You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

410 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright Johannes Sixt
* This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2.
* See the file COPYING in the toplevel directory of the source directory.
#include <ntqdir.h>
#include <ntqptrlist.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include "config.h"
#include "typetable.h"
#include "mydebug.h"
//! the TypeTables of all known libraries
static std::list<TypeTable> typeTables;
bool typeTablesInited = false;
//! an indentifier for wchar_t
TypeInfo TypeInfo::m_wchartType("");
//! the unknown type
TypeInfo TypeInfo::m_unknownType("");
void TypeTable::initTypeLibraries()
if (!typeTablesInited) {
void TypeTable::loadTypeTables()
typeTablesInited = true;
const TQStringList files = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("types", "*.kdbgtt",
false, true);
if (files.isEmpty()) {
TRACE("no type tables found");
for (TQValueListConstIterator<TQString> p = files.begin(); p != files.end(); ++p) {
TypeTable::TypeTable() :
// aliasDict keeps only pointers to items into typeDict
delete[] m_printTQStringDataCmd;
while (!m_templates.empty()) {
delete m_templates.begin()->second;
static const char TypeTableGroup[] = "Type Table";
static const char LibDisplayName[] = "LibDisplayName";
static const char ShlibRE[] = "ShlibRE";
static const char EnableBuiltin[] = "EnableBuiltin";
static const char PrintTQStringCmd[] = "PrintTQStringCmd";
static const char TypesEntryFmt[] = "Types%d";
static const char DisplayEntry[] = "Display";
static const char AliasEntry[] = "Alias";
static const char TemplateEntry[] = "Template";
static const char ExprEntryFmt[] = "Expr%d";
static const char FunctionGuardEntryFmt[] = "FunctionGuard%d";
void TypeTable::loadFromFile(const TQString& fileName)
TRACE("reading file " + fileName);
KSimpleConfig cf(fileName, true); /* read-only */
* Read library name and properties.
m_displayName = cf.readEntry(LibDisplayName);
if (m_displayName.isEmpty()) {
// use file name instead
TQFileInfo fi(fileName);
m_displayName = fi.baseName(true);
m_shlibNameRE = TQRegExp(cf.readEntry(ShlibRE));
m_enabledBuiltins = cf.readListEntry(EnableBuiltin);
TQString printTQString = cf.readEntry(PrintTQStringCmd);
const char* ascii = printTQString.ascii();
if (ascii == 0)
ascii = "";
m_printTQStringDataCmd = new char[strlen(ascii)+1];
strcpy(m_printTQStringDataCmd, ascii);
* Get the types. We search for entries of kind Types1, Types2, etc.
* because a single entry Types could get rather long for large
* libraries.
TQString typesEntry;
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
// next bunch of types
typesEntry.sprintf(TypesEntryFmt, i);
if (!cf.hasKey(typesEntry))
TQStringList typeNames = cf.readListEntry(typesEntry, ',');
// now read them
TQString alias;
for (TQStringList::iterator it = typeNames.begin(); it != typeNames.end(); ++it)
// check if this is an alias
alias = cf.readEntry(AliasEntry);
if (alias.isEmpty()) {
readType(cf, *it);
} else {
// look up the alias type and insert it
TypeInfo* info = m_typeDict[alias];
if (info == 0) {
TRACE(*it + ": alias " + alias + " not found");
} else {
m_aliasDict.insert(alias, info);
TRACE(*it + ": alias " + alias);
} // for all Types%d
void TypeTable::readType(TDEConfigBase& cf, const TQString& type)
// the display string
TQString expr = cf.readEntry(DisplayEntry);
TypeInfo* info = new TypeInfo(expr);
if (info->m_numExprs == 0) {
TRACE("bogus type " + type + ": no %% in Display: " + expr);
delete info;
info->m_templatePattern = cf.readEntry(TemplateEntry);
// Expr1, Expr2, etc...
TQString exprEntry;
TQString funcGuardEntry;
for (int j = 0; j < info->m_numExprs; j++) {
exprEntry.sprintf(ExprEntryFmt, j+1);
expr = cf.readEntry(exprEntry);
info->m_exprStrings[j] = expr;
funcGuardEntry.sprintf(FunctionGuardEntryFmt, j+1);
expr = cf.readEntry(funcGuardEntry);
info->m_guardStrings[j] = expr;
// add the new type
if (info->m_templatePattern.find('<') < 0)
m_typeDict.insert(type, info);
m_templates[type] = info;
TRACE(type + TQString().sprintf(": %d exprs", info->m_numExprs));
void TypeTable::copyTypes(TQDict<TypeInfo>& dict)
for (TQDictIterator<TypeInfo> it = m_typeDict; it != 0; ++it) {
dict.insert(it.currentKey(), it);
for (TQDictIterator<TypeInfo> it = m_aliasDict; it != 0; ++it) {
dict.insert(it.currentKey(), it);
bool TypeTable::isEnabledBuiltin(const TQString& feature) const
return m_enabledBuiltins.find(feature) != m_enabledBuiltins.end();
TypeInfo::TypeInfo(const TQString& displayString)
// decompose the input into the parts
int i = 0;
int startIdx = 0;
int idx;
while (i < typeInfoMaxExpr &&
(idx = displayString.find('%', startIdx)) >= 0)
m_displayString[i] = displayString.mid(startIdx, idx-startIdx);
startIdx = idx+1;
m_numExprs = i;
* Remaining string; note that there's one more display string than
* sub-expressions.
m_displayString[i] = displayString.right(displayString.length()-startIdx);
ProgramTypeTable::ProgramTypeTable() :
m_types.setAutoDelete(false); /* paranoia */
m_aliasDict.setAutoDelete(false); /* paranoia */
void ProgramTypeTable::loadTypeTable(TypeTable* table)
// add templates
const TypeTable::TypeMap& t = table->templates();
std::transform(t.begin(), t.end(),
std::inserter(m_templates, m_templates.begin()),
// check whether to enable builtin TQString support
if (!m_parseTQt2TQStrings) {
m_parseTQt2TQStrings = table->isEnabledBuiltin("TQString::Data");
if (!m_QCharIsShort) {
m_QCharIsShort = table->isEnabledBuiltin("TQCharIsShort");
if (!m_printTQStringDataCmd && *table->printTQStringDataCmd()) {
m_printTQStringDataCmd = table->printTQStringDataCmd();
ProgramTypeTable::template2Info(const TypeTable::TypeMap::value_type& tt)
TQStringList args = splitTemplateArgs(tt.second->m_templatePattern);
TemplateMap::value_type result(args.front(), TemplateInfo());
result.second.type = tt.second;
result.second.templateArgs = args;
return result;
* Splits the name \a t into the template name and its arguments.
* The first entry of the returned list is the template name, the remaining
* entries are the arguments.
TQStringList ProgramTypeTable::splitTemplateArgs(const TQString& t)
TQStringList result;
int i = t.find('<');
if (i < 0)
return result;
// split off the template name
i++; // skip '<'
// look for the next comma or the closing '>', skipping nested '<>'
int nest = 0;
int start = i;
for (; unsigned(i) < t.length() && nest >= 0; i++)
if (t[i] == '<')
else if (t[i] == '>')
else if (nest == 0 && t[i] == ',') {
// found end of argument
TQString arg = t.mid(start, i-start);
start = i+1; // skip ','
// accept the template only if the closing '>' is the last character
if (nest < 0 && unsigned(i) == t.length()) {
TQString arg = t.mid(start, i-start-1);
} else {
return result;
TypeInfo* ProgramTypeTable::lookup(TQString type)
* Registered aliases contain the complete template parameter list.
* Check for an alias first so that this case is out of the way.
if (TypeInfo* result = m_aliasDict[type])
return result;
* Check for a normal type. Even if type is a template instance,
* it could have been registered as a normal type instead of a pattern.
if (TypeInfo* result = m_types[type])
return result;
* The hard part: Look up a template.
TQStringList parts = splitTemplateArgs(type);
if (parts.size() == 1)
return 0; // not a template
// We can have several patterns for the same template name.
std::pair<TemplateMap::const_iterator, TemplateMap::const_iterator> range =
// We pick the one that has the wildcards in the later parameters.
unsigned minPenalty = ~0U;
TypeInfo* result = 0;
for (TemplateMap::const_iterator i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i)
const TQStringList& pat = i->second.templateArgs;
if (parts.size() < pat.size())
continue; // too few arguments
// a "*" in the last position of the pattern matches all arguments
// at the end of the template's arguments
if (parts.size() > pat.size() && pat.back() != "*")
continue; // too many arguments and no wildcard
TQStringList::const_iterator t = parts.begin();
TQStringList::const_iterator p = pat.begin();
unsigned accumPenalty = 0;
bool equal = true;
unsigned penalty = ~(~0U>>1); // 1 in the leading bit
while (equal && p != pat.end())
if (*p == "*")
accumPenalty |= penalty; // penalize wildcards
equal = *p == *t;
++p, ++t, penalty >>= 1;
if (equal)
if (accumPenalty == 0)
return i->second.type;
if (accumPenalty < minPenalty) {
result = i->second.type;
minPenalty = accumPenalty;
return result;
void ProgramTypeTable::registerAlias(const TQString& name, TypeInfo* type)
ASSERT(lookup(name) == 0 || lookup(name) == type);
m_aliasDict.insert(name, type);
void ProgramTypeTable::loadLibTypes(const TQStringList& libs)
for (TQStringList::const_iterator it = libs.begin(); it != libs.end(); ++it)
// look up the library
for (std::list<TypeTable>::iterator t = typeTables.begin(); t != typeTables.end(); ++t)
if (t->matchFileName(*it))
TRACE("adding types for " + *it);