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# siunitx package
# get it from
# dsarpe 03.07.2008
# Numbers
# Angles
# Units and values
\SI{value}{unit commands}
\SI[options]{value}{unit commands}
\SI{value}[pre-unit]{unit commands}
\SI[options]{value}[pre-unit]{unit commands}
# Powers of units
# Units with no values
# pre-defined units, prefixes and powers
# The seven base SI units
# The SI prefixes
# The derived SI units with defined names
# Units derived from experiments
# Units accepted for use with SI
# Prefixed and abbreviated units
# Masses
# Lengths
# Times
# Moles
# Currents
# Areas
# Volumes
# Frequencies
# potentials
# Energies
# Powers
# Capacitances
# Resistances
# Forces
# Other units
# Additional (temporary) SI units
# Defining new units
\newunit{new unit command}{text}
\newunit[options]{new unit command}{text}
\renewunit{new unit command}{text}
\renewunit[options]{new unit command}{text}
\provideunit{new unit command}{text}
\provideunit[options]{new unit command}{text}
# Package options inside document