You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* setupdlg.h
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Kurt Granroth <>
* This file contains the setup dialog and related widgets
* for KBiff. All user configuration is done here.
* $Id$
#ifndef SETUPDLG_H
#define SETUPDLG_H
#include <config.h>
#endif //HAVE_CONFIG_H
#include <kbiffurl.h>
#include <ntqlistview.h>
#include <ntqwidget.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <ntqdict.h>
#include <ntqlineedit.h>
class TQLineEdit;
class TQCheckBox;
class TQPushButton;
class TQComboBox;
#include <kicondialog.h>
struct KBiffMailbox
KBiffURL url;
bool store;
TQString key;
class KBiffGeneralTab;
class KBiffNewMailTab;
class KBiffMailboxTab;
class KBiffAboutTab;
class KBiffNewDlg;
class KBiffSetup : public KDialog
KBiffSetup(const TQString& name = TQString::null, bool secure = false);
virtual ~KBiffSetup();
const TQString getProfile() const;
const KBiffURL getCurrentMailbox() const;
const TQList<KBiffMailbox> getMailboxList() const;
const TQString getMailClient() const;
const TQString getRunCommandPath() const;
const TQString getRunResetCommandPath() const;
const TQString getPlaySoundPath() const;
const TQString getNoMailIcon() const;
const TQString getNewMailIcon() const;
const TQString getOldMailIcon() const;
const TQString getNoConnIcon() const;
const TQString getStoppedIcon() const;
bool getSystemBeep() const;
bool getRunCommand() const;
bool getRunResetCommand() const;
bool getPlaySound() const;
bool getNotify() const;
bool getStatus() const;
bool getDock() const;
bool getSessionManagement() const;
bool getCheckStartup() const;
bool getSecure() const;
unsigned int getPoll() const;
public slots:
void invokeHelp();
void readConfig(const TQString& profile);
void saveConfig();
TQString getSomeProfile() const;
protected slots:
void slotDone();
void slotAddNewProfile();
void slotRenameProfile();
void slotDeleteProfile();
bool isSecure;
// "outer" dialog
TQComboBox *comboProfile;
// tabs
KBiffGeneralTab *generalTab;
KBiffNewMailTab *newmailTab;
KBiffMailboxTab *mailboxTab;
KBiffAboutTab *aboutTab;
class KBiffGeneralTab : public TQWidget
KBiffGeneralTab(const TQString& profile = TQString::null, TQWidget *parent=0);
virtual ~KBiffGeneralTab();
const TQString getButtonNewMail() const;
const TQString getButtonOldMail() const;
const TQString getButtonNoMail() const;
const TQString getButtonNoConn() const;
const TQString getButtonStopped() const;
const TQString getMailClient() const;
int getPoll() const;
bool getDock() const;
bool getSessionManagement() const;
bool getCheckStartup() const;
public slots:
void readConfig(const TQString& profile);
void saveConfig(const TQString& profile);
TQLineEdit* editPoll;
TQLineEdit* editCommand;
TQCheckBox* checkDock;
TQCheckBox* checkNoSession;
TQCheckBox* checkNoStartup;
TDEIconButton *buttonNoMail;
TDEIconButton *buttonOldMail;
TDEIconButton *buttonNewMail;
TDEIconButton *buttonNoConn;
TDEIconButton *buttonStopped;
class KBiffNewMailTab : public TQWidget
KBiffNewMailTab(const TQString& profile = TQString::null, TQWidget *parent=0);
virtual ~KBiffNewMailTab();
bool getRunCommand() const;
const TQString getRunCommandPath() const;
bool getRunResetCommand() const;
const TQString getRunResetCommandPath() const;
bool getPlaySound() const;
const TQString getPlaySoundPath() const;
bool getSystemBeep() const;
bool getNotify() const;
bool getStatus() const;
public slots:
void readConfig(const TQString& profile);
void saveConfig(const TQString& profile);
protected slots:
void enableRunCommand(bool);
void enableRunResetCommand(bool);
void enablePlaySound(bool);
void browseRunCommand();
void browseRunResetCommand();
void browsePlaySound();
void testPlaySound();
TQLineEdit *editRunCommand;
TQLineEdit *editRunResetCommand;
TQLineEdit *editPlaySound;
TQCheckBox *checkRunCommand;
TQCheckBox *checkRunResetCommand;
TQCheckBox *checkPlaySound;
TQCheckBox *checkBeep;
TQCheckBox *checkNotify;
TQCheckBox *checkStatus;
TQPushButton *buttonBrowsePlaySound;
TQPushButton *buttonTestPlaySound;
TQPushButton *buttonBrowseRunCommand;
TQPushButton *buttonBrowseRunResetCommand;
class KBiffMailboxAdvanced : public KDialog
virtual ~KBiffMailboxAdvanced();
const KBiffURL getMailbox() const;
unsigned int getPort() const;
bool getPreauth() const;
void setPort(unsigned int the_port, bool enable = true);
void setTimeout(unsigned int the_to, bool enable = true);
void setMailbox(const KBiffURL& url);
void setPreauth(bool on);
void setKeepalive(bool on);
void setAsync(bool on);
void setDisableApop(bool on);
protected slots:
void portModified(const TQString& text);
void timeoutModified(const TQString& text);
void preauthModified(bool toggled);
void keepaliveModified(bool toggled);
void asyncModified(bool toggled);
void apopModified(bool toggled);
TQString password;
TQLineEdit *mailbox;
TQLineEdit *port;
TQLineEdit *timeout;
TQCheckBox *preauth;
TQCheckBox *keepalive;
TQCheckBox *async;
TQCheckBox *apop;
class KBiffMailboxTab : public TQWidget
KBiffMailboxTab(const TQString& profile = TQString::null, TQWidget *parent=0);
virtual ~KBiffMailboxTab();
void setMailbox(const KBiffURL& url);
const KBiffURL getMailbox() const;
const TQList<KBiffMailbox> getMailboxList() const;
public slots:
void readConfig(const TQString& profile);
void saveConfig(const TQString& profile);
protected slots:
void slotDeleteMailbox();
void slotNewMailbox();
void slotMailboxSelected(TQListViewItem *item);
void protocolSelected(int protocol);
void browse();
void advanced();
void enableFetchCommand(bool);
void browseFetchCommand();
const KBiffURL defaultMailbox() const;
TQDict<KBiffMailbox> *mailboxHash;
TQListViewItem *oldItem;
unsigned int port;
unsigned int timeout;
bool preauth;
bool keepalive;
bool async;
bool useApop;
TQComboBox *comboProtocol;
TQLineEdit *editMailbox;
TQLineEdit *editServer;
TQLineEdit *editUser;
TQLineEdit *editPassword;
TQLineEdit *editFetchCommand;
TQCheckBox *checkFetchCommand;
TQCheckBox *checkStorePassword;
TQPushButton *buttonBrowse;
TQListView *mailboxes;
TQPushButton *buttonBrowseFetchCommand;
class KBiffAboutTab : public TQWidget
KBiffAboutTab(TQWidget *parent=0);
virtual ~KBiffAboutTab();
protected slots:
void mailTo(const TQString&);
void homepage(const TQString&);
class KBiffNewDlg : public KDialog
KBiffNewDlg(TQWidget* parent = 0, const char * name = 0);
const TQString getName() const
{ return editName->text(); }
TQLineEdit *editName;
#endif // SETUPDLG_H