You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

490 lines
12 KiB

* $Id: k3bwelcomewidget.cpp 676186 2007-06-16 08:53:46Z trueg $
* Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Sebastian Trueg <>
* This file is part of the K3b project.
* Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#include "k3bwelcomewidget.h"
#include "k3b.h"
#include "k3bflatbutton.h"
#include <k3bstdguiitems.h>
#include "k3bapplication.h"
#include <k3bversion.h>
#include "k3bthememanager.h"
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qtoolbutton.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qsimplerichtext.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kurldrag.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <kactionclasses.h>
static const char* s_allActions[] = {
K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::Display( K3bWelcomeWidget* parent )
: QWidget( parent->viewport() )
setWFlags( Qt::WNoAutoErase );
QFont fnt(font());
fnt.setPointSize( 16 );
m_header = new QSimpleRichText( i18n("Welcome to K3b - The CD and DVD Kreator"), fnt );
m_infoText = new QSimpleRichText( QString::fromUtf8("<qt align=\"center\">K3b %1 (c) 1999 - 2007 Sebastian Trüg")
.arg(kapp->aboutData()->version()), font() );
// set a large width just to be sure no linebreak occurs
m_header->setWidth( 800 );
setAcceptDrops( true );
setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase );
m_rows = m_cols = 1;
m_buttonMore = new K3bFlatButton( i18n("Further actions..."), this );
connect( m_buttonMore, SIGNAL(pressed()), parent, SLOT(slotMoreActions()) );
connect( k3bappcore->themeManager(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), this, SLOT(slotThemeChanged()) );
delete m_header;
delete m_infoText;
void K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::addAction( KAction* action )
if( action ) {
void K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::removeAction( KAction* action )
if( action ) {
m_actions.removeRef( action );
void K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::removeButton( K3bFlatButton* b )
removeAction( m_buttonMap[b] );
void K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::rebuildGui( const QPtrList<KAction>& actions )
m_actions = actions;
static void calculateButtons( int width, int numActions, int buttonWidth, int& cols, int& rows )
// always try to avoid horizontal scrollbars
int wa = width - 40;
cols = QMAX( 1, QMIN( wa / (buttonWidth+4), numActions ) );
rows = numActions/cols;
int over = numActions%cols;
if( over ) {
// try to avoid useless cols
while( over && cols - over - 1 >= rows-1 ) {
over = numActions%cols;
void K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::rebuildGui()
// step 1: delete all old buttons in the buttons QPtrList<K3bFlatButton>
int numActions = m_actions.count();
if( numActions > 0 ) {
// create buttons
for( QPtrListIterator<KAction> it( m_actions ); it.current(); ++it ) {
KAction* a = it.current();
K3bFlatButton* b = new K3bFlatButton( a, this );
m_buttons.append( b );
m_buttonMap.insert( b, a );
// determine the needed button size (since all buttons should be equal in size
// we use the max of all sizes)
m_buttonSize = m_buttons.first()->sizeHint();
for( QPtrListIterator<K3bFlatButton> it( m_buttons ); it.current(); ++it ) {
m_buttonSize = m_buttonSize.expandedTo( it.current()->sizeHint() );
void K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::repositionButtons()
// calculate rows and columns
calculateButtons( width(), m_actions.count(), m_buttonSize.width(), m_cols, m_rows );
int availHor = width() - 40;
int availVert = height() - 20 - 10 - m_header->height() - 10;
availVert -= m_infoText->height() - 10;
int leftMargin = 20 + (availHor - (m_buttonSize.width()+4)*m_cols)/2;
int topOffset = m_header->height() + 20 + ( availVert - (m_buttonSize.height()+4)*m_rows - m_buttonMore->height() )/2;
int row = 0;
int col = 0;
for( QPtrListIterator<K3bFlatButton> it( m_buttons ); it.current(); ++it ) {
K3bFlatButton* b = it.current();
b->setGeometry( QRect( QPoint( leftMargin + (col*(m_buttonSize.width()+4) + 2 ),
topOffset + (row*(m_buttonSize.height()+4)) + 2 ),
m_buttonSize ) );
if( col == m_cols ) {
col = 0;
if( col > 0 )
m_buttonMore->setGeometry( QRect( QPoint( leftMargin + 2,
topOffset + (row*(m_buttonSize.height()+4)) + 2 ),
QSize( m_cols*(m_buttonSize.width()+4) - 4, m_buttonMore->height() ) ) );
QSizePolicy K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::sizePolicy () const
return QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum, true );
int K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::heightForWidth( int w ) const
int ow = m_infoText->width();
m_infoText->setWidth( w );
int h = m_infoText->height();
m_infoText->setWidth( ow );
int cols, rows;
calculateButtons( w, m_actions.count(), m_buttonSize.width(), cols, rows );
return (20 + m_header->height() + 20 + 10 + ((m_buttonSize.height()+4)*rows) + 4 + m_buttonMore->height() + 10 + h + 20);
QSize K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::minimumSizeHint() const
QSize size( QMAX(40+m_header->widthUsed(), 40+m_buttonSize.width()),
20 + m_header->height() + 20 + 10 + m_buttonSize.height() + 10 + m_infoText->height() + 20 );
return size;
void K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e )
m_infoText->setWidth( width() - 20 );
if( e->size() != m_bgPixmap.size() )
void K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::slotThemeChanged()
if( K3bTheme* theme = k3bappcore->themeManager()->currentTheme() )
if( theme->backgroundMode() == K3bTheme::BG_SCALE )
m_bgImage = theme->pixmap( K3bTheme::WELCOME_BG ).convertToImage();
#include "fastscale/scale.h"
void K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::updateBgPix()
if( K3bTheme* theme = k3bappcore->themeManager()->currentTheme() ) {
if( theme->backgroundMode() == K3bTheme::BG_SCALE )
m_bgPixmap.convertFromImage( ImageUtils::scale( m_bgImage, rect().width(), rect().height(), ImageUtils::SMOOTH_FAST ) );
m_bgPixmap = theme->pixmap( K3bTheme::WELCOME_BG );
void K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* )
if( K3bTheme* theme = k3bappcore->themeManager()->currentTheme() ) {
QPainter p( this );
p.setPen( theme->foregroundColor() );
// draw the background including first filling with the bg color for transparent images
p.fillRect( rect(), theme->backgroundColor() );
p.drawTiledPixmap( rect(), m_bgPixmap );
// rect around the header
QRect rect( 10, 10, QMAX( m_header->widthUsed() + 20, width() - 20 ), m_header->height() + 20 );
p.fillRect( rect, theme->backgroundColor() );
p.drawRect( rect );
// big rect around the whole thing
p.drawRect( 10, 10, width()-20, height()-20 );
// draw the header text
QColorGroup grp( colorGroup() );
grp.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, theme->foregroundColor() );
int pos = 20;
pos += QMAX( (width()-40-m_header->widthUsed())/2, 0 );
m_header->draw( &p, pos, 20, QRect(), grp );
// draw the info box
// int boxWidth = 20 + m_infoText->widthUsed();
int boxHeight = 10 + m_infoText->height();
QRect infoBoxRect( 10/*QMAX( (width()-20-m_infoText->widthUsed())/2, 10 )*/,
boxHeight );
p.fillRect( infoBoxRect, theme->backgroundColor() );
p.drawRect( infoBoxRect );
m_infoText->draw( &p, infoBoxRect.left()+5,, QRect(), grp );
void K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* event )
event->accept( KURLDrag::canDecode(event) );
void K3bWelcomeWidget::Display::dropEvent( QDropEvent* e )
KURL::List urls;
KURLDrag::decode( e, urls );
emit dropped( urls );
K3bWelcomeWidget::K3bWelcomeWidget( K3bMainWindow* mw, QWidget* parent, const char* name )
: QScrollView( parent, name ),
m_mainWindow( mw )
main = new Display( this );
addChild( main );
connect( main, SIGNAL(dropped(const KURL::List&)), m_mainWindow, SLOT(addUrls(const KURL::List&)) );
connect( kapp, SIGNAL(appearanceChanged()), main, SLOT(update()) );
void K3bWelcomeWidget::loadConfig( KConfigBase* c )
QStringList sl = KConfigGroup( c, "Welcome Widget" ).readListEntry( "welcome_actions" );
if( sl.isEmpty() ) {
sl.append( "file_new_audio" );
sl.append( "file_new_data" );
sl.append( "file_new_dvd" );
sl.append( "tools_copy_cd" );
sl.append( "tools_write_cd_image" );
sl.append( "tools_write_dvd_iso" );
QPtrList<KAction> actions;
for( QStringList::const_iterator it = sl.begin(); it != sl.end(); ++it )
if( KAction* a = m_mainWindow->actionCollection()->action( (*it).latin1() ) )
main->rebuildGui( actions );
void K3bWelcomeWidget::saveConfig( KConfigBase* c )
KConfigGroup grp( c, "Welcome Widget" );
QStringList sl;
for( QPtrListIterator<KAction> it( main->m_actions ); it.current(); ++it )
sl.append( it.current()->name() );
grp.writeEntry( "welcome_actions", sl );
void K3bWelcomeWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e )
QScrollView::resizeEvent( e );
void K3bWelcomeWidget::showEvent( QShowEvent* e )
QScrollView::showEvent( e );
void K3bWelcomeWidget::fixSize()
QSize s = contentsRect().size();
s.setWidth( QMAX( main->minimumSizeHint().width(), s.width() ) );
s.setHeight( QMAX( main->heightForWidth(s.width()), s.height() ) );
main->resize( s );
viewport()->resize( s );
void K3bWelcomeWidget::contentsMousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* e )
if( e->button() == QMouseEvent::RightButton ) {
QMap<int, KAction*> map;
KPopupMenu addPop;
for ( int i = 0; s_allActions[i]; ++i ) {
if ( s_allActions[i][0] != '_' ) {
KAction* a = m_mainWindow->actionCollection()->action( s_allActions[i] );
if ( a && !main->m_actions.containsRef(a) ) {
map.insert( addPop.insertItem( a->iconSet(), a->text() ), a );
// menu identifiers in QT are always < 0 (when automatically generated)
// and unique throughout the entire application!
int r = 0;
int removeAction = 0;
QWidget* widgetAtPos = viewport()->childAt(e->pos());
if( widgetAtPos && widgetAtPos->inherits( "K3bFlatButton" ) ) {
KPopupMenu pop;
removeAction = pop.insertItem( SmallIcon("remove"), i18n("Remove Button") );
if ( addPop.count() > 0 )
pop.insertItem( i18n("Add Button"), &addPop );
r = pop.exec( e->globalPos() );
else {
addPop.insertTitle( i18n("Add Button"), -1, 0 );
r = addPop.exec( e->globalPos() );
if( r != 0 ) {
if( r == removeAction )
main->removeButton( static_cast<K3bFlatButton*>(widgetAtPos) );
main->addAction( map[r] );
void K3bWelcomeWidget::slotMoreActions()
KPopupMenu popup;
for ( int i = 0; s_allActions[i]; ++i ) {
if ( s_allActions[i][0] == '_' ) {
(new KActionSeparator( &popup ))->plug( &popup );
else {
m_mainWindow->actionCollection()->action( s_allActions[i] )->plug( &popup );
popup.exec( QCursor::pos() );
#include "k3bwelcomewidget.moc"