TQT_SIGNAL(initializationInfo(const TQString&)) );
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(shutDown()), TQT_SLOT(slotShutDown()) );
// we must not delete m_mainWindow here, TQApplication takes care of it
void K3bApplication::init()
KConfigGroup generalOptions( config(), "General Options" );
TQGuardedPtr<K3bSplash> splash;
if( !isRestored() ) {
TDECmdLineArgs *args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
if( generalOptions.readBoolEntry("Show splash", true) && args->isSet( "splash" ) ) {
// we need the correct splash pic
m_core->m_themeManager->readConfig( config() );
splash = new K3bSplash( 0 );
splash->connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(initializationInfo(const TQString&)), TQT_SLOT(addInfo(const TQString&)) );
// kill the splash after 5 seconds
TQTimer::singleShot( 5000, splash, TQT_SLOT(close()) );
// Load device, external programs, and stuff.
m_core->readSettings( config() );
m_audioServer->setOutputMethod( generalOptions.readEntry( "Audio Output System", "arts" ).local8Bit() );
emit initializationInfo( i18n("Creating GUI...") );
m_mainWindow = new K3bMainWindow();
m_core->m_mainWindow = m_mainWindow;
m_core->interface()->setMainWindow( m_mainWindow );
if( isRestored() ) {
// we only have one single mainwindow to restore
else {
setMainWidget( m_mainWindow );
emit initializationInfo( i18n("Ready.") );
emit initializationDone();
//K3bFirstRun::run( m_mainWindow );
if( K3bSystemProblemDialog::readCheckSystemConfig() ) {
emit initializationInfo( i18n("Checking System") );
K3bSystemProblemDialog::checkSystem( m_mainWindow );
if( processCmdLineArgs() )
KTipDialog::showTip( m_mainWindow );
// write the current version to make sure checks such as K3bSystemProblemDialog::readCheckSystemConfig
// use a proper value
generalOptions.writeEntry( "config version", m_core->version() );
int K3bApplication::newInstance()
if( m_needToInit ) {
// init();
m_needToInit = false;
return KUniqueApplication::newInstance();
bool K3bApplication::processCmdLineArgs()
TDECmdLineArgs *args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
bool showTips = true;
bool dialogOpen = false;
if( k3bcore->jobsRunning() > 0 ) {
K3bPassivePopup::showPopup( i18n("K3b is currently busy and cannot start any other operations."),
i18n("K3b is busy"),
K3bPassivePopup::Information );
return true;
K3bDoc* doc = 0;
if( args->isSet( "datacd" ) ) {
doc = m_mainWindow->slotNewDataDoc();
else if( args->isSet( "audiocd" ) ) {
doc = m_mainWindow->slotNewAudioDoc();
else if( args->isSet( "mixedcd" ) ) {
doc = m_mainWindow->slotNewMixedDoc();
else if( args->isSet( "videocd" ) ) {
doc = m_mainWindow->slotNewVcdDoc();
else if( args->isSet( "emovixcd" ) ) {
doc = m_mainWindow->slotNewMovixDoc();
else if( args->isSet( "datadvd" ) ) {
doc = m_mainWindow->slotNewDvdDoc();
else if( args->isSet( "emovixdvd" ) ) {
doc = m_mainWindow->slotNewMovixDvdDoc();
else if( args->isSet( "videodvd" ) ) {
doc = m_mainWindow->slotNewVideoDvdDoc();
// if we created a doc the urls are used to populate it
if( doc ) {
KURL::List urls;
for( int i = 0; i < args->count(); i++ )
urls.append( args->url(i) );
dynamic_cast<K3bView*>( doc->view() )->addUrls( urls );
// otherwise we open them as documents
else {
for( int i = 0; i < args->count(); i++ ) {
m_mainWindow->openDocument( args->url(i) );
// we only allow one dialog to be opened
if( args->isSet( "cdimage" ) ) {
showTips = false;
dialogOpen = true;
if( k3bcore->jobsRunning() == 0 ) {
m_mainWindow->slotWriteCdImage( KURL::fromPathOrURL( TQFile::decodeName( args->getOption( "cdimage" ) ) ) );
else if( args->isSet( "dvdimage" ) ) {
showTips = false;
dialogOpen = true;
if( k3bcore->jobsRunning() == 0 ) {
m_mainWindow->slotWriteDvdIsoImage( KURL::fromPathOrURL( TQFile::decodeName( args->getOption( "dvdimage" ) ) ) );
else if( args->isSet( "image" ) ) {
showTips = false;
dialogOpen = true;
KURL url = KURL::fromPathOrURL( TQFile::decodeName( args->getOption( "image" ) ) );
if( k3bcore->jobsRunning() == 0 ) {
if( K3b::filesize( url ) > 1000*1024*1024 )
m_mainWindow->slotWriteDvdIsoImage( url );
m_mainWindow->slotWriteCdImage( url );
else if( args->isSet("copycd") ) {
showTips = false;
dialogOpen = true;
m_mainWindow->cdCopy( K3b::urlToDevice( KURL::fromPathOrURL( TQFile::decodeName( args->getOption( "copycd" ) ) ) ) );
else if( args->isSet("copydvd") ) {
showTips = false;
dialogOpen = true;
m_mainWindow->dvdCopy( K3b::urlToDevice( KURL::fromPathOrURL( TQFile::decodeName( args->getOption( "copydvd" ) ) ) ) );
else if( args->isSet("erasecd") ) {
showTips = false;
dialogOpen = true;
m_mainWindow->blankCdrw( K3b::urlToDevice( KURL::fromPathOrURL( TQFile::decodeName( args->getOption( "erasecd" ) ) ) ) );
else if( args->isSet("formatdvd") ) {
showTips = false;
dialogOpen = true;
m_mainWindow->formatDvd( K3b::urlToDevice( KURL::fromPathOrURL( TQFile::decodeName( args->getOption( "formatdvd" ) ) ) ) );
// no dialog used here
if( args->isSet( "cddarip" ) ) {
m_mainWindow->cddaRip( K3b::urlToDevice( KURL::fromPathOrURL( TQFile::decodeName( args->getOption( "cddarip" ) ) ) ) );
else if( args->isSet( "videodvdrip" ) ) {
m_mainWindow->videoDvdRip( K3b::urlToDevice( KURL::fromPathOrURL( TQFile::decodeName( args->getOption( "videodvdrip" ) ) ) ) );
else if( args->isSet( "videocdrip" ) ) {
m_mainWindow->videoCdRip( K3b::urlToDevice( KURL::fromPathOrURL( TQFile::decodeName( args->getOption( "videocdrip" ) ) ) ) );
if( !dialogOpen && args->isSet( "burn" ) ) {
if( m_core->projectManager()->activeDoc() ) {
showTips = false;
dialogOpen = true;
static_cast<K3bView*>( m_core->projectManager()->activeDoc()->view() )->slotBurn();
// FIXME: seems not like the right place...
if( args->isSet( "ao" ) )
if( !m_audioServer->setOutputMethod( args->getOption( "ao" ) ) )
K3bPassivePopup::showPopup( i18n("Could not find Audio Output plugin '%1'").arg( args->getOption("ao").data() ),
i18n("Initialization Problem"),
K3bPassivePopup::Warning );
return showTips;
void K3bApplication::slotShutDown()
K3bApplication::Core::Core( TQObject* parent )
: K3bCore( parent ),
s_k3bAppCore = this;
m_themeManager = new K3bThemeManager( this );
m_projectManager = new K3bProjectManager( this );
// we need the themes on startup (loading them is fast anyway :)
m_jobInterface = new K3bJobInterface( this );
m_interface = new K3bInterface();
dcopClient()->setDefaultObject( m_interface->objId() );
void K3bApplication::Core::initDeviceManager()
if( !m_appDeviceManager ) {
// our very own special device manager
m_appDeviceManager = new K3bAppDeviceManager( this );
if( !m_mediaCache ) {
// create the media cache but do not connect it to the device manager
// yet to speed up application start. We connect it in init()
// once the devicemanager has scanned for devices.
m_mediaCache = new K3bMediaCache( this );
m_appDeviceManager->setMediaCache( m_mediaCache );
K3bDevice::DeviceManager* K3bApplication::Core::deviceManager() const
return appDeviceManager();
KConfig* K3bApplication::Core::config() const
return kapp->config();
void K3bApplication::Core::init()
// The eMovix program is a special case which is not part of
// the default programs handled by K3bCore
externalBinManager()->addProgram( new K3bMovixProgram() );
externalBinManager()->addProgram( new K3bNormalizeProgram() );
K3b::addTranscodePrograms( externalBinManager() );
K3b::addVcdimagerPrograms( externalBinManager() );
mediaCache()->buildDeviceList( deviceManager() );
connect( deviceManager(), TQT_SIGNAL(changed(K3bDevice::DeviceManager*)),
mediaCache(), TQT_SLOT(buildDeviceList(K3bDevice::DeviceManager*)) );
void K3bApplication::Core::readSettings( KConfig* cnf )
K3bCore::readSettings( cnf );
KConfig* c = cnf;
if( !c )
c = config();
m_themeManager->readConfig( config() );
void K3bApplication::Core::saveSettings( KConfig* cnf )
if( !cnf )
cnf = config();
K3bCore::saveSettings( cnf );
m_themeManager->saveConfig( cnf );
bool K3bApplication::Core::internalBlockDevice( K3bDevice::Device* dev )
if( K3bCore::internalBlockDevice( dev ) ) {
if( mediaCache() ) {
m_deviceBlockMap[dev] = mediaCache()->blockDevice( dev );
#ifdef HAVE_HAL
if( K3bDevice::HalConnection::instance()->lock( dev ) != K3bDevice::HalConnection::org_freedesktop_Hal_Success )
kdDebug() << "(K3bInterferingSystemsHandler) HAL lock failed." << endl;
// Check if the device is in use
// FIXME: Use the top level widget as parent
K3bLsofWrapperDialog::checkDevice( dev );
return true;
return false;
void K3bApplication::Core::internalUnblockDevice( K3bDevice::Device* dev )
if( mediaCache() ) {
mediaCache()->unblockDevice( dev, m_deviceBlockMap[dev] );
m_deviceBlockMap.erase( dev );
#ifdef HAVE_HAL
K3bDevice::HalConnection::instance()->unlock( dev );
K3bCore::internalUnblockDevice( dev );
#include "k3bapplication.moc"