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## for kbarcode
# set the include path for X, qt and KDE
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src $(all_includes)
# these are the headers for your project
# let automoc handle all of the meta source files (moc)
messages: rc.cpp
$(XGETTEXT) *.cpp -o $(podir)/kdedcoptest.pot
# this is the program that gets installed. it's name is used for all
# of the other variables
bin_PROGRAMS = kbarcode
# the application source, library search path, and link libraries
kbarcode_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_TDEIO) -ltdetexteditor
$(LIB_TDEUI) -lkjs -lpcre
noinst_HEADERS = barcodecombo.h barcodedialog.h barcodedialogs.h \
commands.h configdialog.h confwizard.h csvimportdlg.h databasebrowser.h \
definition.h definitiondialog.h dsmainwindow.h dsrichtext.h kbarcode.h label.h \
labeleditor.h labelutils.h mimesources.h multilineeditdlg.h \
mycanvasitem.h mycanvasview.h mydatatable.h newlabel.h previewdialog.h \
printersettings.h printlabeldlg.h rectsettingsdlg.h smalldialogs.h sqltables.h \
tokenprovider.h xmlutils.h zplutils.h measurements.h editoriface.h kbarcodeiface.h \
batchiface.h kbarcodesettings.h batchprinter.h barcodeitem.h documentitem.h \
lineitem.h rectitem.h tcanvasitem.h textitem.h imageitem.h documentitemdlg.h \
propertywidget.h tec.h barcodeprinterdlg.h textlineitem.h textlineedit.h tokendialog.h \
barkode.h gnubarcode.h barkodeengine.h pixmapbarcode.h batchwizard.h csvfile.h \
referencecounted.h dstextedit.h encodingcombo.h purepostscript.h tbarcode2.h \
kbarcode_SOURCES = barcodecombo.cpp barcodedialog.cpp \
barcodedialogs.cpp commands.cpp configdialog.cpp confwizard.cpp csvimportdlg.cpp \
databasebrowser.cpp definition.cpp definitiondialog.cpp dsmainwindow.cpp dsrichtext.cpp \
kbarcode.cpp label.cpp labeleditor.cpp labelutils.cpp main.cpp \
mimesources.cpp multilineeditdlg.cpp mycanvasitem.cpp mycanvasview.cpp mydatatable.cpp \
newlabel.cpp previewdialog.cpp printersettings.cpp printlabeldlg.cpp \
rectsettingsdlg.cpp smalldialogs.cpp sqltables.cpp tokenprovider.cpp xmlutils.cpp \
zplutils.cpp measurements.cpp editoriface.skel kbarcodeiface.skel batchiface.skel \
kbarcodesettings.cpp batchprinter.cpp barcodeitem.cpp documentitem.cpp lineitem.cpp \
rectitem.cpp tcanvasitem.cpp textitem.cpp imageitem.cpp documentitemdlg.cpp \
propertywidget.cpp tec.cpp barcodeprinterdlg.cpp textlineitem.cpp textlineedit.cpp \
tokendialog.cpp barkode.cpp gnubarcode.cpp barkodeengine.cpp pixmapbarcode.cpp batchwizard.cpp \
csvfile.cpp referencecounted.cpp dstextedit.cpp encodingcombo.cpp purepostscript.cpp tbarcode2.cpp \
xdg_apps_DATA = kbarcode.desktop kbarcode-batch.desktop kbarcode-editor.desktop kbarcode-label.desktop kbarcode-single.desktop
datafiles_DATA = logo.png barcodes.html exampledata.sql labeldefinitions.sql rules.xml
datafilesdir = $(kde_datadir)/kbarcode