You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

200 lines
9.0 KiB

printersettings.cpp - description
begin : Don Jan 16 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Dominik Seichter
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "printersettings.h"
#include "kbarcode.h"
// KDE includes
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <kurl.h>
// Stolen from koffice/lib/kofficecore/koGlobal.cpp
// and modified afterwards
// - the comments "should be..." indicates the exact values if the inch sizes would be multiplied by 25.4 mm/inch
// paper formats ( mm ) - public for compat reasons, but DO NOT USE in new programs !
// See KoPageFormat's methods instead.
const PageFormatInfo pageFormatInfo[]=
{ KPrinter::A3, "A3", I18N_NOOP("ISO A3"), 297.0, 420.0 },
{ KPrinter::A4, "A4", I18N_NOOP("ISO A4"), 210.0, 297.0 },
{ KPrinter::A5, "A5", I18N_NOOP("ISO A5"), 148.0, 210.0 },
{ KPrinter::Letter, "Letter", I18N_NOOP("US Letter"), 216.0, 279.0 }, // should be 215.9 mm x 279.4 mm
{ KPrinter::Legal, "Legal", I18N_NOOP("US Legal"), 216.0, 356.0 }, // should be 215.9 mm x 335.6 mm
{ KPrinter::A4, "Screen", I18N_NOOP("Screen"), 297.0, 210.0 }, // Custom, so fall back to A4
{ KPrinter::A4, "Custom", I18N_NOOP("Custom"), 210.0, 297.0 }, // Custom, so fall back to A4
{ KPrinter::B5, "B5", I18N_NOOP("ISO B5"), 182.0, 257.0 },
{ KPrinter::Executive, "Executive", I18N_NOOP("US Executive"), 191.0, 254.0 }, // should be 190.5 mm x 254.0 mm
{ KPrinter::A0, "A0", I18N_NOOP("ISO A0"), 841.0, 1189.0 },
{ KPrinter::A1, "A1", I18N_NOOP("ISO A1"), 594.0, 841.0 },
{ KPrinter::A2, "A2", I18N_NOOP("ISO A2"), 420.0, 594.0 },
{ KPrinter::A6, "A6", I18N_NOOP("ISO A6"), 105.0, 148.0 },
{ KPrinter::A7, "A7", I18N_NOOP("ISO A7"), 74.0, 105.0 },
{ KPrinter::A8, "A8", I18N_NOOP("ISO A8"), 52.0, 74.0 },
{ KPrinter::A9, "A9", I18N_NOOP("ISO A9"), 37.0, 52.0 },
{ KPrinter::B0, "B0", I18N_NOOP("ISO B0"), 1030.0, 1456.0 },
{ KPrinter::B1, "B1", I18N_NOOP("ISO B1"), 728.0, 1030.0 },
{ KPrinter::B10, "B10", I18N_NOOP("ISO B10"), 32.0, 45.0 },
{ KPrinter::B2, "B2", I18N_NOOP("ISO B2"), 515.0, 728.0 },
{ KPrinter::B3, "B3", I18N_NOOP("ISO B3"), 364.0, 515.0 },
{ KPrinter::B4, "B4", I18N_NOOP("ISO B4"), 257.0, 364.0 },
{ KPrinter::B6, "B6", I18N_NOOP("ISO B6"), 128.0, 182.0 },
{ KPrinter::C5E, "C5", I18N_NOOP("ISO C5"), 163.0, 229.0 }, // Some sources tells: 162 mm x 228 mm
{ KPrinter::Comm10E, "Comm10", I18N_NOOP("US Common 10"), 105.0, 241.0 }, // should be 104.775 mm x 241.3 mm
{ KPrinter::DLE, "DL", I18N_NOOP("ISO DL"), 110.0, 220.0 },
{ KPrinter::Folio, "Folio", I18N_NOOP("US Folio"), 210.0, 330.0 }, // should be 209.54 mm x 330.2 mm
{ KPrinter::Ledger, "Ledger", I18N_NOOP("US Ledger"), 432.0, 279.0 }, // should be 431.8 mm x 297.4 mm
{ KPrinter::Tabloid, "Tabloid", I18N_NOOP("US Tabloid"), 279.0, 432.0 } // should be 297.4 mm x 431.8 mm
// end stolen
PrinterSettings* PrinterSettings::printerInstance = 0;
:TQObject( 0, "printersettings" )
lpdata = new labelprinterdata;
connect( kapp, TQ_SIGNAL( aboutToQuit() ), this, TQ_SLOT( saveConfig() ) );
PrinterSettings* PrinterSettings::getInstance()
if( !printerInstance )
printerInstance = new PrinterSettings();
return printerInstance;
void PrinterSettings::loadConfig()
TDEConfig* config = kapp->config();
lpdata->articleEvent1 = (enum linebreak)config->readNumEntry("articleEvent1", NO_BREAK );
lpdata->articleEvent2 = (enum linebreak)config->readNumEntry("articleEvent2", NO_BREAK );
lpdata->articleEvent3 = (enum linebreak)config->readNumEntry("articleEvent3", NO_BREAK );
lpdata->articleEvent4 = (enum linebreak)config->readNumEntry("articleEvent4", NO_BREAK );
lpdata->groupEvent1 = (enum linebreak)config->readNumEntry("groupEvent1", NO_BREAK );
lpdata->groupEvent2 = (enum linebreak)config->readNumEntry("groupEvent2", NO_BREAK );
lpdata->groupEvent3 = (enum linebreak)config->readNumEntry("groupEvent3", NO_BREAK );
lpdata->groupEvent4 = (enum linebreak)config->readNumEntry("groupEvent4", NO_BREAK );
lpdata->useCustomNo = config->readBoolEntry("UseArticleCustomerNo", false );
lpdata->quality = config->readNumEntry( "quality", Middle );
// screen resolution was removed before 1.5.4, use middle instead
if( lpdata->quality != High && lpdata->quality != Middle && lpdata->quality != VeryHigh )
lpdata->quality = Middle;
lpdata->comment = config->readEntry("comment", "#" );
lpdata->separator = config->readEntry("separator", ";" );
lpdata->quote = config->readEntry("quote", "");
lpdata->border = config->readBoolEntry("border", false );
lpdata->format = config->readNumEntry("PageSize", -1 );
// get default page size from KDE
if( lpdata->format == -1 )
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( pageFormatInfo ) / sizeof( PageFormatInfo ); i++ )
if( pageFormatInfo[i].kprinter == TDEGlobal::locale()->pageSize() ) {
lpdata->format = i;
void PrinterSettings::saveConfig()
TDEConfig* config = kapp->config();
config->writeEntry("articleEvent1", lpdata->articleEvent1 );
config->writeEntry("articleEvent2", lpdata->articleEvent2 );
config->writeEntry("articleEvent3", lpdata->articleEvent3 );
config->writeEntry("articleEvent4", lpdata->articleEvent4 );
config->writeEntry("groupEvent1", lpdata->groupEvent1 );
config->writeEntry("groupEvent2", lpdata->groupEvent2 );
config->writeEntry("groupEvent3", lpdata->groupEvent3 );
config->writeEntry("groupEvent4", lpdata->groupEvent4 );
config->writeEntry("quality", lpdata->quality );
config->writeEntry("UseArticleCustomerNo", lpdata->useCustomNo );
config->writeEntry("comment", lpdata->comment );
config->writeEntry("separator", lpdata->separator );
config->writeEntry("quote", lpdata->quote );
config->writeEntry("border", lpdata->border );
config->writeEntry("PageSize", lpdata->format );
int PrinterSettings::getQuality() const
return lpdata->quality == Middle || lpdata->quality == VeryHigh? High : lpdata->quality;
KPrinter* PrinterSettings::setupPrinter( const KURL & url, TQWidget* parent, bool immediately, const TQString & prn )
KPrinter* printer = new KPrinter( true, (enum TQPrinter::PrinterMode)getQuality() );
if( getData()->quality == Middle )
printer->setResolution( 300 );
else if( getData()->quality == VeryHigh )
printer->setResolution( 1200 );
printer->setFullPage( true ); // don't use build in margin system
if( !immediately && !printer->setup( parent ) )
return 0;
if( immediately && !prn.isEmpty() )
printer->autoConfigure( prn );
if( !url.isValid() )
printer->setDocFileName( url.fileName() );
return printer;
void PrinterSettings::insertPageFormat( KComboBox* combo )
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( pageFormatInfo ) / sizeof( PageFormatInfo ); i++ )
combo->insertItem( pageFormatInfo[i].descriptiveName );
double PrinterSettings::pageWidth() const
return pageFormatInfo[lpdata->format].width;
double PrinterSettings::pageHeight() const
return pageFormatInfo[lpdata->format].height;
#include "printersettings.moc"