You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

568 lines
21 KiB

* $Id: k3bvcdjob.cpp 619556 2007-01-03 17:38:12Z trueg $
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Christian Kvasny <>
* This file is part of the K3b project.
* Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <tdetempfile.h>
#include <tdeio/global.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include "k3bvcdjob.h"
// K3b Includes
#include "k3bvcddoc.h"
#include "k3bvcdtrack.h"
#include "k3bvcdxmlview.h"
#include <k3bcore.h>
#include <k3bdoc.h>
#include <k3bprocess.h>
#include <k3bdevice.h>
#include <k3bexternalbinmanager.h>
#include <k3bglobals.h>
#include <k3bcdrecordwriter.h>
#include <k3bcdrdaowriter.h>
K3bVcdJob::K3bVcdJob( K3bVcdDoc* doc, K3bJobHandler* jh, TQObject* parent, const char* name )
: K3bBurnJob( jh, parent, name )
m_doc = doc;
m_doc->setCopies( m_doc->dummy() || m_doc->onlyCreateImages() ? 1 : m_doc->copies() );
m_process = 0;
m_currentWrittenTrackNumber = 0;
m_bytesFinishedTracks = 0;
m_writerJob = 0;
// m_createimageonlypercent = 33.3;
m_createimageonlypercent = 100 / ( m_doc->copies() + 2 );
m_currentcopy = 1;
m_imageFinished = false;
delete m_process;
if ( m_writerJob )
delete m_writerJob;
K3bDoc* K3bVcdJob::doc() const
return m_doc;
K3bDevice::Device* K3bVcdJob::writer() const
if( doc()->onlyCreateImages() )
return 0;
return doc() ->burner();
void K3bVcdJob::cancel()
emit canceled();
jobFinished( false );
void K3bVcdJob::cancelAll()
m_canceled = true;
if ( m_writerJob )
if ( m_process->isRunning() ) {
m_process->disconnect( this );
// remove bin-file if it is unfinished or the user selected to remove image
if ( TQFile::exists( m_doc->vcdImage() ) ) {
if ( !m_doc->onTheFly() && m_doc->removeImages() || !m_imageFinished ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Removing Binary file %1" ).arg( m_doc->vcdImage() ), K3bJob::SUCCESS );
( m_doc->vcdImage() );
m_doc->setVcdImage( "" );
// remove cue-file if it is unfinished or the user selected to remove image
if ( TQFile::exists( m_cueFile ) ) {
if ( !m_doc->onTheFly() && m_doc->removeImages() || !m_imageFinished ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Removing Cue file %1" ).arg( m_cueFile ), K3bJob::SUCCESS );
( m_cueFile );
m_cueFile = "";
void K3bVcdJob::start()
kdDebug() << "(K3bVcdJob) starting job" << endl;
emit burning( false );
m_canceled = false;
int pos = TQString( m_doc->vcdImage() ).find( ".bin", TQString( m_doc->vcdImage() ).length() - 4 );
if ( pos > 0 ) {
m_cueFile = m_doc->vcdImage().left( pos ) + ".cue";
} else {
m_cueFile = m_doc->vcdImage() + ".cue";
m_doc->setVcdImage( m_doc->vcdImage() + ".bin" );
if ( vcdDoc() ->onlyCreateImages() )
m_createimageonlypercent = 50.0;
// vcdxGen();
void K3bVcdJob::xmlGen()
KTempFile tempF;
m_xmlFile =;
K3bVcdXmlView xmlView( m_doc );
if ( !xmlView.write( m_xmlFile ) ) {
kdDebug() << "(K3bVcdJob) could not write xmlfile." << endl;
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Could not write correct XML-file." ), K3bJob::ERROR );
jobFinished( false );
// emit infoMessage( i18n( "XML-file successfully created" ), K3bJob::SUCCESS );
emit debuggingOutput( "K3bVcdXml:", xmlView.xmlString() );
void K3bVcdJob::vcdxBuild()
emit newTask( i18n( "Creating image files" ) );
m_stage = stageUnknown;
firstTrack = true;
delete m_process;
m_process = new K3bProcess();
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Creating Cue/Bin files ..." ), K3bJob::INFO );
const K3bExternalBin* bin = k3bcore ->externalBinManager() ->binObject( "vcdxbuild" );
if ( !bin ) {
kdDebug() << "(K3bVcdJob) could not find vcdxbuild executable" << endl;
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Could not find %1 executable." ).arg( "vcdxbuild" ), K3bJob::ERROR );
emit infoMessage( i18n( "To create VideoCDs you must install VcdImager Version %1." ).arg( ">= 0.7.12" ), K3bJob::INFO );
emit infoMessage( i18n( "You can find this on your distribution disks or download it from" ), K3bJob::INFO );
jobFinished( false );
return ;
if ( bin->version < K3bVersion( "0.7.12" ) ) {
kdDebug() << "(K3bVcdJob) vcdxbuild executable too old!" << endl;
emit infoMessage( i18n( "%1 executable too old: need version %2 or greater." ).arg( "Vcdxbuild" ).arg( "0.7.12" ), K3bJob::ERROR );
emit infoMessage( i18n( "You can find this on your distribution disks or download it from" ), K3bJob::INFO );
jobFinished( false );
return ;
if ( !bin->copyright.isEmpty() )
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Using %1 %2 - Copyright (C) %3" ).arg( bin->name() ).arg( bin->version ).arg( bin->copyright ), INFO );
*m_process << bin;
// additional user parameters from config
const TQStringList& params = k3bcore->externalBinManager() ->program( "vcdxbuild" ) ->userParameters();
for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it )
*m_process << *it;
if ( vcdDoc() ->vcdOptions() ->Sector2336() ) {
kdDebug() << "(K3bVcdJob) Write 2336 Sectors = on" << endl;
*m_process << "--sector-2336";
*m_process << "--progress" << "--gui";
*m_process << TQString( "--cue-file=%1" ).arg( m_cueFile );
*m_process << TQString( "--bin-file=%1" ).arg( m_doc->vcdImage() );
*m_process << TQString( "%1" ).arg( TQFile::encodeName( m_xmlFile ).data() );
connect( m_process, TQ_SIGNAL( receivedStderr( TDEProcess*, char*, int ) ),
this, TQ_SLOT( slotParseVcdxBuildOutput( TDEProcess*, char*, int ) ) );
connect( m_process, TQ_SIGNAL( receivedStdout( TDEProcess*, char*, int ) ),
this, TQ_SLOT( slotParseVcdxBuildOutput( TDEProcess*, char*, int ) ) );
connect( m_process, TQ_SIGNAL( processExited( TDEProcess* ) ),
this, TQ_SLOT( slotVcdxBuildFinished() ) );
// vcdxbuild commandline parameters
kdDebug() << "***** vcdxbuild parameters:" << endl;
const TQValueList<TQCString>& args = m_process->args();
TQString s;
for ( TQValueList<TQCString>::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it ) {
s += *it + " ";
kdDebug() << s << flush << endl;
emit debuggingOutput( "vcdxbuild command:", s );
if ( !m_process->start( TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit, TDEProcess::AllOutput ) ) {
kdDebug() << "(K3bVcdJob) could not start vcdxbuild" << endl;
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Could not start %1." ).arg( "vcdxbuild" ), K3bJob::ERROR );
jobFinished( false );
void K3bVcdJob::slotParseVcdxBuildOutput( TDEProcess*, char* output, int len )
TQString buffer = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( output, len );
// split to lines
TQStringList lines = TQStringList::split( "\n", buffer );
TQDomDocument xml_doc;
TQDomElement xml_root;
// do every line
for ( TQStringList::Iterator str = lines.begin(); str != lines.end(); ++str ) {
*str = ( *str ).stripWhiteSpace();
emit debuggingOutput( "vcdxbuild", *str );
xml_doc.setContent( TQString( "<?xml version='1.0'?><vcdxbuild>" ) + *str + "</vcdxbuild>" );
xml_root = xml_doc.documentElement();
// There should be only one... but ...
for ( TQDomNode node = xml_root.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling() ) {
TQDomElement el = node.toElement();
if ( el.isNull() )
const TQString tagName = el.tagName().lower();
if ( tagName == "progress" ) {
const TQString oper = el.attribute( "operation" ).lower();
const unsigned long long pos = el.attribute( "position" ).toLong();
const long long size = el.attribute( "size" ).toLong();
if ( oper == "scan" ) {
// Scan Video Files
if ( m_stage == stageUnknown || pos < m_bytesFinished ) {
const uint index = el.attribute( "id" ).replace( TQRegExp( "sequence-" ), "" ).toUInt();
m_currentWrittenTrack = m_doc->at( m_currentWrittenTrackNumber );
emit newSubTask( i18n( "Scanning video file %1 of %2 (%3)" ).arg( index + 1 ).arg( doc() ->numOfTracks() ).arg( m_currentWrittenTrack->fileName() ) );
m_bytesFinished = 0;
if ( !firstTrack ) {
m_bytesFinishedTracks += m_doc->at( m_currentWrittenTrackNumber ) ->size();
} else
firstTrack = false;
emit subPercent( ( int ) ( 100.0 * ( double ) pos / ( double ) size ) );
emit processedSubSize( pos / 1024 / 1024, size / 1024 / 1024 );
// this is the first of three processes.
double relOverallWritten = ( ( double ) m_bytesFinishedTracks + ( double ) pos ) / ( double ) doc() ->size();
emit percent( ( int ) ( m_createimageonlypercent * relOverallWritten ) );
m_bytesFinished = pos;
m_stage = stageScan;
} else if ( oper == "write" ) {
emit subPercent( ( int ) ( 100.0 * ( double ) pos / ( double ) size ) );
emit processedSubSize( ( pos * 2048 ) / 1024 / 1024, ( size * 2048 ) / 1024 / 1024 );
emit percent( ( int ) ( m_createimageonlypercent + ( m_createimageonlypercent * ( double ) pos / ( double ) size ) ) );
m_stage = stageWrite;
} else {
return ;
} else if ( tagName == "log" ) {
TQDomText tel = el.firstChild().toText();
const TQString level = el.attribute( "level" ).lower();
if ( tel.isText() ) {
const TQString text =;
if ( m_stage == stageWrite && level == "information" )
kdDebug() << TQString( "(K3bVcdJob) VcdxBuild information, %1" ).arg( text ) << endl;
if ( ( text ).startsWith( "writing track" ) )
emit newSubTask( i18n( "Creating Image for track %1" ).arg( ( text ).mid( 14 ) ) );
else {
if ( level != "error" ) {
kdDebug() << TQString( "(K3bVcdJob) vcdxbuild warning, %1" ).arg( text ) << endl;
parseInformation( text );
} else {
kdDebug() << TQString( "(K3bVcdJob) vcdxbuild error, %1" ).arg( text ) << endl;
emit infoMessage( text, K3bJob::ERROR );
void K3bVcdJob::slotVcdxBuildFinished()
if ( m_process->normalExit() ) {
// TODO: check the process' exitStatus()
switch ( m_process->exitStatus() ) {
case 0:
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Cue/Bin files successfully created." ), K3bJob::SUCCESS );
m_imageFinished = true;
emit infoMessage( i18n( "%1 returned an unknown error (code %2)." ).arg( "vcdxbuild" ).arg( m_process->exitStatus() ),
K3bJob::ERROR );
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Please send me an email with the last output." ), K3bJob::ERROR );
jobFinished( false );
return ;
} else {
emit infoMessage( i18n( "%1 did not exit cleanly." ).arg( "Vcdxbuild" ), K3bJob::ERROR );
jobFinished( false );
return ;
//remove xml-file
if ( TQFile::exists( m_xmlFile ) )
( m_xmlFile );
kdDebug() << TQString( "(K3bVcdJob) create only image: %1" ).arg( vcdDoc() ->onlyCreateImages() ) << endl;
if ( !vcdDoc() ->onlyCreateImages() )
jobFinished( true );
void K3bVcdJob::startWriterjob()
kdDebug() << TQString( "(K3bVcdJob) writing copy %1 of %2" ).arg( m_currentcopy ).arg( m_doc->copies() ) << endl;
if ( prepareWriterJob() ) {
if ( waitForMedia( m_doc->burner() ) < 0 ) {
return ;
// just to be sure we did not get canceled during the async discWaiting
if ( m_canceled )
return ;
if ( m_doc->copies() > 1 )
emit newTask( i18n( "Writing Copy %1 of %2" ).arg( m_currentcopy ).arg( m_doc->copies() ) );
emit burning( true );
bool K3bVcdJob::prepareWriterJob()
if ( m_writerJob )
delete m_writerJob;
const K3bExternalBin* cdrecordBin = k3bcore->externalBinManager() ->binObject( "cdrecord" );
if ( writingApp() == K3b::DEFAULT && cdrecordBin->hasFeature( "cuefile" ) && m_doc->burner() ->dao() )
setWritingApp( K3b::CDRECORD );
if ( writingApp() == K3b::CDRDAO || writingApp() == K3b::DEFAULT ) {
K3bCdrdaoWriter * writer = new K3bCdrdaoWriter( m_doc->burner(), this, this );
// create cdrdao job
writer->setCommand( K3bCdrdaoWriter::WRITE );
writer->setSimulate( m_doc->dummy() );
writer->setBurnSpeed( m_doc->speed() );
writer->setTocFile( m_cueFile );
m_writerJob = writer;
} else if ( writingApp() == K3b::CDRECORD ) {
K3bCdrecordWriter * writer = new K3bCdrecordWriter( m_doc->burner(), this, this );
// create cdrecord job
writer->setSimulate( m_doc->dummy() );
writer->setBurnSpeed( m_doc->speed() );
writer->setDao( true );
writer->setCueFile( m_cueFile );
m_writerJob = writer;
connect( m_writerJob, TQ_SIGNAL( infoMessage( const TQString&, int ) ), this, TQ_SIGNAL( infoMessage( const TQString&, int ) ) );
connect( m_writerJob, TQ_SIGNAL( percent( int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotWriterJobPercent( int ) ) );
connect( m_writerJob, TQ_SIGNAL( processedSize( int, int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotProcessedSize( int, int ) ) );
connect( m_writerJob, TQ_SIGNAL( subPercent( int ) ), this, TQ_SIGNAL( subPercent( int ) ) );
connect( m_writerJob, TQ_SIGNAL( processedSubSize( int, int ) ), this, TQ_SIGNAL( processedSubSize( int, int ) ) );
connect( m_writerJob, TQ_SIGNAL( nextTrack( int, int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotWriterNextTrack( int, int ) ) );
connect( m_writerJob, TQ_SIGNAL( buffer( int ) ), this, TQ_SIGNAL( bufferStatus( int ) ) );
connect( m_writerJob, TQ_SIGNAL( deviceBuffer( int ) ), this, TQ_SIGNAL( deviceBuffer( int ) ) );
connect( m_writerJob, TQ_SIGNAL( writeSpeed( int, int ) ), this, TQ_SIGNAL( writeSpeed( int, int ) ) );
connect( m_writerJob, TQ_SIGNAL( finished( bool ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotWriterJobFinished( bool ) ) );
connect( m_writerJob, TQ_SIGNAL( newTask( const TQString& ) ), this, TQ_SIGNAL( newTask( const TQString& ) ) );
connect( m_writerJob, TQ_SIGNAL( newSubTask( const TQString& ) ), this, TQ_SIGNAL( newSubTask( const TQString& ) ) );
connect( m_writerJob, TQ_SIGNAL( debuggingOutput( const TQString&, const TQString& ) ), this, TQ_SIGNAL( debuggingOutput( const TQString&, const TQString& ) ) );
return true;
void K3bVcdJob::slotWriterJobPercent( int p )
emit percent( ( int ) ( ( m_createimageonlypercent * ( m_currentcopy + 1 ) ) + p / ( m_doc->copies() + 2 ) ) );
void K3bVcdJob::slotProcessedSize( int cs, int ts )
emit processedSize( cs + ( ts * ( m_currentcopy - 1 ) ) , ts * m_doc->copies() );
void K3bVcdJob::slotWriterNextTrack( int t, int tt )
emit newSubTask( i18n( "Writing Track %1 of %2" ).arg( t ).arg( tt ) );
void K3bVcdJob::slotWriterJobFinished( bool success )
if ( m_canceled )
return ;
if ( m_currentcopy >= m_doc->copies() ) {
// remove bin-file if it is unfinished or the user selected to remove image
if ( TQFile::exists( m_doc->vcdImage() ) ) {
if ( !m_doc->onTheFly() && m_doc->removeImages() || !m_imageFinished ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Removing Binary file %1" ).arg( m_doc->vcdImage() ), K3bJob::SUCCESS );
( m_doc->vcdImage() );
m_doc->setVcdImage( "" );
// remove cue-file if it is unfinished or the user selected to remove image
if ( TQFile::exists( m_cueFile ) ) {
if ( !m_doc->onTheFly() && m_doc->removeImages() || !m_imageFinished ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Removing Cue file %1" ).arg( m_cueFile ), K3bJob::SUCCESS );
( m_cueFile );
m_cueFile = "";
if ( success ) {
// allright
// the writerJob should have emited the "simulation/writing successful" signal
if ( m_currentcopy >= m_doc->copies() ) {
jobFinished( true );
} else {
} else {
jobFinished( false );
void K3bVcdJob::parseInformation( const TQString &text )
// parse warning
if ( text.contains( "mpeg user scan data: one or more BCD fields out of range for" ) ) {
int index = text.find( " for" );
emit infoMessage( i18n( "One or more BCD fields out of range for %1" ).arg( text.mid( index + 4 ).stripWhiteSpace() ), K3bJob::WARNING );
} else if ( text.contains( "mpeg user scan data: from now on, scan information data errors will not be reported anymore" ) ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n( "From now on, scan information data errors will not be reported anymore" ), K3bJob::INFO );
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Consider enabling the 'update scan offsets' option, if it is not enabled already." ), K3bJob::INFO );
} else if ( text.contains( "APS' pts seems out of order (actual pts" ) ) {
int index = text.find( "(actual pts" );
int index2 = text.find( ", last seen pts" );
int index3 = text.find( ") -- ignoring this aps" );
emit infoMessage( i18n( "APS' pts seems out of order (actual pts %1, last seen pts %2)" ).arg( text.mid( index + 12, index2 - index - 12 ).stripWhiteSpace() ).arg( text.mid( index2 + 14, index3 - index2 - 14 ).stripWhiteSpace() ), K3bJob::WARNING );
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Ignoring this aps" ), K3bJob::INFO );
} else if ( text.contains( "bad packet at packet" ) ) {
int index = text.find( "at packet #" );
int index2 = text.find( "(stream byte offset" );
int index3 = text.find( ") -- remaining " );
int index4 = text.find( "bytes of stream will be ignored" );
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Bad packet at packet #%1 (stream byte offset %2)" ).arg( text.mid( index + 11, index2 - index - 11 ).stripWhiteSpace() ).arg( text.mid( index2 + 19, index3 - index2 - 19 ).stripWhiteSpace() ), K3bJob::WARNING );
emit infoMessage( i18n( "Remaining %1 bytes of stream will be ignored." ).arg( text.mid( index3 + 15, index4 - index3 - 15 ).stripWhiteSpace() ), K3bJob::WARNING );
TQString K3bVcdJob::jobDescription() const
switch ( m_doc->vcdType() ) {
case K3bVcdDoc::VCD11:
return i18n( "Writing Video CD (Version 1.1)" );
case K3bVcdDoc::VCD20:
return i18n( "Writing Video CD (Version 2.0)" );
case K3bVcdDoc::SVCD10:
return i18n( "Writing Super Video CD" );
case K3bVcdDoc::HTQVCD:
return i18n( "Writing High-Quality Video CD" );
return i18n( "Writing Video CD" );
TQString K3bVcdJob::jobDetails() const
return ( i18n( "1 MPEG (%1)",
"%n MPEGs (%1)",
m_doc->tracks() ->count() ).arg( TDEIO::convertSize( m_doc->size() ) )
+ ( m_doc->copies() > 1
? i18n( " - %n copy", " - %n copies", m_doc->copies() )
: TQString() ) );
#include "k3bvcdjob.moc"