You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

428 lines
14 KiB

dsrichtext.cpp - description
begin : Fre Okt 17 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Dominik Seichter
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "dsrichtext.h"
// TQt includes
#include <tqfontmetrics.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include "sqltables.h"
"<html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /></head><body style=\"font-size:10pt;font-family:Nimbus Sans l\">"
"<p>A little bit <span style=\"font-style:italic;font-weight:600\">formated</span><span style=\"color:#4400ff\"> "
"richtext</span> which should be printed to a <span style=\"font-weight:600\">TQPrinter</span> with <span style=\"text-decoration:underline\">TQSimpleRichText</span>. </p>"
"<p><span style=\"font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:16pt\">Printing should work in ScreenResolution as well as in HighResolution, but as you can see it will only work in ScreenResolution.</span></p>"
Another example
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:10pt;font-family:Nimbus Sans l">
<p align="center"><span style="font-size:12pt;font-weight:600;text-decoration:underline">Text test </span><span style="font-size:12pt;font-weight:600;text-decoration:underline;color:#ff0000">label</span></p>
<p>Resolution <span style="font-weight:600">formated</span> 108dpi. This text &amp; text should now overlap with the first line. 4 &lt; 6a</p>
<p><span style="font-family:Nimbus Sans L;font-weight:600">A</span><span style="font-family:Nimbus Sans L"> longer paragraph with some text, so that I can test wether wordwrap is working. Another &quot;line&quot; to test line spacing without a bigger font (like the one found in the next sentence) messing up the spacing.</span><span style="font-family:Courier [Adobe];font-size:16pt"> Some text &quot;in&quot; a bigger courier font.</span><span style="font-family:Nimbus Sans L"> Also this paragraph should be justified as blockquote.</span><span style="font-family:Nimbus Sans L;color:#ff0004"> I hope it works</span><span style="font-family:Nimbus Sans L"> and KBarcodes text redering will be better than the one found in TQt.</span></p>
DSRichText::DSRichText( const TQString & t )
: text( t )
if( text.find("<html>") == -1 )
text = "<html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /></head><body style=\"font-size:10pt;font-family:Nimbus Sans l\"><p>"
+ t + "</p></body></html>";
//qDebug( text );
start = end = pos = 0;
x = y = 0;
sx = sy = 1.0;
m_base = TQFont();
TQString tmp = parse( text, "<body ", ">", 0 );
if( !tmp.isNull() ) {
pos += tmp.length();
tmp = tmp.left( tmp.length() - 1 );
tmp = tmp.mid( 5, tmp.length() - 5 );
m_base = parseStyle( parse( tmp, "style=\"", "\"", pos ), &m_color );
pos = text.find( "<p", 0 ); // initalize pos correctly
while( parseParagraph() ); // empty while loop
void DSRichText::initFormat( formated_word* f, int tqalignment )
f->text = TQString();
f->line = false;
f->tqalignment = tqalignment;
f->font = m_base;
f->color = m_color;
void DSRichText::initLine( TQValueList<formated_line>* l )
formated_line li;
li.width = 0;
li.ascent = 0;
li.leading = 0;
li.lineSpacing = 0;
li.line = false;
l->append( li );
void DSRichText::updateSpacing( TQValueList<formated_line>* l, TQFontMetrics* fm )
l->last().lineSpacing = (l->last().lineSpacing < fm->lineSpacing()) ? fm->lineSpacing() : l->last().lineSpacing;
l->last().ascent = (l->last().ascent < fm->ascent()) ? fm->ascent() : l->last().ascent;
l->last().leading = (l->last().leading < fm->leading()) ? fm->leading() : l->last().leading;
void DSRichText::fillLines()
for( unsigned int z = 0; z < word_p.count(); z++ ) {
WordList words = word_p[z];
LineList lines;
initLine( &lines );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < words.count(); i++ ) {
formated_word word = words[i];
lines.last().line = lines.last().line | word.line;
TQFontMetrics fm( word.font );
updateSpacing( &lines, &fm );
int tw = fm.width( word.text );
// word does not fit in the current line, create a new one
if( lines.last().width + tw >= w )
initLine( &lines );
// TODO: check here for words longer than one line
lines.last().formats.append( word );
lines.last().width += tw;
line_p.append( lines );
void DSRichText::draw( TQPainter* p )
/* don't try to draw if there is no space to draw */
if( !w || !h )
painter = p;
painter->setClipRect( xpos, ypos, int(w*sx), int(h*sy), TQPainter::CoordPainter );
for( unsigned int z = 0; z < line_p.count(); z++ ) {
LineList lines = line_p[z];
if( lines.count() && z )
y += int( lines[0].lineSpacing * 0.5);
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < lines.count(); i++ ) {
formated_line l = lines[i];
if( l.formats.count() && l.formats[0].tqalignment == TQt::AlignJustify && i != lines.count() - 1 ) {
// last line in a paragraph is not justified (in blocksatz mode)!
drawJustified( &l );
} else {
for( unsigned int z = 0; z < l.formats.count(); z++ ) {
formated_word f = l.formats[z];
painter->setFont( f.font );
painter->setPen( TQPen( f.color ) );
int a = f.tqalignment;
if( a == TQt::AlignRight ) {
a = TQt::AlignLeft;
if( !x )
x = w - l.width;
} else if( a == TQt::AlignHCenter ) {
a = TQt::AlignLeft;
if( !x )
x = ( w - l.width ) / 2;
int ya = yDeviation( &l );
painter->drawText( xpos + int(x*sx), ypos + int((y+ya)*sy), int(l.width*sx), int(l.lineSpacing * sy), a, f.text );
x += painter->fontMetrics().width( f.text );
x = 0;
y += l.lineSpacing;
void DSRichText::drawJustified( formated_line* line )
int all = 0;
for( unsigned int z = 0; z < line->formats.count(); z++ ) {
line->formats[z].text = line->formats[z].text.stripWhiteSpace();
TQFontMetrics fm( line->formats[z].font );
all += fm.width( line->formats[z].text );
int x = 0;
int space = (w - all) / (line->formats.count() - 1);
for( unsigned int z = 0; z < line->formats.count(); z++ ) {
painter->setFont( line->formats[z].font );
painter->setPen( TQPen( line->formats[z].color ) );
int ya = yDeviation( line );
int tw = painter->fontMetrics().width(line->formats[z].text);
painter->drawText( int(x*sx), int((y+ya)*sy), int(tw*sx), int(line->lineSpacing * sy), TQt::AlignAuto, line->formats[z].text );
x += tw;
x += space;
bool DSRichText::parseParagraph()
int tqalignment = 0;
formated_word f;
TQString d = parse( text, "<p", "</p>", pos );
//qDebug("D=" + d );
//qDebug("POS=%i", pos );
pos += d.length();
if( d.isNull() )
return false;
d = parseParagraphTag( d, &tqalignment );
WordList words;
TQString data;
initFormat( &f, tqalignment );
if( d.isEmpty() ) {
// found empty paragraph
words.append( f );
word_p.append( words );
return true;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < d.length(); ) {
if( d[i] == '<' || i == (d.length() - 1) ) {
if( i == (d.length() - 1) )
data.append( d[i] );
parseWords( data, &f, &words );
initFormat( &f, tqalignment );
data = TQString();
// bail out now, otherwise there is
// and endless loop for e.g. <p>a</p>
if( i == (d.length() - 1) )
if( d[i] == '<' ) {
TQString span = d.mid( i, d.find( ">", i ) - i + 1 );
i += span.length();
if( span.startsWith( "<span " ) ) {
initFormat( &f, tqalignment );
f.font = parseStyle( parse( span, "style=\"", "\"", 0 ), &f.color );
} else {
data.append( d[i] );
word_p.append( words );
return true;
TQFont DSRichText::parseStyle( const TQString & s, TQColor* color )
TQString style = TQString( s );
style = style.left( style.length() - 1 );
if( style.startsWith("style=\"" ) )
style = style.mid( 7, style.length() - 7 );
TQFont f = m_base;
*color = m_color;
for ( int i = 0; i < style.contains(';')+1; i++ ) {
TQString s = style.section( ';', i, i );
if( s.isEmpty() )
if ( s.startsWith("font-size:" ) ) {
f.setPointSize( s.mid(10, s.length() - 12).toInt() );
} else if ( s.startsWith("font-family:" ) ) {
f.setFamily( s.right( s.length() - 12 ) );
} else if( s.startsWith( "color:" ) ) {
color->setNamedColor( s.right( s.length() - 6 ) );
} else if( s.startsWith("text-decoration:") ) {
if( s.endsWith( "underline" ) )
f.setUnderline( true );
/*#if [[[TQT_VERSION IS DEPRECATED]]] >= 0x030200
else if( s.endsWith( "overline" ) )
f.setOverline( true );
#endif */
else if( s.endsWith( "line-through" ) )
f.setStrikeOut( true );
} else if( s.startsWith( "font-style:") ) {
if( s.endsWith( "italic" ) || s.endsWith( "oblique" ) )
f.setItalic( true );
} else if( s.startsWith( "font-weight:" ) ) {
bool ok = false;
int n = s.right( s.length() - 12 ).toInt( &ok );
if( s.endsWith( "bold" ) )
f.setBold( true );
else if( ok )
f.setWeight( n / 8 ); // convert CSS values to TQt values
return f;
TQString DSRichText::parse( const TQString & t, const TQString & find, const TQString & find2, int start )
int s = t.find( find, start );
if( s == -1 || s < start )
return TQString();
int pend = t.find( find2, s + find.length() );
if( pend == -1 || pend < (signed int)(s + find.length()) )
return TQString();
TQString text = t.mid( s, pend - s + find2.length() );
return text;
void DSRichText::setX( int x )
xpos = x;
void DSRichText::setY( int y )
ypos = y;
void DSRichText::setWidth( int width )
w = width;
void DSRichText::setHeight( int height )
h = height;
int DSRichText::parseAlignment( const TQString & align )
TQString a = TQString( align );
if( a.endsWith("\"") )
a = a.left( a.length() - 1 );
if( a.startsWith("align=\"") )
a = a.mid( 7, a.length() - 7 );
if( a == "left" )
return TQt::AlignLeft;
else if( a == "center" )
return TQt::AlignHCenter;
else if( a == "right" )
return TQt::AlignRight;
else if( a == "justify" )
return TQt::AlignJustify;
return 0;
void DSRichText::parseWords( const TQString & t, formated_word* w, WordList* words )
unsigned int p = 0;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < t.length(); i++ ) {
if( (t[i].isSpace() && p != i) || i == t.length() - 1 ) {
formated_word word = *w;
word.text = replaceEscapeSequences( t.mid( p, i + 1 - p ) );
p = i + 1;
words->append( word );
inline int DSRichText::yDeviation( const formated_line* line )
// leading = 1 (almost ever)
// linespacing = leading + height
// height = ascent + descent + 1
if( line->lineSpacing != painter->fontMetrics().lineSpacing() ) {
return line->ascent + line->leading - painter->fontMetrics().ascent() - painter->fontMetrics().leading();
} else {
return 0;
TQString DSRichText::replaceEscapeSequences( const TQString & t )
TQString tmp = TQString( t );
tmp = tmp.replace( DSREPLACE( "&lt;" ), "<" );
tmp = tmp.replace( DSREPLACE( "&gt;" ), ">" );
tmp = tmp.replace( DSREPLACE( "&amp;" ), "&" );
tmp = tmp.replace( DSREPLACE( "&quot;" ), "\"" );
return tmp;
TQString DSRichText::parseParagraphTag( const TQString &t, int* tqalignment )
TQString d = TQString( t );
if( d.startsWith("<p>") ) {
d = d.mid( 3, d.length() - 3 );
} else if( d.startsWith("<p ") ) {
*tqalignment = parseAlignment( parse( d, "align=\"", "\"", 0 ) );
if( d.contains( ">" ) ) {
int x = d.find(">" ) + 1;
d = d.mid( x, d.length() - x );
if( d.endsWith("</p>") )
d = d.left( d.length() - 4 ); // strlen("</p>");
return d;
#endif // TQT_TEXT_BUG