You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1921 lines
55 KiB

diff.cpp - description
begin : Mon Mar 18 2002
copyright : (C) 2002-2007 by Joachim Eibl
email : joachim.eibl at
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "diff.h"
#include "fileaccess.h"
#include "optiondialog.h"
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <tqfileinfo.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqtextcodec.h>
#include <map>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
//using namespace std;
int LineData::width(int tabSize) const
int w=0;
int j=0;
for( int i=0; i<size; ++i )
if ( pLine[i]=='\t' )
for(j %= tabSize; j<tabSize; ++j)
return w;
// The bStrict flag is true during the test where a nonmatching area ends.
// Then the equal()-function requires that the match has more than 2 nonwhite characters.
// This is to avoid matches on trivial lines (e.g. with white space only).
// This choice is good for C/C++.
bool equal( const LineData& l1, const LineData& l2, bool bStrict )
if ( l1.pLine==0 || l2.pLine==0) return false;
if ( bStrict && g_bIgnoreTrivialMatches )//&& (l1.occurances>=5 || l2.occurances>=5) )
return false;
// Ignore white space diff
const TQChar* p1 = l1.pLine;
const TQChar* p1End = p1 + l1.size;
const TQChar* p2 = l2.pLine;
const TQChar* p2End = p2 + l2.size;
if ( g_bIgnoreWhiteSpace )
int nonWhite = 0;
while( isWhite( *p1 ) && p1!=p1End ) ++p1;
while( isWhite( *p2 ) && p2!=p2End ) ++p2;
if ( p1 == p1End && p2 == p2End )
if ( bStrict && g_bIgnoreTrivialMatches )
{ // Then equality is not enough
return nonWhite>2;
else // equality is enough
return true;
else if ( p1 == p1End || p2 == p2End )
return false;
if( *p1 != *p2 )
return false;
if ( l1.size==l2.size && memcmp(p1, p2, l1.size)==0)
return true;
return false;
static bool isLineOrBufEnd( const TQChar* p, int i, int size )
i>=size // End of file
|| p[i]=='\n' // Normal end of line
// No support for Mac-end of line yet, because incompatible with GNU-diff-routines.
// || ( p[i]=='\r' && (i>=size-1 || p[i+1]!='\n')
// && (i==0 || p[i-1]!='\n') ) // Special case: '\r' without '\n'
/* Features of class SourceData:
- Read a file (from the given URL) or accept data via a string.
- Allocate and free buffers as necessary.
- Run a preprocessor, when specified.
- Run the line-matching preprocessor, when specified.
- Run other preprocessing steps: Uppercase, ignore comments,
remove carriage return, ignore numbers.
Order of operation:
1. If data was given via a string then save it to a temp file. (see setData())
2. If the specified file is nonlocal (URL) copy it to a temp file.
3. If a preprocessor was specified, run the input file through it.
4. Read the output of the preprocessor.
5. If Uppercase was specified: Turn the read data to uppercase.
6. Write the result to a temp file.
7. If a line-matching preprocessor was specified, run the temp file through it.
8. Read the output of the line-matching preprocessor.
9. If ignore numbers was specified, strip the LMPP-output of all numbers.
10. If ignore comments was specified, strip the LMPP-output of comments.
Optimizations: Skip unneeded steps.
m_pOptionDialog = 0;
void SourceData::reset()
m_pEncoding = 0;
m_fileAccess = FileAccess();
if ( !m_tempInputFileName.isEmpty() )
FileAccess::removeFile( m_tempInputFileName );
m_tempInputFileName = "";
void SourceData::setFilename( const TQString& filename )
if (filename.isEmpty())
FileAccess fa( filename );
setFileAccess( fa );
bool SourceData::isEmpty()
return getFilename().isEmpty();
bool SourceData::hasData()
return m_normalData.m_pBuf != 0;
bool SourceData::isValid()
return isEmpty() || hasData();
void SourceData::setOptionDialog( OptionDialog* pOptionDialog )
m_pOptionDialog = pOptionDialog;
TQString SourceData::getFilename()
return m_fileAccess.absFilePath();
TQString SourceData::getAliasName()
return m_aliasName.isEmpty() ? m_fileAccess.prettyAbsPath() : m_aliasName;
void SourceData::setAliasName( const TQString& name )
m_aliasName = name;
void SourceData::setFileAccess( const FileAccess& fileAccess )
m_fileAccess = fileAccess;
m_aliasName = TQString();
if ( !m_tempInputFileName.isEmpty() )
FileAccess::removeFile( m_tempInputFileName );
m_tempInputFileName = "";
void SourceData::setData( const TQString& data )
// Create a temp file for preprocessing:
if ( m_tempInputFileName.isEmpty() )
m_tempInputFileName = FileAccess::tempFileName();
FileAccess f( m_tempInputFileName );
bool bSuccess = f.writeFile( TQTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")->fromUnicode(data), data.length() );
if ( !bSuccess )
KMessageBox::error( m_pOptionDialog, i18n("Writing clipboard data to temp file failed.") );
m_aliasName = i18n("From Clipboard");
m_fileAccess = FileAccess(""); // Effect: m_fileAccess.isValid() is false
const LineData* SourceData::getLineDataForDiff() const
if ( m_lmppData.m_pBuf==0 )
return m_normalData.m_v.size()>0 ? &m_normalData.m_v[0] : 0;
return m_lmppData.m_v.size()>0 ? &m_lmppData.m_v[0] : 0;
const LineData* SourceData::getLineDataForDisplay() const
return m_normalData.m_v.size()>0 ? &m_normalData.m_v[0] : 0;
int SourceData::getSizeLines() const
return m_normalData.m_vSize;
int SourceData::getSizeBytes() const
return m_normalData.m_size;
const char* SourceData::getBuf() const
return m_normalData.m_pBuf;
bool SourceData::isText()
return m_normalData.m_bIsText;
bool SourceData::isFromBuffer()
return !m_fileAccess.isValid();
bool SourceData::isBinaryEqualWith( const SourceData& other ) const
return m_fileAccess.exists() && other.m_fileAccess.exists() &&
getSizeBytes() == other.getSizeBytes() &&
( getSizeBytes()==0 || memcmp( getBuf(), other.getBuf(), getSizeBytes() )==0 );
void SourceData::FileData::reset()
delete[] (char*)m_pBuf;
m_pBuf = 0;
m_size = 0;
m_vSize = 0;
m_bIsText = true;
bool SourceData::FileData::readFile( const TQString& filename )
if ( filename.isEmpty() ) { return true; }
FileAccess fa( filename );
m_size = fa.sizeForReading();
char* pBuf;
m_pBuf = pBuf = new char[m_size+100]; // Alloc 100 byte extra: Savety hack, not nice but does no harm.
// Some extra bytes at the end of the buffer are needed by
// the diff algorithm. See also GnuDiff::diff_2_files().
bool bSuccess = fa.readFile( pBuf, m_size );
if ( !bSuccess )
delete pBuf;
m_pBuf = 0;
m_size = 0;
return bSuccess;
bool SourceData::saveNormalDataAs( const TQString& fileName )
return m_normalData.writeFile( fileName );
bool SourceData::FileData::writeFile( const TQString& filename )
if ( filename.isEmpty() ) { return true; }
FileAccess fa( filename );
bool bSuccess = fa.writeFile(m_pBuf, m_size);
return bSuccess;
void SourceData::FileData::copyBufFrom( const FileData& src )
char* pBuf;
m_size = src.m_size;
m_pBuf = pBuf = new char[m_size+100];
memcpy( pBuf, src.m_pBuf, m_size );
// Convert the input file from input encoding to output encoding and write it to the output file.
static bool convertFileEncoding( const TQString& fileNameIn, TQTextCodec* pCodecIn,
const TQString& fileNameOut, TQTextCodec* pCodecOut )
TQFile in( fileNameIn );
if ( ! ) )
return false;
TQTextStream inStream( &in );
inStream.setCodec( pCodecIn );
//inStream.setAutoDetectUnicode( false ); //not available in TQt3, will always detect UCS2
TQFile out( fileNameOut );
if ( ! IO_WriteOnly ) )
return false;
TQTextStream outStream( &out );
outStream.setCodec( pCodecOut );
TQString data =;
outStream << data;
return true;
static TQTextCodec* detectEncoding( const char* buf, long size, long& skipBytes )
if (size>=2)
skipBytes = 0; // In TQt3 UTF-16LE can only be used if autodetected.
if (buf[0]=='\xFF' && buf[1]=='\xFE' )
return TQTextCodec::codecForName( "ISO-10646-UCS2" );// "UTF-16LE"
if (buf[0]=='\xFE' && buf[1]=='\xFF' )
return TQTextCodec::codecForName( "ISO-10646-UCS2" );// "UTF-16BE". TQt3 autodetects the difference but has no name for it.
if (size>=3)
skipBytes = 3;
if (buf[0]=='\xEF' && buf[1]=='\xBB' && buf[2]=='\xBF' )
return TQTextCodec::codecForName( "UTF-8-BOM" );
skipBytes = 0;
return 0;
TQTextCodec* SourceData::detectEncoding( const TQString& fileName, TQTextCodec* pFallbackCodec )
TQFile f(fileName);
if ( )
char buf[4];
long size = f.readBlock( buf, sizeof(buf) );
long skipBytes = 0;
TQTextCodec* pCodec = ::detectEncoding( buf, size, skipBytes );
if (pCodec)
return pCodec;
return pFallbackCodec;
void SourceData::readAndPreprocess( TQTextCodec* pEncoding, bool bAutoDetectUnicode )
m_pEncoding = pEncoding;
TQString fileNameIn1;
TQString fileNameOut1;
TQString fileNameIn2;
TQString fileNameOut2;
bool bTempFileFromClipboard = !m_fileAccess.isValid();
// Detect the input for the preprocessing operations
if ( !bTempFileFromClipboard )
if ( m_fileAccess.isLocal() )
fileNameIn1 = m_fileAccess.absFilePath();
else // File is not local: create a temporary local copy:
if ( m_tempInputFileName.isEmpty() ) { m_tempInputFileName = FileAccess::tempFileName(); }
fileNameIn1 = m_tempInputFileName;
if ( bAutoDetectUnicode )
m_pEncoding = detectEncoding( fileNameIn1, pEncoding );
else // The input was set via setData(), probably from clipboard.
fileNameIn1 = m_tempInputFileName;
m_pEncoding = TQTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");
TQTextCodec* pEncoding1 = m_pEncoding;
TQTextCodec* pEncoding2 = m_pEncoding;
FileAccess faIn(fileNameIn1);
int fileInSize = faIn.size();
if ( faIn.exists() ) // fileInSize > 0 )
#ifdef _WIN32
TQString catCmd = "type";
fileNameIn1.replace( '/', "\\" );
TQString catCmd = "cat";
// Run the first preprocessor
if ( m_pOptionDialog->m_PreProcessorCmd.isEmpty() )
// No preprocessing: Read the file directly:
m_normalData.readFile( fileNameIn1 );
TQString fileNameInPP = fileNameIn1;
if ( pEncoding1 != m_pOptionDialog->m_pEncodingPP )
// Before running the preprocessor convert to the format that the preprocessor expects.
fileNameInPP = FileAccess::tempFileName();
pEncoding1 = m_pOptionDialog->m_pEncodingPP;
convertFileEncoding( fileNameIn1, pEncoding, fileNameInPP, pEncoding1 );
TQString ppCmd = m_pOptionDialog->m_PreProcessorCmd;
fileNameOut1 = FileAccess::tempFileName();
TQString cmd = catCmd + " \"" + fileNameInPP + "\" | " + ppCmd + " >\"" + fileNameOut1+"\"";
::system( encodeString(cmd) );
bool bSuccess = m_normalData.readFile( fileNameOut1 );
if ( fileInSize >0 && ( !bSuccess || m_normalData.m_size==0 ) )
i18n("Preprocessing possibly failed. Check this command:\n\n %1"
"\n\nThe preprocessing command will be disabled now."
).arg(cmd) );
m_pOptionDialog->m_PreProcessorCmd = "";
m_normalData.readFile( fileNameIn1 );
pEncoding1 = m_pEncoding;
if (fileNameInPP != fileNameIn1)
FileAccess::removeTempFile( fileNameInPP );
// LineMatching Preprocessor
if ( ! m_pOptionDialog->m_LineMatchingPreProcessorCmd.isEmpty() )
fileNameIn2 = fileNameOut1.isEmpty() ? fileNameIn1 : fileNameOut1;
TQString fileNameInPP = fileNameIn2;
pEncoding2 = pEncoding1;
if ( pEncoding2 != m_pOptionDialog->m_pEncodingPP )
// Before running the preprocessor convert to the format that the preprocessor expects.
fileNameInPP = FileAccess::tempFileName();
pEncoding2 = m_pOptionDialog->m_pEncodingPP;
convertFileEncoding( fileNameIn2, pEncoding1, fileNameInPP, pEncoding2 );
TQString ppCmd = m_pOptionDialog->m_LineMatchingPreProcessorCmd;
fileNameOut2 = FileAccess::tempFileName();
TQString cmd = catCmd + " \"" + fileNameInPP + "\" | " + ppCmd + " >\"" + fileNameOut2 + "\"";
::system( encodeString(cmd) );
bool bSuccess = m_lmppData.readFile( fileNameOut2 );
if ( FileAccess(fileNameIn2).size()>0 && ( !bSuccess || m_lmppData.m_size==0 ) )
i18n("The line-matching-preprocessing possibly failed. Check this command:\n\n %1"
"\n\nThe line-matching-preprocessing command will be disabled now."
).arg(cmd) );
m_pOptionDialog->m_LineMatchingPreProcessorCmd = "";
m_lmppData.readFile( fileNameIn2 );
FileAccess::removeTempFile( fileNameOut2 );
if (fileNameInPP != fileNameIn2)
FileAccess::removeTempFile( fileNameInPP );
else if ( m_pOptionDialog->m_bIgnoreComments || m_pOptionDialog->m_bIgnoreCase )
// We need a copy of the normal data.
m_lmppData.copyBufFrom( m_normalData );
{ // We don't need any lmpp data at all.
m_normalData.preprocess( m_pOptionDialog->m_bPreserveCarriageReturn, pEncoding1 );
m_lmppData.preprocess( false, pEncoding2 );
if ( m_lmppData.m_vSize < m_normalData.m_vSize )
// This probably is the fault of the LMPP-Command, but not worth reporting.
m_lmppData.m_v.resize( m_normalData.m_vSize );
for(int i=m_lmppData.m_vSize; i<m_normalData.m_vSize; ++i )
{ // Set all empty lines to point to the end of the buffer.
m_lmppData.m_v[i].pLine = m_lmppData.m_unicodeBuf.unicode()+m_lmppData.m_unicodeBuf.length();
m_lmppData.m_vSize = m_normalData.m_vSize;
// Internal Preprocessing: Uppercase-conversion
if ( m_pOptionDialog->m_bIgnoreCase )
int i;
TQChar* pBuf = const_cast<TQChar*>(m_lmppData.m_unicodeBuf.unicode());
int ucSize = m_lmppData.m_unicodeBuf.length();
for(i=0; i<ucSize; ++i)
pBuf[i] = pBuf[i].upper();
// Ignore comments
if ( m_pOptionDialog->m_bIgnoreComments )
int vSize = min2(m_normalData.m_vSize, m_lmppData.m_vSize);
for(int i=0; i<vSize; ++i )
m_normalData.m_v[i].bContainsPureComment = m_lmppData.m_v[i].bContainsPureComment;
// Remove unneeded temporary files. (A temp file from clipboard must not be deleted.)
if ( !bTempFileFromClipboard && !m_tempInputFileName.isEmpty() )
FileAccess::removeTempFile( m_tempInputFileName );
m_tempInputFileName = "";
if ( !fileNameOut1.isEmpty() )
FileAccess::removeTempFile( fileNameOut1 );
/** Prepare the linedata vector for every input line.*/
void SourceData::FileData::preprocess( bool bPreserveCR, TQTextCodec* pEncoding )
//m_unicodeBuf = decodeString( m_pBuf, m_size, eEncoding );
long skipBytes = 0;
TQTextCodec* pCodec = ::detectEncoding( m_pBuf, m_size, skipBytes );
if ( pCodec != pEncoding )
TQByteArray ba;
ba.setRawData( m_pBuf+skipBytes, m_size-skipBytes );
TQTextStream ts( ba, IO_ReadOnly );
ts.setCodec( pEncoding);
//ts.setAutoDetectUnicode( false );
m_unicodeBuf =;
ba.resetRawData( m_pBuf+skipBytes, m_size-skipBytes );
int ucSize = m_unicodeBuf.length();
const TQChar* p = m_unicodeBuf.unicode();
m_bIsText = true;
int lines = 1;
int i;
for( i=0; i<ucSize; ++i )
if ( isLineOrBufEnd(p,i,ucSize) )
if ( p[i]=='\0' )
m_bIsText = false;
m_v.resize( lines+5 );
int lineIdx=0;
int lineLength=0;
bool bNonWhiteFound = false;
int whiteLength = 0;
for( i=0; i<=ucSize; ++i )
if ( isLineOrBufEnd( p, i, ucSize ) )
m_v[lineIdx].pLine = &p[ i-lineLength ];
while ( !bPreserveCR && lineLength>0 && m_v[lineIdx].pLine[lineLength-1]=='\r' )
m_v[lineIdx].pFirstNonWhiteChar = m_v[lineIdx].pLine + min2(whiteLength,lineLength);
m_v[lineIdx].size = lineLength;
lineLength = 0;
bNonWhiteFound = false;
whiteLength = 0;
if ( ! bNonWhiteFound && isWhite( p[i] ) )
bNonWhiteFound = true;
assert( lineIdx == lines );
m_vSize = lines;
// Must not be entered, when within a comment.
// Returns either at a newline-character p[i]=='\n' or when i==size.
// A line that contains only comments is still "white".
// Comments in white lines must remain, while comments in
// non-white lines are overwritten with spaces.
static void checkLineForComments(
TQChar* p, // pointer to start of buffer
int& i, // index of current position (in, out)
int size, // size of buffer
bool& bWhite, // false if this line contains nonwhite characters (in, out)
bool& bCommentInLine, // true if any comment is within this line (in, out)
bool& bStartsOpenComment // true if the line ends within an comment (out)
bStartsOpenComment = false;
for(; i<size; ++i )
// A single apostroph ' has prio over a double apostroph " (e.g. '"')
// (if not in a string)
if ( p[i]=='\'' )
bWhite = false;
for( ; !isLineOrBufEnd(p,i,size) && p[i]!='\''; ++i)
if (p[i]=='\'') ++i;
// Strings have priority over comments: e.g. "/* Not a comment, but a string. */"
else if ( p[i]=='"' )
bWhite = false;
for( ; !isLineOrBufEnd(p,i,size) && !(p[i]=='"' && p[i-1]!='\\'); ++i)
if (p[i]=='"') ++i;
// C++-comment
else if ( p[i]=='/' && i+1<size && p[i+1] =='/' )
int commentStart = i;
bCommentInLine = true;
for( ; !isLineOrBufEnd(p,i,size); ++i)
if ( !bWhite )
memset( &p[commentStart], ' ', i-commentStart );
// C-comment
else if ( p[i]=='/' && i+1<size && p[i+1] =='*' )
int commentStart = i;
bCommentInLine = true;
for( ; !isLineOrBufEnd(p,i,size); ++i)
if ( i+1<size && p[i]=='*' && p[i+1]=='/') // end of the comment
// More comments in the line?
checkLineForComments( p, i, size, bWhite, bCommentInLine, bStartsOpenComment );
if ( !bWhite )
memset( &p[commentStart], ' ', i-commentStart );
bStartsOpenComment = true;
if ( isLineOrBufEnd(p,i,size) )
else if ( !p[i].isSpace() )
bWhite = false;
// Modifies the input data, and replaces C/C++ comments with whitespace
// when the line contains other data too. If the line contains only
// a comment or white data, remember this in the flag bContainsPureComment.
void SourceData::FileData::removeComments()
int line=0;
TQChar* p = const_cast<TQChar*>(m_unicodeBuf.unicode());
bool bWithinComment=false;
int size = m_unicodeBuf.length();
for(int i=0; i<size; ++i )
// std::cout << "2 " << std::string(&p[i], m_v[line].size) << std::endl;
bool bWhite = true;
bool bCommentInLine = false;
if ( bWithinComment )
int commentStart = i;
bCommentInLine = true;
for( ; !isLineOrBufEnd(p,i,size); ++i)
if ( i+1<size && p[i]=='*' && p[i+1]=='/') // end of the comment
// More comments in the line?
checkLineForComments( p, i, size, bWhite, bCommentInLine, bWithinComment );
if ( !bWhite )
memset( &p[commentStart], ' ', i-commentStart );
checkLineForComments( p, i, size, bWhite, bCommentInLine, bWithinComment );
// end of line
assert( isLineOrBufEnd(p,i,size));
m_v[line].bContainsPureComment = bCommentInLine && bWhite;
/* std::cout << line << " : " <<
( bCommentInLine ? "c" : " " ) <<
( bWhite ? "w " : " ") <<
std::string(pLD[line].pLine, pLD[line].size) << std::endl;*/
// First step
void calcDiff3LineListUsingAB(
const DiffList* pDiffListAB,
Diff3LineList& d3ll
// First make d3ll for AB (from pDiffListAB)
DiffList::const_iterator i=pDiffListAB->begin();
int lineA=0;
int lineB=0;
Diff d(0,0,0);
if ( d.nofEquals==0 && d.diff1==0 && d.diff2==0 )
if ( i!=pDiffListAB->end() )
Diff3Line d3l;
if( d.nofEquals>0 )
d3l.bAEqB = true;
d3l.lineA = lineA;
d3l.lineB = lineB;
else if ( d.diff1>0 && d.diff2>0 )
d3l.lineA = lineA;
d3l.lineB = lineB;
else if ( d.diff1>0 )
d3l.lineA = lineA;
else if ( d.diff2>0 )
d3l.lineB = lineB;
d3ll.push_back( d3l );
// Second step
void calcDiff3LineListUsingAC(
const DiffList* pDiffListAC,
Diff3LineList& d3ll
// Now insert data from C using pDiffListAC
DiffList::const_iterator i=pDiffListAC->begin();
Diff3LineList::iterator i3 = d3ll.begin();
int lineA=0;
int lineC=0;
Diff d(0,0,0);
if ( d.nofEquals==0 && d.diff1==0 && d.diff2==0 )
if ( i!=pDiffListAC->end() )
Diff3Line d3l;
if( d.nofEquals>0 )
// Find the corresponding lineA
while( (*i3).lineA!=lineA )
(*i3).lineC = lineC;
(*i3).bAEqC = true;
(*i3).bBEqC = (*i3).bAEqB;
else if ( d.diff1>0 && d.diff2>0 )
d3l.lineC = lineC;
d3ll.insert( i3, d3l );
else if ( d.diff1>0 )
else if ( d.diff2>0 )
d3l.lineC = lineC;
d3ll.insert( i3, d3l );
// Third step
void calcDiff3LineListUsingBC(
const DiffList* pDiffListBC,
Diff3LineList& d3ll
// Now improve the position of data from C using pDiffListBC
// If a line from C equals a line from A then it is in the
// same Diff3Line already.
// If a line from C equals a line from B but not A, this
// information will be used here.
DiffList::const_iterator i=pDiffListBC->begin();
Diff3LineList::iterator i3b = d3ll.begin();
Diff3LineList::iterator i3c = d3ll.begin();
int lineB=0;
int lineC=0;
Diff d(0,0,0);
if ( d.nofEquals==0 && d.diff1==0 && d.diff2==0 )
if ( i!=pDiffListBC->end() )
Diff3Line d3l;
if( d.nofEquals>0 )
// Find the corresponding lineB and lineC
while( i3b!=d3ll.end() && (*i3b).lineB!=lineB )
while( i3c!=d3ll.end() && (*i3c).lineC!=lineC )
if ( i3b==i3c )
assert( (*i3b).lineC == lineC );
(*i3b).bBEqC = true;
// Is it possible to move this line up?
// Test if no other B's are used between i3c and i3b
// First test which is before: i3c or i3b ?
Diff3LineList::iterator i3c1 = i3c;
Diff3LineList::iterator i3b1 = i3b;
while( i3c1!=i3b && i3b1!=i3c )
assert(i3b1!=d3ll.end() || i3c1!=d3ll.end());
if( i3c1!=d3ll.end() ) ++i3c1;
if( i3b1!=d3ll.end() ) ++i3b1;
if( i3c1==i3b && !(*i3b).bAEqB ) // i3c before i3b
Diff3LineList::iterator i3 = i3c;
int nofDisturbingLines = 0;
while( i3 != i3b && i3!=d3ll.end() )
if ( (*i3).lineB != -1 )
if ( nofDisturbingLines>0 )//&& nofDisturbingLines < d.nofEquals*d.nofEquals+4 )
// Move the disturbing lines up, out of sight.
i3 = i3c;
while( i3 != i3b )
if ( (*i3).lineB != -1 )
Diff3Line d3l;
d3l.lineB = (*i3).lineB;
(*i3).lineB = -1;
(*i3).bAEqB = false;
(*i3).bBEqC = false;
d3ll.insert( i3c, d3l );
if ( nofDisturbingLines == 0 )
// Yes, the line from B can be moved.
(*i3b).lineB = -1; // This might leave an empty line: removed later.
(*i3b).bAEqB = false;
(*i3b).bAEqC = false;
(*i3b).bBEqC = false;
(*i3c).lineB = lineB;
(*i3c).bBEqC = true;
else if( i3b1==i3c && !(*i3c).bAEqC)
Diff3LineList::iterator i3 = i3b;
int nofDisturbingLines = 0;
while( i3 != i3c && i3!=d3ll.end() )
if ( (*i3).lineC != -1 )
if ( nofDisturbingLines>0 )//&& nofDisturbingLines < d.nofEquals*d.nofEquals+4 )
// Move the disturbing lines up.
i3 = i3b;
while( i3 != i3c )
if ( (*i3).lineC != -1 )
Diff3Line d3l;
d3l.lineC = (*i3).lineC;
(*i3).lineC = -1;
(*i3).bAEqC = false;
(*i3).bBEqC = false;
d3ll.insert( i3b, d3l );
if ( nofDisturbingLines == 0 )
// Yes, the line from C can be moved.
(*i3c).lineC = -1; // This might leave an empty line: removed later.
(*i3c).bAEqC = false;
(*i3c).bBEqC = false;
(*i3b).lineC = lineC;
(*i3b).bBEqC = true;
else if ( d.diff1>0 )
Diff3LineList::iterator i3 = i3b;
while( (*i3).lineB!=lineB )
if( i3 != i3b && (*i3).bAEqB==false )
// Take B from this line and move it up as far as possible
d3l.lineB = lineB;
d3ll.insert( i3b, d3l );
(*i3).lineB = -1;
if( d.diff2>0 )
else if ( d.diff2>0 )
Diff3LineList::iterator it = d3ll.begin();
int li=0;
for( ; it!=d3ll.end(); ++it, ++li )
printf( "%4d %4d %4d %4d A%c=B A%c=C B%c=C\n",
li, (*it).lineA, (*it).lineB, (*it).lineC,
(*it).bAEqB ? '=' : '!', (*it).bAEqC ? '=' : '!', (*it).bBEqC ? '=' : '!' );
#ifdef _WIN32
using ::equal;
// Test if the move would pass a barrier. Return true if not.
static bool isValidMove( ManualDiffHelpList* pManualDiffHelpList, int line1, int line2, int winIdx1, int winIdx2 )
if (line1>=0 && line2>=0)
ManualDiffHelpList::const_iterator i;
for( i = pManualDiffHelpList->begin(); i!=pManualDiffHelpList->end(); ++i )
const ManualDiffHelpEntry& mdhe = *i;
// Barrier
int l1 = winIdx1 == 1 ? mdhe.lineA1 : winIdx1==2 ? mdhe.lineB1 : mdhe.lineC1 ;
int l2 = winIdx2 == 1 ? mdhe.lineA1 : winIdx2==2 ? mdhe.lineB1 : mdhe.lineC1 ;
if ( l1>=0 && l2>=0 )
if ( line1>=l1 && line2<l2 || line1<l1 && line2>=l2 )
return false;
l1 = winIdx1 == 1 ? mdhe.lineA2 : winIdx1==2 ? mdhe.lineB2 : mdhe.lineC2 ;
l2 = winIdx2 == 1 ? mdhe.lineA2 : winIdx2==2 ? mdhe.lineB2 : mdhe.lineC2 ;
if ( line1>=l1 && line2<l2 || line1<l1 && line2>=l2 )
return false;
return true; // no barrier passed.
void correctManualDiffAlignment( Diff3LineList& d3ll, ManualDiffHelpList* pManualDiffHelpList )
if ( pManualDiffHelpList->empty() )
// If a line appears unaligned in comparison to the manual alignment, correct this.
ManualDiffHelpList::iterator iMDHL;
for( iMDHL = pManualDiffHelpList->begin(); iMDHL != pManualDiffHelpList->end(); ++iMDHL )
Diff3LineList::iterator i3 = d3ll.begin();
int winIdxPreferred = 0;
int missingWinIdx = 0;
int alignedSum = (iMDHL->lineA1<0?0:1) + (iMDHL->lineB1<0?0:1) + (iMDHL->lineC1<0?0:1);
if (alignedSum==2)
// If only A & B are aligned then let C rather be aligned with A
// If only A & C are aligned then let B rather be aligned with A
// If only B & C are aligned then let A rather be aligned with B
missingWinIdx = iMDHL->lineA1<0 ? 1 : (iMDHL->lineB1<0 ? 2 : 3 );
winIdxPreferred = missingWinIdx == 1 ? 2 : 1;
else if (alignedSum<=1)
// At the first aligned line, move up the two other lines into new d3ls until the second input is aligned
// Then move up the third input until all three lines are aligned.
int wi=0;
for( ; i3!=d3ll.end(); ++i3 )
for ( wi=1; wi<=3; ++wi )
if ( i3->getLineInFile(wi) >= 0 && iMDHL->firstLine(wi) == i3->getLineInFile(wi) )
if ( wi<=3 )
if (wi>=1 && wi <= 3)
// Found manual alignment for one source
Diff3LineList::iterator iDest = i3;
// Move lines up until the next firstLine is found. Omit wi from move and search.
int wi2=0;
for( ; i3!=d3ll.end(); ++i3 )
for ( wi2=1; wi2<=3; ++wi2 )
if ( wi!=wi2 && i3->getLineInFile(wi2) >= 0 && iMDHL->firstLine(wi2) == i3->getLineInFile(wi2) )
if (wi2>3)
{ // Not yet found
// Move both others up
Diff3Line d3l;
// Move both up
if (wi==1) // Move B and C up
d3l.bBEqC = i3->bBEqC;
d3l.lineB = i3->lineB;
d3l.lineC = i3->lineC;
i3->lineB = -1;
i3->lineC = -1;
if (wi==2) // Move A and C up
d3l.bAEqC = i3->bAEqC;
d3l.lineA = i3->lineA;
d3l.lineC = i3->lineC;
i3->lineA = -1;
i3->lineC = -1;
if (wi==3) // Move A and B up
d3l.bAEqB = i3->bAEqB;
d3l.lineA = i3->lineA;
d3l.lineB = i3->lineB;
i3->lineA = -1;
i3->lineB = -1;
i3->bAEqB = false;
i3->bAEqC = false;
i3->bBEqC = false;
d3ll.insert( iDest, d3l );
// align the found line with the line we already have here
if ( i3 != iDest )
if (wi2==1)
iDest->lineA = i3->lineA;
i3->lineA = -1;
i3->bAEqB = false;
i3->bAEqC = false;
else if (wi2==2)
iDest->lineB = i3->lineB;
i3->lineB = -1;
i3->bAEqB = false;
i3->bBEqC = false;
else if (wi2==3)
iDest->lineC = i3->lineC;
i3->lineC = -1;
i3->bBEqC = false;
i3->bAEqC = false;
if ( missingWinIdx!=0 )
for( ; i3!=d3ll.end(); ++i3 )
int wi3 = missingWinIdx;
if ( i3->getLineInFile(wi3) >= 0 )
// not found, move the line before iDest
Diff3Line d3l;
if ( wi3==1 )
if (i3->bAEqB) // Stop moving lines up if one equal is found.
d3l.lineA = i3->lineA;
i3->lineA = -1;
i3->bAEqB = false;
i3->bAEqC = false;
if ( wi3==2 )
if (i3->bAEqB)
d3l.lineB = i3->lineB;
i3->lineB = -1;
i3->bAEqB = false;
i3->bBEqC = false;
if ( wi3==3 )
if (i3->bAEqC)
d3l.lineC = i3->lineC;
i3->lineC = -1;
i3->bAEqC = false;
i3->bBEqC = false;
d3ll.insert( iDest, d3l );
} // for(), searching for wi3
} // for(), searching for wi2
} // if, wi found
} // for (iMDHL)
// Fourth step
void calcDiff3LineListTrim(
Diff3LineList& d3ll, const LineData* pldA, const LineData* pldB, const LineData* pldC, ManualDiffHelpList* pManualDiffHelpList
const Diff3Line d3l_empty;
d3ll.remove( d3l_empty );
Diff3LineList::iterator i3 = d3ll.begin();
Diff3LineList::iterator i3A = d3ll.begin();
Diff3LineList::iterator i3B = d3ll.begin();
Diff3LineList::iterator i3C = d3ll.begin();
int line=0; // diff3line counters
int lineA=0; //
int lineB=0;
int lineC=0;
ManualDiffHelpList::iterator iMDHL = pManualDiffHelpList->begin();
// The iterator i3 and the variable line look ahead.
// The iterators i3A, i3B, i3C and corresponding lineA, lineB and lineC stop at empty lines, if found.
// If possible, then the texts from the look ahead will be moved back to the empty places.
for( ; i3!=d3ll.end(); ++i3, ++line )
if ( iMDHL!=pManualDiffHelpList->end() )
if ( i3->lineA >= 0 && i3->lineA==iMDHL->lineA1 ||
i3->lineB >= 0 && i3->lineB==iMDHL->lineB1 ||
i3->lineC >= 0 && i3->lineC==iMDHL->lineC1 )
i3A = i3;
i3B = i3;
i3C = i3;
lineA = line;
lineB = line;
lineC = line;
if( line>lineA && (*i3).lineA != -1 && (*i3A).lineB!=-1 && (*i3A).bBEqC &&
::equal( pldA[(*i3).lineA], pldB[(*i3A).lineB], false ) &&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, (*i3).lineA, (*i3A).lineB, 1, 2 ) &&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, (*i3).lineA, (*i3A).lineC, 1, 3 ) )
// Empty space for A. A matches B and C in the empty line. Move it up.
(*i3A).lineA = (*i3).lineA;
(*i3A).bAEqB = true;
(*i3A).bAEqC = true;
(*i3).lineA = -1;
(*i3).bAEqB = false;
(*i3).bAEqC = false;
if( line>lineB && (*i3).lineB != -1 && (*i3B).lineA!=-1 && (*i3B).bAEqC &&
::equal( pldB[(*i3).lineB], pldA[(*i3B).lineA], false ) &&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, (*i3).lineB, (*i3B).lineA, 2, 1 ) &&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, (*i3).lineB, (*i3B).lineC, 2, 3 ) )
// Empty space for B. B matches A and C in the empty line. Move it up.
(*i3B).lineB = (*i3).lineB;
(*i3B).bAEqB = true;
(*i3B).bBEqC = true;
(*i3).lineB = -1;
(*i3).bAEqB = false;
(*i3).bBEqC = false;
if( line>lineC && (*i3).lineC != -1 && (*i3C).lineA!=-1 && (*i3C).bAEqB &&
::equal( pldC[(*i3).lineC], pldA[(*i3C).lineA], false )&&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, (*i3).lineC, (*i3C).lineA, 3, 1 ) &&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, (*i3).lineC, (*i3C).lineB, 3, 2 ) )
// Empty space for C. C matches A and B in the empty line. Move it up.
(*i3C).lineC = (*i3).lineC;
(*i3C).bAEqC = true;
(*i3C).bBEqC = true;
(*i3).lineC = -1;
(*i3).bAEqC = false;
(*i3).bBEqC = false;
if( line>lineA && (*i3).lineA != -1 && !(*i3).bAEqB && !(*i3).bAEqC &&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, (*i3).lineA, (*i3A).lineB, 1, 2 ) &&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, (*i3).lineA, (*i3A).lineC, 1, 3 ) ) {
// Empty space for A. A doesn't match B or C. Move it up.
(*i3A).lineA = (*i3).lineA;
(*i3).lineA = -1;
if( line>lineB && (*i3).lineB != -1 && !(*i3).bAEqB && !(*i3).bBEqC &&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, (*i3).lineB, (*i3B).lineA, 2, 1 ) &&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, (*i3).lineB, (*i3B).lineC, 2, 3 ) )
// Empty space for B. B matches neither A nor C. Move B up.
(*i3B).lineB = (*i3).lineB;
(*i3).lineB = -1;
if( line>lineC && (*i3).lineC != -1 && !(*i3).bAEqC && !(*i3).bBEqC &&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, (*i3).lineC, (*i3C).lineA, 3, 1 ) &&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, (*i3).lineC, (*i3C).lineB, 3, 2 ) )
// Empty space for C. C matches neither A nor B. Move C up.
(*i3C).lineC = (*i3).lineC;
(*i3).lineC = -1;
if( line>lineA && line>lineB && (*i3).lineA != -1 && (*i3).bAEqB && !(*i3).bAEqC )
// Empty space for A and B. A matches B, but not C. Move A & B up.
Diff3LineList::iterator i = lineA > lineB ? i3A : i3B;
int l = lineA > lineB ? lineA : lineB;
if ( isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, i->lineC, (*i3).lineA, 3, 1 ) &&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, i->lineC, (*i3).lineB, 3, 2 ) )
(*i).lineA = (*i3).lineA;
(*i).lineB = (*i3).lineB;
(*i).bAEqB = true;
(*i3).lineA = -1;
(*i3).lineB = -1;
(*i3).bAEqB = false;
i3A = i;
i3B = i;
else if( line>lineA && line>lineC && (*i3).lineA != -1 && (*i3).bAEqC && !(*i3).bAEqB )
// Empty space for A and C. A matches C, but not B. Move A & C up.
Diff3LineList::iterator i = lineA > lineC ? i3A : i3C;
int l = lineA > lineC ? lineA : lineC;
if ( isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, i->lineB, (*i3).lineA, 2, 1 ) &&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, i->lineB, (*i3).lineC, 2, 3 ) )
(*i).lineA = (*i3).lineA;
(*i).lineC = (*i3).lineC;
(*i).bAEqC = true;
(*i3).lineA = -1;
(*i3).lineC = -1;
(*i3).bAEqC = false;
i3A = i;
i3C = i;
else if( line>lineB && line>lineC && (*i3).lineB != -1 && (*i3).bBEqC && !(*i3).bAEqC )
// Empty space for B and C. B matches C, but not A. Move B & C up.
Diff3LineList::iterator i = lineB > lineC ? i3B : i3C;
int l = lineB > lineC ? lineB : lineC;
if ( isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, i->lineA, (*i3).lineB, 1, 2 ) &&
isValidMove( pManualDiffHelpList, i->lineA, (*i3).lineC, 1, 3 ) )
(*i).lineB = (*i3).lineB;
(*i).lineC = (*i3).lineC;
(*i).bBEqC = true;
(*i3).lineB = -1;
(*i3).lineC = -1;
(*i3).bBEqC = false;
i3B = i;
i3C = i;
if ( (*i3).lineA != -1 )
lineA = line+1;
i3A = i3;
if ( (*i3).lineB != -1 )
lineB = line+1;
i3B = i3;
if ( (*i3).lineC != -1 )
lineC = line+1;
i3C = i3;
d3ll.remove( d3l_empty );
Diff3LineList::iterator it = d3ll.begin();
int li=0;
for( ; it!=d3ll.end(); ++it, ++li )
printf( "%4d %4d %4d %4d A%c=B A%c=C B%c=C\n",
li, (*it).lineA, (*it).lineB, (*it).lineC,
(*it).bAEqB ? '=' : '!', (*it).bAEqC ? '=' : '!', (*it).bBEqC ? '=' : '!' );
void DiffBufferInfo::init( Diff3LineList* pD3ll, const Diff3LineVector* pD3lv,
const LineData* pldA, int sizeA, const LineData* pldB, int sizeB, const LineData* pldC, int sizeC )
m_pDiff3LineList = pD3ll;
m_pDiff3LineVector = pD3lv;
m_pLineDataA = pldA;
m_pLineDataB = pldB;
m_pLineDataC = pldC;
m_sizeA = sizeA;
m_sizeB = sizeB;
m_sizeC = sizeC;
Diff3LineList::iterator i3 = pD3ll->begin();
for( ; i3!=pD3ll->end(); ++i3 )
i3->m_pDiffBufferInfo = this;
void calcWhiteDiff3Lines(
Diff3LineList& d3ll, const LineData* pldA, const LineData* pldB, const LineData* pldC
Diff3LineList::iterator i3 = d3ll.begin();
for( ; i3!=d3ll.end(); ++i3 )
i3->bWhiteLineA = ( (*i3).lineA == -1 || pldA==0 || pldA[(*i3).lineA].whiteLine() || pldA[(*i3).lineA].bContainsPureComment );
i3->bWhiteLineB = ( (*i3).lineB == -1 || pldB==0 || pldB[(*i3).lineB].whiteLine() || pldB[(*i3).lineB].bContainsPureComment );
i3->bWhiteLineC = ( (*i3).lineC == -1 || pldC==0 || pldC[(*i3).lineC].whiteLine() || pldC[(*i3).lineC].bContainsPureComment );
// Just make sure that all input lines are in the output too, exactly once.
void debugLineCheck( Diff3LineList& d3ll, int size, int idx )
Diff3LineList::iterator it = d3ll.begin();
int i=0;
for ( it = d3ll.begin(); it!= d3ll.end(); ++it )
int l=0;
if (idx==1) l=(*it).lineA;
else if (idx==2) l=(*it).lineB;
else if (idx==3) l=(*it).lineC;
else assert(false);
if ( l!=-1 )
if( l!=i )
KMessageBox::error(0, i18n(
"Data loss error:\n"
"If it is reproducable please contact the author.\n"
), i18n("Severe Internal Error") );
std::cerr << "Severe Internal Error.\n";
if( size!=i )
KMessageBox::error(0, i18n(
"Data loss error:\n"
"If it is reproducable please contact the author.\n"
), i18n("Severe Internal Error") );
std::cerr << "Severe Internal Error.\n";
inline bool equal( TQChar c1, TQChar c2, bool /*bStrict*/ )
// If bStrict then white space doesn't match
//if ( bStrict && ( c1==' ' || c1=='\t' ) )
// return false;
return c1==c2;
// My own diff-invention:
template <class T>
void calcDiff( const T* p1, int size1, const T* p2, int size2, DiffList& diffList, int match, int maxSearchRange )
const T* p1start = p1;
const T* p2start = p2;
const T* p1end=p1+size1;
const T* p2end=p2+size2;
int nofEquals = 0;
while( p1!=p1end && p2!=p2end && equal(*p1, *p2, false) )
bool bBestValid=false;
int bestI1=0;
int bestI2=0;
int i1=0;
int i2=0;
for( i1=0; ; ++i1 )
if ( &p1[i1]==p1end || ( bBestValid && i1>= bestI1+bestI2))
if( &p2[i2]==p2end || ( bBestValid && i1+i2>=bestI1+bestI2) )
else if( equal( p2[i2], p1[i1], true ) &&
( match==1 || abs(i1-i2)<3 || ( &p2[i2+1]==p2end && &p1[i1+1]==p1end ) ||
( &p2[i2+1]!=p2end && &p1[i1+1]!=p1end && equal( p2[i2+1], p1[i1+1], false ))
if ( i1+i2 < bestI1+bestI2 || bBestValid==false )
bestI1 = i1;
bestI2 = i2;
bBestValid = true;
// The match was found using the strict search. Go back if there are non-strict
// matches.
while( bestI1>=1 && bestI2>=1 && equal( p1[bestI1-1], p2[bestI2-1], false ) )
bool bEndReached = false;
if (bBestValid)
// continue somehow
Diff d(nofEquals, bestI1, bestI2);
diffList.push_back( d );
p1 += bestI1;
p2 += bestI2;
// Nothing else to match.
Diff d(nofEquals, p1end-p1, p2end-p2);
diffList.push_back( d );
bEndReached = true; //break;
// Sometimes the algorithm that chooses the first match unfortunately chooses
// a match where later actually equal parts don't match anymore.
// A different match could be achieved, if we start at the end.
// Do it, if it would be a better match.
int nofUnmatched = 0;
const T* pu1 = p1-1;
const T* pu2 = p2-1;
while ( pu1>=p1start && pu2>=p2start && equal( *pu1, *pu2, false ) )
Diff d = diffList.back();
if ( nofUnmatched > 0 )
// We want to go backwards the nofUnmatched elements and redo
// the matching
d = diffList.back();
Diff origBack = d;
while ( nofUnmatched > 0 )
if ( d.diff1 > 0 && d.diff2 > 0 )
else if ( d.nofEquals > 0 )
if ( d.nofEquals==0 && (d.diff1==0 || d.diff2==0) && nofUnmatched>0 )
if ( diffList.empty() )
d.nofEquals += diffList.back().nofEquals;
d.diff1 += diffList.back().diff1;
d.diff2 += diffList.back().diff2;
bEndReached = false;
if ( bEndReached )
diffList.push_back( origBack );
p1 = pu1 + 1 + nofUnmatched;
p2 = pu2 + 1 + nofUnmatched;
diffList.push_back( d );
if ( bEndReached )
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Verify difflist
int l1=0;
int l2=0;
DiffList::iterator i;
for( i = diffList.begin(); i!=diffList.end(); ++i )
l1+= i->nofEquals + i->diff1;
l2+= i->nofEquals + i->diff2;
//if( l1!=p1-p1start || l2!=p2-p2start )
if( l1!=size1 || l2!=size2 )
assert( false );
void fineDiff(
Diff3LineList& diff3LineList,
int selector,
const LineData* v1,
const LineData* v2,
bool& bTextsTotalEqual
// Finetuning: Diff each line with deltas
ProgressProxy pp;
int maxSearchLength=500;
Diff3LineList::iterator i;
int k1=0;
int k2=0;
bTextsTotalEqual = true;
int listSize = diff3LineList.size();
int listIdx = 0;
for( i= diff3LineList.begin(); i!= diff3LineList.end(); ++i)
if (selector==1){ k1=i->lineA; k2=i->lineB; }
else if (selector==2){ k1=i->lineB; k2=i->lineC; }
else if (selector==3){ k1=i->lineC; k2=i->lineA; }
else assert(false);
if( k1==-1 && k2!=-1 || k1!=-1 && k2==-1 ) bTextsTotalEqual=false;
if( k1!=-1 && k2!=-1 )
if ( v1[k1].size != v2[k2].size || memcmp( v1[k1].pLine, v2[k2].pLine, v1[k1].size<<1)!=0 )
bTextsTotalEqual = false;
DiffList* pDiffList = new DiffList;
calcDiff( v1[k1].pLine, v1[k1].size, v2[k2].pLine, v2[k2].size, *pDiffList, 2, maxSearchLength );
// Optimize the diff list.
DiffList::iterator dli;
bool bUsefulFineDiff = false;
for( dli = pDiffList->begin(); dli!=pDiffList->end(); ++dli)
if( dli->nofEquals >= 4 )
bUsefulFineDiff = true;
for( dli = pDiffList->begin(); dli!=pDiffList->end(); ++dli)
if( dli->nofEquals < 4 && (dli->diff1>0 || dli->diff2>0)
&& !( bUsefulFineDiff && dli==pDiffList->begin() )
dli->diff1 += dli->nofEquals;
dli->diff2 += dli->nofEquals;
dli->nofEquals = 0;
if (selector==1){ delete (*i).pFineAB; (*i).pFineAB = pDiffList; }
else if (selector==2){ delete (*i).pFineBC; (*i).pFineBC = pDiffList; }
else if (selector==3){ delete (*i).pFineCA; (*i).pFineCA = pDiffList; }
else assert(false);
if ( (v1[k1].bContainsPureComment || v1[k1].whiteLine()) && (v2[k2].bContainsPureComment || v2[k2].whiteLine()))
if (selector==1){ i->bAEqB = true; }
else if (selector==2){ i->bBEqC = true; }
else if (selector==3){ i->bAEqC = true; }
else assert(false);
// Convert the list to a vector of pointers
void calcDiff3LineVector( Diff3LineList& d3ll, Diff3LineVector& d3lv )
d3lv.resize( d3ll.size() );
Diff3LineList::iterator i;
int j=0;
for( i= d3ll.begin(); i!= d3ll.end(); ++i, ++j)
d3lv[j] = &(*i);
assert( j==(int)d3lv.size() );