You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1264 lines
37 KiB

batchwizard.cpp - description
begin : Sun Mar 20 2005
copyright : (C) 2005 by Dominik Seichter
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "batchwizard.h"
#include "batchwizard.moc"
#include "barcodeprinterdlg.h"
#include "batchprinter.h"
#include "csvfile.h"
#include "definition.h"
#include "encodingcombo.h"
#include "printersettings.h"
#include "printlabeldlg.h"
#include "smalldialogs.h"
#include "sqltables.h"
#include "tokenprovider.h"
#include "xmlutils.h"
#include <qbuffer.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qclipboard.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <qdom.h>
#include <qheader.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qradiobutton.h>
#include <qsqlselectcursor.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qvbuttongroup.h>
#include <qwidgetstack.h>
#include <kabc/addressee.h>
#include <kabc/addresseelist.h>
#include <kabc/addressbook.h>
#include <kabc/stdaddressbook.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <kcompletion.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kimageio.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <klistbox.h>
#include <klistview.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <knuminput.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <kurlrequester.h>
#include <qtable.h>
#include <qvbox.h>
#define PNG_FORMAT "PNG"
class AddressListViewItem : public KListViewItem {
AddressListViewItem(QListView *parent, KABC::Addressee & addr )
: KListViewItem( parent ), m_address( addr )
this->setText( 0, m_address.givenName() );
this->setText( 1, m_address.familyName() );
this->setText( 2, m_address.preferredEmail() );
const KABC::Addressee & address() const {
return m_address;
KABC::Addressee m_address;
BatchWizard::BatchWizard( QWidget* parent, const char* name )
: DCOPObject("BatchPrinting"),
KWizard( parent, name )
compGroup = new KCompletion();
delete compGroup;
void BatchWizard::setupPage1()
page1 = new QWidget( this, "page1" );
QVBoxLayout* pageLayout = new QVBoxLayout( page1, 11, 6, "pageLayout");
QLabel* label = new QLabel( i18n("<qt>This wizard will guide you through the process "
"of printing many labels with KBarcode.<br>The first step "
"is to select the KBarcode label file you want to print.</qt>"), page1 );
pageLayout->addWidget( label );
m_url = new KURLRequester( page1 );
m_url->setMode( KFile::File | KFile::ExistingOnly | KFile::LocalOnly );
m_url->setFilter( "*.kbarcode" );
label = new QLabel( i18n("&Filename:"), page1 );
label->setBuddy( m_url );
QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
pageLayout->addWidget( label );
pageLayout->addWidget( m_url );
pageLayout->addItem( spacer );
addPage( page1, i18n("File Selection") );
connect( m_url, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
void BatchWizard::setupPage2()
page2 = new QWidget( this, "page2" );
QVBoxLayout* pageLayout = new QVBoxLayout( page2, 11, 6, "pageLayout");
QVButtonGroup* group = new QVButtonGroup( page2 );
radioSimple = new QRadioButton( i18n("Print &labels without data"), group );
radioSqlArticles = new QRadioButton( i18n("Print &articles from KBarcodes SQL database"), group );
radioVarImport = new QRadioButton( i18n("Import &variables and print"), group );
radioAddressBook = new QRadioButton( i18n("Print &contacts from your addressbook"), group );
radioSimple->setChecked( true );
QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
pageLayout->addWidget( group );
pageLayout->addItem( spacer );
connect( radioSimple, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
connect( radioSqlArticles, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
connect( radioVarImport, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
connect( radioAddressBook, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
addPage( page2, i18n("Data Source") );
void BatchWizard::setupPage3()
page3 = new QWidgetStack( this, "page3" );
addPage( page3, i18n("Print Data") );
void BatchWizard::setupPage4()
page4 = new QVBox( this, "page4" );
page4->setSpacing( 5 );
QHBox* hbox = new QHBox( page4 );
hbox->setSpacing( 5 );
buttonTableInsert = new KPushButton( i18n("Insert Row"), hbox );
buttonTableInsert->setIconSet( BarIconSet( "edit" ) );
buttonTableRemove = new KPushButton( i18n("Delete Row"), hbox );
buttonTableRemove->setIconSet( BarIconSet( "editdelete") );
m_varTable = new QTable( page4 );
m_varTable->setReadOnly( false );
m_varTable->setSelectionMode( QTable::SingleRow );
addPage( page4, i18n("Import Variables") );
connect( buttonTableInsert, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotTableInsert() ) );
connect( buttonTableRemove, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotTableRemove() ) );
void BatchWizard::setupPage5()
TokenProvider serial( this );
page5 = new QVBox( this, "page5" );
new QLabel( i18n( "<qt>KBarcode has support for placing serial numbers on labels. "
"If you did not use the [serial] token on your label in "
"a text field or a barcode, you can skip this page.<br>"
"Serial start is a free form start value containing at least one "
"number. This number is increased for every printed label on the "
"print out.</qt>"), page5 );
QHBox* hbox = new QHBox( page5 );
hbox->setSpacing( 5 );
new QLabel( i18n( "Serial start:" ), hbox );
serialStart = new KLineEdit( serial.serial(), hbox );
serialInc = new KIntNumInput( 1, hbox );
serialInc->setLabel( i18n( "Serial increment:" ), KNumInput::AlignLeft | KNumInput::AlignVCenter );
serialInc->setRange( 1, 10000, 1, false );
addPage( page5, i18n("Serial Number") );
void BatchWizard::setupPage10()
page10 = new QWidget( this, "page10" );
QVBoxLayout* pageLayout = new QVBoxLayout( page10, 11, 6, "pageLayout");
QVButtonGroup* group = new QVButtonGroup( page10 );
radioPrinter = new QRadioButton( i18n("&Print to a system printer or to a file"), group );
radioImage = new QRadioButton( i18n("&Create images"), group );
imageBox = new QVBox( group );
imageBox->setMargin( 10 );
radioBarcode = new QRadioButton( i18n("Print to a special &barcode printer"), group );
QHBox* directoryBox = new QHBox( imageBox );
directoryBox->setSpacing( 5 );
QLabel* label = new QLabel( i18n("Output &Directory:"), directoryBox );
imageDirPath = new KURLRequester( directoryBox );
imageDirPath->setMode( KFile::Directory | KFile::ExistingOnly | KFile::LocalOnly );
label->setBuddy( directoryBox );
QHBox* formatBox = new QHBox( imageBox );
label = new QLabel( i18n("Output File &Format:"), formatBox );
QStringList formats = KImageIO::types( KImageIO::Writing );
comboFormat = new KComboBox( false, formatBox );
comboFormat->insertStringList( formats );
if( formats.contains( PNG_FORMAT ) )
comboFormat->setCurrentItem( formats.findIndex( PNG_FORMAT ) );
label->setBuddy( comboFormat );
QVButtonGroup* imageNameGroup = new QVButtonGroup( i18n("&Filename:"), imageBox );
radioImageFilenameArticle = new QRadioButton( i18n("Use &article number for filename"), imageNameGroup );
radioImageFilenameBarcode = new QRadioButton( i18n("Use &barcode number for filename"), imageNameGroup );
radioImageFilenameCustom = new QRadioButton( i18n("Use &custom filename:"), imageNameGroup );
editImageFilename = new KLineEdit( imageNameGroup );
radioImageFilenameBarcode->setChecked( true );
labelInfo = new QLabel( page10 );
radioPrinter->setChecked( true );
checkKeepOpen = new QCheckBox( i18n("&Keep window open after printing."), page10 );
QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
pageLayout->addWidget( group );
pageLayout->addItem( spacer );
pageLayout->addWidget( labelInfo );
pageLayout->addWidget( checkKeepOpen );
connect( radioPrinter, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
connect( radioImage, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
connect( radioBarcode, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
connect( radioImageFilenameArticle, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
connect( radioImageFilenameBarcode, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
connect( radioImageFilenameCustom, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
connect( imageDirPath, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
addPage( page10, i18n("Output Device") );
void BatchWizard::setupStackPage1()
stack1 = new QVBox( page3, "stack1" );
stack1->setSpacing( 5 );
QHBox* hbox = new QHBox( stack1 );
hbox->setSpacing( 5 );
new QLabel( i18n( "Customer name and no.:" ), hbox );
customerName = new KComboBox( false, hbox );
customerId = new KComboBox( false, hbox );
QHBox* hButtonBox = new QHBox( stack1 );
hButtonBox->setSpacing( 5 );
buttonAdd = new KPushButton( i18n( "&Add..." ), hButtonBox );
buttonImport = new KPushButton( i18n("&Import..."), hButtonBox );
buttonEdit = new KPushButton( i18n( "&Edit..." ), hButtonBox );
buttonRemove = new KPushButton( i18n("&Remove" ), hButtonBox );
buttonRemoveAll = new KPushButton( i18n("R&emove All"), hButtonBox );
KPopupMenu* mnuImport = new KPopupMenu( this );
mnuImport->insertItem( i18n("Import from File ..."), this, SLOT( loadFromFile() ) );
mnuImport->insertItem( i18n("Import from Clipboard ..."), this, SLOT( loadFromClipboard() ) );
mnuImport->insertItem( i18n("Import barcode_basic"), this, SLOT( addAllItems() ) );
buttonImport->setPopup( mnuImport );
sqlList = new KListView( stack1 );
sqlList->addColumn( i18n("Index") );
sqlList->addColumn( i18n("Number of Labels") );
sqlList->addColumn( i18n("Article Number") );
sqlList->addColumn( i18n("Group") );
sqlList->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
connect( sqlList, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListViewItem*,const QPoint &,int)),
this, SLOT(changeItem(QListViewItem*,const QPoint &,int)));
connect( customerName, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( customerNameChanged(int) ) );
connect( customerId, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( customerIdChanged(int) ) );
connect( buttonAdd, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( addItem() ) );
connect( buttonEdit, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( editItem() ) );
connect( buttonRemove, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( removeItem() ) );
connect( buttonRemoveAll, SIGNAL( clicked() ), sqlList, SLOT( clear() ) );
connect( buttonRemoveAll, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
page3->addWidget( stack1 );
void BatchWizard::setupStackPage2()
stack2 = new QHBox( page3, "stack2" );
stack2->setSpacing( 5 );
QVButtonGroup* group = new QVButtonGroup( stack2 );
radioImportManual = new QRadioButton( i18n("Enter &data manually"), group );
radioImportSql = new QRadioButton( i18n("Import variables from a &SQL table"), group );
labelSqlQuery = new QLabel( i18n("Please enter a sql &query:"), group );
importSqlQuery = new KLineEdit( group );
labelSqlQuery->setBuddy( importSqlQuery );
radioImportCSV = new QRadioButton( i18n("Import from a &CSV file"), group );
labelCsvFile= new QLabel( i18n("Please select a csv &file:"), group );
importCsvFile = new KURLRequester( group );
labelCsvFile->setBuddy( importCsvFile );
labelEncoding = new QLabel( i18n("&Encoding:"), group );
comboEncoding = new EncodingCombo( group );
labelEncoding->setBuddy( comboEncoding );
radioImportManual->setChecked( true );
QVBox* box = new QVBox( stack2 );
box->setSpacing( 5 );
new QLabel( i18n("Available Variables:"), box );
m_varList = new KListBox( box );
connect( radioImportManual, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
connect( radioImportSql, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
connect( radioImportCSV, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
connect( importSqlQuery, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
connect( importCsvFile, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( enableControls() ) );
page3->addWidget( stack2 );
void BatchWizard::setupStackPage3()
stack3 = new QVBox( page3, "stack3" );
numLabels = new KIntNumInput( 1, stack3 );
numLabels->setRange( 1, 100000, 1, true );
numLabels->setLabel( i18n("&Number of labels to print:"), AlignLeft | AlignVCenter );
page3->addWidget( stack3 );
void BatchWizard::setupStackPage4()
stack4 = new QWidget( page3, "stack4" );
QHBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout( stack4 );
QVBox* list1 = new QVBox( stack4 );
QVBox* list2 = new QVBox( stack4 );
QFrame* buttons = new QFrame( stack4 );
buttons->setMargin( 10 );
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout( buttons );
QSpacerItem* spacer1 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
QSpacerItem* spacer2 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
buttonAddAllAddress = new KPushButton( buttons );
buttonAddAddress = new KPushButton( buttons );
buttonRemoveAddress = new KPushButton( buttons );;
buttonRemoveAllAddress = new KPushButton( buttons );
buttonAddAllAddress->setIconSet( BarIconSet( "2rightarrow" ) );
buttonAddAddress->setIconSet( BarIconSet( "1rightarrow" ) );
buttonRemoveAddress->setIconSet( BarIconSet( "1leftarrow" ) );
buttonRemoveAllAddress->setIconSet( BarIconSet( "2leftarrow" ) );
QToolTip::add( buttonAddAllAddress, i18n("Add all contacts to the list of contacts which will be printed.") );
QToolTip::add( buttonAddAddress, i18n("Add selected contacts to the list of contacts which will be printed.") );
QToolTip::add( buttonRemoveAddress, i18n("Remove selected contacts from the list of contacts which will be printed.") );
QToolTip::add( buttonRemoveAllAddress, i18n("Remove all contacts from the list of contacts which will be printed.") );
layout->addItem( spacer1 );
layout->addWidget( buttonAddAllAddress );
layout->addWidget( buttonAddAddress );
layout->addWidget( buttonRemoveAddress );
layout->addWidget( buttonRemoveAllAddress );
layout->addItem( spacer2 );
mainLayout->addWidget( list1 );
mainLayout->addWidget( buttons );
mainLayout->addWidget( list2 );
mainLayout->setStretchFactor( list1, 2 );
mainLayout->setStretchFactor( list2, 2 );
new QLabel( i18n("All Addresses"), list1 );
new QLabel( i18n("Selected Addresses"), list2 );
listAddress = new KListView( list1 );
listAddress->addColumn( i18n("Given Name"), 0 );
listAddress->addColumn( i18n("Family Name"), 1 );
listAddress->addColumn( i18n("Email Address"), 2 );
listAddress->setMultiSelection( true );
listAddress->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
listAddress->setColumnWidthMode( 0, QListView::Maximum );
listAddress->setColumnWidthMode( 1, QListView::Maximum );
listAddress->setColumnWidthMode( 2, QListView::Maximum );
listSelectedAddress = new KListView( list2 );
listSelectedAddress->addColumn( i18n("Given Name"), 0 );
listSelectedAddress->addColumn( i18n("Family Name"), 1 );
listSelectedAddress->addColumn( i18n("Email Address"), 2 );
listSelectedAddress->setMultiSelection( true );
listSelectedAddress->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
listSelectedAddress->setColumnWidthMode( 0, QListView::Maximum );
listSelectedAddress->setColumnWidthMode( 1, QListView::Maximum );
listSelectedAddress->setColumnWidthMode( 2, QListView::Maximum );
connect( buttonAddAddress, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotAddAddress() ) );
connect( buttonRemoveAddress, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotRemoveAddress() ) );
connect( buttonAddAllAddress, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotAddAllAddress() ) );
connect( buttonRemoveAllAddress, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotRemoveAllAddress() ) );
page3->addWidget( stack4 );
void BatchWizard::setupSql()
SqlTables* tables = SqlTables::getInstance();
if( !tables->isConnected() )
QSqlCursor cur( TABLE_CUSTOMER );;
while ( ) {
customerId->insertItem( cur.value("customer_no" ).toString() );
customerName->insertItem( cur.value("customer_name" ).toString() );
void BatchWizard::enableControls()
setAppropriate( page4, radioVarImport->isChecked() );
radioSqlArticles->setEnabled( SqlTables::getInstance()->isConnected() );
radioImportSql->setEnabled( SqlTables::getInstance()->isConnected() );
importCsvFile->setEnabled( radioImportCSV->isChecked() );
labelCsvFile->setEnabled( radioImportCSV->isChecked() );
importSqlQuery->setEnabled( radioImportSql->isChecked() );
labelSqlQuery->setEnabled( radioImportSql->isChecked() );
labelEncoding->setEnabled( radioImportCSV->isChecked() );
comboEncoding->setEnabled( radioImportCSV->isChecked() );
buttonRemove->setEnabled( sqlList->childCount() );
buttonRemoveAll->setEnabled(sqlList->childCount() );
buttonEdit->setEnabled( sqlList->childCount() );
imageBox->setEnabled( radioImage->isChecked() );
if( radioImportSql->isChecked() )
setNextEnabled( page3, !importSqlQuery->text().isEmpty() );
else if( radioImportCSV->isChecked() )
setNextEnabled( page3, !importCsvFile->url().isEmpty() );
else if( radioImportManual->isChecked() )
setNextEnabled( page3, true );
editImageFilename->setEnabled( radioImageFilenameCustom->isChecked() );
radioImageFilenameArticle->setEnabled( radioSqlArticles->isChecked() );
setNextEnabled( page1, !m_url->url().isEmpty() );
if( radioAddressBook->isChecked() )
setNextEnabled( page3, listSelectedAddress->childCount() );
if( radioImage->isChecked() )
setFinishEnabled( page10, !imageDirPath->url().isEmpty() );
setFinishEnabled( page10, true );
void BatchWizard::showPage( QWidget* p )
if( p == page3 )
if( radioSqlArticles->isChecked() )
page3->raiseWidget( stack1 );
else if( radioVarImport->isChecked() )
page3->raiseWidget( stack2 );
else if( radioSimple->isChecked() )
page3->raiseWidget( stack3 );
else if( radioAddressBook->isChecked() )
page3->raiseWidget( stack4 );
else if( p == page4 )
if( !fillVarTable() )
KWizard::showPage( p );
void BatchWizard::accept()
printNow( QString::null );
void BatchWizard::printNow( const QString & printer, bool bUserInteraction )
BatchPrinter* batch = NULL;
KPrinter* prn = NULL;
int batchType = 0;
// let's check if the label file does even exist!
if( !QFile::exists( m_url->url() ) )
KMessageBox::error( this, QString( i18n("The label file %1 was not found") ).arg( m_url->url()) );
if( radioPrinter->isChecked() )
int move = 0;
if( bUserInteraction )
PrintLabelDlg pld( this, "pld" );
pld.setLabelsEnabled( false );
if( pld.exec() != QDialog::Accepted )
move = pld.position();
PrinterSettings::getInstance()->getData()->border = pld.border();
prn = PrinterSettings::getInstance()->setupPrinter( m_url->url(), this, !printer.isEmpty(), printer );
if( !prn )
batch = new BatchPrinter( prn, this );
batch->setMove( move );
batchType = BatchPrinter::POSTSCRIPT;
else if( radioBarcode->isChecked() )
BarcodePrinterDlg dlg(this);
if( dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted )
batch = new BatchPrinter( dlg.printToFile() ? dlg.fileName() : dlg.deviceName(),
dlg.outputFormat(), this );
batchType = BatchPrinter::BCP;
else if( radioImage->isChecked() )
batch = new BatchPrinter( imageDirPath->url(), this );
if( radioImageFilenameArticle->isChecked() )
batch->setImageFilename( BatchPrinter::E_ARTICLE );
else if( radioImageFilenameBarcode->isChecked() )
batch->setImageFilename( BatchPrinter::E_BARCODE );
else if( radioImageFilenameCustom->isChecked() )
batch->setImageFilename( BatchPrinter::E_CUSTOM );
batch->setImageCustomFilename( editImageFilename->text() );
batchType = BatchPrinter::IMAGE;
if( !checkKeepOpen->isChecked() )
KApplication::setOverrideCursor( QCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor ), true );
setupBatchPrinter( batch, batchType );
delete prn;
delete batch;
void BatchWizard::setupBatchPrinter( BatchPrinter* batch, int m )
Definition* def = NULL;
QString description;
bool kbarcode18;
QDomDocument doc( "KBarcodeLabel" );
if ( !doc.setContent( m_bytearray ) )
XMLUtils util;
util.readXMLHeader( &doc, description, kbarcode18, &def );
QBuffer buffer( m_bytearray );
if( ! IO_ReadOnly ) )
batch->setBuffer( &buffer );
batch->setSerial( serialStart->text(), serialInc->value() );
batch->setName( m_url->url() );
batch->setDefinition( def );
batch->setImageFormat( comboFormat->currentText() );
if( radioSqlArticles->isChecked() )
int labels = 0;
batch->setCustomer( customerId->currentText() );
// sort by group
sqlList->setSorting( 3, true );
QValueList<BatchPrinter::data>* dlist = new QValueList<BatchPrinter::data>;
QListViewItem* item = sqlList->firstChild();
while( item )
BatchPrinter::data m_data;
m_data.number = item->text( 1 ).toInt();
labels += m_data.number;
m_data.article_no = item->text( 2 ); = item->text( 3 );
dlist->append( m_data );
item = item->nextSibling();
batch->setData( dlist );
batch->setLabels( labels );
else if( radioSimple->isChecked() )
batch->setLabels( numLabels->value() );
// do a dirty drick, TODO: refactor BatchPrinter in the future
QValueList<BatchPrinter::data>* dlist = new QValueList<BatchPrinter::data>;
BatchPrinter::data m_data;
m_data.number = numLabels->value();
dlist->append( m_data );
batch->setData( dlist );
else if( radioVarImport->isChecked() )
TVariableList* tVariableList = new TVariableList;
for( int i=0; i<m_varTable->numRows(); i++ )
QMap<QString, QString> map;
for( int z=0; z<m_varTable->numCols(); z++ )
map[ m_varTable->horizontalHeader()->label( z ) ] = m_varTable->text( i, z );
tVariableList->append( map );
batch->setData( tVariableList );
else if( radioAddressBook->isChecked() )
KABC::AddresseeList* list = new KABC::AddresseeList;
QListViewItem* item = listSelectedAddress->firstChild();
while( item )
list->append( static_cast<AddressListViewItem*>(item)->address() );
item = item->nextSibling();
batch->setData( list );
if( m == BatchPrinter::POSTSCRIPT )
else if( m == BatchPrinter::IMAGE )
else if( m == BatchPrinter::BCP )
delete def;
void BatchWizard::addItem()
DSSmallDialogs::AddItemsDialog aid( this, "aid" );
aid.setGroupCompletion( compGroup );
connect( &aid, SIGNAL( add( const QString &, const QString &, int) ),
this, SLOT( slotAddItem( const QString &, const QString &, int) ) );
bool BatchWizard::slotAddItem( const QString & article, const QString & group, int count )
return this->addItem( article, group, count, true );
bool BatchWizard::addItem( const QString & article, const QString & group, int count, bool msg )
if( !article.isEmpty() && !existsArticle( article ) ) {
if( msg )
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Please enter a valid article ID") );
return false;
QString temp;
temp.sprintf("%0*i", 5, sqlList->childCount() + 1 );
KListViewItem* item = new KListViewItem( sqlList, temp, QString( "%1" ).arg( count ),
article, group );
sqlList->insertItem( item );
addGroupCompletion( group );
return true;
void BatchWizard::addGroupCompletion( const QString & group )
if( !group.isEmpty() )
QStringList slist = compGroup->items();
if(!slist.contains( group ) )
compGroup->addItem( group );
bool BatchWizard::existsArticle( const QString & article )
if( article.isEmpty() )
return false;
QSqlQuery query( "select uid from barcode_basic where article_no='" + article + "'" );
while ( )
return true;
return false;
void BatchWizard::editItem()
QListViewItem* item = sqlList->selectedItem();
if( item )
changeItem( item, QPoint(0,0), 0 );
void BatchWizard::changeItem( QListViewItem* item, const QPoint &, int )
DSSmallDialogs::AddItemsDialog aid( item->text( 2 ), item->text( 3 ),
item->text( 1 ).toInt(), this, "aid" );
aid.setGroupCompletion( compGroup );
if( aid.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
item->setText( 1, QString::number( aid.count() ) );
item->setText( 2, aid.articleNo() );
item->setText( 3, aid.groupName() );
addGroupCompletion( aid.groupName() );
void BatchWizard::removeItem()
QListViewItem* item = sqlList->firstChild();
while( item )
if( item->isSelected() )
QListViewItem* it = item->nextSibling();
delete item;
while( it )
int a = it->text( 0 ).toInt();
QString temp;
temp.sprintf("%0*i", 5, a - 1 );
it->setText( 0, temp );
it = it->nextSibling();
} else
item = item->nextSibling();
void BatchWizard::customerIdChanged( int index )
customerName->setCurrentItem( index );
void BatchWizard::customerNameChanged( int index )
customerId->setCurrentItem( index );
void BatchWizard::addAllItems()
DSSmallDialogs::AddAllDialog* dlg = new DSSmallDialogs::AddAllDialog( this, "dlg" );
if( dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
QString temp;
QString group = dlg->groupName();
const QString num = QString::number( dlg->numberLabels() );
QSqlQuery query("SELECT article_no FROM " TABLE_BASIC );
while( )
temp.sprintf("%0*i", 5, sqlList->childCount() + 1 );
new KListViewItem( sqlList, temp, num, query.value( 0 ).toString(), group );
void BatchWizard::loadFromFile()
QString f = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 0, 0, this );
if( !f.isEmpty() )
loadFromFile( f );
void BatchWizard::loadFromClipboard()
QClipboard *cb = KApplication::clipboard();
loadData( cb->text() );
void BatchWizard::loadFromFile( const QString & url )
QByteArray data;
QFile file( url );
if( ! IO_ReadOnly ) )
qDebug("Unable to open file: %s", url.latin1() );
data = file.readAll();
loadData( QString( data ) );
void BatchWizard::loadData( const QString & data )
labelprinterdata* lpdata = PrinterSettings::getInstance()->getData();
if( lpdata->separator.isEmpty() )
KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Separator is empty. Please set it to a value.") );
// new config entry!!!
KConfig* config = kapp->config();
int pos[3] = { config->readNumEntry("Data0", 0 ),
config->readNumEntry("Data1", 1 ),
config->readNumEntry("Data2", 2 ) };
bool custom_article_no = lpdata->useCustomNo;
QBuffer buf( data.utf8() );
CSVFile file( buf );
QStringList list, dropped;
QString article, quantity, group;
while( file.isValid() && !file.isEof() )
list = file.readNextLine();
while( list.count() < 3 )
list.append( QString::null );
if( pos[0] == 0 )
quantity = list[0];
else if( pos[0] == 1 )
article = list[0];
group = list[0];
if( pos[1] == 0 )
quantity = list[1];
else if( pos[1] == 1 )
article = list[1];
group = list[1];
if( pos[2] == 0 )
quantity = list[2];
else if( pos[2] == 1 )
article = list[2];
group = list[2];
// data[0] == quantity
// data[1] == article_no
// data[2] == group
bool qint = false;
(void)quantity.toInt( &qint );
if( qint && custom_article_no ) {
qint = false;
QSqlQuery query("SELECT article_no FROM customer_text WHERE article_no_customer='" + article + "'" );
while( ) {
article = query.value( 0 ).toString();
qint = true;
if( qint ) // && existsArticle( article )
if( !addItem( QString( article ), QString( group ), quantity.toInt(), false ) )
dropped.append( quantity + lpdata->separator + article + lpdata->separator + group );
if( !dropped.isEmpty() )
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030100
KMessageBox::informationList( this, i18n("<qt>The following items can not be added:" )+ "</qt>", dropped );
KMessageBox::questionYesNoList( this, i18n("<qt>The following items can not be added:" )+ "</qt>", dropped );
void BatchWizard::fillByteArray()
if( m_bytearray_filename != m_url->url() )
QFile f( m_url->url() );
if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) )
m_bytearray_filename = QString::null;
m_bytearray.resize( 0 );
return ;
m_bytearray = f.readAll();
void BatchWizard::fillVarList()
QDomDocument doc( "KBarcodeLabel" );
if ( !doc.setContent( m_bytearray ) )
XMLUtils util;
DocumentItemList list;
list.setAutoDelete( true );
TokenProvider token( this );
Definition* def = NULL;
QString description;
bool kbarcode18;
util.readXMLHeader( &doc, description, kbarcode18, &def );
util.readDocumentItems( &list, &doc, &token, kbarcode18 );
token.setCurrentDocumentItems( list );
QStringList vars = token.listUserVars();
m_varList->insertStringList( vars );
m_varTable->setNumCols( vars.count() );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < vars.count(); i++ )
vars[i] = vars[i].right( vars[i].length() - 1 );
m_varTable->horizontalHeader()->setLabel( i, vars[i] );
delete def;
void BatchWizard::fillAddressList()
KABC::AddressBook* ab = KABC::StdAddressBook::self();
KABC::AddressBook::Iterator it;
listAddress->setUpdatesEnabled( false );
for ( it = ab->begin(); it != ab->end(); ++it )
new AddressListViewItem( listAddress, *it );
listAddress->setUpdatesEnabled( true );
bool BatchWizard::fillVarTable()
// Clear the table
m_varTable->setNumRows( 0 );
if( radioImportSql->isChecked() )
int y = 0;
int x;
QSqlSelectCursor query( importSqlQuery->text(), SqlTables::getInstance()->database() );;
if( query.lastError().type() != QSqlError::None )
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("<qt>Can't execute SQL query:<br>") + query.lastError().text() + "</qt>" );
return false;
if( m_varTable->numRows() < query.size() )
m_varTable->setNumRows( query.size() );
while( )
for( x=0;x<m_varTable->numRows();x++ )
m_varTable->setText( y, x, query.value( m_varTable->horizontalHeader()->label( x ) ).toString() );
else if( radioImportCSV->isChecked() )
CSVFile file( importCsvFile->url() );
file.setEncoding( comboEncoding->currentText() );
QStringList heading;
QStringList data;
int i = 0;
if( !file.isValid() )
KMessageBox::error( this, QString( i18n("Can't open file: %1") ).arg( importCsvFile->url() ) );
return false;
while( !file.isEof() )
if( heading.isEmpty() )
heading = file.readNextLine();
data = file.readNextLine();
// add 100 rows to get a reasonable speed
if( m_varTable->numRows() <= i )
m_varTable->setNumRows( i + 100 );
printf("datacount=%i\n", data.count() );
for( unsigned int z = 0; z < data.count(); z++ )
printf("numRows=%i\n", m_varTable->numCols() );
for( int x = 0; x < m_varTable->numCols(); x++ )
printf("horizontal header=%s\n", m_varTable->horizontalHeader()->label( x ).lower().latin1() );
printf("heading=%s\n", heading[z].lower().latin1() );
if( m_varTable->horizontalHeader()->label( x ).lower() == heading[z].lower() )
printf("Reading: (%s)\n", data[z].latin1());
m_varTable->setText( i, x, data[z] );
if( data.count() )
m_varTable->setNumRows( i );
return true;
void BatchWizard::slotTableInsert()
m_varTable->insertRows( m_varTable->numRows(), 1 );
void BatchWizard::slotTableRemove()
QTableSelection sel = m_varTable->selection( m_varTable->currentSelection() );
m_varTable->removeRow( sel.topRow() );
void BatchWizard::setFilename( const QString & url )
m_url->setURL( url );
void BatchWizard::setImportSqlQuery( const QString & query )
radioImportCSV->setChecked( false );
radioImportManual->setChecked( false );
radioImportSql->setChecked( true );
radioVarImport->setChecked( true );
radioSqlArticles->setChecked( false );
radioSimple->setChecked( false );
importSqlQuery->setText( query );
showPage( page3 );
showPage( page4 );
void BatchWizard::setImportCsvFile( const QString & filename )
radioImportCSV->setChecked( true );
radioImportManual->setChecked( false );
radioImportSql->setChecked( false );
radioVarImport->setChecked( true );
radioSqlArticles->setChecked( false );
radioSimple->setChecked( false );
importCsvFile->setURL( filename );
showPage( page3 );
showPage( page4 );
void BatchWizard::setNumLabels( const int n )
numLabels->setValue( n );
radioSimple->setChecked( true );
radioSqlArticles->setChecked( false );
radioVarImport->setChecked( false );
void BatchWizard::setOutputFormat( const int e )
radioBarcode->setChecked( false );
radioImage->setChecked( false );
radioPrinter->setChecked( false );
switch( e )
case BatchPrinter::BCP:
radioBarcode->setChecked( true );
case BatchPrinter::IMAGE:
radioImage->setChecked( true );
case BatchPrinter::POSTSCRIPT:
radioPrinter->setChecked( true );
void BatchWizard::setSerialNumber( const QString & val, int inc )
serialInc->setValue( inc );
serialStart->setText( val );
// Not needed here: enableControls();
void BatchWizard::slotAddAddress()
moveAddress( listAddress, listSelectedAddress );
void BatchWizard::slotAddAllAddress()
moveAddress( listAddress, listSelectedAddress, true );
void BatchWizard::slotRemoveAddress()
moveAddress( listSelectedAddress, listAddress );
void BatchWizard::slotRemoveAllAddress()
moveAddress( listSelectedAddress, listAddress, true );
void BatchWizard::moveAddress( QListView* src, QListView* dst, bool bAll )
QListViewItem* item = src->firstChild();
QListViewItem* cur;
while( item )
if( bAll || item->isSelected() )
cur = item;
item = item->nextSibling();
src->takeItem( cur );
dst->insertItem( cur );
cur->setSelected( false );
item = item->nextSibling();