You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

342 lines
8.5 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 by Joachim Eibl *
* joachim.eibl at *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include "common.h"
#include <map>
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qsize.h>
#include <qpoint.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
void ValueMap::save( QTextStream& ts )
std::map<QString,QString>::iterator i;
for( i=m_map.begin(); i!=m_map.end(); ++i)
QString key = i->first;
QString val = i->second;
ts << key << "=" << val << "\n";
QString ValueMap::getAsString()
QString result;
std::map<QString,QString>::iterator i;
for( i=m_map.begin(); i!=m_map.end(); ++i)
QString key = i->first;
QString val = i->second;
result += key + "=" + val + "\n";
return result;
void ValueMap::load( QTextStream& ts )
while ( !ts.eof() )
{ // until end of file...
QString s = ts.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n'
int pos = s.find('=');
if( pos > 0 ) // seems not to have a tag
QString key = s.left(pos);
QString val = s.mid(pos+1);
m_map[key] = val;
void ValueMap::load( const QString& s )
int pos=0;
while ( pos<(int)s.length() )
{ // until end of file...
int pos2 = s.find('=', pos);
int pos3 = s.find('\n', pos2 );
if (pos3<0)
if( pos2 > 0 ) // seems not to have a tag
QString key = s.mid(pos, pos2-pos);
QString val = s.mid(pos2+1, pos3-pos2-1);
m_map[key] = val;
pos = pos3;
// safeStringJoin and safeStringSplit allow to convert a stringlist into a string and back
// safely, even if the individual strings in the list contain the separator character.
QString safeStringJoin(const QStringList& sl, char sepChar, char metaChar )
// Join the strings in the list, using the separator ','
// If a string contains the separator character, it will be replaced with "\,".
// Any occurances of "\" (one backslash) will be replaced with "\\" (2 backslashes)
QString sep;
sep += sepChar;
QString meta;
meta += metaChar;
QString safeString;
QStringList::const_iterator i;
for (i=sl.begin(); i!=sl.end(); ++i)
QString s = *i;
s.replace(meta, meta+meta); // "\" -> "\\"
s.replace(sep, meta+sep); // "," -> "\,"
if ( i==sl.begin() )
safeString = s;
safeString += sep + s;
return safeString;
// Split a string that was joined with safeStringJoin
QStringList safeStringSplit(const QString& s, char sepChar, char metaChar )
QStringList sl;
// Miniparser
int i=0;
int len=s.length();
QString b;
if ( i+1<len && s[i]==metaChar && s[i+1]==metaChar ){ b+=metaChar; ++i; }
else if ( i+1<len && s[i]==metaChar && s[i+1]==sepChar ){ b+=sepChar; ++i; }
else if ( s[i]==sepChar ) // real separator
else { b+=s[i]; }
if ( !b.isEmpty() )
return sl;
static QString numStr(int n)
QString s;
s.setNum( n );
return s;
static QString subSection( const QString& s, int idx, char sep )
int pos=0;
while( idx>0 )
pos = s.find( sep, pos );
if (pos<0) break;
if ( pos>=0 )
int pos2 = s.find( sep, pos );
if ( pos2>0 )
return s.mid(pos, pos2-pos);
return s.mid(pos);
return "";
static int num( QString& s, int idx )
return subSection( s, idx, ',').toInt();
void ValueMap::writeEntry(const QString& k, const QFont& v )
m_map[k] = + "," + QString::number(v.pointSize()) + "," + (v.bold() ? "bold" : "normal");
void ValueMap::writeEntry(const QString& k, const QColor& v )
m_map[k] = numStr( + "," + numStr( + "," + numStr(;
void ValueMap::writeEntry(const QString& k, const QSize& v )
m_map[k] = numStr(v.width()) + "," + numStr(v.height());
void ValueMap::writeEntry(const QString& k, const QPoint& v )
m_map[k] = numStr(v.x()) + "," + numStr(v.y());
void ValueMap::writeEntry(const QString& k, int v )
m_map[k] = numStr(v);
void ValueMap::writeEntry(const QString& k, bool v )
m_map[k] = numStr(v);
void ValueMap::writeEntry(const QString& k, const QString& v )
m_map[k] = v;
void ValueMap::writeEntry(const QString& k, const char* v )
m_map[k] = v;
void ValueMap::writeEntry(const QString& k, const QStringList& v, char separator )
m_map[k] = safeStringJoin(v, separator);
QFont ValueMap::readFontEntry(const QString& k, QFont* defaultVal )
QFont f = *defaultVal;
std::map<QString,QString>::iterator i = m_map.find( k );
if ( i!=m_map.end() )
f.setFamily( subSection( i->second, 0, ',' ) );
f.setPointSize( subSection( i->second, 1, ',' ).toInt() );
f.setBold( subSection( i->second, 2, ',' )=="bold" );
return f;
QColor ValueMap::readColorEntry(const QString& k, QColor* defaultVal )
QColor c= *defaultVal;
std::map<QString,QString>::iterator i = m_map.find( k );
if ( i!=m_map.end() )
QString s = i->second;
c = QColor( num(s,0),num(s,1),num(s,2) );
return c;
QSize ValueMap::readSizeEntry(const QString& k, QSize* defaultVal )
QSize size = defaultVal ? *defaultVal : QSize(600,400);
std::map<QString,QString>::iterator i = m_map.find( k );
if ( i!=m_map.end() )
QString s = i->second;
size = QSize( num(s,0),num(s,1) );
return size;
QPoint ValueMap::readPointEntry(const QString& k, QPoint* defaultVal)
QPoint point = defaultVal ? *defaultVal : QPoint(0,0);
std::map<QString,QString>::iterator i = m_map.find( k );
if ( i!=m_map.end() )
QString s = i->second;
point = QPoint( num(s,0),num(s,1) );
return point;
bool ValueMap::readBoolEntry(const QString& k, bool bDefault )
bool b = bDefault;
std::map<QString,QString>::iterator i = m_map.find( k );
if ( i!=m_map.end() )
QString s = i->second;
b = (bool)num(s,0);
return b;
int ValueMap::readNumEntry(const QString& k, int iDefault )
int ival = iDefault;
std::map<QString,QString>::iterator i = m_map.find( k );
if ( i!=m_map.end() )
QString s = i->second;
ival = num(s,0);
return ival;
QString ValueMap::readEntry(const QString& k, const QString& sDefault )
QString sval = sDefault;
std::map<QString,QString>::iterator i = m_map.find( k );
if ( i!=m_map.end() )
sval = i->second;
return sval;
QStringList ValueMap::readListEntry(const QString& k, const QStringList& defaultVal, char separator )
QStringList strList;
std::map<QString,QString>::iterator i = m_map.find( k );
if ( i!=m_map.end() )
strList = safeStringSplit( i->second, separator );
return strList;
return defaultVal;