You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1752 lines
52 KiB

difftextwindow.cpp - description
begin : Mon Apr 8 2002
copyright : (C) 2002-2007 by Joachim Eibl
email : joachim.eibl at
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "difftextwindow.h"
#include "merger.h"
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqstatusbar.h>
#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <tqfont.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqlineedit.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqtextcodec.h>
#include <optiondialog.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <tqdragobject.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdefiledialog.h>
class DiffTextWindowData
DiffTextWindowData( DiffTextWindow* p )
m_pDiffTextWindow = p;
m_bPaintingAllowed = false;
m_pLineData = 0;
m_size = 0;
m_bWordWrap = false;
m_delayedDrawTimer = 0;
m_pDiff3LineVector = 0;
m_pManualDiffHelpList = 0;
m_pOptionDialog = 0;
m_fastSelectorLine1 = 0;
m_fastSelectorNofLines = 0;
m_bTriple = 0;
m_winIdx = 0;
m_firstLine = 0;
m_oldFirstLine = 0;
m_oldFirstColumn = 0;
m_firstColumn = 0;
m_lineNumberWidth = 0;
m_pStatusBar = 0;
m_scrollDeltaX = 0;
m_scrollDeltaY = 0;
m_bMyUpdate = false;
m_bSelectionInProgress = false;
DiffTextWindow* m_pDiffTextWindow;
DiffTextWindowFrame* m_pDiffTextWindowFrame;
bool m_bPaintingAllowed;
const LineData* m_pLineData;
int m_size;
TQString m_filename;
bool m_bWordWrap;
int m_delayedDrawTimer;
const Diff3LineVector* m_pDiff3LineVector;
Diff3WrapLineVector m_diff3WrapLineVector;
const ManualDiffHelpList* m_pManualDiffHelpList;
OptionDialog* m_pOptionDialog;
TQColor m_cThis;
TQColor m_cDiff1;
TQColor m_cDiff2;
TQColor m_cDiffBoth;
int m_fastSelectorLine1;
int m_fastSelectorNofLines;
bool m_bTriple;
int m_winIdx;
int m_firstLine;
int m_oldFirstLine;
int m_oldFirstColumn;
int m_firstColumn;
int m_lineNumberWidth;
void getLineInfo(
const Diff3Line& d,
int& lineIdx,
DiffList*& pFineDiff1, DiffList*& pFineDiff2, // return values
int& changed, int& changed2 );
TQString getString( int d3lIdx );
TQString getLineString( int line );
void writeLine(
MyPainter& p, const LineData* pld,
const DiffList* pLineDiff1, const DiffList* pLineDiff2, int line,
int whatChanged, int whatChanged2, int srcLineIdx,
int wrapLineOffset, int wrapLineLength, bool bWrapLine, const TQRect& invalidRect, int deviceWidth
void draw( MyPainter& p, const TQRect& invalidRect, int deviceWidth, int beginLine, int endLine );
TQStatusBar* m_pStatusBar;
Selection m_selection;
int m_scrollDeltaX;
int m_scrollDeltaY;
bool m_bMyUpdate;
void myUpdate(int afterMilliSecs );
int leftInfoWidth() { return 4+m_lineNumberWidth; } // Nr of information columns on left side
int convertLineOnScreenToLineInSource( int lineOnScreen, e_CoordType coordType, bool bFirstLine );
bool m_bSelectionInProgress;
TQPoint m_lastKnownMousePos;
DiffTextWindowFrame* pParent,
TQStatusBar* pStatusBar,
OptionDialog* pOptionDialog,
int winIdx
: TQWidget(pParent, 0, TQt::WResizeNoErase | TQt::WRepaintNoErase)
d = new DiffTextWindowData(this);
d->m_pDiffTextWindowFrame = pParent;
setFocusPolicy( TQ_ClickFocus );
setAcceptDrops( true );
d->m_pOptionDialog = pOptionDialog;
init( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false );
d->m_pStatusBar = pStatusBar;
d->m_bPaintingAllowed = true;
d->m_bWordWrap = false;
d->m_winIdx = winIdx;
delete d;
void DiffTextWindow::init(
const TQString& filename,
const LineData* pLineData,
int size,
const Diff3LineVector* pDiff3LineVector,
const ManualDiffHelpList* pManualDiffHelpList,
bool bTriple
d->m_filename = filename;
d->m_pLineData = pLineData;
d->m_size = size;
d->m_pDiff3LineVector = pDiff3LineVector;
d->m_pManualDiffHelpList = pManualDiffHelpList;
d->m_firstLine = 0;
d->m_oldFirstLine = -1;
d->m_firstColumn = 0;
d->m_oldFirstColumn = -1;
d->m_bTriple = bTriple;
d->m_bMyUpdate = false;
d->m_fastSelectorLine1 = 0;
d->m_fastSelectorNofLines = 0;
d->m_lineNumberWidth = 0;
d->m_selection.oldFirstLine = -1; // reset is not enough here.
d->m_selection.oldLastLine = -1;
d->m_selection.lastLine = -1;
void DiffTextWindow::reset()
void DiffTextWindow::setPaintingAllowed( bool bAllowPainting )
if (d->m_bPaintingAllowed != bAllowPainting)
d->m_bPaintingAllowed = bAllowPainting;
if ( d->m_bPaintingAllowed ) update();
else reset();
void DiffTextWindow::dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent* e )
e->accept( TQUriDrag::canDecode(e) || TQTextDrag::canDecode(e) );
// Note that the corresponding drop is handled in KDiff3App::eventFilter().
void DiffTextWindow::setFirstLine(int firstLine)
int fontHeight = fontMetrics().height();
int newFirstLine = max2(0,firstLine);
int deltaY = fontHeight * ( d->m_firstLine - newFirstLine );
d->m_firstLine = newFirstLine;
if ( d->m_bSelectionInProgress && d->m_selection.firstLine != -1 )
int line, pos;
convertToLinePos( d->m_lastKnownMousePos.x(), d->m_lastKnownMousePos.y(), line, pos );
d->m_selection.end( line, pos );
TQWidget::scroll( 0, deltaY );
d->m_pDiffTextWindowFrame->setFirstLine( d->m_firstLine );
int DiffTextWindow::getFirstLine()
return d->m_firstLine;
void DiffTextWindow::setFirstColumn(int firstCol)
int fontWidth = fontMetrics().width('W');
int xOffset = d->leftInfoWidth() * fontWidth;
int newFirstColumn = max2(0,firstCol);
int deltaX = fontWidth * ( d->m_firstColumn - newFirstColumn );
d->m_firstColumn = newFirstColumn;
TQRect r( xOffset, 0, width()-xOffset, height() );
if ( d->m_pOptionDialog->m_bRightToLeftLanguage )
deltaX = -deltaX;
r = TQRect( width()-1-xOffset, 0, -(width()-xOffset), height() ).normalize();
if ( d->m_bSelectionInProgress && d->m_selection.firstLine != -1 )
int line, pos;
convertToLinePos( d->m_lastKnownMousePos.x(), d->m_lastKnownMousePos.y(), line, pos );
d->m_selection.end( line, pos );
TQWidget::scroll( deltaX, 0, r );
int DiffTextWindow::getNofColumns()
if (d->m_bWordWrap)
return getNofVisibleColumns();
int nofColumns = 0;
for( int i = 0; i< d->m_size; ++i )
if ( d->m_pLineData[i].width( d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize ) > nofColumns )
nofColumns = d->m_pLineData[i].width( d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize );
return nofColumns;
int DiffTextWindow::getNofLines()
return d->m_bWordWrap ? d->m_diff3WrapLineVector.size() :
int DiffTextWindow::convertLineToDiff3LineIdx( int line )
if ( d->m_bWordWrap && d->m_diff3WrapLineVector.size()>0 )
return d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[ min2( line, (int)d->m_diff3WrapLineVector.size()-1 ) ].diff3LineIndex;
return line;
int DiffTextWindow::convertDiff3LineIdxToLine( int d3lIdx )
if ( d->m_bWordWrap && d->m_pDiff3LineVector!=0 && d->m_pDiff3LineVector->size()>0 )
return (*d->m_pDiff3LineVector)[ min2( d3lIdx, (int)d->m_pDiff3LineVector->size()-1 ) ]->sumLinesNeededForDisplay;
return d3lIdx;
/** Returns a line number where the linerange [line, line+nofLines] can
be displayed best. If it fits into the currently visible range then
the returned value is the current firstLine.
int getBestFirstLine( int line, int nofLines, int firstLine, int visibleLines )
int newFirstLine = firstLine;
if ( line < firstLine || line + nofLines + 2 > firstLine + visibleLines )
if ( nofLines > visibleLines || nofLines <= ( 2*visibleLines / 3 - 1) )
newFirstLine = line - visibleLines/3;
newFirstLine = line - (visibleLines - nofLines);
return newFirstLine;
void DiffTextWindow::setFastSelectorRange( int line1, int nofLines )
d->m_fastSelectorLine1 = line1;
d->m_fastSelectorNofLines = nofLines;
if ( isVisible() )
int newFirstLine = getBestFirstLine(
if ( newFirstLine != d->m_firstLine )
scroll( 0, newFirstLine - d->m_firstLine );
void DiffTextWindow::showStatusLine(int line )
int d3lIdx = convertLineToDiff3LineIdx( line );
if(d3lIdx >= 0 && d3lIdx<(int)d->m_pDiff3LineVector->size() )
const Diff3Line* pD3l = (*d->m_pDiff3LineVector)[d3lIdx];
if ( pD3l != 0 )
int l = pD3l->getLineInFile( d->m_winIdx );
TQString s;
if ( l!=-1 )
s.sprintf("File %s: Line %d", d->m_filename.ascii(), l+1 );
s.sprintf("File %s: Line not available", d->m_filename.ascii() );
if (d->m_pStatusBar!=0) d->m_pStatusBar->message(s);
emit lineClicked( d->m_winIdx, l );
void DiffTextWindow::focusInEvent(TQFocusEvent* e)
emit gotFocus();
void DiffTextWindow::mousePressEvent ( TQMouseEvent* e )
if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
int line;
int pos;
convertToLinePos( e->x(), e->y(), line, pos );
if ( pos < d->m_firstColumn )
emit setFastSelectorLine( convertLineToDiff3LineIdx(line) );
d->m_selection.firstLine = -1; // Disable current d->m_selection
{ // Selection
d->m_selection.start( line, pos );
d->m_selection.end( line, pos );
d->m_bSelectionInProgress = true;
d->m_lastKnownMousePos = e->pos();
showStatusLine( line );
bool isCTokenChar( TQChar c )
return (c=='_') ||
( c.unicode()>='A' && c.unicode()<='Z' ) || ( c.unicode()>='a' && c.unicode()<='z' ) ||
(c.unicode()>='0' && c.unicode()<='9');
/// Calculate where a token starts and ends, given the x-position on screen.
void calcTokenPos( const TQString& s, int posOnScreen, int& pos1, int& pos2, int tabSize )
// Cursor conversions that consider g_tabSize
int pos = convertToPosInText( s, max2( 0, posOnScreen ), tabSize );
if ( pos>=(int)s.length() )
pos1 = pos;
pos2 = pos+1;
if( isCTokenChar( s[pos1] ) )
while( pos1>=0 && isCTokenChar( s[pos1] ) )
while( pos2<(int)s.length() && isCTokenChar( s[pos2] ) )
void DiffTextWindow::mouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent* e )
d->m_bSelectionInProgress = false;
d->m_lastKnownMousePos = e->pos();
if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
int line;
int pos;
convertToLinePos( e->x(), e->y(), line, pos );
// Get the string data of the current line
TQString s;
if ( d->m_bWordWrap )
if ( line<0 || line >= (int)d->m_diff3WrapLineVector.size() )
const Diff3WrapLine& d3wl = d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[line];
s = d->getString( d3wl.diff3LineIndex ).mid( d3wl.wrapLineOffset, d3wl.wrapLineLength );
if ( line<0 || line >= (int)d->m_pDiff3LineVector->size() )
s = d->getString( line );
if ( ! s.isEmpty() )
int pos1, pos2;
calcTokenPos( s, pos, pos1, pos2, d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize );
d->m_selection.start( line, convertToPosOnScreen( s, pos1, d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize ) );
d->m_selection.end( line, convertToPosOnScreen( s, pos2, d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize ) );
// emit d->m_selectionEnd() happens in the mouseReleaseEvent.
showStatusLine( line );
void DiffTextWindow::mouseReleaseEvent ( TQMouseEvent* e )
d->m_bSelectionInProgress = false;
d->m_lastKnownMousePos = e->pos();
//if ( e->button() == LeftButton )
d->m_delayedDrawTimer = 0;
if (d->m_selection.firstLine != -1 )
emit selectionEnd();
inline int sqr(int x){return x*x;}
void DiffTextWindow::mouseMoveEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e )
int line;
int pos;
convertToLinePos( e->x(), e->y(), line, pos );
d->m_lastKnownMousePos = e->pos();
if (d->m_selection.firstLine != -1 )
d->m_selection.end( line, pos );
showStatusLine( line );
// Scroll because mouse moved out of the window
const TQFontMetrics& fm = fontMetrics();
int fontWidth = fm.width('W');
int deltaX=0;
int deltaY=0;
if ( ! d->m_pOptionDialog->m_bRightToLeftLanguage )
if ( e->x() < d->leftInfoWidth()*fontWidth ) deltaX = -1 - abs(e->x()-d->leftInfoWidth()*fontWidth)/fontWidth;
if ( e->x() > width() ) deltaX = +1 + abs(e->x()-width())/fontWidth;
if ( e->x() > width()-1-d->leftInfoWidth()*fontWidth ) deltaX=+1+ abs(e->x() - (width()-1-d->leftInfoWidth()*fontWidth)) / fontWidth;
if ( e->x() < fontWidth ) deltaX=-1- abs(e->x()-fontWidth)/fontWidth;
if ( e->y() < 0 ) deltaY = -1 - sqr( e->y() ) / sqr(fm.height());
if ( e->y() > height() ) deltaY = +1 + sqr( e->y() - height() ) / sqr(fm.height());
if ( deltaX != 0 && d->m_scrollDeltaX!=deltaX || deltaY!= 0 && d->m_scrollDeltaY!=deltaY )
d->m_scrollDeltaX = deltaX;
d->m_scrollDeltaY = deltaY;
emit scroll( deltaX, deltaY );
killTimer( d->m_delayedDrawTimer );
d->m_delayedDrawTimer = startTimer(50);
d->m_scrollDeltaX = deltaX;
d->m_scrollDeltaY = deltaY;
void DiffTextWindowData::myUpdate(int afterMilliSecs)
m_pDiffTextWindow->killTimer( m_delayedDrawTimer );
m_bMyUpdate = true;
m_delayedDrawTimer = m_pDiffTextWindow->startTimer( afterMilliSecs );
void DiffTextWindow::timerEvent(TQTimerEvent*)
d->m_delayedDrawTimer = 0;
if ( d->m_bMyUpdate )
int fontHeight = fontMetrics().height();
if ( d->m_selection.oldLastLine != -1 )
int lastLine;
int firstLine;
if ( d->m_selection.oldFirstLine != -1 )
firstLine = min3( d->m_selection.oldFirstLine, d->m_selection.lastLine, d->m_selection.oldLastLine );
lastLine = max3( d->m_selection.oldFirstLine, d->m_selection.lastLine, d->m_selection.oldLastLine );
firstLine = min2( d->m_selection.lastLine, d->m_selection.oldLastLine );
lastLine = max2( d->m_selection.lastLine, d->m_selection.oldLastLine );
int y1 = ( firstLine - d->m_firstLine ) * fontHeight;
int y2 = min2( height(), ( lastLine - d->m_firstLine + 1 ) * fontHeight );
if ( y1<height() && y2>0 )
TQRect invalidRect = TQRect( 0, y1, width(), y2-y1 );
update( invalidRect );
d->m_bMyUpdate = false;
if ( d->m_scrollDeltaX != 0 || d->m_scrollDeltaY != 0 )
d->m_selection.end( d->m_selection.lastLine + d->m_scrollDeltaY, d->m_selection.lastPos + d->m_scrollDeltaX );
emit scroll( d->m_scrollDeltaX, d->m_scrollDeltaY );
d->m_delayedDrawTimer = startTimer(50);
void DiffTextWindow::resetSelection()
void DiffTextWindow::convertToLinePos( int x, int y, int& line, int& pos )
const TQFontMetrics& fm = fontMetrics();
int fontHeight = fm.height();
int fontWidth = fm.width('W');
int xOffset = ( d->leftInfoWidth() - d->m_firstColumn ) * fontWidth;
int yOffset = - d->m_firstLine * fontHeight;
line = ( y - yOffset ) / fontHeight;
if ( ! d->m_pOptionDialog->m_bRightToLeftLanguage )
pos = ( x - xOffset ) / fontWidth;
pos = ( (width() - 1 - x) - xOffset ) / fontWidth;
int Selection::firstPosInLine(int l)
assert( firstLine != -1 );
int l1 = firstLine;
int l2 = lastLine;
int p1 = firstPos;
int p2 = lastPos;
if ( l1>l2 ){ std::swap(l1,l2); std::swap(p1,p2); }
if ( l1==l2 && p1>p2 ){ std::swap(p1,p2); }
if ( l==l1 )
return p1;
return 0;
int Selection::lastPosInLine(int l)
assert( firstLine != -1 );
int l1 = firstLine;
int l2 = lastLine;
int p1 = firstPos;
int p2 = lastPos;
if ( l1>l2 ){ std::swap(l1,l2); std::swap(p1,p2); }
if ( l1==l2 && p1>p2 ){ std::swap(p1,p2); }
if ( l==l2 )
return p2;
return INT_MAX;
bool Selection::within( int l, int p )
if ( firstLine == -1 ) return false;
int l1 = firstLine;
int l2 = lastLine;
int p1 = firstPos;
int p2 = lastPos;
if ( l1>l2 ){ std::swap(l1,l2); std::swap(p1,p2); }
if ( l1==l2 && p1>p2 ){ std::swap(p1,p2); }
if( l1 <= l && l <= l2 )
if ( l1==l2 )
return p>=p1 && p<p2;
if ( l==l1 )
return p>=p1;
if ( l==l2 )
return p<p2;
return true;
return false;
bool Selection::lineWithin( int l )
if ( firstLine == -1 ) return false;
int l1 = firstLine;
int l2 = lastLine;
if ( l1>l2 ){ std::swap(l1,l2); }
return ( l1 <= l && l <= l2 );
void DiffTextWindowData::writeLine(
MyPainter& p,
const LineData* pld,
const DiffList* pLineDiff1,
const DiffList* pLineDiff2,
int line,
int whatChanged,
int whatChanged2,
int srcLineIdx,
int wrapLineOffset,
int wrapLineLength,
bool bWrapLine,
const TQRect& invalidRect,
int deviceWidth
TQFont normalFont = p.font();
TQFont diffFont = normalFont;
diffFont.setItalic( m_pOptionDialog->m_bItalicForDeltas );
const TQFontMetrics& fm = p.fontMetrics();
int fontHeight = fm.height();
int fontAscent = fm.ascent();
int fontDescent = fm.descent();
int fontWidth = fm.width('W');
int xOffset = (leftInfoWidth() - m_firstColumn)*fontWidth;
int yOffset = (line-m_firstLine) * fontHeight;
TQRect lineRect( 0, yOffset, deviceWidth, fontHeight );
if ( ! invalidRect.intersects( lineRect ) )
int fastSelectorLine1 = m_pDiffTextWindow->convertDiff3LineIdxToLine(m_fastSelectorLine1);
int fastSelectorLine2 = m_pDiffTextWindow->convertDiff3LineIdxToLine(m_fastSelectorLine1+m_fastSelectorNofLines)-1;
bool bFastSelectionRange = (line>=fastSelectorLine1 && line<= fastSelectorLine2 );
TQColor bgColor = m_pOptionDialog->m_bgColor;
TQColor diffBgColor = m_pOptionDialog->m_diffBgColor;
if ( bFastSelectionRange )
bgColor = m_pOptionDialog->m_currentRangeBgColor;
diffBgColor = m_pOptionDialog->m_currentRangeDiffBgColor;
if ( yOffset+fontHeight< || invalidRect.bottom() < yOffset-fontHeight )
int changed = whatChanged;
if ( pLineDiff1 != 0 ) changed |= 1;
if ( pLineDiff2 != 0 ) changed |= 2;
TQColor c = m_pOptionDialog->m_fgColor;
if ( changed == 2 ) {
c = m_cDiff2;
} else if ( changed == 1 ) {
c = m_cDiff1;
} else if ( changed == 3 ) {
c = m_cDiffBoth;
p.fillRect( leftInfoWidth()*fontWidth, yOffset, deviceWidth, fontHeight, bgColor );
if (pld!=0)
// First calculate the "changed" information for each character.
int i=0;
std::vector<UINT8> charChanged( pld->size );
if ( pLineDiff1!=0 || pLineDiff2 != 0 )
Merger merger( pLineDiff1, pLineDiff2 );
while( ! merger.isEndReached() && i<pld->size )
if ( i < pld->size )
charChanged[i] = merger.whatChanged();
TQString s=" ";
// Convert tabs
int outPos = 0;
TQString lineString( pld->pLine, pld->size );
int lineLength = m_bWordWrap ? wrapLineOffset+wrapLineLength : lineString.length();
for( i=wrapLineOffset; i<lineLength; ++i )
int spaces = 1;
if ( lineString[i]=='\t' )
spaces = tabber( outPos, m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize );
s[0] = ' ';
s[0] = lineString[i];
TQColor c = m_pOptionDialog->m_fgColor;
int cchanged = charChanged[i] | whatChanged;
if ( cchanged == 2 ) {
c = m_cDiff2;
} else if ( cchanged == 1 ) {
c = m_cDiff1;
} else if ( cchanged == 3 ) {
c = m_cDiffBoth;
if ( c!=m_pOptionDialog->m_fgColor && whatChanged2==0 && !m_pOptionDialog->m_bShowWhiteSpace )
// The user doesn't want to see highlighted white space.
c = m_pOptionDialog->m_fgColor;
TQRect outRect( xOffset + fontWidth*outPos, yOffset, fontWidth*spaces, fontHeight );
if ( m_pOptionDialog->m_bRightToLeftLanguage )
outRect = TQRect( deviceWidth-1-(xOffset + fontWidth*outPos), yOffset, -fontWidth*spaces, fontHeight ).normalize();
if ( invalidRect.intersects( outRect ) )
if( !m_selection.within( line, outPos ) )
if( c!=m_pOptionDialog->m_fgColor )
TQColor lightc = diffBgColor;
p.fillRect( xOffset + fontWidth*outPos, yOffset,
fontWidth*spaces, fontHeight, lightc );
p.setPen( c );
if ( s[0]==' ' && c!=m_pOptionDialog->m_fgColor && charChanged[i]!=0 )
if ( m_pOptionDialog->m_bShowWhiteSpaceCharacters && m_pOptionDialog->m_bShowWhiteSpace)
p.fillRect( xOffset + fontWidth*outPos, yOffset+fontAscent,
fontWidth*spaces-1, fontDescent, c ); // QT3
//fontWidth*spaces-1, fontDescent, c ); // QT4
p.drawText( xOffset + fontWidth*outPos, yOffset + fontAscent, s );
p.fillRect( xOffset + fontWidth*outPos, yOffset,
fontWidth*(spaces), fontHeight, m_pDiffTextWindow->colorGroup().highlight() );
p.setPen( m_pDiffTextWindow->colorGroup().highlightedText() );
p.drawText( xOffset + fontWidth*outPos, yOffset + fontAscent, s );
m_selection.bSelectionContainsData = true;
outPos += spaces;
if( m_selection.lineWithin( line ) && m_selection.lineWithin( line+1 ) )
p.fillRect( xOffset + fontWidth*outPos, yOffset,
deviceWidth, fontHeight, m_pDiffTextWindow->colorGroup().highlight() );
p.fillRect( 0, yOffset, leftInfoWidth()*fontWidth, fontHeight, m_pOptionDialog->m_bgColor );
xOffset = (m_lineNumberWidth+2)*fontWidth;
int xLeft = m_lineNumberWidth*fontWidth;
p.setPen( m_pOptionDialog->m_fgColor );
if ( pld!=0 )
if ( m_pOptionDialog->m_bShowLineNumbers && !bWrapLine )
TQString num;
num.sprintf( "%0*d", m_lineNumberWidth, srcLineIdx+1);
p.drawText( 0, yOffset + fontAscent, num );
//p.drawLine( xLeft -1, yOffset, xLeft -1, yOffset+fontHeight-1 );
if ( !bWrapLine || wrapLineLength>0 )
p.setPen( TQPen( m_pOptionDialog->m_fgColor, 0, bWrapLine ? TQt::DotLine : TQt::SolidLine) );
p.drawLine( xOffset +1, yOffset, xOffset +1, yOffset+fontHeight-1 );
p.setPen( TQPen( m_pOptionDialog->m_fgColor, 0, TQt::SolidLine) );
if ( c!=m_pOptionDialog->m_fgColor && whatChanged2==0 )//&& whatChanged==0 )
if ( m_pOptionDialog->m_bShowWhiteSpace )
p.fillRect( xLeft, yOffset, fontWidth*2-1, fontHeight, TQBrush(c,TQt::Dense5Pattern) );
p.fillRect( xLeft, yOffset, fontWidth*2-1, fontHeight, c==m_pOptionDialog->m_fgColor ? bgColor : c );
if ( bFastSelectionRange )
p.fillRect( xOffset + fontWidth-1, yOffset, 3, fontHeight, m_pOptionDialog->m_fgColor );
// Check if line needs a manual diff help mark
ManualDiffHelpList::const_iterator ci;
for( ci = m_pManualDiffHelpList->begin(); ci!=m_pManualDiffHelpList->end(); ++ci)
const ManualDiffHelpEntry& mdhe=*ci;
int rangeLine1 = -1;
int rangeLine2 = -1;
if (m_winIdx==1 ) { rangeLine1 = mdhe.lineA1; rangeLine2= mdhe.lineA2; }
if (m_winIdx==2 ) { rangeLine1 = mdhe.lineB1; rangeLine2= mdhe.lineB2; }
if (m_winIdx==3 ) { rangeLine1 = mdhe.lineC1; rangeLine2= mdhe.lineC2; }
if ( rangeLine1>=0 && rangeLine2>=0 && srcLineIdx >= rangeLine1 && srcLineIdx <= rangeLine2 )
p.fillRect( xOffset - fontWidth, yOffset, fontWidth-1, fontHeight, m_pOptionDialog->m_manualHelpRangeColor );
void DiffTextWindow::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent* e )
if ( d->m_pDiff3LineVector==0 || ! d->m_bPaintingAllowed ||
( d->m_diff3WrapLineVector.empty() && d->m_bWordWrap ) )
TQRect invalidRect = e->rect();
if ( invalidRect.isEmpty() )
bool bOldSelectionContainsData = d->m_selection.bSelectionContainsData;
d->m_selection.bSelectionContainsData = false;
int endLine = min2( d->m_firstLine + getNofVisibleLines()+2, getNofLines() );
//if ( invalidRect.size()==size() )
{ // double buffering, obsolete with TQt4
TQPainter painter(this); // Remove for TQt4
TQPixmap pixmap( invalidRect.size() );// Remove for TQt4
MyPainter p( TQT_TQPAINTDEVICE(&pixmap), d->m_pOptionDialog->m_bRightToLeftLanguage, width(), fontMetrics().width('W') ); // For TQt4 change pixmap to this
p.translate( -invalidRect.x(), -invalidRect.y() );// Remove for TQt4
p.setFont( font() );
p.TQPainter::fillRect( invalidRect, d->m_pOptionDialog->m_bgColor );
d->draw( p, invalidRect, width(), d->m_firstLine, endLine );
// p.drawLine( m_invalidRect.x(), m_invalidRect.y(), m_invalidRect.right(), m_invalidRect.bottom() ); // For test only
painter.drawPixmap( invalidRect.x(), invalidRect.y(), pixmap );// Remove for TQt4
// else
// { // no double buffering
// MyPainter p( this, d->m_pOptionDialog->m_bRightToLeftLanguage, width(), fontMetrics().width('W') );
// p.setFont( font() );
// p.TQPainter::fillRect( invalidRect, d->m_pOptionDialog->m_bgColor );
// d->draw( p, invalidRect, width(), d->m_firstLine, endLine );
// }
d->m_oldFirstLine = d->m_firstLine;
d->m_oldFirstColumn = d->m_firstColumn;
d->m_selection.oldLastLine = -1;
if ( d->m_selection.oldFirstLine !=-1 )
d->m_selection.oldFirstLine = -1;
if( !bOldSelectionContainsData && d->m_selection.bSelectionContainsData )
emit newSelection();
void DiffTextWindow::print( MyPainter& p, const TQRect&, int firstLine, int nofLinesPerPage )
if ( d->m_pDiff3LineVector==0 || ! d->m_bPaintingAllowed ||
( d->m_diff3WrapLineVector.empty() && d->m_bWordWrap ) )
// MyPainter p( this, d->m_pOptionDialog->m_bRightToLeftLanguage, width(), fontMetrics().width('W') );
int oldFirstLine = d->m_firstLine;
d->m_firstLine = firstLine;
TQRect invalidRect = TQRect(0,0,TQCOORD_MAX,TQCOORD_MAX);
TQColor bgColor = d->m_pOptionDialog->m_bgColor;
d->m_pOptionDialog->m_bgColor = TQt::white;
d->draw( p, invalidRect, p.window().width(), firstLine, min2(firstLine+nofLinesPerPage,getNofLines()) );
d->m_pOptionDialog->m_bgColor = bgColor;
d->m_firstLine = oldFirstLine;
void DiffTextWindowData::draw( MyPainter& p, const TQRect& invalidRect, int deviceWidth, int beginLine, int endLine )
m_lineNumberWidth = m_pOptionDialog->m_bShowLineNumbers ? (int)log10((double)m_size)+1 : 0;
if ( m_winIdx==1 )
m_cThis = m_pOptionDialog->m_colorA;
m_cDiff1 = m_pOptionDialog->m_colorB;
m_cDiff2 = m_pOptionDialog->m_colorC;
if ( m_winIdx==2 )
m_cThis = m_pOptionDialog->m_colorB;
m_cDiff1 = m_pOptionDialog->m_colorC;
m_cDiff2 = m_pOptionDialog->m_colorA;
if ( m_winIdx==3 )
m_cThis = m_pOptionDialog->m_colorC;
m_cDiff1 = m_pOptionDialog->m_colorA;
m_cDiff2 = m_pOptionDialog->m_colorB;
m_cDiffBoth = m_pOptionDialog->m_colorForConflict; // Conflict color
p.setPen( m_cThis );
for ( int line = beginLine; line<endLine; ++line )
int wrapLineOffset=0;
int wrapLineLength=0;
const Diff3Line* d3l =0;
bool bWrapLine = false;
if (m_bWordWrap)
Diff3WrapLine& d3wl = m_diff3WrapLineVector[line];
wrapLineOffset = d3wl.wrapLineOffset;
wrapLineLength = d3wl.wrapLineLength;
d3l = d3wl.pD3L;
bWrapLine = line > 0 && m_diff3WrapLineVector[line-1].pD3L == d3l;
d3l = (*m_pDiff3LineVector)[line];
DiffList* pFineDiff1;
DiffList* pFineDiff2;
int changed=0;
int changed2=0;
int srcLineIdx=-1;
getLineInfo( *d3l, srcLineIdx, pFineDiff1, pFineDiff2, changed, changed2 );
p, // TQPainter
srcLineIdx == -1 ? 0 : &m_pLineData[srcLineIdx], // Text in this line
line, // Line on the screen
TQString DiffTextWindowData::getString( int d3lIdx )
if ( d3lIdx<0 || d3lIdx>=(int)m_pDiff3LineVector->size() )
return TQString();
const Diff3Line* d3l = (*m_pDiff3LineVector)[d3lIdx];
DiffList* pFineDiff1;
DiffList* pFineDiff2;
int changed=0;
int changed2=0;
int lineIdx;
getLineInfo( *d3l, lineIdx, pFineDiff1, pFineDiff2, changed, changed2 );
if (lineIdx==-1) return TQString();
const LineData* ld = &m_pLineData[lineIdx];
return TQString( ld->pLine, ld->size );
return TQString();
TQString DiffTextWindowData::getLineString( int line )
if ( m_bWordWrap )
int d3LIdx = m_pDiffTextWindow->convertLineToDiff3LineIdx(line);
return getString( d3LIdx ).mid( m_diff3WrapLineVector[line].wrapLineOffset, m_diff3WrapLineVector[line].wrapLineLength );
return getString( line );
void DiffTextWindowData::getLineInfo(
const Diff3Line& d3l,
int& lineIdx,
DiffList*& pFineDiff1, DiffList*& pFineDiff2, // return values
int& changed, int& changed2
bool bAEqB = d3l.bAEqB || ( d3l.bWhiteLineA && d3l.bWhiteLineB );
bool bAEqC = d3l.bAEqC || ( d3l.bWhiteLineA && d3l.bWhiteLineC );
bool bBEqC = d3l.bBEqC || ( d3l.bWhiteLineB && d3l.bWhiteLineC );
if ( m_winIdx == 1 ) {
changed |= ((d3l.lineB==-1)!=(lineIdx==-1) ? 1 : 0) +
((d3l.lineC==-1)!=(lineIdx==-1) && m_bTriple ? 2 : 0);
changed2 |= ( bAEqB ? 0 : 1 ) + (bAEqC || !m_bTriple ? 0 : 2);
else if ( m_winIdx == 2 ) {
changed |= ((d3l.lineC==-1)!=(lineIdx==-1) && m_bTriple ? 1 : 0) +
((d3l.lineA==-1)!=(lineIdx==-1) ? 2 : 0);
changed2 |= ( bBEqC || !m_bTriple ? 0 : 1 ) + (bAEqB ? 0 : 2);
else if ( m_winIdx == 3 ) {
changed |= ((d3l.lineA==-1)!=(lineIdx==-1) ? 1 : 0) +
((d3l.lineB==-1)!=(lineIdx==-1) ? 2 : 0);
changed2 |= ( bAEqC ? 0 : 1 ) + (bBEqC ? 0 : 2);
else assert(false);
void DiffTextWindow::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent* e )
TQSize s = e->size();
TQFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
int visibleLines = s.height()/fm.height()-2;
int visibleColumns = s.width()/fm.width('W') - d->leftInfoWidth();
emit resizeSignal( visibleColumns, visibleLines );
int DiffTextWindow::getNofVisibleLines()
TQFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
int fmh = fm.height();
int h = height();
return h/fmh -1;//height()/fm.height()-2;
int DiffTextWindow::getNofVisibleColumns()
TQFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
return width()/fm.width('W') - d->leftInfoWidth();
TQString DiffTextWindow::getSelection()
TQString selectionString;
int line=0;
int lineIdx=0;
int it;
int vectorSize = d->m_bWordWrap ? d->m_diff3WrapLineVector.size() : d->m_pDiff3LineVector->size();
for( it=0; it<vectorSize; ++it )
const Diff3Line* d3l = d->m_bWordWrap ? d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[it].pD3L : (*d->m_pDiff3LineVector)[it];
if ( d->m_winIdx == 1 ) { lineIdx=d3l->lineA; }
else if ( d->m_winIdx == 2 ) { lineIdx=d3l->lineB; }
else if ( d->m_winIdx == 3 ) { lineIdx=d3l->lineC; }
else assert(false);
if( lineIdx != -1 )
const TQChar* pLine = d->m_pLineData[lineIdx].pLine;
int size = d->m_pLineData[lineIdx].size;
TQString lineString = TQString( pLine, size );
if ( d->m_bWordWrap )
size = d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[it].wrapLineLength;
lineString = lineString.mid( d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[it].wrapLineOffset, size );
// Consider tabs
int outPos = 0;
for( int i=0; i<size; ++i )
int spaces = 1;
if ( lineString[i]=='\t' )
spaces = tabber( outPos, d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize );
if( d->m_selection.within( line, outPos ) )
selectionString += lineString[i];
outPos += spaces;
if( d->m_selection.within( line, outPos ) &&
!( d->m_bWordWrap && it+1<vectorSize && d3l == d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[it+1].pD3L )
#ifdef _WIN32
selectionString += '\r';
selectionString += '\n';
return selectionString;
bool DiffTextWindow::findString( const TQString& s, int& d3vLine, int& posInLine, bool bDirDown, bool bCaseSensitive )
int it = d3vLine;
int endIt = bDirDown ? (int)d->m_pDiff3LineVector->size() : -1;
int step = bDirDown ? 1 : -1;
int startPos = posInLine;
for( ; it!=endIt; it+=step )
TQString line = d->getString( it );
if ( !line.isEmpty() )
int pos = line.find( s, startPos, bCaseSensitive );
if ( pos != -1 )
d3vLine = it;
posInLine = pos;
return true;
startPos = 0;
return false;
void DiffTextWindow::convertD3LCoordsToLineCoords( int d3LIdx, int d3LPos, int& line, int& pos )
if( d->m_bWordWrap )
int wrapPos = d3LPos;
int wrapLine = convertDiff3LineIdxToLine(d3LIdx);
while ( wrapPos > d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[wrapLine].wrapLineLength )
wrapPos -= d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[wrapLine].wrapLineLength;
pos = wrapPos;
line = wrapLine;
pos = d3LPos;
line = d3LIdx;
void DiffTextWindow::convertLineCoordsToD3LCoords( int line, int pos, int& d3LIdx, int& d3LPos )
if( d->m_bWordWrap )
d3LPos = pos;
d3LIdx = convertLineToDiff3LineIdx( line );
int wrapLine = convertDiff3LineIdxToLine(d3LIdx); // First wrap line belonging to this d3LIdx
while ( wrapLine < line )
d3LPos += d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[wrapLine].wrapLineLength;
d3LPos = pos;
d3LIdx = line;
void DiffTextWindow::setSelection( int firstLine, int startPos, int lastLine, int endPos, int& l, int& p )
if ( lastLine >= getNofLines() )
lastLine = getNofLines()-1;
const Diff3Line* d3l = (*d->m_pDiff3LineVector)[convertLineToDiff3LineIdx(lastLine)];
int line = -1;
if ( d->m_winIdx==1 ) line = d3l->lineA;
if ( d->m_winIdx==2 ) line = d3l->lineB;
if ( d->m_winIdx==3 ) line = d3l->lineC;
if (line>=0)
endPos = d->m_pLineData[line].width( d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize);
if ( d->m_bWordWrap && d->m_pDiff3LineVector!=0 )
TQString s1 = d->getString(firstLine);
int firstWrapLine = convertDiff3LineIdxToLine(firstLine);
int wrapStartPos = startPos;
while ( wrapStartPos > d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[firstWrapLine].wrapLineLength )
wrapStartPos -= d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[firstWrapLine].wrapLineLength;
s1 = s1.mid(d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[firstWrapLine].wrapLineLength);
TQString s2 = d->getString(lastLine);
int lastWrapLine = convertDiff3LineIdxToLine(lastLine);
int wrapEndPos = endPos;
while ( wrapEndPos > d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[lastWrapLine].wrapLineLength )
wrapEndPos -= d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[lastWrapLine].wrapLineLength;
s2 = s2.mid(d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[lastWrapLine].wrapLineLength);
d->m_selection.start( firstWrapLine, convertToPosOnScreen( s1, wrapStartPos, d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize ) );
d->m_selection.end( lastWrapLine, convertToPosOnScreen( s2, wrapEndPos, d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize ) );
d->m_selection.start( firstLine, convertToPosOnScreen( d->getString(firstLine), startPos, d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize ) );
d->m_selection.end( lastLine, convertToPosOnScreen( d->getString(lastLine), endPos, d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize ) );
int DiffTextWindowData::convertLineOnScreenToLineInSource( int lineOnScreen, e_CoordType coordType, bool bFirstLine )
int line=-1;
if (lineOnScreen>=0)
if (coordType==eWrapCoords) return lineOnScreen;
int d3lIdx = m_pDiffTextWindow->convertLineToDiff3LineIdx( lineOnScreen );
if ( !bFirstLine && d3lIdx >= (int)m_pDiff3LineVector->size() )
d3lIdx = m_pDiff3LineVector->size()-1;
if (coordType==eD3LLineCoords) return d3lIdx;
while ( line<0 && d3lIdx<(int)m_pDiff3LineVector->size() && d3lIdx>=0 )
const Diff3Line* d3l = (*m_pDiff3LineVector)[d3lIdx];
if ( m_winIdx==1 ) line = d3l->lineA;
if ( m_winIdx==2 ) line = d3l->lineB;
if ( m_winIdx==3 ) line = d3l->lineC;
if ( bFirstLine )
if (coordType==eFileCoords) return line;
return line;
void DiffTextWindow::getSelectionRange( int* pFirstLine, int* pLastLine, e_CoordType coordType )
if (pFirstLine)
*pFirstLine = d->convertLineOnScreenToLineInSource( d->m_selection.beginLine(), coordType, true );
if (pLastLine)
*pLastLine = d->convertLineOnScreenToLineInSource( d->m_selection.endLine(), coordType, false );
// Returns the number of wrapped lines
// if pWrappedLines != 0 then the stringlist will contain the wrapped lines.
int wordWrap( const TQString& origLine, int nofColumns, Diff3WrapLine* pDiff3WrapLine )
if (nofColumns<=0)
nofColumns = 1;
int nofNeededLines = 0;
int length = origLine.length();
if (length==0)
nofNeededLines = 1;
if( pDiff3WrapLine )
int pos = 0;
while ( pos < length )
int wrapPos = pos + nofColumns;
if ( length-pos <= nofColumns )
wrapPos = length;
int wsPos = max2( origLine.findRev( ' ', wrapPos ), origLine.findRev( '\t', wrapPos ) );
if ( wsPos > pos )
// Wrap line at wsPos
wrapPos = wsPos;
if ( pDiff3WrapLine )
pDiff3WrapLine->wrapLineOffset = pos;
pDiff3WrapLine->wrapLineLength = wrapPos-pos;
pos = wrapPos;
return nofNeededLines;
void DiffTextWindow::convertSelectionToD3LCoords()
if ( d->m_pDiff3LineVector==0 || ! d->m_bPaintingAllowed || !isVisible() || d->m_selection.isEmpty() )
// convert the d->m_selection to unwrapped coordinates: Later restore to new coords
int firstD3LIdx, firstD3LPos;
TQString s = d->getLineString( d->m_selection.beginLine() );
int firstPosInText = convertToPosInText( s, d->m_selection.beginPos(), d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize );
convertLineCoordsToD3LCoords( d->m_selection.beginLine(), firstPosInText, firstD3LIdx, firstD3LPos );
int lastD3LIdx, lastD3LPos;
s = d->getLineString( d->m_selection.endLine() );
int lastPosInText = convertToPosInText( s, d->m_selection.endPos(), d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize );
convertLineCoordsToD3LCoords( d->m_selection.endLine(), lastPosInText, lastD3LIdx, lastD3LPos );
d->m_selection.start( firstD3LIdx, firstD3LPos );
d->m_selection.end( lastD3LIdx, lastD3LPos );
void DiffTextWindow::recalcWordWrap( bool bWordWrap, int wrapLineVectorSize, int nofVisibleColumns )
if ( d->m_pDiff3LineVector==0 || ! d->m_bPaintingAllowed || !isVisible() )
d->m_bWordWrap = bWordWrap;
if (!bWordWrap) d->m_diff3WrapLineVector.resize( 0 );
d->m_bWordWrap = bWordWrap;
if ( bWordWrap )
d->m_diff3WrapLineVector.resize( wrapLineVectorSize );
if (nofVisibleColumns<0)
nofVisibleColumns = getNofVisibleColumns();
nofVisibleColumns-= d->leftInfoWidth();
int i;
int wrapLineIdx = 0;
int size = d->m_pDiff3LineVector->size();
for( i=0; i<size; ++i )
TQString s = d->getString( i );
int linesNeeded = wordWrap( s, nofVisibleColumns, wrapLineVectorSize==0 ? 0 : &d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[wrapLineIdx] );
Diff3Line& d3l = *(*d->m_pDiff3LineVector)[i];
if ( d3l.linesNeededForDisplay<linesNeeded )
d3l.linesNeededForDisplay = linesNeeded;
if ( wrapLineVectorSize>0 )
int j;
for( j=0; j<d3l.linesNeededForDisplay; ++j, ++wrapLineIdx )
Diff3WrapLine& d3wl = d->m_diff3WrapLineVector[wrapLineIdx];
d3wl.diff3LineIndex = i;
d3wl.pD3L = (*d->m_pDiff3LineVector)[i];
if ( j>=linesNeeded )
if ( wrapLineVectorSize>0 )
d->m_firstLine = min2( d->m_firstLine, wrapLineVectorSize-1 );
d->m_firstColumn = 0;
d->m_pDiffTextWindowFrame->setFirstLine( d->m_firstLine );
d->m_diff3WrapLineVector.resize( 0 );
if ( !d->m_selection.isEmpty() && ( !d->m_bWordWrap || wrapLineVectorSize>0 ) )
// Assume unwrapped coordinates
//( Why? ->Conversion to unwrapped coords happened a few lines above in this method.
// Also see KDiff3App::recalcWordWrap() on the role of wrapLineVectorSize)
// Wrap them now.
// convert the d->m_selection to unwrapped coordinates.
int firstLine, firstPos;
convertD3LCoordsToLineCoords( d->m_selection.beginLine(), d->m_selection.beginPos(), firstLine, firstPos );
int lastLine, lastPos;
convertD3LCoordsToLineCoords( d->m_selection.endLine(), d->m_selection.endPos(), lastLine, lastPos );
d->m_selection.start( firstLine, convertToPosOnScreen( d->getLineString( firstLine ), firstPos, d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize ) );
d->m_selection.end( lastLine, convertToPosOnScreen( d->getLineString( lastLine ),lastPos, d->m_pOptionDialog->m_tabSize ) );
class DiffTextWindowFrameData
DiffTextWindow* m_pDiffTextWindow;
TQLineEdit* m_pFileSelection;
TQPushButton* m_pBrowseButton;
OptionDialog* m_pOptionDialog;
TQLabel* m_pLabel;
TQLabel* m_pTopLine;
TQWidget* m_pTopLineWidget;
DiffTextWindowFrame::DiffTextWindowFrame( TQWidget* pParent, TQStatusBar* pStatusBar, OptionDialog* pOptionDialog, int winIdx )
: TQWidget( pParent )
d = new DiffTextWindowFrameData;
d->m_pOptionDialog = pOptionDialog;
d->m_pTopLineWidget = new TQWidget(this);
d->m_pFileSelection = new TQLineEdit(d->m_pTopLineWidget);
d->m_pBrowseButton = new TQPushButton( "...",d->m_pTopLineWidget );
d->m_pBrowseButton->setFixedWidth( 30 );
connect(d->m_pBrowseButton,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotBrowseButtonClicked()));
connect(d->m_pFileSelection,TQT_SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotReturnPressed()));
d->m_pLabel = new TQLabel("A:",d->m_pTopLineWidget);
d->m_pTopLine = new TQLabel(d->m_pTopLineWidget);
d->m_pDiffTextWindow = 0;
d->m_pDiffTextWindow = new DiffTextWindow( this, pStatusBar, pOptionDialog, winIdx );
TQHBoxLayout* pHL = new TQHBoxLayout(d->m_pTopLineWidget);
pHL->addWidget( d->m_pLabel, 0 );
pHL->addWidget( d->m_pFileSelection, 1 );
pHL->addWidget( d->m_pBrowseButton, 0 );
pHL->addWidget( d->m_pTopLine, 0 );
TQVBoxLayout* pVL = new TQVBoxLayout( this, 0, 0 );
pVL->addWidget( d->m_pTopLineWidget, 0 );
pVL->addWidget( d->m_pDiffTextWindow, 1 );
d->m_pDiffTextWindow->installEventFilter( this );
d->m_pFileSelection->installEventFilter( this );
d->m_pBrowseButton->installEventFilter( this );
delete d;
void DiffTextWindowFrame::init()
DiffTextWindow* pDTW = d->m_pDiffTextWindow;
if ( pDTW )
TQString s = pDTW->d->m_filename ;
d->m_pFileSelection->setText( TQDir::convertSeparators(s) );
TQString winId = pDTW->d->m_winIdx==1 ?
( pDTW->d->m_bTriple?"A (Base)":"A") :
( pDTW->d->m_winIdx==2 ? "B" : "C" );
d->m_pLabel->setText( winId + ":" );
// Search for the first visible line (search loop needed when no line exist for this file.)
int DiffTextWindow::calcTopLineInFile( int firstLine )
int l=-1;
for ( int i = convertLineToDiff3LineIdx(firstLine); i<(int)d->m_pDiff3LineVector->size(); ++i )
const Diff3Line* d3l = (*d->m_pDiff3LineVector)[i];
l = d3l->getLineInFile(d->m_winIdx);
if (l!=-1) break;
return l;
void DiffTextWindowFrame::setFirstLine( int firstLine )
DiffTextWindow* pDTW = d->m_pDiffTextWindow;
if ( pDTW && pDTW->d->m_pDiff3LineVector )
TQString s= i18n("Top line");
int lineNumberWidth = (int)log10((double)pDTW->d->m_size)+1;
int l=pDTW->calcTopLineInFile(firstLine);
int w = d->m_pTopLine->fontMetrics().width(
s+" "+TQString().fill('0',lineNumberWidth));
d->m_pTopLine->setMinimumWidth( w );
if (l==-1)
s = i18n("End");
s += " " + TQString::number( l+1 );
d->m_pTopLine->setText( s );
DiffTextWindow* DiffTextWindowFrame::getDiffTextWindow()
return d->m_pDiffTextWindow;
bool DiffTextWindowFrame::eventFilter( TQObject* o, TQEvent* e )
DiffTextWindow* pDTW = d->m_pDiffTextWindow;
if ( e->type()==TQEvent::FocusIn || e->type()==TQEvent::FocusOut )
TQColor c1 = d->m_pOptionDialog->m_bgColor;
TQColor c2 = pDTW->d->m_cThis;
TQPalette p = d->m_pTopLineWidget->palette();
if ( e->type()==TQEvent::FocusOut )
p.setColor(TQColorGroup::Background, c2);
d->m_pTopLineWidget->setPalette( p );
d->m_pBrowseButton->setPalette( p );
d->m_pFileSelection->setPalette( p );
p.setColor(TQColorGroup::Foreground, c1);
d->m_pLabel->setPalette( p );
d->m_pTopLine->setPalette( p );
if (o == d->m_pFileSelection && e->type()==TQEvent::Drop)
TQDropEvent* d = static_cast<TQDropEvent*>(e);
if ( TQUriDrag::canDecode( d ) )
TQStringList lst;
TQUriDrag::decodeLocalFiles( d, lst );
if ( lst.count() > 0 )
static_cast<TQLineEdit*>(TQT_TQWIDGET(o))->setText( lst[0] );
emit fileNameChanged( lst[0], pDTW->d->m_winIdx );
return true;
/* The following lines work for TQt>4.1 but not for 4.0.x*/
/*if ( d->mimeData()->hasUrls() )
TQPtrList<TQUrl> lst = d->mimeData()->urls();
if ( !lst.empty() )
static_cast<TQLineEdit*>(o)->setText( lst[0].toLocalFile() );
emit fileNameChanged( lst[0], pDTW->d->m_winIdx );
return true;
return false;
void DiffTextWindowFrame::slotReturnPressed()
DiffTextWindow* pDTW = d->m_pDiffTextWindow;
if ( pDTW->d->m_filename != d->m_pFileSelection->text() )
emit fileNameChanged( d->m_pFileSelection->text(), pDTW->d->m_winIdx );
void DiffTextWindowFrame::slotBrowseButtonClicked()
TQString current = d->m_pFileSelection->text();
KURL newURL = KFileDialog::getOpenURL( current, 0, this);
if ( !newURL.isEmpty() )
DiffTextWindow* pDTW = d->m_pDiffTextWindow;
emit fileNameChanged( newURL.url(), pDTW->d->m_winIdx );
TQCString encodeString( const TQString& s )
TQTextCodec* c = TQTextCodec::codecForLocale();
if (c!=0)
return c->fromUnicode( s );
return TQCString( s.latin1() );
#include "difftextwindow.moc"