You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1188 lines
32 KiB
1188 lines
32 KiB
* $Id: k3bisoimager.cpp 655085 2007-04-17 17:48:36Z trueg $
* Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Sebastian Trueg <>
* This file is part of the K3b project.
* Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#include <config.h>
#include <k3bglobals.h>
#include "k3bisoimager.h"
#include "k3bdiritem.h"
#include "k3bbootitem.h"
#include "k3bdatadoc.h"
#include "k3bdatapreparationjob.h"
#include <k3bexternalbinmanager.h>
#include <k3bdevice.h>
#include <k3bprocess.h>
#include <k3bcore.h>
#include <k3bversion.h>
#include <k3bglobals.h>
#include <k3bchecksumpipe.h>
#include <k3bfilesplitter.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <kio/netaccess.h>
#include <kio/global.h>
#include <kio/job.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqvaluestack.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <utime.h>
int K3bIsoImager::s_imagerSessionCounter = 0;
class K3bIsoImager::Private
: pipe(0) {
~Private() {
delete pipe;
TQString imagePath;
K3bFileSplitter imageFile;
const K3bExternalBin* mkisofsBin;
enum LinkHandling {
int usedLinkHandling;
bool knownError;
K3bActivePipe* pipe;
K3bDataPreparationJob* dataPreparationJob;
K3bIsoImager::K3bIsoImager( K3bDataDoc* doc, K3bJobHandler* hdl, TQObject* parent, const char* name )
: K3bJob( hdl, parent, name ),
m_process( 0 ),
m_doc( doc ),
m_noDeepDirectoryRelocation( false ),
m_importSession( false ),
m_mkisofsPrintSizeResult( 0 ),
d = new Private();
d->dataPreparationJob = new K3bDataPreparationJob( doc, this, this );
connectSubJob( d->dataPreparationJob,
delete d;
bool K3bIsoImager::active() const
return K3bJob::active();
void K3bIsoImager::writeToFd( int fd )
m_fdToWriteTo = fd;
void K3bIsoImager::writeToImageFile( const TQString& path )
d->imagePath = path;
m_fdToWriteTo = -1;
void K3bIsoImager::slotReceivedStderr( const TQString& line )
parseMkisofsOutput( line );
emit debuggingOutput( "mkisofs", line );
void K3bIsoImager::handleMkisofsProgress( int p )
emit percent( p );
void K3bIsoImager::handleMkisofsInfoMessage( const TQString& line, int type )
emit infoMessage( line, type );
if( type == ERROR )
d->knownError = true;
void K3bIsoImager::slotProcessExited( KProcess* p )
kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
m_processExited = true;
emit debuggingOutput( "K3bIsoImager",
TQString("Pipe throughput: %1 bytes read, %2 bytes written.")
.tqarg(d->pipe->bytesRead()).tqarg(d->pipe->bytesWritten()) );
if( d->imageFile.isOpen() ) {
if( m_canceled || p->exitStatus() != 0 ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Removed incomplete image file %1.").tqarg(d->, WARNING );
if( m_canceled ) {
emit canceled();
else {
if( p->normalExit() ) {
if( p->exitStatus() == 0 ) {
jobFinished( !mkisofsReadError() );
else {
switch( p->exitStatus() ) {
case 104:
// connection reset by peer
// This only happens if cdrecord does not finish successfully
// so we may leave the error handling to it meaning we handle this
// as a known error
case 2:
// mkisofs seems to have a bug that prevents to use filenames
// that contain one or more backslashes
// mkisofs 1.14 has the bug, 1.15a40 not
// TODO: find out the version that fixed the bug
if( m_containsFilesWithMultibleBackslashes &&
!k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "mkisofs" )->hasFeature( "backslashed_filenames" ) ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Due to a bug in mkisofs <= 1.15a40, K3b is unable to handle "
"filenames that contain more than one backslash:"), ERROR );
// otherwise just fall through
if( !d->knownError && !mkisofsReadError() ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("%1 returned an unknown error (code %2).").tqarg("mkisofs").tqarg(p->exitStatus()),
K3bJob::ERROR );
emit infoMessage( i18n("Please send me an email with the last output."), K3bJob::ERROR );
jobFinished( false );
else {
emit infoMessage( i18n("%1 did not exit cleanly.").tqarg("mkisofs"), ERROR );
jobFinished( false );
void K3bIsoImager::cleanup()
// remove all temp files
delete m_pathSpecFile;
delete m_rrHideFile;
delete m_jolietHideFile;
delete m_sortWeightFile;
// remove boot-images-temp files
for( TQStringList::iterator it = m_tempFiles.begin();
it != m_tempFiles.end(); ++it )
TQFile::remove( *it );
m_pathSpecFile = m_jolietHideFile = m_rrHideFile = m_sortWeightFile = 0;
delete m_process;
m_process = 0;
void K3bIsoImager::init()
void K3bIsoImager::slotDataPreparationDone( bool success )
if( success ) {
// We always calculate the image size. It does not take long and at least the mixed job needs it
// anyway
else {
if( d->dataPreparationJob->hasBeenCanceled() ) {
m_canceled = true;
emit canceled();
jobFinished( false );
void K3bIsoImager::calculateSize()
void K3bIsoImager::startSizeCalculation()
d->mkisofsBin = initMkisofs();
if( !d->mkisofsBin ) {
jobFinished( false );
delete m_process;
m_process = new K3bProcess();
emit debuggingOutput( "Used versions", "mkisofs: " + d->mkisofsBin->version );
*m_process << d->mkisofsBin;
if( !prepareMkisofsFiles() ||
!addMkisofsParameters(true) ) {
jobFinished( false );
// add empty dummy dir since one path-spec is needed
// ??? Seems it is not needed after all. At least mkisofs 1.14 and above don't need it. ???
// *m_process << dummyDir();
kdDebug() << "***** mkisofs calculate size parameters:\n";
const TQValueList<TQCString>& args = m_process->args();
TQString s;
for( TQValueList<TQCString>::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it ) {
s += *it + " ";
kdDebug() << s << endl << flush;
emit debuggingOutput("mkisofs calculate size command:", s);
// since output changed during mkisofs version changes we grab both
// stdout and stderr
// mkisofs version >= 1.15 (don't know about 1.14!)
// the extends on stdout (as lonely number)
// and error and warning messages on stderr
// mkisofs >= 1.13
// everything is written to stderr
// last line is: "Total extents scheduled to be written = XXXXX"
// TODO: use K3bProcess::OutputCollector instead iof our own two slots.
connect( m_process, TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess*, char*, int)),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotCollectMkisofsPrintSizeStderr(KProcess*, char*, int)) );
connect( m_process, TQT_SIGNAL(stdoutLine(const TQString&)),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotCollectMkisofsPrintSizeStdout(const TQString&)) );
connect( m_process, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotMkisofsPrintSizeFinished()) );
// we also want error messages
connect( m_process, TQT_SIGNAL(stderrLine( const TQString& )),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotReceivedStderr( const TQString& )) );
m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout = TQString();
m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStderr = TQString();
m_mkisofsPrintSizeResult = 0;
if( !m_process->start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput ) ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not start %1.").tqarg("mkisofs"), K3bJob::ERROR );
jobFinished( false );
void K3bIsoImager::slotCollectMkisofsPrintSizeStderr(KProcess*, char* data , int len)
emit debuggingOutput( "mkisofs", TQString::fromLocal8Bit( data, len ) );
m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStderr.append( TQString::fromLocal8Bit( data, len ) );
void K3bIsoImager::slotCollectMkisofsPrintSizeStdout( const TQString& line )
// newer versions of mkisofs outut additional lines of junk before the size :(
// so we only use the last line
emit debuggingOutput( "mkisofs", line );
m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout = line;
void K3bIsoImager::slotMkisofsPrintSizeFinished()
if( m_canceled ) {
emit canceled();
jobFinished( false );
bool success = true;
// if m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout is not empty we have a recent version of
// mkisofs and parsing is very easy (s.o.)
if( !m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout.isEmpty() ) {
kdDebug() << "(K3bIsoImager) iso size: " << m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout << endl;
m_mkisofsPrintSizeResult = m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout.toInt( &success );
else {
// parse the stderr output
// I hope parsing the last line is enough!
int pos = m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStderr.findRev( "extents scheduled to be written" );
if( pos == -1 )
success = false;
m_mkisofsPrintSizeResult = m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStderr.mid( pos+33 ).toInt( &success );
emit debuggingOutput( "K3bIsoImager",
TQString("mkisofs print size result: %1 (%2 bytes)")
.tqarg(TQ_UINT64(m_mkisofsPrintSizeResult)*2048ULL) );
if( success ) {
jobFinished( true );
else {
m_mkisofsPrintSizeResult = 0;
kdDebug() << "(K3bIsoImager) Parsing mkisofs -print-size failed: " << m_collectedMkisofsPrintSizeStdout << endl;
emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not determine size of resulting image file."), ERROR );
jobFinished( false );
void K3bIsoImager::initVariables()
m_containsFilesWithMultibleBackslashes = false;
m_processExited = false;
m_canceled = false;
d->knownError = false;
// determine symlink handling
// follow links superseeds discard all links which superseeds discard broken links
// without rockridge we follow the links or discard all
if( m_doc->isoOptions().followSymbolicLinks() )
d->usedLinkHandling = Private::FOLLOW;
else if( m_doc->isoOptions().discardSymlinks() )
d->usedLinkHandling = Private::DISCARD_ALL;
else if( m_doc->isoOptions().createRockRidge() ) {
if( m_doc->isoOptions().discardBrokenSymlinks() )
d->usedLinkHandling = Private::DISCARD_BROKEN;
d->usedLinkHandling = Private::KEEP_ALL;
else {
d->usedLinkHandling = Private::FOLLOW;
m_sessionNumber = s_imagerSessionCounter++;
void K3bIsoImager::start()
d->mkisofsBin = initMkisofs();
if( !d->mkisofsBin ) {
jobFinished( false );
m_process = new K3bProcess();
*m_process << d->mkisofsBin;
// prepare the filenames as written to the image
if( !prepareMkisofsFiles() ||
!addMkisofsParameters() ) {
jobFinished( false );
connect( m_process, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotProcessExited(KProcess*)) );
connect( m_process, TQT_SIGNAL(stderrLine( const TQString& )),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotReceivedStderr( const TQString& )) );
// Check the image file
if( m_fdToWriteTo == -1 ) {
d->imageFile.setName( d->imagePath );
if( !d-> IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not open %1 for writing").tqarg(d->imagePath), ERROR );
// Open the active pipe which does the streaming
delete d->pipe;
if( m_doc->verifyData() )
d->pipe = new K3bChecksumPipe();
d->pipe = new K3bActivePipe();
if( m_fdToWriteTo == -1 )
d->pipe->writeToIODevice( &d->imageFile );
d->pipe->writeToFd( m_fdToWriteTo );
m_process->writeToFd( d->pipe->in() );
kdDebug() << "***** mkisofs parameters:\n";
const TQValueList<TQCString>& args = m_process->args();
TQString s;
for( TQValueList<TQCString>::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it ) {
s += *it + " ";
kdDebug() << s << endl << flush;
emit debuggingOutput("mkisofs command:", s);
if( !m_process->start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput) ) {
// something went wrong when starting the program
// it "should" be the executable
kdDebug() << "(K3bIsoImager) could not start mkisofs" << endl;
emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not start %1.").tqarg("mkisofs"), K3bJob::ERROR );
jobFinished( false );
void K3bIsoImager::cancel()
m_canceled = true;
if( m_process && !m_processExited ) {
else if( active() ) {
emit canceled();
void K3bIsoImager::setMultiSessionInfo( const TQString& info, K3bDevice::Device* dev )
m_multiSessionInfo = info;
m_device = dev;
// iso9660 + RR use some latin1 variant. So we need to cut the desc fields
// counting 8bit chars. The GUI should take care of restricting the length
// and the charset
static void truncateTheHardWay( TQString& s, int max )
TQCString cs = s.utf8();
s = TQString::fromUtf8( cs );
bool K3bIsoImager::addMkisofsParameters( bool printSize )
// add multisession info
if( !m_multiSessionInfo.isEmpty() ) {
*m_process << "-cdrecord-params" << m_multiSessionInfo;
if( m_device )
*m_process << "-prev-session" << m_device->blockDeviceName();
// add the arguments
*m_process << "-gui";
*m_process << "-graft-points";
if( printSize )
*m_process << "-print-size" << "-quiet";
if( !m_doc->isoOptions().volumeID().isEmpty() ) {
TQString s = m_doc->isoOptions().volumeID();
truncateTheHardWay(s, 32); // ensure max length
*m_process << "-volid" << s;
else {
emit infoMessage( i18n("No volume id specified. Using default."), WARNING );
*m_process << "-volid" << "CDROM";
TQString s = m_doc->isoOptions().volumeSetId();
truncateTheHardWay(s, 128); // ensure max length
*m_process << "-volset" << s;
s = m_doc->isoOptions().applicationID();
truncateTheHardWay(s, 128); // ensure max length
*m_process << "-appid" << s;
s = m_doc->isoOptions().publisher();
truncateTheHardWay(s, 128); // ensure max length
*m_process << "-publisher" << s;
s = m_doc->isoOptions().preparer();
truncateTheHardWay(s, 128); // ensure max length
*m_process << "-preparer" << s;
s = m_doc->isoOptions().systemId();
truncateTheHardWay(s, 32); // ensure max length
*m_process << "-sysid" << s;
s = m_doc->isoOptions().abstractFile();
truncateTheHardWay(s, 37); // ensure max length
if ( !s.isEmpty() )
*m_process << "-abstract" << s;
s = m_doc->isoOptions().copyrightFile();
truncateTheHardWay(s, 37); // ensure max length
if ( !s.isEmpty() )
*m_process << "-copyright" << s;
s = m_doc->isoOptions().bibliographFile();
truncateTheHardWay(s, 37); // ensure max length
if ( !s.isEmpty() )
*m_process << "-biblio" << s;
int volsetSize = m_doc->isoOptions().volumeSetSize();
int volsetSeqNo = m_doc->isoOptions().volumeSetNumber();
if( volsetSeqNo > volsetSize ) {
kdDebug() << "(K3bIsoImager) invalid volume set sequence number: " << volsetSeqNo
<< " with volume set size: " << volsetSize << endl;
volsetSeqNo = volsetSize;
*m_process << "-volset-size" << TQString::number(volsetSize);
*m_process << "-volset-seqno" << TQString::number(volsetSeqNo);
if( m_sortWeightFile ) {
*m_process << "-sort" << m_sortWeightFile->name();
if( m_doc->isoOptions().createRockRidge() ) {
if( m_doc->isoOptions().preserveFilePermissions() )
*m_process << "-rock";
*m_process << "-rational-rock";
if( m_rrHideFile )
*m_process << "-hide-list" << m_rrHideFile->name();
if( m_doc->isoOptions().createJoliet() ) {
*m_process << "-joliet";
if( m_doc->isoOptions().jolietLong() )
*m_process << "-joliet-long";
if( m_jolietHideFile )
*m_process << "-hide-joliet-list" << m_jolietHideFile->name();
if( m_doc->isoOptions().doNotCacheInodes() )
*m_process << "-no-cache-inodes";
// Check if we have files > 2 GB and enable udf in that case.
bool filesGreaterThan2Gb = false;
K3bDataItem* item = m_doc->root();
while( (item = item->nextSibling()) ) {
if( item->isFile() && item->size() > 2LL*1024LL*1024LL*1024LL ) {
filesGreaterThan2Gb = true;
if( filesGreaterThan2Gb ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Found files bigger than 2 GB. These files will only be fully accessible if mounted with UDF."),
// in genisoimage 1.1.3 "they" silently introduced this aweful parameter
if ( d->mkisofsBin->hasFeature( "genisoimage" ) && d->mkisofsBin->version >= K3bVersion( 1, 1, 3 ) ) {
*m_process << "-allow-limited-size";
bool udf = m_doc->isoOptions().createUdf();
if( !udf && filesGreaterThan2Gb ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Enabling UDF extension."), INFO );
udf = true;
if( udf )
*m_process << "-udf";
if( m_doc->isoOptions().ISOuntranslatedFilenames() ) {
*m_process << "-untranslated-filenames";
else {
if( m_doc->isoOptions().ISOallowPeriodAtBegin() )
*m_process << "-allow-leading-dots";
if( m_doc->isoOptions().ISOallow31charFilenames() )
*m_process << "-full-iso9660-filenames";
if( m_doc->isoOptions().ISOomitVersionNumbers() && !m_doc->isoOptions().ISOmaxFilenameLength() )
*m_process << "-omit-version-number";
if( m_doc->isoOptions().ISOrelaxedFilenames() )
*m_process << "-relaxed-filenames";
if( m_doc->isoOptions().ISOallowLowercase() )
*m_process << "-allow-lowercase";
if( m_doc->isoOptions().ISOnoIsoTranslate() )
*m_process << "-no-iso-translate";
if( m_doc->isoOptions().ISOallowMultiDot() )
*m_process << "-allow-multidot";
if( m_doc->isoOptions().ISOomitTrailingPeriod() )
*m_process << "-omit-period";
if( m_doc->isoOptions().ISOmaxFilenameLength() )
*m_process << "-max-iso9660-filenames";
if( m_noDeepDirectoryRelocation )
*m_process << "-disable-deep-relocation";
// We do our own following
// if( m_doc->isoOptions().followSymbolicLinks() || !m_doc->isoOptions().createRockRidge() )
// *m_process << "-follow-links";
if( m_doc->isoOptions().createTRANS_TBL() )
*m_process << "-translation-table";
if( m_doc->isoOptions().hideTRANS_TBL() )
*m_process << "-hide-joliet-trans-tbl";
*m_process << "-iso-level" << TQString::number(m_doc->isoOptions().ISOLevel());
if( m_doc->isoOptions().forceInputCharset() )
*m_process << "-input-charset" << m_doc->isoOptions().inputCharset();
*m_process << "-path-list" << TQFile::encodeName(m_pathSpecFile->name()).data();
// boot stuff
if( !m_doc->bootImages().isEmpty() ) {
bool first = true;
for( TQPtrListIterator<K3bBootItem> it( m_doc->bootImages() );
*it; ++it ) {
if( !first )
*m_process << "-eltorito-alt-boot";
K3bBootItem* bootItem = *it;
*m_process << "-eltorito-boot";
*m_process << bootItem->writtenPath();
if( bootItem->imageType() == K3bBootItem::HARDDISK ) {
*m_process << "-hard-disk-boot";
else if( bootItem->imageType() == K3bBootItem::NONE ) {
*m_process << "-no-emul-boot";
if( bootItem->loadSegment() > 0 )
*m_process << "-boot-load-seg" << TQString::number(bootItem->loadSegment());
if( bootItem->loadSize() > 0 )
*m_process << "-boot-load-size" << TQString::number(bootItem->loadSize());
if( bootItem->imageType() != K3bBootItem::NONE && bootItem->noBoot() )
*m_process << "-no-boot";
if( bootItem->bootInfoTable() )
*m_process << "-boot-info-table";
first = false;
*m_process << "-eltorito-catalog" << m_doc->bootCataloge()->writtenPath();
// additional parameters from config
const TQStringList& params = k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "mkisofs" )->userParameters();
for( TQStringList::const_iterator it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it )
*m_process << *it;
return true;
int K3bIsoImager::writePathSpec()
delete m_pathSpecFile;
m_pathSpecFile = new KTempFile();
if( TQTextStream* t = m_pathSpecFile->textStream() ) {
// recursive path spec writing
int num = writePathSpecForDir( m_doc->root(), *t );
return num;
return -1;
int K3bIsoImager::writePathSpecForDir( K3bDirItem* dirItem, TQTextStream& stream )
if( !m_noDeepDirectoryRelocation && dirItem->depth() > 7 ) {
kdDebug() << "(K3bIsoImager) found directory depth > 7. Enabling no deep directory relocation." << endl;
m_noDeepDirectoryRelocation = true;
// now create the graft points
int num = 0;
for( TQPtrListIterator<K3bDataItem> it( dirItem->tqchildren() ); it.current(); ++it ) {
K3bDataItem* item = it.current();
bool writeItem = item->writeToCd();
if( item->isSymLink() ) {
if( d->usedLinkHandling == Private::DISCARD_ALL ||
( d->usedLinkHandling == Private::DISCARD_BROKEN &&
!item->isValid() ) )
writeItem = false;
else if( d->usedLinkHandling == Private::FOLLOW ) {
TQFileInfo f( K3b::resolveLink( item->localPath() ) );
if( !f.exists() ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not follow link %1 to non-existing file %2. Skipping...")
.tqarg(f.filePath()), WARNING );
writeItem = false;
else if( f.isDir() ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Ignoring link %1 to folder %2. K3b is unable to follow links to folders.")
.tqarg(f.filePath()), WARNING );
writeItem = false;
else if( item->isFile() ) {
TQFileInfo f( item->localPath() );
if( !f.exists() ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not find file %1. Skipping...").tqarg(item->localPath()), WARNING );
writeItem = false;
else if( !f.isReadable() ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not read file %1. Skipping...").tqarg(item->localPath()), WARNING );
writeItem = false;
if( writeItem ) {
// some versions of mkisofs seem to have a bug that prevents to use filenames
// that contain one or more backslashes
if( item->writtenPath().contains("\\") )
m_containsFilesWithMultibleBackslashes = true;
if( item->isDir() ) {
stream << escapeGraftPoint( item->writtenPath() )
<< "="
<< escapeGraftPoint( dummyDir( static_cast<K3bDirItem*>(item) ) ) << "\n";
int x = writePathSpecForDir( dynamic_cast<K3bDirItem*>(item), stream );
if( x >= 0 )
num += x;
return -1;
else {
writePathSpecForFile( static_cast<K3bFileItem*>(item), stream );
return num;
void K3bIsoImager::writePathSpecForFile( K3bFileItem* item, TQTextStream& stream )
stream << escapeGraftPoint( item->writtenPath() )
<< "=";
if( m_doc->bootImages().containsRef( dynamic_cast<K3bBootItem*>(item) ) ) { // boot-image-backup-hack
// create temp file
KTempFile temp;
TQString tempPath =;
if( !KIO::NetAccess::copy( KURL(item->localPath()), KURL::fromPathOrURL(tempPath) ) ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Failed to backup boot image file %1").tqarg(item->localPath()), ERROR );
static_cast<K3bBootItem*>(item)->setTempPath( tempPath );
stream << escapeGraftPoint( tempPath ) << "\n";
else if( item->isSymLink() && d->usedLinkHandling == Private::FOLLOW )
stream << escapeGraftPoint( K3b::resolveLink( item->localPath() ) ) << "\n";
stream << escapeGraftPoint( item->localPath() ) << "\n";
bool K3bIsoImager::writeRRHideFile()
delete m_rrHideFile;
m_rrHideFile = new KTempFile();
if( TQTextStream* t = m_rrHideFile->textStream() ) {
K3bDataItem* item = m_doc->root();
while( item ) {
if( item->hideOnRockRidge() ) {
if( !item->isDir() ) // hiding directories does not work (all dirs point to the dummy-dir)
*t << escapeGraftPoint( item->localPath() ) << endl;
item = item->nextSibling();
return true;
return false;
bool K3bIsoImager::writeJolietHideFile()
delete m_jolietHideFile;
m_jolietHideFile = new KTempFile();
if( TQTextStream* t = m_jolietHideFile->textStream() ) {
K3bDataItem* item = m_doc->root();
while( item ) {
if( item->hideOnRockRidge() ) {
if( !item->isDir() ) // hiding directories does not work (all dirs point to the dummy-dir but we could introduce a second hidden dummy dir)
*t << escapeGraftPoint( item->localPath() ) << endl;
item = item->nextSibling();
return true;
return false;
bool K3bIsoImager::writeSortWeightFile()
delete m_sortWeightFile;
m_sortWeightFile = new KTempFile();
if( TQTextStream* t = m_sortWeightFile->textStream() ) {
// We need to write the local path in combination with the sort weight
// mkisofs will take care of multiple entries for one local file and always
// use the highest weight
K3bDataItem* item = m_doc->root();
while( (item = item->nextSibling()) ) { // we skip the root here
if( item->sortWeight() != 0 ) {
if( m_doc->bootImages().containsRef( dynamic_cast<K3bBootItem*>(item) ) ) { // boot-image-backup-hack
*t << escapeGraftPoint( static_cast<K3bBootItem*>(item)->tempPath() ) << " " << item->sortWeight() << endl;
else if( item->isDir() ) {
// Since we use dummy dirs for all directories in the filesystem and mkisofs uses the local path
// for sorting we need to create a different dummy dir for every sort weight value.
*t << escapeGraftPoint( dummyDir( static_cast<K3bDirItem*>(item) ) ) << " " << item->sortWeight() << endl;
*t << escapeGraftPoint( item->localPath() ) << " " << item->sortWeight() << endl;
return true;
return false;
TQString K3bIsoImager::escapeGraftPoint( const TQString& str )
TQString enc = str;
// mkisofs manpage (-graft-points) is incorrect (as of mkisofs 2.01.01)
// Actually an equal sign needs to be escaped with one backslash only
// Single backslashes inside a filename can be used without change
// while single backslashes at the end of a filename need to be escaped
// with two backslashes.
// There is one more problem though: the name in the iso tree can never
// in any number of backslashes. mkisofs simply cannot handle it. So we
// need to remove these slashes somewhere or ignore those files (we do
// that in K3bDataDoc::addUrls)
// we do not use TQString::replace to have full control
// this might be slow since TQString::insert is slow but we don't care
// since this is only called to prepare the iso creation which is not
// time critical. :)
unsigned int pos = 0;
while( pos < enc.length() ) {
// escape every equal sign with one backslash
if( enc[pos] == '=' ) {
enc.insert( pos, "\\" );
pos += 2;
else if( enc[pos] == '\\' ) {
// escape every occurrence of two backslashes with two backslashes
if( pos+1 < enc.length() && enc[pos+1] == '\\' ) {
enc.insert( pos, "\\\\" );
pos += 4;
// escape the last single backslash in the filename (see above)
else if( pos == enc.length()-1 ) {
enc.insert( pos, "\\" );
pos += 2;
// enc.replace( "\\\\", "\\\\\\\\" );
// enc.replace( "=", "\\=" );
return enc;
bool K3bIsoImager::prepareMkisofsFiles()
// write path spec file
// ----------------------------------------------------
int num = writePathSpec();
if( num < 0 ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not write temporary file"), K3bJob::ERROR );
return false;
else if( num == 0 ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("No files to be written."), K3bJob::ERROR );
return false;
if( m_doc->isoOptions().createRockRidge() ) {
if( !writeRRHideFile() ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not write temporary file"), K3bJob::ERROR );
return false;
if( m_doc->isoOptions().createJoliet() ) {
if( !writeJolietHideFile() ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not write temporary file"), K3bJob::ERROR );
return false ;
if( !writeSortWeightFile() ) {
emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not write temporary file"), K3bJob::ERROR );
return false;
return true;
TQString K3bIsoImager::dummyDir( K3bDirItem* dir )
// since we use virtual folders in order to have folders with different weight factors and different
// permissions we create different dummy dirs to be passed to mkisofs
TQDir _appDir( locateLocal( "appdata", "temp/" ) );
// create a unique isoimager session id
// This might become important in case we will allow multiple instances of the isoimager
// to run at the same time.
TQString jobId = tqApp->sessionId() + "_" + TQString::number( m_sessionNumber );
if( ! jobId ) ) {
_appDir.mkdir( jobId );
| jobId );
TQString name( "dummydir_" );
name += TQString::number( dir->sortWeight() );
bool perm = false;
k3b_struct_stat statBuf;
if( !dir->localPath().isEmpty() ) {
// permissions
if( k3b_stat( TQFile::encodeName(dir->localPath()), &statBuf ) == 0 ) {
name += "_";
name += TQString::number( statBuf.st_uid );
name += "_";
name += TQString::number( statBuf.st_gid );
name += "_";
name += TQString::number( statBuf.st_mode );
name += "_";
name += TQString::number( statBuf.st_mtime );
perm = true;
if( ! name ) ) {
kdDebug() << "(K3bIsoImager) creating dummy dir: " << _appDir.absPath() << "/" << name << endl;
_appDir.mkdir( name );
| name );
if( perm ) {
::chmod( TQFile::encodeName( _appDir.absPath() ), statBuf.st_mode );
::chown( TQFile::encodeName( _appDir.absPath() ), statBuf.st_uid, statBuf.st_gid );
struct utimbuf tb;
tb.actime = tb.modtime = statBuf.st_mtime;
::utime( TQFile::encodeName( _appDir.absPath() ), &tb );
return _appDir.absPath() + "/";
void K3bIsoImager::clearDummyDirs()
TQString jobId = tqApp->sessionId() + "_" + TQString::number( m_sessionNumber );
TQDir appDir( locateLocal( "appdata", "temp/" ) );
if( jobId ) ) {
TQStringList dummyDirEntries = appDir.entryList( "dummydir*", TQDir::Dirs );
for( TQStringList::iterator it = dummyDirEntries.begin(); it != dummyDirEntries.end(); ++it )
appDir.rmdir( *it );
appDir.rmdir( jobId );
TQCString K3bIsoImager::checksum() const
if( K3bChecksumPipe* p = dynamic_cast<K3bChecksumPipe*>( d->pipe ) )
return p->checksum();
return TQCString();
bool K3bIsoImager::hasBeenCanceled() const
return m_canceled;
#include "k3bisoimager.moc"