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<chapter id="resizeimages">
<title>Resize Images</title>
<affiliation><address><email>caulier dot gilles at</email></address></affiliation>
The Kipi Resize Images plugin is a tool for resize or adapt the images dimensions.
This plugin can be used for batch resize images in an image collection. It use "convert" program from "ImageMagick" package. You can resize up or down the images size. 3 resizing types have been implemented:
<listitem><para><emphasis>Proportional (1 dim.)</emphasis> : standard auto-resizing using one dimension.
The width or the height of the images will be automatically selected in depending of the images
orientation. The images aspect ratio are preserved.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><emphasis>Proportional (2 dim.)</emphasis> : auto-resizing using two dimensions.
The images aspect ratio are preserved. For example, you can use that for to adapt your images size to your
screen size. </para></listitem>
<listitem><para><emphasis>Non proportional</emphasis> : non proportional resizing using two dimensions.
The images aspect ratio aren't preserved.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><emphasis>Prepare to print</emphasis> : prepare the image for a photographic printing.
The user can set the print resolution and the photographic paper size. The target image will be adapted
to the good dimensions (included the background size, marging size, and background color).</para></listitem>
Local Variables:
mode: sgml
sgml-omittag: nil
sgml-shorttag: t