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dn: olcDatabase={@@@LDIFSCHEMANUMBER@@@}hdb
objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig
objectClass: olcHdbConfig
olcDatabase: {@@@LDIFSCHEMANUMBER@@@}hdb
olcDbDirectory: /var/lib/ldap
olcSuffix: @@@REALM_DCNAME@@@
olcAccess: {0}to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange,krb5Key,krb5PrincipalName,krb5KeyVersionNumber,krb5MaxLife,krb5MaxRenew,krb5KDCFlags by self write by anonymous auth by dn="cn=@@@ROOTUSER@@@,@@@REALM_DCNAME@@@" write by * none
olcAccess: {1}to dn.base="" by * read
olcAccess: {2}to * by self write by dn="cn=@@@ROOTUSER@@@,@@@REALM_DCNAME@@@" write by * read
olcLastMod: TRUE
olcRootDN: cn=@@@ROOTUSER@@@,@@@REALM_DCNAME@@@
olcRootPW: {SHA}@@@ROOTPW_SHA@@@
olcDbCheckpoint: 512 30
olcDbConfig: {0}set_cachesize 0 2097152 0
olcDbConfig: {1}set_lk_max_objects 1500
olcDbConfig: {2}set_lk_max_locks 1500
olcDbConfig: {3}set_lk_max_lockers 1500
olcDbIndex: objectClass eq
olcDbIndex: krb5PrincipalName eq,pres
olcDbIndex: cn eq,pres,subinitial
olcDbIndex: mail eq,pres
olcDbIndex: uid pres,eq
olcDbIndex: uidNumber eq
olcDbIndex: gidNumber eq
structuralObjectClass: olcHdbConfig
creatorsName: cn=config
createTimestamp: @@@TIMESTAMP@@@Z
entryCSN: @@@TIMESTAMP@@@.000000Z#000000#000#000000
modifiersName: cn=config
modifyTimestamp: @@@TIMESTAMP@@@Z